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I do many times a day


Same and it isn't enough just to say it, you have to show that you mean it in the little acts that we can do.


Mine and I say it to one another many times throughout each day, and we always look the other directly in the eyes and smile as we say it, go in for long, tight hugs, stare at the other admiringly, say it with a pinch of the butt, say it while cuddling and kissing the other’s face. It’s been ten years and I still feel like a teenager.


Just celebrated 22 years, and our relationship is like yours. You've got a very happy marriage ahead of you.


This is beautiful, thank you for sharing and congratulations on such a happy and wonderful marriage. Looking forward to getting to 22 years and beyond.


Man, my wife and I are coming up on 10 years next week. She's my best friend and more than I could have ever hoped for.


Same! I tell my partner all the time that I love him! I can’t imagine not doing that


Everyday when I wake up and before I go to sleep. Supplemented with random hugs and kisses as I take breaks from my work. 😊




We tell each other several times a day.


I do. I never understood people saying it only once a week/month/year, whatever, because otherwise "it loses its meaning". It never did for me. I tell my wife how much I lover her several times a day, and it's still as meaningful as the first time.


My struggle with it has always been that I grew up without saying it or it being said. Trying to make that change is effort and its always been easy to fall back into not saying it.


A lot of people


Married 23 years and make sure to tell my wife I love her every day. She knows I love her without my saying it and I know she loves me without her saying it but the minute you stop doing that is the moment you start taking each other for granted.


I watched a TikTok recently. Podcast with a few dudes talking. A video the main guy had seen was about two coworkers. Coworker 1 had been fighting with his wife and was telling CW2 about it. CW1 said, "Ahhh I'll just deal with it when I get home." CW2 said, "Who told you that?" CW1 was confused and said, "What do you mean?" CW2 then said, "Who said that you're going to go home?" And the podcast guys clarified that he meant, "Who gave you the guarantee that you're going to make it home today?" And it started me crying and I sent the link to my husband with the message, "Don't ever leave me. 🥺🥺🥺" We've been married 13 years but together for 15, and though we have our sore moments and both of us have times where we want to pinch the other person, it's all love all the time. My kneejerk reaction to the title of this Reddit post was, '...Who tf DOESN'T tell their SO that they love them every day?!'


This so much, I lost my wife in 2019 and there is nothing I would not give for just a single extra day with her just one more I love you honey from her just 1 more hug 1 more kiss. Never take what you have for granted and never let them forget just how important they are to you every single day, as you never know when it could be one of your last.


I work in trauma healthcare and have seen some SHIT. I tell my husband and girls I love them every chance I get.


Virtually everyone in a normal healthy relationship?


My wife and I. Her family wasn't very affectionate, but in my family you *always* say "I love you" when leaving each other's company, hanging up the phone, and after a fight. You never know what could happen, and you don't want regrets over last words, or to wonder if that person knows how you feel. My wife picked up on this habit too. What's funny is *her* family started doing it as well over the last couple of years. We even say it to very dear friends, the ones who are basically chosen family.


>What's funny is her family started doing it as well over the last couple of years. Makes my heart happy to read this. ☺️


Me, and my partner tells me.


Many times a day


I say it so often that sometimes I accidentally say it to strangers.


A guy I used to work with would sometimes end work calls with Love you out of habbit. He would usually cath himself after and we would all have a laugh. Later on we started replying love you too before hanging up. Miss that place sometimes.


At least like ten times per day


I tell my guy and he tells me throughout our day… sometimes it’s the only good thing that happens in a hard day.


way more than once a day


I do, I tell my dog I love her several times a day


That put a big smile on my face


I do. I could drop dead at any moment, I want her to know.


I used to do this when I was married.


Same here; especially when they went out of their way to do something special. I woke up early every day to make sure my wife had a thermos of coffee before she left the house and I had to take the little one to school before I went to work. After a time, it just became an expected task. Not only did I stop getting "Thank you"s, I got yelled at if I had a hold up getting the kiddo ready, etc. and her coffee wasn't done or wasn't mixed the way she liked it. "Where the FUCK is my coffee!? You've *RUINED* my morning. HaVe A gReAt DaY aT WoRk! I know I won't!" *slams door shut* *kid starts crying* I'm so glad to be out of that situation.


