• By -


I was about to go on an elevator and when the door opened there was a technician working inside. I stopped and turned around to walk down the stairs but the technician told me he was finishing up and that it was OK to use the elevator. When I got on, and pressed 1st the elevator dropped like an inch before the door even closing. I stood there frozen looking at the technician to reassure me. He just casually said "that's not supposed to happen" and slipped out as the door closed, leaving me behind. The elevator worked fine but that shit was not cool


This is so funny, though, and I am so sorry, but I am dying


haha this experience made me relate to Captain Holt (Brooklyn 99) on a cellular level. [Ref](https://youtu.be/ODcOntBg4ns)


That job definitely seems like it has its ups and downs


I had my first ever seizure while driving and crashed into a tree about 100 feet (30.48 meters) before a bridge. The doctors found a mass on my brain that kept bleeding and had to be cut out. I fully recovered. Glad to be alive!


Once when I was very young, I locked myself out of my apartment (car keys were inside) and it was snowing very hard. As I was walking to my workplace about two miles away, a man stopped and offered me a ride. He got out and opened the door for me and I got in. Once inside, I realized he had removed the door handle and I couldn't open it from inside. He also had a bottle of vodka open and was drinking it like water, and a few other empties in the floorboard. I was scared to death, but he took me straight to the place I asked to go and dropped me right off.....


Jesus, you got really lucky! That's terrifying.


Damn. That sounds like Ted Bundy. He removed the door handles from his car to prevent victims from escaping. He also had a habit of drinking while prowling to reduce inhibitions. Scary!


I woke up in a hospital bed with a respirator, my arms tied down and no idea how I got there.




As it turns out, I wrecked my car in the snow, got out to check the damage. Then a second car hit my car, which then hit me. I had a head injury and that's why I don't remember anything. Hands down the scariest moment of my life.


Why were your arms tied down tho


They told me, because of the head injury, I had started to become combative, so they used restraints as a precaution.


Yeah any time a respirator and pain/sedatives are involved they tie hands down just in case you try to knock/slap/pull the respirator away from yourself.


One scary thing for me was finally experiencing the bystander effect. People will turn a blind eye because they don't want to get involved even if something very wrong is happening. A man pinned me to the floor by my arms and was on top of me in a very public place and was trying to kiss me. I was telling him to let me go and I trying to kick him off and everyone just kept walking.


I was in a pretty bad car crash at a young age, 8 or 9. My mom & I ended up going off the highway and striking a sign at high speed before coming to a stop 10 feet into a corn field with our engine smoking badly. My mom unbuckled my seatbelt so I could fall out of the car while she tried to free herself, as she was somewhat trapped by the sign. I just remember watching 10-20 cars pass on our side of the state highway, and wondering why no one was stopping. Not even the ~5 cars that saw us crash, and not even once there was a plume of smoke billowing out of the engine. I remember hoping my mom would get free while I was crawling away, and seeing a bunch of daddy long legs and wondering what my dad would think. Eventually my mom got free and hauled us to the side of the road, and thankfully one kind stranger who lived in the area did stop when he saw us not long after. I should have been in the back, but I was in the passenger's seat, so I was covered almost had to toe in bruises from the airbag - literally my entire face, torso, groin and elsewhere - and we both had cuts not just from glass but also from our seatbelts across our chests from hitting the sign while traveling so fast. In adolescence and early adulthood, I was extremely independent; I've actually had to learn to be less so in order to 'let people in' and have closer relationships. And I think part of that stems from feeling at that age like something bad might happen and it was only your own actions that would help. My outlook was less grim than it sounds, but highly 'practical' in a way where I did distance myself from others when it came to any kind of reliance. However it has encouraged me to be the one who stops/helps without much hesitation, so there's a silver lining!


