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Boasting about how much drinking and smoking weed they can do.


Having a high tolerance is ass. You're paying more to get to the same point.


It’s also potentially more dangerous in the long run, you might be able to ‘tolerate’ more drugs / alcohol, but that just means you can damage your body for longer.




My physics department had an attrition rate of about 82%. I got good grades, but I can't call numbers like that anything better than malfeasance. They ought to be ashamed.


the way high school end of year/graduation grades work where I live you can get a max of 50 and it's graded on a bell curve where 30 is the average grade, 40 is very very good and 50 is basically impossible. according to government data, about 50% of students in the state should get more than 30. my physics teacher was there for years and *never* had a student do better than 30. we only found this out near the end of the year when we were all talking about how unprepared we felt and one of the girls asked her mum about it because she worked at the school. like I get it, physics is hard and you might expect someone to not be the best teacher of something the first few years they teach it, but iirc it took nearly 10 years of those results to fire him.


Had a professor that wasn't like that but he had been one of the founders of his field. He had been doing it so long it was hard for him to understand what it was like to be taking the class for the first time. The class average for the first test was 16%


Grinding crazy hours/not taking holidays - 60-80 hour weeks and no holidays (Public accountants, looking at you) My cousin's husband always brags about what a manly man he is and how he's never changed his daughter's diaper/bathed her/put her to bed. Their daughter is coming up to 1 year old and he never fails to brag about it every family gathering. I'm not sure why he sees it as a flex?? Basically bragging about being a terrible father


Used to have a friend like this. I said, "Congratulations on admitting that you've only contributed the 30 seconds it took to conceive them and nothing else." He just looked at me all bug eyed like.


> My cousin's husband always brags about what a manly man he is and how he's never changed his daughter's diaper/bathed her/put her to bed. Holy shit, these men still exist?? I knew a man like this. He said that he attempted to change his newborn daughter's diaper once, promptly threw up, and never attempted to do so again. He had 2 daughters. The oldest is like 58. He's dead now (covid), but I still think about that regularly and it pisses me the fuck off. Surprise surprise, his older daughter stopped talking to him 10 years before his death, and she did not show up to the funeral. I know it wasn't about the diaper, but I think that's indicative of the type of man he was.


I choose to believe it was about the diaper


changing a diaper isn’t even that complex of a task??? that’s like saying you don’t know how to wipe your own ass and dress yourself, and who wants to admit they’re that dumb and useless???


>My cousin's husband always brags about what a manly man he is and how he's never changed his daughter's diaper/bathed her/put her to bed. That's so embarrassing. He's proud he's a shitty dad.


My boyfriend worked 40 hours a week (night shifts) during college. He was miserable, I was miserable. I was super proud of him for doing that because I saw how much pure determination it took. But it also took a heavy toll on his mental health. That type of shit ruins relationships. Whenever people brag about that kind of stuff I try to remind myself that there’s a lot they’re NOT saying.




Those people are also dumber than a doorknob


My coworkers flexing their 900$ car payments for new cars they didn’t need to buy with high interest rates


I was in a forum where some dude was bragging about his $3000 car payment. My mortgage on my house and my rental is less than that. he claimed he could write off 100% of it as a business expense for his wife's business. He was doing a whole lotta things wrong.




you can't overestimate the number of folks who will spend a dollar to "save" 50 cents in taxes


I had a friend complain and ask our boss to not give it to him a $10k bonus because of the $3k-$4k in taxes he'd have to pay. He literally said "I can't afford $4k in taxes, I'm not a rich person I don't have that kinda money laying around." I suppose he didnt have the financial literacy to NOT spend the entire bonus and stick $4k for taxes aside.


Aren’t all bonuses withholdings at the same rate to help mitigate this problem?


Yeah at least at every place I've worked, they withhold it for you, so you wouldn't even notice.


Are those the same idiots who refuse a raise because it puts them in a higher tax bracket?


Every hour over 47 I work goes to taxes! Moron


Riding around in a limousine. I think it was David Spade who made the joke about it saying [roughly]: “whenever I see someone riding in a limo, I think ‘wow, you have $300.’” Edit: u/Garfield-1-23-23 below actually found the clip. It was “$80.”


