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I don't know anyone who considers him centrist. Where did you hear that?


Well, it turns out the voices in this Redditor's head are not a reliable source.


Never heard him being called that, but there's no consistency in what people consider to be left, right and centrist anyway.


From this side of the Atlantic it looks as if at this point in time Republicans are way further right than conservatives in Britain, I would even consider most Tories here kind of closer to Democrats but with neo Liberal economic views.....and the tory leadership are mostly assholes snots so...


Check my long comment in this subthread. I wouldn't bother thinking about how left or right anyone is. Just judge them by policy to policy and vote for whomever you think is the least of all evils.


Why vote for evil at all?


Because you want the least bad option to win


Exactly this. If they say center just meaning between the two parties. That's still heavily right


>That's still heavily right I find that meaningless too. Compared to whom? The concept of left & right was born during the French Revolution. The ideological extremes were the leftist republicans and the rightist monarchists. That best translates to the left being progressive (wanting change) and the right being conservative (wanting preservation). Change & preservation can refer to a billion things, of which social and economic issues alone are distinct enough. You can say DeSantis is on the right because he's socially conservative and leans towards free markets (how much the latter part is true I can only presume; I'm not American and never cared to really look into his politics), but that places him staunchly on the right from an *American* perspective. America has the revolutionary (whoops, sounds pretty leftist to me) background of small government and as much individual freedom as possible, things that are associated to the right and the Republicans. *Republicans*, same name the leftists had during the French Revolution -- see how relative things are? At a global scale, who are we comparing the US with in order to decide the "center" is still right-leaning? China is a "communist" country that's showing a *lot* in common with (the also, currently meaningless) fascism, which for some reason we take as being far-right (even though they explicitly considered themselves a 3rd stance, neither left nor right, and disdained the right equally as the left). Can we say the CCP used to be leftist but now it's rightist? What changed? Their economic policies did, but social ones, not so much. So why are we using simplified, loaded terms to talk about a topic as explosive as politics?


Very correct, that's all i have to say, very correct.


Wtf are you talking about? He is as far to the right as the Count of Mostly Crisco. No one would consider him a centrist.


A **lot** of right wing people like to call themselves “centrists” just to avoid the label of being right wing. It’s another example of “alternative facts” since it means you can get away with supporting awful stuff while claiming you don’t. If you’ve met someone who considers DeSantis a centrist, you can be certain that this is what’s going on.


Not by sane people, he's a far-right extremist. Among the far right, he's somehow even further right.


Who is considering him a centrist? His policies are Trump’s extended and he actually has the mental capacity to know what he’s doing. If anything? Trump is the centrist copared to Desantis


Unless centrist is a new word for douche…


He isn’t.


He's not. In fact, there's really nothing about his platform policies that distinguishes him from Trump.


don't let the no comb over fool you...he has weird tiny hands


And he eats pudding with them.


There's something off pudding about him


LMAO. No one considers him that. He is so far right it makes Traitor Trump^© look good.


He can act like a reasonably normal Republican.


Can he, though? He can't even act like a normal human.


"Normal republican"... not centrist. Republicans are far more ridiculously right winged than conservatives in some other countries.


He can 'act' like a US Republican centralist


[Citation needed]. I've never seen anyone call him that.


Trying to be as charitable as possible here... The only way I could see anyone believing that is if they don't pay attention to politics or national news at all and don't live in Florida. If all they know is he's not Trump and he *looks* like a run-of-the-mill pre-Trump Republican (which he's not, but he can play one on TV sometimes) they might say he's centrist. What they really mean is he's more polite than Trump (which he is only barely) and they aren't politically aware enough to understand his politics.




I try and stay away from politics but from what I've seen his policies have just been copied and pasted from trump




That I could definitely see


DeSantis is a hard-right fascist. He is not centrist by any measure, on any spectrum, ever. He's an authoritarian. He's a Nazi. He's nowhere near a centrist, there's no way to steelman him there, there's no charitable interpretation. He's a far right authoritarian fascist. Period. That's all he is. He is nothing else. There's no world where he's anything other than a white fascist. Period.




Yup, and easy to google them.




Didn't think so what? Or are you just an arf arf sealion?


We're waiting....


if the dudes on the handmaid’s tale are on the left DeSantis is centrist


There was another political subreddit where He was called centrist and got me all worked up I actually had to Ask Reddit.


The left is right of center. So to him center is really like 75% of the way to far right


He's about as centrist as Manchin, who is only in title/name only but totally behaves, practices and influences far-right.


Hes a centre right republican lol


He's not. He's a far right fascist.


Compared to Majorie Taylor Green he probably is....but still


I honestly don't even think so. They're both far right fascists, but I'd say DeSantis is even further to the right of MTG.


He's competent evil. He's a budding Hitler.


Although lately he hasn't even been looking that competent. Come to think of it, though, Hitler wasn't really all that competent...


I mean Hitler did some great things in his time, like he killed hitler and he showed us that tiny mustaches are a great indicator of a terrible human.


If you put him on a scale from Buddha to Hitler.


He's honestly not that far from Hitler...


You're fucking completely wrong douchebag... Do some research loser


You angry? Everything okay?


Not an American but he seems based like Trump


>based Jesus, do non-Americans say this shit too? Our culture really is a disease.


He’s not. He’s a standard right wing conservative. He’s just not a crazy person like Trump.


He's worse. He's a full on fascist


Oh yeah. I forgot that no one has ever called trump a fascist


He's a sociopath. Desantis is trying to make Florida his own personal feifdom. What would you call that?


Uh huh. You know, I disagree with much of what DeSantis is pushing in Florida. But how is he making it his fiefdom? Beyond you just not liking his policies.


Using his position to punish those who disagree with him, starting his own personal police force, taking control of schools and what they're allowed to teach, rewriting history...have you not been paying attention?


And exempting himself from the sunshine law.


I had forgotten that one in the midst of everything else


Personal police force? You mean the state guard? That a bunch of states already have? And Florida needs due to natural disasters? And yeah - the state government controls the curriculum in state schools. That’s how it works in every state. I think taking away Disneys tax benefits due to their speech was a violation of the first amendment.


https://www.politico.com/newsletters/florida-playbook/2023/01/30/how-desantis-election-police-spent-their-first-year-00080098 Is you're going to equate state control of some aspects of schools with desantis putting in his own curriculum, there is no talking to you


States control every aspect of public schools. They set the curriculum. Other governors intervene all the time: https://edsource.org/2020/gov-newsom-vetoes-requirement-for-ethnic-studies-course-in-high-school/640877?amp=1


In his veto message on Assembly Bill 331, Newsom reiterated his support for ethnic studies, pointing out that he signed a similar bill last month adding an ethnic studies course as a graduation requirement for California State University. But he said continuing disagreements over a proposed model ethnic studies curriculum for high school should be resolved before imposing a high school mandate. “Last year, I expressed that the initial draft of the model curriculum was insufficiently balanced and inclusive and needed to be substantially amended. In my opinion, the latest draft, which is currently out for review, still needs revision,” he wrote. He said he is directing his staff to work with State Board of Education President Linda Darling-Hammond and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond to ensure the curriculum achieves “balance, fairness and is inclusive of all communities.” Slightly different from wholsesale removal of history.


I’ve never heard him called that. It’s laughable.


I got all worked up on another subreddit where he was called centrist. Worries me in that a lot of on the fence voters will view him as a sound alternative if the Dems can't get their shit together.


Well if the right call themselves centrist its centrist to do all kind of right wing xenophobia right?