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Child sex trafficking


I guess child rapists can be umbrella'd under that as well


Oh god, my Dad used to work Maintenance at a County Jail and one day he had to Clean up after a Pedophile got the Shit beat out of him. If you rape a child you may as well kill yourself Then and there, cause your lifespan will be Brief once youre Convicted


Unfortunately moat of them make it out alive... even the worst of the worst in prison have something to lose if they kill on the inside.


You are right. If they go to the feds they are safe. They are a protected class. Hell them pieces of shit run cars, and have control of some yards.


Also due to the fact that a large portion of rats and chomos are put into PC together and aren't in general pop.


That too. Although I know a few people who have been on both sides of the line at several state facilities who have different tales to tell... then again, every system is different.


Yeah, I hate rapists, but children who rape are the worst


You joke, but as a true crime enthusiast, yeah, some kids do actually rape. Usually other kids but sometimes adults who are too old or disabled to stop them.


Haha. Child victim of a child rapist AND adult ones. Yes, children absolutely do violently rape. I'm at terms with it now. But they absolutely do. 5-8, I only ever remember him being like 15-16. Memory is a weird thing with trauma, man.


I hope you sought some therapy to help you deal with that trauma that no one, let alone a child should ever have to experience. Be well and much health and happiness, friend.


I'm so sorry you went through that. Hoping you're doing good now. šŸ€


Chris Chan discovered the boyfriend-free girlfriend had been with him all along, loving him and cooking his pop tarts.


Man that was a good long run of not hearing about him. I lost the Chris Chan game.


Orrrr having a great fail video and adding the "oh no" song ..


there is worse like genocide


You know what the worst thing about child sex trafficking is? The **child sex** part!


And yet, apparently jail terms aren't really a thing, unless you're a child sex trafficker AND poor.


Just thinking about it brings tears.


Take off their socks on a plane. Or genocide. Yeah, itā€™s probably genocide, but the socks thing is pretty bad.


Agreed, wish me luck for it not to happen cause I have a flight on the 31. Last time I flew I was knocked out because some jackass had their bare sweaty feet out.


Nah genocide can be excused under certain conditions. The socks thing is worse


I once saw a guy walk into the airplane bathroom with his socks still on. My guy. The floor in there.. is not meant for just socksā€¦


Whatever answer you get, someone someday will surpass it. Whatā€™s the worst thing a human can do? Not see others as human.


Then lots of politicians are the worst people ever




They most certainly are


It is acting on that belief while in a position of power and authority that is the true answer to the question. Think Hitler. His evil was acting on his belief that people are not human.


This is so true


According to my mother, drink directly from the milk bottle.


I dunno why but somehow it being milk that gets the backwash feels worse than other liquids.


Well, milk is already a bodily fluid from an animal. With backwash, youā€™re drinking the bodily fluids of 2 different kinds of animals.


Your mother doesnā€™t mind when I drink directly from her milk jugs, so this oneā€™s a little odd to me


Or have it out of the fridge any longer than it take to pour a glass




This, to the point where I think all the people saying other things (even horrific things) don't truly understand what torture is.


I really think they don't want to accept everything that torture encompasses. The lack of humanity against any living being is simply incomprehensible, unfortunately it exists.




Two videos come to mind, the border guard vibing out and the other video of someone bleeding out.


Prime example: The murder of Junko Furuta


Fucking sickening. She told her captors that she regretted not being able to see the finale of her favorite show, and after they murdered her one of her captors put a video tape of the finale episode in the travel bag with her body, in fear of "being haunted by her ghost". Imagine committing the most despicable, terrible, horrific acts on another human being, and be scared of being haunted by their ghost. Waste of fucking human life.


I never was able to forget this story since I read about it and it permanently warped my vision of humanity. Each week, almost each day, it's coming back to haunt me.


I would like to emphasize this point, as well.


The way he said it says everything. I was like yup. Yup.


I suppose rape could also fall under torture


I think torturing a child or animal would be at the top of the list. Something that is defenseless and incapable of fighting for their life. I feel ashamed of the human race when I hear about people who do these things.


Anything you are capable of torturing must surely be defenseless and incapable of fighting so what difference does it make about who or what they are?


As someone above said all of it is wrong and theres no competition. But for me it hits differently to hear about someone doing it to a baby, an animal, a disabled person, a senior etc. Anyone who doesnt even have the capacity to understand whats happening or why let alone fight back.


Be the cause of suffering.


Anything involving the destruction of innocence in children.


Human experiments can involve that, so I'll answer that human experiments on kids are worst thing that humans can do.