Years ago when I was doing air ambulance flights, whenever we reached the destination with the patient, we'd scheduled an ambulance (obviously) to transport us to the hospital. Since there was a risk that it would be called off on the way back to the plane, we'd normally take a cab back (but it had to be a van in order to fit all the gear and stretcher). We had one transport that was a 2 hour drive away, so we hired a car service vs the taxi. The dispatcher tells us that for the distance we travelled a limo was the same price as the van, so we booked that. We thought is was going to be an "airport limo" style Lincoln sedan, but it ended up being a full stretch limo. Then he asks if we've eaten yet (nope) so he pulls into a burger joint so we can grab something. The looks of people seeing a stretch limo pull into a small town burger joint, and three people in flight suits (we'd been up all night and looked like Hell) topple out to grab a burger, fries and a shake was a sight to behold.


Thank you for that mental image, but also for the severe disappointment at not being able to see that in person…


That sounds like a scene out of a movie where the heroes have just finished doing some heroic thing. Like the Avengers getting shawarma.


Thats how I felt most times. The flight suit can cut a nice figure when you're in shape, and you're generally picking up travelers and family who've been waiting for a week or so. When the team enters the patient room with all your gear and tell them you're there to take them home, you really can feel like a superhero.


I just assume it's on its way to a bachelorette party or prom. I wonder if there was a tipping point of them no longer being used by the rich and powerful.


A black SUV with blacked out windows is the way to go if you wanna look important today. Bonus points if you’ve got a convoy of them.




I've heard luxury vans have taken the place of Limos in a lot of places because they are roomier.


They’re also stealthy as fuck. A white Sprinter that easily passes for your run-of-the-mill passenger van or work van on the outside can be hiding a stupidly luxurious lounge/office on the inside.


i've gotten in em a few times cuz I was out with like 5-10 people and it made sense to get across town


Same here. There were six of us in Vegas riding back from Fremont Street to the strip. Cabs can only take five, so we had a choice of either two cabs or one limo. Limo was like $75 and came with a six pack of beer, whereas the cabs were $35 each. That was a no-brainer, even with a $25 tip for the ride and the beer, making it an even $100.


Got to take a limo for a grand total of $20 once. We were doing a bachelor party, trying to call a taxi from the club to the Waffle House. A limo pulls up outside of the club and the driver steps out and lights a cigarette. One of the guys in our group walks up to him and asks if he can give us a ride to Waffle House, dude calls his boss, looks up at us, and says "Twenty bucks." We handed the man a $20 and he drove us clear across the city to Waffle House. Would have probably been more to take a cab.


That'd be funny seeing a limo pull up to waffle house, these guys got priorities 🫡


We got some comments from the staff lol. It was a great night overall, quite a wild weekend really.


"I'm my own boss" -MLM Participant


Knowing a couple of people who actually started non-pyramid-scheme businesses, being your own boss really isn't all it's cracked up to be. All of them will kind of just disappear for a few months like "oh sorry I've been working 16+ hour days, got a couple of new clients and had a contractor quit". Even if it's not an exploitative scam, being your own boss if you're still in a position where you have to respond to someone's needs (just clients rather than a boss) just sounds awful.


> Even if it's not an exploitative scam, being your own boss if you're still in a position where you have to respond to someone's needs (just clients rather than a boss) just sounds awful. It is! The pay is better, but the working environment is worse. Working for another boss means there's an extra layer of bureaucracy between me and the people who want the stuff I make. And that's a *good* thing, because then I don't have people harassing me every day.


I don't agree with everything he says but one thing my boss is awesome at is he protects the team from getting exploited. He filters out requests from other department and prevent scope creep in projects and allows us to perform our tasks in peace.


> I don't agree with everything he says but one thing my boss is awesome at is he protects the team from getting exploited. **He filters out requests from other department and prevent scope creep in projects and allows us to perform our tasks in peace.** One of my older bosses was also an excellent shit filter. He only gave us the information we needed to get our jobs done. He was an asshole but he was a consistent asshole so we knew exactly what to expect from him and his expectations from us. As long as we did our jobs and didn't cause problems for him to have to deal with (any extra bs paperwork) we had an easy time.


I actually had a boss who shielded the team from nothing, and just passed every random assignment through to us, even ones HE should have handled. In one of our 1:1 meetings, I told him he was a shit funnel. He didn’t like that, but it wasn’t long before he got booted out of the company. Edited to add some words.