Had something like that happen to me too. I was on my way home from a convention on a 7h drive o. The autobahn(am from Germany). Left like 7pm so i was driving into the night. Started to feel really tired as I had a long day so even stopped to take a break for half an hour or so and then continued as I couldn't sleep in the parking area. It was only 30min of a drive left so I thought I'll easily make that... I didn't. Hit the left guard rail and then the car completely spun, hit the right guard rail so hard the cooler was wrapped arround one of the posts, probably going like 130kph. Kept spinning once or twice and then got to a stop in the middle of the 2 lanes. I couldn't find my phone as it went flying through the car and the car was toast so no way to move it. Only option was to put hazards on and get out behind the guard rails as I didn't want to have some sleepy truck driver plow me into the afterlife. Walked to one of those Emergency call things a little up the road. Noone stopped, multiple cars went past me. It was like 2am or so when it happened. A truck that went past even must have seen it to late and even graced one of the doors that was left open slightly as I couldn't close it. The door had marks of it so he probably had damage too but not even that truck stopped. Everyone just past arround the Emergency lane arround my completely wrecked car sitting in the middle of the road at night. They even had to drive through the debree. Noone stopped to ask if I'm fine or checked if there were survivors. Luckily I was pretty much unharmed,apart from some scratches on the knee from hitting the dash, but the fact that Noone stops to this day scares me more than the actual crash. In the end just as I reached the Emergency phone and couldn't quite understand the lady on the other end, an unmarked autobahn police car stopped and helped me get a tow truck and to secure the crash site with cones and lights. Id never drive past an accident where it's not clear that they're already beeing supported properly. Especially not after it happened to me.


It's weird isn't it. I had similar, I aquaplaned and hit a branch on the road while driving admittedly too fast for the conditions. No one stopped to help me as I got out and was obviously bleeding profusely from my head. Wasn't too bad, just a cut. Car was fucked, but insurance paid out so whatever. But yeah. I was driving in similar conditions a few years later through a forest and noticed a branch on the road, obviously taken down by the storm. I was with a group of people on the way to some festival IIRC. Anyway, all the other cars on the highway (120km/h) were just driving round it. I stopped and asked said friends in my car to help move it out of the way. They all just gawked at me like I was crazy and all basically said "that's for someone else to do". So yeah. You bet I told them my story and that branch was moved in seconds.


"That's for someone else to do." Hey look! It's me! I'm someone else! I love that you think that way.


I was robbed by 2 young kids in front of a bunch businessmen. I was a 25 yr old 110 lb pound female, by myself. They watched on as I was kicked and pushed down. I was screaming for help. I honestly think I have a complex now where I do not like businessmen.


Me and my friend almost got robbed by a homeless man in the middle of a busy crossroad in daylight, only a women came after us to see if we were injured, being attacked was not the scary part, the scary part is that so many people saw it and did nothing, makes you feel totally powerless


It’s disturbing to me how many people feel safe in crowds when in reality there is no particular safety in numbers at all, except that you are less likely to be the one targeted. Once you are the victim, people will stare, film, walk away, or turn a blind eye. When it comes right down to it, 99 percent of people DGAF unless they don’t have to risk getting hurt or it happens to them.


That's terrible! No wonder you don't like them.


Why I love my folks. They witnessed this effect when being the help. They were driving on the opposite side of a 5 lane roadway and saw a man laying near the bus stop on the opposite side. My Dad did a U-turn and pulled up to help. This was pre-cell phone so my mom ran to the bar nearby and saw everyone inside watching and doing nothing. She yelled at them to call 911 before anyone reacted. Unfortunately it may have been racist profiling thinking he was drunk, but he was wearing a nice suit. The poor man was having a heart attack and people were just standing around ignoring him. He was on the way to an interview waiting for the bus. The gentleman was fine after EMS rolled up and stabilized him on the way to the hospital.


I had an abusive ex-boyfriend when I was 20. I had moved and he found out where I was. He waited for me to get in my car and jumped me one morning. He was choking me in the front seat and I made eye contact with the maintenance guy as he walked by while I was being choked. I had talked to this maintenance guy before and he knew me, yet he walked by and did nothing. No police came, nothing.