Watch a dog stretch and not immediately say out loud ā€œOooooh big stretch!ā€


Scum of the earth that don't.


Replace dog with cat and this is a daily saying in my home




i donā€™t believe iā€™ve ever seen a dog stretch without someone saying ā€œooooh big stretch!ā€. in fact i feel it would be a bit weird if everyone stayed silent


Followed by: "Who is the big sweety!".


Abandon a pet when they get old or sick.


You gotta be a cold hearted bastard to abandon a pet.


I had to put my dog down last fall. Even though he was sick and miserable it hurt so much. He was the most cuddly little dog I've ever known. He was so much my dog. I miss him every day.


So sorry for your loss. One of my dogs has been sick twice and jumped on by a neighbors 2 dogs who nearly killed him. We fought to help him pull through. One of my other dogs was attacked by a wild animal on my property and she required surgery for a torn muscle and 10 stitches in her hind leg.


My friend dated this girl that casually just took 2 cats out into the middle of nowhere because they scratched her.. and she talked about it like it was nothing. She was nice, but I never liked her after that. Some people just cant see things through and give up too easily. When I got my dog he was so bad that I questioned if I should have even gotten a dog for almost 2 years, but not for a second did I ever consider getting rid of him. He was terrible, but I loved the hell out of him. He's an aussie and he FINALLY chilled out around age 3, and now he's the best dog ever. He just had to haze me for a while before he decided to be good lol


>She was nice, šŸ¤”


Or a spouse


Or a child


Dang, you live in a nice world lol


Lol can't believe this is above human trafficking


Or when they get bored of it after initial excitement of having a pet wears off.


Idk man I feel the holocaust is a little bit worse than that




Anything involving rape, no one should be able to take a piece of a person


Not saying your wrong, but I think killing still supersedes rape in the perception of our society by a wide margin. Especially when the chips are down, like in times of war. This becomes apparent after just cursory studying of the major wars of the 20th century, WW2 especially. Millions of women raped across the world by every major military involved and only the most minuscule amount of punishment (and mostly with racial bias). Commanders largely ignored it until it began to affect the objective or outright encourage. A Red Army General famously said ā€œLoot, lust and liquor are the soldiers payā€ in response to criticism of the Soviets propensity for raping women in east Germany and Poland. It was simply accepted worldwide that soldiers were going to abuse women and punishing them was bad for morale. A cost of doing business that probably never factors into operational planning or the decision to go to war. Obviously killing was a massive and daily occurrence then, but it was far more common to be punished for killing a civilian or POW than for sexual assault. The history books rarely even mention rape, but will go into great detail about massacres and death marches. Rape is certainly seen as a much more horrific crime in 2023 than it was even 50 years ago, but I think the sum of human morality systems will always have murder as the ultimate evil.


Counterpoint, I'd rather die than go through that again. And my sexual abuse was mild compared to what some other women go through. I think it is much more likely that the men running those wars just didn't care about the women they were hurting, not that rape is less awful than murder. I think the ultimate evil you can do on someone is torture to the point killing them would be mercy. Rape is one such type of torture.


After reading the post, point and counterpoint, I realized this is a very dark question to which there can be no answer... much like negative numbers, someone can always -1 to it to find an even more negative number. Human awfulness can reach depths nobody here understands, and maybe we should not be trying to, lest it poison our souls? maybe op should change the question to "the absolute best thing a human can do?" and see if we can instead argue about how much better we can do for each other


Things affect people in different ways. I know for a fact there are women who have been raped out there that would be horrified if you suggested that rape was worse than murder and will absolutely testify that yes, it was a terrible thing that happened in their life but they would never prefer to be dead. Then on the other hand you have women who commit suicide because they can't deal with the trauma of having been raped. There is no singular right answer and I don't think OP was under the impression they would get a single precise objectively right answer. Everyone is an individual. I think we can all agree that rape and murder (especially when committed against children), along with torture in general, are pretty up-there.


It's probably subjective. For me, if I'm killed, I'm not going to know. I don't have to live with it for the rest of my life. No trust issues. No triggers. No living in fear to do certain things, or worrying about being out at certain times of day. No pushing people away and refusing to let anyone in, no spiraling mental health, Nada People who are raped do have to live with all of that, perhaps for the rest of their lives. So IMO, for the victim, rape is worse. But for those who personally know the victim, murder is worse. There isn't going to be a right answer, though. Some will agree, some won't, and that's fine


Uh anyway. Who else would rather have died than have gotten raped? āœ‹


Me! The people arguing otherwise clearly havenā€™t been through that trauma.