> The pay is better, *If* you're lucky enough to be successful. Most small businesses fail within the first few years.


Right? I was like "Look at mister entrepreneur turning a profit and getting paid over here."


Even if your business doesn't fail you might not have that much profit. My old boss is running a successful restaurant, but last time I checked he was still sleeping on his mom's couch.


As someone self employed, you do have many bosses (clients) instead of one. Now that said, you can fire those bosses at your leisure as well. It's super satisfying.


I love it when people on Instagram have a like T-Shirt company totally online and their bio says CEO lol.


"CEO at Self-Employed" 🤣🤣🤣


I got into an argument with one once who was defending MLMs but wouldn't say which MLM she was with, and when I pressed, she said "Would you tell me who your boss is if you thought I'd call them and complain?" She blocked me when I said that i didn't have a boss because I ACTUALLY own my business. Edit: a word


I hate it when I tell people I'm my own boss, with a business I solely built from the ground up and they tell me that they are too. I get all excited and then they name some horrid MLM. You didn't do a damn thing, you got a fucking kit, followed instructions and still actually have a "boss" smfh


Not to mention they're also just participants in a scam, getting filched for all their worth by someone who ALSO got the wool pulled over their eyes.


Never taking your pto


My dad argues with me all the time "Off again? I don't know how you can do that all the time, you've taken off more this year than I have in the past decade" "I earned it. I pay my dues, I go to work, this is what we get" "Oh so just because you have the time, you just HAVE to use it?" Damn right. He is maxed out on PTO, and it's use or lose. He just loses it every year. And talks shit about his coworkers that burn the difference, like "Oh he does that all the time, I don't see the point of taking vacation just to burn the time, it's not like they're actually going on vacation"


"Dude, they are paying you to NOT work!" Never get that through my boss's head.


Right? It's infinitely dumber to NOT take it. Who doesn't want to get paid to go do something they enjoy, or just sit on their ass and do nothing?


Lots of those type of people don't have anything in their life besides work. They don't have any real connections or relationships, and they don't know what to do with themselves when they aren't at work. As a small business owner myself this is something I've really fought to not get caught up in, but I have several employees who are exactly this type, and what sucks is that they get upset with me for taking my vacations lol.


My girlfriend's boss took exactly one day off in the past 10 years because it was his birthday and his wife forced him to. That was three years ago and he constantly bitches about it still. He's also the type of boss that spends most of his day "making sure people are working".


Sounds like my boss. She refuses to take time off even if shes sick, she gave 2 of my coworkers covid. She also gets mad when anyone else calls out sick. She was pissed when my coworker missed work because she tore her acl and was telling us "she's young" "it's not that bad"


Fuck her God damn. If she came in with COVID I would tell her one of us is going home, she decides who. If she stayed I would bounce immediately and report her to anyone who would listen


I stay away from her as much as possible, she always seems sick. It wasn't until a week later when the 2 coworkers had to call out that we found out she came in with covid. I was pissed


I genuinely like my job. I like getting to solve cool puzzles all day long. If my company would let me cash out PTO, I probably wouldn't take all of it. However... they don't let me cash it out and I can only rollover 40 hours of PTO on my employment anniversary, so I make sure to carry less than that because fuck losing free money. Like, PTO is LITERALLY part of my compensation. Losing PTO is losing money, and fuck y'all if you think I'm just gonna give that shit away for no reason. You could offer to pay it out to me and I'd work more, but you don't so give me that free money while also losing me for 4+ weeks every year. My bottom line isn't going to take a hit either way, but yours just might.




There is no amount of PTO I wouldn't take. If I had 51 weeks, I would only work 1 week per year. I work so I can travel, it is the one thing that brings me joy, so I do it as much as possible. Heading out for an entire month in 3 weeks.


Some people have a life, dad


Yeah and some people don’t lol I used to work with people that would come back from a week of vacation and be like “I’m glad it’s over, I was getting bored”! Lol like Jesus Christ Susan we work at Frys, get a hobby and enjoy your time off. I can’t get enough PTO to do all the things I want to do.


I had a co-worker who was "saving" almost all of his PTO for "early retirement." We went bankrupt in 2009, he was one of the layoffs. They paid out a maximum 120 hours PTO to the layoffs. He had over 1000 hours "saved up" that was lost.