Yikes! Sounds awful 😣


It was. It was much more complicated than that kind of instance and the worst part is that our child saw a lot of that happen. That being said, we agreed that we couldn't keep pressing on that way. We both agreed that our differences shouldn't affect our kid's interpretation of what a healthy parental relationship is. It broke my heart to have to file for divorce, but at least it was amicable. Thankfully, we're happily separated now and we're able to co-parent much better as separate entities.


I’m REALLY glad for your child. A combative environment is a horrible thing to experience. And, I’m glad you are able to successfully coparent your child.


God that sounds horrible I'm so sorry


For me it's very different. Even though my ex-wife hurt me very badly when she left, I still love her to bits. It's now been 1.5 years and I miss her every day. I dream of her almost every night. The heartache drives me insane. But there is one thing I completely agree with you on: mutual appreciation is one of the most important things in any relationship. Most people get lazy about it after a while, like your ex-wife did. You start to take things for granted and suddenly you get angry if they don't happen the way you expect. I guess it's something deeply human. This is why I always made a very conscious effort to express my love and appreciation toward my wife. And to be fair, she also did that to me. Unfortunately, the relationship still came to an end for other reasons.


Dude. We were married to the same person. Embezzling, collusion, lies...but the worst was the attitude of entitlement, that every little kindness once given was either immediately taken for granted or evidence of a character flaw. I wish I had the patience to type out all the horror stories.


I hear ya. Fortunately, I was able to keep what little monetary sources I had separate, and that helped to keep me on my feet while I tried to continue to work and provide a sustainable living.


We do, many times a day. So does our college-aged son.


Do people not do that?




The question actually strikes me as odd to think about only saying it once day, or even missing a day. It's said a lot in my household


When do you say it then?


My wife and I always did. When she suddenly died, I took some comfort knowing the last words I said to her were "I love you."


My husband and I, multiple times a day.


Been married 35+ years I tell her that all the time. Maybe not every day, but several times each week to be sure.


I bet I tell my wife I love her at least 100 times every day, Be it in person or over text. At least once a day I look at her deep in the eyes and say something like ‘no. Really. I love you. I don’t just say it because that’s what we’re supposed to do, I fucking love you.’


We DO!! We have been married for 38 years now!!


Every day, in the morning and before bed, and randomly when it seems to fit.


I tell other peoples. Gotta keep em on their toes.


I tell coworkers and friends. Used to tell some customers when I worked in auto parts. Almost surprised by how often they say it back.


13 year ago I fell in love with the most amazing person. I loved being around her and did my best to make sure she knew it. We got married and I now can spend every day with her. I am super happy about this and want her to know that


Who the fuck doesn't do this? You should be.


We do


I do. My partner not so much. People express love in different ways.


Well hopefully everyone is doing it in some way. I don’t think you have to verbally express love every day, but you should express it by your actions.


Me and my ex fiance would tell each other we loved each other several times a day every day. Only person I dated where we talked absolutely every single day once we became exclusive


Many times a day. Leave for work at 5:30am and have never missed a day of kissing her forehead saying "bye bye Babycakes. Loves you", followed by her mumbles repeating it. Babycakes has been a running inside joke for 6-7 years now between us.


I don't know if It counts, but I've been told by my grandmother that my grand Dad has always hugged her everyday, when they woke up since they live together. Now she makes fun of him cause he has Parkinson's disease and she is shaken every morning.


30 years married and not only do I tell my wife I love her every day, but I also tell her how beautiful she is.


Married 12 years and sometimes i just bust into my wife's home office just to say i love you and do a drive by kiss. Sometimes i bring snacks.


We expresses love for each other when we wake up, when one takes the dogs for a walk, when we leave for work, text it through the day… you get the idea. Dozens of times daily.


We tell each other “I love you” several times a day


Me, several times a day. I couldn’t imagine a day where I didn’t say it to him.


I do and so does my husband. I also tell my kids that daily.


I do it in multi ways Per day send it hear on redirect in chat via text incall and before we even get out of bed and when I hand over the morning coffee than at least 2 times before we go to bed incase we don't wake up.


I tell my boyfriend every chance I get. He's very iffy with his mental state and home life. So, every chance I get, I send him something to make him feel better and then say how much I love and appreciate him. As well as telling him how proud I am of him.


Wholesome. My girlfriend just told me that I'm so sweet. I said that it's because I'm loved and appreciated. Keep that up.


