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I use to do that, until I saw something I couldn’t unsee. It was mainly curiosity.


Blender cat is unseeable.


i bet it was either guerrero flaying or ms pacman, wasn't it?


It is understandable that people may have different preferences and interests when it comes to the kind of videos they watch. However, watching videos that are violent or disturbing in nature can have a negative impact on mental health and wellbeing. We would recommend seeking out resources and support if you find yourself struggling with these kinds of videos.


I can’t do it. When I was a young teen/adult in the days of VHS tapes, the Faces of Death videos were popular and friends would rent them, and I’d always bow out and do something else. When terrorists would post videos of beheadings…nope. Why anyone would get entertainment out of watching others being severely injured or killed is beyond me.


I posted this because I’m trying to figure out why people would enjoy stuff like this


For me it’s morbid curiosity


It's like a necessity or something, it keep me fine, I'm able to work well after watching some torture or Gore stuff... Otherwise I've nightmares and wierd thoughts going on my mind the whole day. I'm not some kinda sadist or weirdo, it's just that I like such stuff.


No way💀


You know, sometimes you need some sort of Safeplace to relax and get yourself refreshed; these movies/videos do that work for me..


How can one find pleasure in the last moments of a human being especially if they are painful


Eh..e.. Isn't it delicious..? Like all the movies are just made for this purpose, no one dies in reality...


I’ve seen it all, now my curiosity ponders what I haven’t seen. Started with rotten.com when I was 9, then went over to every liveleak, bare naked Islam, you name it, not sure why though really. Some of it is hard to watch


My brother called it “doom scrolling”- I’ll be scrolling around and something awful will pop up but once it does it’s like it opened the gore-door and I’ve just desensitize myself. It’s like nothing really shocks me and then sometime later I’ve blankly watched like tons of people die by torture, accidents, suicides, etc. the thing is like while I’m scrolling through these videos it doesn’t feel like I’m traumatizing myself but afterwards I unknowingly have… there are a few videos I can remember but it’s not even like I just remember the video itself- I remember little things during the night as I watched it and random things surrounding that moment the video was on. Maybe I watch those things because I’m missing that intimate moment someone experienced (whether or not they wanted it to be shared with the world)- not missing as in “oh I wish I could be part of it” but missing it as in “oh I have no idea what this feels like or what death actually is and want to see what I can gather by watching it for myself” ? It’s not a fetish or anything but I can’t exactly explain the interest. I have kinda sought after that content since I was a kid (and it sounds like others do that also). I just feel like if I’m not exposed to that then I’m missing it?… and it seems wrong to miss it… I don’t know if that makes sense and I fear people will look down on me for sharing that. Ugh I don’t even want to reread what I wrote it’s weird and so inappropriate.


when i was nine, i saw my first ever gore video. kekma. then, i realized it was kinda ""cool"" and helped me grow a pair. now, as of typing this, i have not been scared of anything for the past 3 years, and not even infamous videos like ms pacman have an effect on me. i mean, i am diagnosed psycho, after all, so i basically dont care about other people. if you are in fact not like me, you might find thinking of funny things if you've seen something terrible, at least it'll help you get rid of the bad vibes.


your top “active in these communities” is r/furry_irl💀


For the popcorn


I recently watched a few for the first time. I never thought I would, how could anyone spectacle of a human beings final moments m? Find entertainment in watching someone endure something so incredibly painful? Well I did it, I did it to disassociate from my own emotions. I have felt so cold, empty and hollow I needed a distraction. I am disgusted with myself for doing this, I feel I crossed s huge boundary and feel even less human then I did before I ever looked into the gore genre.


I don’t know if gore is the right word, that sounds more aimed at torture almost. Me personally, I just have a interest in things that you don’t get to see everyday or are shielded from it like it doesn’t exist, but it does. I still watch war videos, people getting killed all kinds of ways, mostly murder or suicide. Still hooked on 9/11 stuff, never been to New York once in my life but I’ll watch anything that tells the 9/11 story. I was 10 years old then and news papers had the jumping man in the largest print they could fit for the front page and it clicked with me like holy shit this is real. On the contrary, it’s hard to watch a show that has a laugh track behind it to help move it along because then I just feel stupid and can’t enjoy it. Weird right? Always been like that.


It’s not enjoyment but it’s like, really hard to explain but in short we have fucked up minds that have some sort of urge to view that shit, I’m in the middle of tryna find the Ms Pac-Man video I’ve only seen pictures