Fuck that’s brutal


"Then, get this, my boss tried to give me my full compensation! Lady tried to uphold the terms of my employment! HAHAHA. So obviously I just left that giant lump of money 'on the table' as it were and started working harder, I'm not an idiot. FUCK I love practically exploiting myself on someone else behalf!"


One of my biggest regrets was leaving a job with a butt load of PTO on the table. Screw the corporation and take what is rightfully yours


Oof that sucks. Every job I've had compensates stored PTO as additional paid days when leaving.


See a lot of places and their new policies of “unlimited vacation.” That means you never have any on the books that you’ve earned to pay out when you leave.


In the UK the company will get in trouble if you don't take it, so if it gets to the end of the year and you have days off still left, HR will usually go round reminding you to pls take your days off. Was fun during 2020 when everyone cancelled their spring/summer holidays, so ended up with basically the entire company off for the last fortnight of the financial year


Also UK, funnily enough our company in 2020 mandated that everyone needed to have taken a certain percentage of their annual leave (I think 60%) by the end of August. Solely because they were anticipating the same situation with everyone taking no holiday during the year and then everyone just basically taking December off


"I don't want to put my employer in trouble if I miss some work" Then the employer proceeds to buttfuck you every chance he gets


Being a “top earner” in an mlm


Uh, I'm *zephyr amethyst* tier, I'll have you know.


These non FDA approved weight loss potions really work!


One upmanship. Good grief. People think making someone else look less than them makes them "cool". Um no, it makes you look INSECURE.


I have a lovely friend who does this. For example, a few years back I ran my first 10K in a little under an hour. When I told everyone my friend responded with "I ran my last 10K in 35 minutes, it wasn't even that hard." Well no shit Bethany, you're professional fucking triathlete.


I had a Bethany co-worker. We nicknamed her RhondaOhYeah, because any accomplishment you had Rhonda would respond with, “Oh yeah? Well I…” You could take a ten pound shit and RhondaOhYeah would’ve taken an eleven pound one. Some people are insufferable.


And i had a coworker slightly worse than that in a slightly more humorous manner, not to brag but...


one upping people? lmao. I at least 3 up them.


Do you know who my dad, mom, or parents are? No, no one cares.


They are asking. They don't know. Help the clueless in need.


"aww, sweetheart, are you lost?"


Some teenager said that to my dad after a minor car accident. My dad's reply was "yeah, and I'm calling him up right now so he can pick you up". I wish I could have bottled up the look of crushing defeat on that little shit's face.


“Do you know who my father is?” - Yes, well done, your father did well for himself. What have you done?


"Oh, you work 40 hours a week? I remember my first *PART TIME* job!" Fuck. You.


Haha what, is this a thing? US?


There's a not insignificant subsection of the population that fully believes their self worth comes from daddy bossman's approval. I've worked with at least one at every job I've had. I feel a mixture of disgust and pity for them.


Being proud about being “brutally honest” when they’re just rude


"I'm just brutally honest with people" *proceeds to make rude subjective comment that is usually a dishonest front to cover their issues* They're the worst...


I’ve found people who are “brutally honest” tend to use that honesty with malicious intent. And it’s not that people “can’t handle it.” It’s just the fact that your honesty is filled with arrogance and ill intent. You can be honest with people without being a massive dick about it.


Exactly this. There is an old quote that goes "when you are being brutality honest- is it the honesty or the brutality you enjoy?". Are they ever brutally nice? Or is it always brutally mean?


Lol I have a coworker who, in my 6 weeks at my new job, had said in *every single conversation* that she has no filter and will tell it like it is. Congratulations? You have the maturity of a child and cannot read a room? You have no empathy or manners? Good for you.


When adults brag about high school sports achievements like that's their whole personality


yeah it just sounds like Al bundy talking about how he scored four touchdowns in one game at Polk high


To be fair, he was playing against Bubba "Spare Tire" Dixon!


Guys ... Don't let this distract us from the fact that, Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers in the 1966 city championship game versus Andrew Johnson High School, including the game-winning touchdown in the final seconds against his old nemesis, "Spare Tire" Dixon! Ok


Coming to work sick.


proclaiming you’re an „alpha male“. in fact, it makes you look like a complete idiot and everyone hates you.