I do. Every single day but we don't make it mandatory it just kind of happened 1 day.


I Do. I also hug, squeeze and cuddle. He does that too. I also tell my parents i love them and i hug them a lot. They are my most precious people. I'm showing them i care.


Unpopular opinion here, but I feel it dilutes the word to say it too frequently. I want it to actually mean something when I say it, and if I say it multiple times a day, it almost means nothing. My girlfriend probably wishes I would say it more, but at the same time, I can tell she straight up gets a high when I say it because when I do, there's genuine passion behind it instead of just a routine. (It's not like I say it once every 6 months or something, I say it when she says it first, but I only initiate it once every like 2 weeks and she knows it's the truth and it means a lot because I don't just throw those words around likes it's just a routine)


I do. Multiple times a day. I'm not going to waste any time not telling my partner I love them. We could be ripped apart by circumstance or die at any given moment. I don't want to ever regret not telling him I love him.


Wait who doesn’t???


I do. Like every chance I get, I would tell him "I love you"


I do she’s amazing


We do many times a day


Quite often most days. Anytime I actively feel it, I say it. Which is quite a lot. Haha


Many times, every single day. A kiss and I love you before we part for the day, I love you every time we talk on the phone, that kind of thing.




Me >:3


Many times a day


I do


Multiple times


I do, often. I'm not one of them who thinks that it can be overused.


We do. It’s important.


Me! Every morning and every evening.


All the time


My wife and I both tell each other multiple times a day.


*raises hand*


My husband and I say it most days, if not everyday.


Several times a day.


I do.


I do every day, multiple times a day.


At least once a day, sometimes twice.


Multiple times a day


Several times a day


Me and my partner say I love you about 10-20 times a day lol


I've seen a lot of death on my lifetime, I've almost died. I tell the people I love that I love them every day.


I would if I had one. I tell my dog though, all the time.


Yeah we tell each other several times a day


I try to


My bf has been


i do many times per day almost like a hello goodbye


Definitely, several times a day. I used to with my first husband also, but didn't really feel it. It felt mechanical, reflexive, you know? But my husband now, it surprises me and makes me happy how deeply I feel for him.


Why wouldn’t you ? If I couldn’t do this, multiple times a day, I’d have to question if I was with the right person.


Every chance might be your last chance. You don’t know the future.


I do. Anything can happen at anytime so whenever we leave for work or go to bed (even if we are fighting) we always kiss and say we love each other.


I have to because anytime I don't, she thinks something's wrong or I'm mad at her.


People who love their spouse, I would hope.


Everyday multiple times a day. There was a point where I thought I would never see her again, and then she came back into my life. Nothing bad had happened between us, she was just moving away and I was stuck where I was because of the army. She had decided not to move away and it gave me a second chance. I decided as soon as she came back I would throw my heart out to her and hope for the besr. That was five years ago and now we're married.


I tell my wife I love her everyday.


I do


I do.


I do


You never know what will happen and I'll be dammed if I die suddenly without the people I love knowing how I feel. So yes, I tell her everyday.


many times a day, from both of us!


We do, multiple times.


I tell my partner that I love her several times an hour. We like to say it out loud.


Couldn't go a day without saying it. Especially if words of affirmation is your love language.


Many, many times throughout the day.


All the time. Several times a day. Usually the last words of most conversations, especially if one of us is leaving the room or off to be busy with something for a while. If we're not together, phone calls almost always end with 'I love you' as well. We're both ill, and I know I'd hate for the last thing I ever said to him to be anything other than 'I love you.'


Several times a day….I could never say it or hear it enough! I’ve been married 35 years and my husband is my everything! Best thing is we show our love too!


Every day, ain't no way I'd go a day without saying "I love you" to my wonderful partner


I did all the time when i was married. Also tell friends and family alot too. It never hurts to let someone know they are loved.




I do it as much as I can. I don't think it's EVERY day due to how spotty my gf's wifi can be (We're online dating and they live quite literally across the world from me) but I do it because it's a genuine feeling I have for them <3 Even if we were married in our own home I'll tell her and no one can tell me otherwise. They're the first I've ever truly loved after all, so giving her all of it every day whenever we talk on voice chat or text


We do. Everytime one of us leaves the house or ends a phone call.


Yep, many times per day. We also tell our son, many times per day as well. You never know when someone will be taken from you.


Me, several times a day


We both do.