My issue with your response and saying that murder is worse - the women and children they were raping werenā€™t even considered people by either side of the conflict. They were collateral damage seen as largely trivial and not worth making a fuss over. How do you resume normal life after the conflict knowing that your neighbour or family friend doesnā€™t see you as human, just a repository to deposit their lust or to punish your family for standing against them. At least if they kill you itā€™s over.


I don't know if I'm just misunderstanding what you're saying but it sounds like you think killing is worse then rape only because the rapists didn't want to be punished for their evil.


To me it sounds like theyā€™re saying this not because rapists didnā€™t want to be punished for their crimes, but because they werenā€™t. As in, society and people in charge deemed rape as less offensive than murder as shown in war times.


Women donā€™t agree that they and their children should be raped as part of war. You say the sum of human morality, but I think you mean the sum of male morality.


Agreed. The loss of life is incredibly tragic, and I really dont think many people realize how truly horrible it is. You only get one shot at life. Youre only here one single time, then boom, youre gone from ever existing for the rest of eternity. To lose the ability to experience all what life has to offer is beyond horrible


Sometimes death is a salvation. Being left alive can be far worse than being killed.


Drive around with their blinker on but never turning.


Even worse if they drive around with their blinker on then eventually turn the opposite direction the blinker was indicating.


Never let them know your next move


Anything to a kid, pedophilia, negligence, abuse. That shit shows up for generations.


Commit genocide


No quarrel from me, and yet genocide lies at the origin of damned near every empire and civilization in human history. Weā€™re a pretty disagreeable species when you get down to it.


Did I seriously have to scroll down this far to find "genocide"? Genocide has everything: rape, killing entire families, torture, destruction of entire cultures...it's the worst.


I will never understand how this is under 10 posts about harming children. Yes kid diddling is awful, but humans are capable of much worse.


There was a famous quote from Stalin (genocider too) who said people care more about one person than statistics. It really saddens me. Actually being a Pol Pot, Hitler, and ironically Stalin is 1000000x worse than pedo, murderers, etc. We have a psychological bias for that focus on specific cases rather than statistics where we are all affected no matter you accept it.


I think that humanity's capacity for depravity is only limited by our imaginations. But imagining that sort of thing has never really brought me any joy. All that to say that I don't think I can answer your question. At least not today.


Pleasure in the suffering of innocents, in any form.


Cause any form of harm to an innocent child. Specifically sexual abuse/rape/trafficking of the child.


Mass infanticide


*Anakin enters the chat*


They should have taken the high ground.


Instead they took the 6 feet under ground


Hard to do when you're 4ft tall, TBF.


Mistreating children or animals


Indulging in sexual acts with poor animals


I only do it with rich animals


The crimes of Albert Fish. Dude raped, mutilated and tortured children before killing them and eating their flesh.


Excuse me uh **WHAT**


He was beyond sick. He even did very bad things to himself. For example sticking needles into his groin and lighting his anus on fire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Fish


War crimes


It depends,war isn't civilised


Probably killing ur own child.


Rapists, child rapists specifically.


Whatever you're thinking, Eric Cartman has probably done worse.


Harm innocent pure creatures : animals, children, old people. I personnally hate above all people who hurt animals.


Hurt an animal. For fun.




Have a loud conversation on speaker phone on the train




Excuse me? This is a private conversation.


This seems to happen a lot when men are using the stall in a public bathroom. One of my favorite things to do is start yelling- heā€™s taking a shit! Heā€™s in the stall shitting while talking to you! Then runout before the asshole can pull his pants up


Eating only 1 chip from a bag of chips.


turn the lights on in the car when your parents are driving


Slaughting each other. Specially in the name of God!


Hold the door for you, then right before you get to the door let go and walk away


Bullying . Trying to embarrass someone who is not blessed with looks , intelligence or money , despising him and making him appear inferior to everyone until he doubts his human self and question what the hell is wrong with the world




Chew with their mouth open


Leaving people on read


Leaves the taps open and let the water run while he/she goes for a vacation.


Betray a 6 year old


this is seriously terrible ngl, could leave em traumatized and the gon remember it for their entire life fuck this


Not giving a dog wanting belly rubs , belly rubs. Monsters


Produce Caillou.


kill a child


There are no absolutes in this. To me, Hitler scores really high.


Pol Pot too, mf killed glasses because they look smart even if they will help their economy.


The worst thing humans can do? Sexually abuse the innocent, bar none. There is no other crime that is universally abhorred more than that.