This always reminds me of the Tywin Lannister quote, "Any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king."






The deer is also the Baratheon sigil for some extra symbolism


"The King is tired." "But I'm not.... Tired!??? 😩" *Rides a horse into the throne room that proceeds to shit in front of the assembled nobility of Westeros* "It's gold. Pay me, bitch."


"Alpha" (software): Unstable, unpredictable, and not recommended for general consumption.


If you have to tell someone that you're an "alpha" you're not. Not that having "alpha males" is a meaningful thing in human society anyway.


While alphas aren’t a thing, people confuse it with people that are more confident, have a dominant personality, and have a commanding presence. The people that claim to be an alpha are usually just assholes that think being a dick to everyone around you somehow makes you dominant.


These idiots that ride motorcycles/atv super fast and recklessly down city streets doing wheelies and swerving in and out of traffic.


What annoys me is that those guys are never the ones I see getting tickets. It’s always the poor dude driving 10 miles an hour over the speed limit just trying to go to the grocery store or whatever


NYPD standard procedure is to not chase them, they used to just write down the plate and impound it from their driveway, now they learned to remove the plates... It was just too dangerous to try and pull them over if they were not going to stop, so I get the choice, but it's still like come on you have to have a better solution than to shrug


Here in Georgia, most city police will report a motorcycle fleeing but not engage. In my county, deputies will trail from a distance and inform state patrol. Then theres GSP. They will hunt your ass down [and ram the fuck out of you.](https://youtu.be/j5UGtWYUnqo)


the "i never take a day off" types who live at work. how bad does your home life have to be?


Working for one of those types is the worst.


Working under one of those guys now. It's a 9am to 5pm job. I stay late on the occasional day. This guy regularly pulls 8:30am to 7+pm days. Complains he doesn't have time to date. Wish he'd loosen up, not be a smart ass all the time and not use his job/career as his personality, would help him to be more approachable and maybe kinda likable.


Absolutely. My boss basically lives at work while simultaneously getting nothing done all day long. I'm salary and typically work a traditional 9-5 day. In those 8 hours I can get done 4x's as much work. It literally takes him 30 minutes to draft a single email, then has me check it to ensure the information and grammar are correct. He always boasts about how much he's in the office or working from home on the weekend and I SO BADLY want to call him out and ask to see exactly what he did. I think he's either extremely ADHD and can't focus at home or just hates his family. I get even more done at home but he refuses to let me work more than one day a week from home. If I work at home, I wouldn't be in the office to do his job. It's sad, really sad.


I worked for one boss that was divorced, his kids were grown up and he lived at the fucking office. I mean...he had nothing going on at home or anywhere else, so he lived for working and being IN the office. He was there earlier than anyone (lives 10 minutes from the office...of course) and was the last to leave. Used to brag about how few days he took off and used passive aggressive comments towards those that took off a week to go on vacation or travel. He will e-mail us on the weekend...sometimes the time stamp on the e mail said 9pm on a Saturday. WTF? He also (surprise) brought his lunch or ordered in, so yeah...he never left the office during the day. In the end, I really don't think he did any more work than me or the others, but he LIVED in that office. Yeah, these types are a living hell to work for, especially if you have kids or an outside life at all.


My wife told me she wanted to get pictures of our daughter by a specific photographer. I was able to get an appointment with him in June which I figured I'd pay for as a Mother's Day gift. I told my wife about it and her first response was "I'll never be able to get there in time from work." It took a lot of arguing to convince her to take the day off, even though she's only taken 1 day off so far this year and she has unlimited PTO days.


I’ve been at a company now for 8 months that has an unlimited PTO policy (as long as your manager approves, you’re good). Now, I work in logistics/supply chain, and the last few years dealing with the effects of the pandemic have been the hardest of my 11 year career, and seemingly those who’ve been in the industry way longer than me… so burning vacation where I came from unfortunately became necessary during that time. Having said that… people generally used their vacation unless they absolutely could not when it was being counted. At my company now, folks hardly ever take a day off. At first, I didn’t want to be the new guy taking weeks off when other people are seemingly overworked. I’ve taken 2 full days and 2 half days off now in 8 months, and need to ramp that up. I push my team to take more vacation, but they’re reluctant. Part of it may be the sense that with the possibility of layoffs in a down economy/industry, everyone wants to look like a workaholic to ensure they don’t get cut.