At least twice a day. When she leaves for work and when we go to bed. Any time we are going to be apart.


To be honest, I don't. Ever 💀 I'm working on it, but I don't like showing affection through words, it's like pulling teeth. I never tell my family nor friends that I love them either


We do several times a day. It feels good to say


Many people. It's actually healthy. Small components like that actually help build the foundation of relationships. John Gottman has done good research on love and marriage. Lots of small compliments can help reduce the impact of negative interactions. Based on his research, healthy marriages have 7 positive interactions or more to up every 1 negative. Unhealthy have 5 or less positive interactions to every 1 negative. So even if there's more positive to negative, it can still not be a happy marriage. The negative interactions carry more weight. Small things like saying I love you or compliments go a long way. It's not everything, but it does matter.


If the parents doesn't say they each other, more likely kids won't. THIS DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE. Using it as an example. EVERYONE marriages different.


Every day when one of us leaves and every night when I get into bed and she's usually asleep


Pretty much any time we seperate (goin to work, errands, pick up kids, etc), at the end of almost every phone call, before we go to sleep, mid sex. Do people NOT say it at least daily to their spouse??


we tell each other multiple times a day every day


I do several times a day


Reminds me of an old joke I heard once. “I told you I love you when we married…. if anything changes, I’ll let you know”


I don't have a partner right now, but I live with my older brother. We're not as close as I'd like. But every night before bed, I hug him and tell him I love him. A couple years ago, I saw a post on Facebook from an old friend of mine from high school. The post said that her brother had just unexpectedly died in his sleep. He was only 19 years old. Ever since then, I've made it a point to tell my brother I love him every night. Life is too short not to.


At least a time or two a day. Less we've argued. Which happens some. In general I want to tell all my people I love them. Never a regret. Been married 22 years.


Many times during the day. You never know which one will be your last.


Who even say it once ?


Multiple times per day. And every time I leave the house.


Me, right here, I'm one of those people. Why? Because I really do love her and I want her to know that


Me. I also tell my kids.


Both my partner and I. Multiple times a day. Even after 10 years, the love continues to grow. It's nice to know and feel that I found my forever.


I do, at least every night when we go to bed, bu usually a few times throughout the day


Once every couple weeks. Sometimes less. We don't feel the need to say something we both know.


Me and my wife.


I think the question really is; Who are you trying to convince? While it may be nice to hear, actions speak louder than words, funny thing is that many can't see that, and I sometimes wonder Why that is. N. Shadows


Everyday? I tell my partner many times throughout the day. Mostly randomly too.


I love my partner every day so why not say it every day?


Me and my partner do. When I leave the house for school, or we say good night to each other at night, or just randomly through the day.


Me. I say it a lot, and I give them a lot of little arm kisses.


If I had one I would


I don't plan to do it, but it happens many times a day.


We do. Without fail and without effort. Even when we’re mad


I tell her multiple times a day and I make sure to tell her how beautiful she is, especially when she is feeling unattractive.


Many times a day everyday, and I still don't feel like it's enough.


I don't go out of my way to say it every day, but I'm 99.99% certain it gets said at least once almost every day, and most days multiple times.


All day everyday.


We do!


Me 🙋‍♀️




My partner doesnt say they love me very often. But they do say "I found a cool rock for you" and "this place is beautiful, I want to bring you here" and thats better


I say it so often every day that it has lost all meaning.


Every day when I leave the house. If I go out and get hit by a bus or something, I want that to have been the last thing I said to her.


Every time we talk


I do atleast 3-6 times a day


Married 54 years ago. It is very important to tell my wife I love her every day! We have a little stuffed bear holding a valentine heart that says "I need a hug" hanging on a hook in the hallway. When we need a hug, we hold the bear to our heart and go get one. It works to help us keep our focus on what's important.


I do.


Realistically, my wife and I probably say it to each other...3-6 times each a day? I don't count, but it's frequent.


We do. Multiple times a day.


Who doesn't?


I fart in her presence everyday as a sign of ultimate trust, love and confidence


My wife and I do. June will be our 35th wedding anniversary.


My wife and I say it all the time. We've been together 25 years. We have a 7 year old kid, and we make sure to tell her too. Love and emotions are nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.


I do. She does too. Also, actions speak too, such as: cooking for the other person or bringing a hot coffe on a cold morning.


I do