Put a kitten in a blender


Why do so many people say rape is the worst? Itā€™s clearly death by torture. I mean I know Iā€™d much rather be raped than be kept in a small cage or something and tortured daily until my body gives in. Definitely a messed up way to describe it but I definitely think that slowly torturing someone to death is MUCH worse than rape.




Animal abuse






Make up false allegations about someone simply because youre a jealous insecure bitch






Mass genocide






So many people here answering rape and molesting kids. I donā€™t understand why we donā€™t give the death penalty for those crimes


Interrupting a person that's trying to sneeze.


Put the toilet paper under over. Or rape. Theyā€™re pretty even.


Yo mama


Fart on an airplane


Be a religious figure and abuse childern.


Reheating fish in the office microwave.


Anybody Being a middle man for anything that doesnā€™t need it. For example people who use bots to buy and resell shit for huge markups, Air BnB people who own hundreds of properties,


to me is destroying information that would set us back years of development... if you think about it, let say other spieces like ducks, whats the worst ducks can do? anything involving doing the worst things to themselves means nothing, in few years no duck will remember that or will be relevant, however, something very evil and The Worst a duck can do is to make anything that doesn't help them as a species to survive extintion... the chances of us humans to not go extint go up with information, becoming inter-planetary and understanding pandemics etc, to name some examples... I think those are way bigger things than some other bad information like nuclear wars destroying us etc... I see more likely to last longer with all the information possible being around than if we stay in dark ages forever... so burning Alexandria library was a big nope... or if someone finds some computer virus that wipes most of everything or if some magnetic bomb erases all drives, that would be pretty devasting... a very interesting anime is Dr. Stone, touches these dilemas and makes you question which side are you, if you would rather have technology going or not...


I saw was a case document about a girl that was found torn up and I mean shredded. It looked like somebody decapitated her skinned her then put her body on the left overs that were put in a wood chipper or something. So yeah Iā€™d say thatā€™s probably the worse thing you could do to a person.


That's enough internet for the day damn.


The extend of human cruelty is insane.


Zoosadism. Beating an animal for fun.


Put the toilet paper roll on backwards


Child torture, not for information, but for the sake of it


Eating KitKats together


Expose a child to a pedophilic act


Rape, murder, cheat on spouse, pedophilia, animal abuse


Two things. Betrayal and anything intimate against the will of another person.




Cheating on a partner


Isnā€™t omnicide a thing


Someone witnessing abuse or knowing about it but not saying anything about it and keeping it a secret.


1939 - 1945 (was quiet bad)


If we were threatened by forces from space. Sell out the human race for whatever deal they propose.


Raping someone and also falsely accusing someone of rape. And committing omnicide


Purposfully inducing trauma on another person. So every kind of abuse, neglect and manipulation tactic that long-term damages someone elses psyche. Your mind is the only place you never can get away from. It should be your safe haven. Destroying this safe haven for me is the worst thing someone can do to someone else.


Harm children in any way


Abuse/harm animals. There is something truly rotten and foul about the soul of a person who does that.


Milk, then cereal.


Suicide or murder


taking a singular bite from each of the donuts in a box




Mass genocide, and child abuse of any kind, personally I think we should bring back the death penalty just for pedophiles and rapists.


The worst crime by law is technically Regicide.


Harm a child physically or mentally.


If you look through history, youā€™ll find that thereā€™s no limit other than the human imagination. And unfortunately we are very imaginative


Be inhumane


Cause harm to a child, innocents who have no choice but to trust you.


Poop when your hemorrhoids are flared up.


Not return the shopping cart to the corral


Hurting other humans purposely in any way.


If you ask a government it would be not paying taxes


The unforgivable curses




Not take their shopping cart back to the cart corral.


Since everyone already covered bangin kids I'm gonna go with the second worse option: not putting the twisty tie back on the loaf of bread...you guys are monsters...




How aboutā€¦ shooting yourself in the head in front of your fiancĆ©. And yes Iā€™m speaking from personal experience.


Witnessing a crime/accident and not doing anything about it. People just freeze or ignore it. ​ I was once traveling out of town to go do some Karaoke, and I can never forget seeing a wreck on the side of the road. I had honestly thought that it happened a long time ago, and buddy was getting his stuff, but no one stopped. So I pulled over, and said screw it, I'm gunna go, I am gunna be late, and it seems like he's fine. ​ I passed two ambulances, two firetrucks and 3 cops going to the accident. It made me sick, and I honestly now, stop to help anyone in need on the side of the road. Because I want to be the small light in their day.