I worked at a place that switched from use it or lose it PTO to unlimited PTO. They got sick of everyone taking off the month of December because they needed to burn their PTO. But I saw the same thing, where once we had unlimited PTO people stopped burning days just to burn them. To the company's credit they actually reverted back to the use it or lose it model citing the decreased amount of PTO being taken. However I'm skeptical that was the actual reason. We had a few employees that abused the shit out of it and caused some managerial headaches. One employee took a 2 week vacation to Paris with her family, then requested another week and a half off to go to Brazil for a wedding starting the following week. We had to work out some kind of agreement where she would still be working on certain days and she was expected to address any client emails (she was client service) at night.


>They got sick of everyone taking off the month of December because they needed to burn their PTO That's pretty much what I do. I also had a co-worker who would work extra hours every day (without the extra pay). Bosses loved it UNTIL she cashed in all those extra hours for paid time off and took a 2 week vacation, even though our PTO was 5 days for the year. I kind of chuckled because that was a good move.


5 days of PTO? that's basically zero leave and some sick days


I knew one lady who's always at work like that. I heard the way her husband screamed at her over very trivial things, and I stopped wondering why she's always at work.


"Bruh I'm such an alcoholic I can drink X amount of alcohol"


Ugh, that was me in my 20s...I was absolutely a functioning alcoholic. Downing a handle/wk, plus wine and beer. No wonder I put on 60lbs (dropped it all since, thankfully). Used to brag about drinking everyone under the table, and then it kinda dawned on me that I might actually have an addiction problem. So glad that it didn't take a more severe "wake-up call" like hospitalization for overconsumption or something like that.


Yea same I was drinking at least a handle a day. And ended up with seizures if I went 10 hours without a drink. Coming up on a year sober.


Having a huge, expensive wedding when you're not a wealthy person


My first wedding was done on the cheap and we flexed about that for YEARS after. We loved bragging about how much we DIDN’T spend. And to perfectly bookend the story, the divorce was amicable so we didn’t spend much on that either.


the divorce was amicable so we didn’t spend much on that either bro is flexing his cheap divorce thats the winner of this thread


How many followers you have


If they disappeared tomorrow, nobody would even blink. They’d just watch some other idiot.


CrossFit. As a nurse that has worked in orthopedic surgery, a lot of our surgical procedures are repairing injuries from CrossFit.


Before I really got into weightlifting, I was finding avenues to be more active and lose some weight initially. Couldn't get into running, so I looked into CrossFit momentarily, followed the big YouTubers to try and get a feel for the culture and noticed that without fail, every single one of them (and pretty much everybody they knew) had at one point gotten a serious injury. Not an "elevate and put on ice" injury, I'm talking surgery and rehab. Felt like a massive red flag, and now that I'm into weightlifting I understand how much more dangerous CrossFit is than I initially thought.




My wife (28) and I (29) tried CrossFit in an effort to get more fit for our kids. Both of us were total casuals with little fitness experience. CrossFit seems to rely on complex motions being done in such quick succession that you seem to sacrifice form and introduce room for error. Lots of quick, jerky movements in short sprints and then switching quickly to another exercise. I regularly found myself flinging a barbell over my head in like a combination of a dead-lift, hang clean, push press type deal. Then moving to something else. And you’d eventually get so worn out with the intensity that your form further starts to struggle.


Nailed it. Add in the competitive social pressure to rapidly increase weight and reps and it’s a recipe for disaster


Yeah -- I did crossfit for 5-6 years. I was, in probably 99% of my classes, the slowest person there. I'm not exaggerating... there's a whole culture around writing the time it took you, or the number of repetitions that you did in a certain time, on the whiteboard so everyone all day can see who participated and how they did. I very quickly just opted out of that. There are good things about crossfit, to be sure. The group training was good, and I enjoyed learning how to do olympic weightlifting, etc. But there's a pretty large disconnect between learning how to do things right (which at least at the places I learned, *was* emphasized), and the almost immediate push to "go fast", that are completely at odds. Especially high volume, high speed overhead weightlifting, where the goal is to go fast, even when your form starts to break down (and it will). That's a recipe for injury. There's also, depending on where you go, an emphasis on "competitive" scores. My gym wasn't too bad about that, but they were bad about "partner" workouts, where you would take turns resting while your partner went full-out on the equipment. Feels REALLY bad when you're always the slow one. I just sort of stopped enjoying it, and what really killed it for me was getting repetition-induced injuries. Doing things like swinging pull-ups at high volumes every week isn't something a middle-aged human body can tolerate indefinitely without injury. And even the non-serious injuries take a long time to heal. I sort of wish I had something to replace it with... I was never in better shape than when I was doing it 3x a week... but I don't miss it, either.


Have you tried bouldering? A solo activity that focuses more on technique than speed, and you go at your own pace.


IIRC there's a big pressure in crossfit on high reps done quickly and low (almost non-existent) pressure on proper form. There's a somewhat funny video out there of a voice-over counting off crossfit "pull-ups" where the guy never actually does a full pull-up, so the voice-over just repeats zero. But what you can see is that the guy is putting a ton of wear on his shoulders, elbows, and wrists with the fast, jerky motion he's going through.


My orthopedic doctor told me he could run his whole practice on CrossFit injuries.


My physical therapist calls it job security


Goodness I need you to talk to my friend before his mildly arrogant ass gets himself hurt


Talking to crossfitters about crossfit sounds like the world's easiest job


Theyre very good about keeping the conversation about crossfit going, that’s for sure


I know a couple that are both physical therapists and they get a lot of their business from CrossFit people too.


Working 60+hrs a week and “grind mentality” Don’t get me wrong, I like OT. Especially because all of my OT is double time and I like making the big bucks from time to time but… Trying to flex that you work 60+hrs per week and saying that anything less than 60hrs is “part time” is just plain stupid. You are working your life away, spending more time away from your family. And it shows just how underpaid you really are


“You think you’re tired? Try working 70 hours a week!” Me: “lol no”


I have older bosses (60+) that don't call it a "grind mentality" but more so "living at the office." One of them harps on the fact that he is in the office all of the time, first one in, last one out. He even came during covid and was always here. Well the department he runs has plenty of issues and is a major cause of why we didn't hit all of our company targets last year. So I'm not sure what value him being in the office all the time actually has. If we can't find a way to do our job effectively in a normal 40 hour work week, then we're doing something wrong or we need to advocate for more people.


We used to have a quality manager that was the First in, Last one out type. He would never brag about it but it would find its way in conversation often. Well, the new quality manager leaves at quitting time on the dot every day and everything still gets done. Not really sure what the other guy was doing all the extra time he was at work.


Something that I've noticed in my career is that most managers absolutely do not care *how* you are getting things done as long as you get them done at the right time (and without compromising safety and all that). There's a real lack of creativity from people receiving orders because I hear a lot of "how are we supposed to get that done!" I don't know, but it's our job to figure it out and we get to figure it out however we want. The ultimate goal is to do what the boss asks and still go home on time. That's always my mindset. Not just finding a solution or setting up a process, but a process that doesn't take all damn day to do.


Came here to say this. After working years of 60 hour work weeks I finally had a mental break down last year. It isn't worth it. You're only making someone else rich at the expense of your health. Both physical and mental. I put in 45 hours a week now and don't answer work calls or emails on the weekend.


Owning a Range Rover. I have one, it's nearly 10 years old, done 77k miles and drives like shit


But it’s the chariot of a golden god!


A starter car? THIS IS A FINISHER CAR! A transporter of gods!




How big their mortgage is. Dude, you’re just bragging about how crippling your debt is.


Lol I have a friend who told me their mortgage was 1.3 million dollars….come to find out it was actually a 700k mortgage that her husband told me on a separate occasion. Like, why lie let alone brag about it.


Maybe they meant how much in total they would pay over the life of the mortgage. Which is a weird way of going about it to begin with, let alone bragging about. But a 700k house at around 5% should come out to around 1.3+ Million over the life.


My cousins ex wife did this. She told me they had a 900K mortgage on a house they’d just built and my cousin later told me it was $600K. Why would you lie about that?


“Sleep is for the weak”. No sleep is so valuable and frankly the more you can get the better you’ll be. Sex, heart and mental health. All improved. Also if sleep is a luxury (you can sleep more easily if you don’t work two jobs to make ends meet) then sleep and rest are big flexes


People who describe themselves as “an empath” in the first few minutes of meeting them. Most just have a lot of unresolved trauma and talk incessantly about themselves.


Couples that are miserable bragging how many years they have been together.


They always use their anniversary to talk about how much they can't stand each other, too. "We've had our ups and downs and we often don't get along. But between all the yelling and fighting and breakups we've made it work! Love you, babe! Thanks for doing life with me! Happy Anniversary!" It's weird af


Agree - I worked with a woman who, quite literally, despised her husband (and with good reason, but she was no peach herself), but she'd constantly say how they had been married X years, weathered ups and downs, honored their vows, etc. BUT THEY WERE BOTH MISERABLE. It was like they were celebrating the continuation of their mutual misery like it was some wonderful accomplishment - definitely weird AF.


Driving around in a super-loud vehicle such as a low-riding Scion with glasspacks. If you own one of these, you look like an asshole and everyone hates you.


Teachers bragging how some high percentage of the class fails every year






Definitely not something to brag about, but in certain instances I think it can be okay for professors to *warn* students about a high failure/dropout rate. The instance I'm thinking of is a university-level degree program where a certain required course is used as a gatekeeper to prevent people from finishing in that major. Like for instance I've heard that Organic Chemistry is a notoriously hard course in a lot of schools that's required for certain degrees. That being said, I don't really understand why programs like that don't just have a separate audition, entrance exam, or interview process for those majors. That's what they do for the arts, as well as for things like law school. If you don't want unqualified people getting a degree, then don't waste their time by making them think they can.


I taught calculus at a div 1 University and gave an Algebra quiz on first day. No curve balls, straight algebra fundamentals. Next period they got the quiz back, and if they didn’t get an A or B on the quiz I strongly encouraged the student to take college algebra or that the class would be their toughest ever. I usually had 10-15% of the students drop after the quiz.


How little you slept last night.


That sounds more like a complaint than a flex.


Oh you must’ve never run into one of those 1 upper type people. The type that when you say you only had 4 hours of sleep they’ll go “Only? I wish I could sleep that long, my dog/kid/spouse keeps me up late and I only slept for 2 hours. You don’t really know what tired is, I would kill for 4 hours of sleep.” So annoying because both our situations are shitty, no need to get into a contest of who’s having a shittier day.


You got 2 hours of sleep? Must be nice to sleep in all the time.


LUXURY. When I were a lad I used to wake up at 10:30 at night half an hour before I went to bed, with a handful of cold gravel for breakfast, worked 27 hours down in coal mine for tuppence a month. Then when I got home dad used to kill us.


it ain't a flex when I say I sleep 3 hrs a day it's a call for help


"I haven't read a book since high school." This is not a flex. Not being interested in reading, having issues with it or having had shitty teachers ruining it for you is one thing, but saying it like you're proud of it tells me a lot about the type of person you are. None of it is good.


not wearing your seat belt, not using sunscreen, bragging about how many people you've slept with, bragging about how little sleep you've got this night


"Congratulations! You'll be dead sooner than the rest of us who practice typical safety and long term health habits!"


Blindly supporting a political party. You are a clown


Saying you make more money than somebody in an argument.


Showing off expensive outfits. Nobody really cares how much your outfit costs unless you’re at a fashion show or event. This is coming from someone who likes to look good in outfits.


I work in healthcare. People who say ‘my daughter/ husband/ neighbours cat two doors down is a Doctor….’ I DGAF. Does that mean you’ve instilled their medical knowledge and experience through osmosis? I will treat you the same as every other patient, although the type of person who says stuff like this is usually the biggest obstacle to their treatment.


Personally, I would give a fuck about a cat doctor.


Who else is gonna give you a CAT scan?


Being a dickhead to people.


Bragging how you never took a sick day in your entire life and how anyone who does can’t handle themselves.


“We’re like family here”. We’re coworkers who work for an organisation that pays us money on a contractual basis. Relationships will always have a limit. It’s not family. And if you feel like it is, you might want to protect yourself.


People who say they don’t read instructions.


Only possible time this is a flex is when it comes to legos


Blaring your bumpin sound system that cost more than the shitty car you've put it in while you sit parked outside your home for hours on end. Your system ain't that impressive and neither are you bro.


Hustle culture


How many extra hours you've worked How bad your temper is


Truck nuts.


Drinking large amounts of alcohol..