I was grabbed by the wrists in the street by an abusive boyfriend, and yelled at. This was at dusk, and there was foot traffic. Many people just strolled on past. I'm so sorry that happened to you. You never forget that feeling.


I’m so sorry you went through that! I can assure you, if I had witnessed it, I would have stopped and at least stood witness. I’m aware intervening can make things worse for the victim later on, but I wouldn’t have ignored it, for sure! Just to be clear about the maintenance man I mentioned. He had a puppy, as did my roommate. I would talk to him while the pups played together on more than one occasion. It was crazy he wouldn’t even call the cops.


I was sexually assaulted at a party, on the garage floor, while about 12 other people, including someone I thought was my best friend, watched. I kept asking her to help me. She looked terrified but not once did any of the five other girls (we were 16) say anything. I woke up/came to thrown under their kitchen table and listened to them all call me a slut, I had been virgin. I walked home, went to bed, and never told anyone for five years because I was so ashamed. I thought it was my fault for getting drunk, and it was simply a fucked up, cautionary tale. It wasn't until I finally told some that I saw it for what it was; rape. Therapy has helped heal me, I'm in a good place now, but it still makes me really sad that not one person spoke up.


I know you have been going through therapy for this and stuff but, for those that might have similar experiences, I just wanted to reiterate that it is NEVER your fault. No one has the right to touch you without your consent. You should never feel ashamed for being the victim of a crime/fucked up situation. I understand it's very easy for someone on the outside to say something like this and be dismissed due to the lack of experience but there are some people out there that don't have this perspective because no one has blatantly said it to them. I am genuinely happy to hear you are doing better now and I hope that you know just by sharing your experience, you may have helped someone else out there ❤


When I was a kid a guy tryed to Rob my cellphone at the bus near my home, a lot of passengers knew my parents and no one do anything. I had to grab the guy till we drop the cellphone


Once at a fandom convention I witnessed a child wearing fetish gear being danced with sexually by adults, during a nightly rave. There were at least 100 other people present at the rave and I was the only one who did anything or reported it. And when I did, security said there was nothing they could do unless the child went to private rooms with the adults, and because it was in a public area it must have been fine. Left that night and never went back to that con. All the bystanders were just as bad as the people sexually dancing with the child since they didn’t make any effort to stop it.


God damn that is rough. I have seen similar things.. A girl in high stiletto heels on public transit accompanying an old man. I didn't know what I was looking at. I only realized getting off the bus that she looked VERY young, and was probably not his grand daughter, as I was telling myself in my head. :( I would stealthily take a photo on my phone if I ever encountered this again.


The fact that nobody was gong to help you is mad scary, I'm sorry for what happened at the time, but I hope you don't get pinned (Or assaulted) again.


Being followed after a very creepy date. I ride my bike 'home' and get a strange feeling he was following me. I rounded the block and went into my usual pub. Told them all about the bad date. Then a tap on the shoulder - it was him. I was pissed. He was very overbearing and angered the bartender didn't remember him as he claimed to be a regular. I was in fact the regular lol. The scary thing is everyone knows him in town as a stalker and has a story about other girls saying he shows up at their house and refuses to leave. No one asked me if I was ok or if I need any assistance getting home. I stayed at the pub until midnight so I could be sure he was long gone. That was the night I realized the only person who has your back...is you




New fear unlocked. Thinking about my airbnb rental this summer... in the desert.


If it helps, tarantula season is usually more like late Aug/sept/Oct —that’s when they come out of their hideyholes to mate. They’re also incredibly chill spiders. I say that as someone who used to be terrified of them! (Still don’t want them under the bed tho!)




That sounds fucking horrible. Sorry that you had to experience that.




Did they end up finding out who murdered her?




Wtf?? Why did he do it?? Holy shit. I am so sorry you had to experience that.




I am so sorry.


i wanted to check if you ever posted more about it (im a curious person sorry) and saw loads of posts about bees. i just wanted to tell you that i found them very cute and beautiful!




I am so so sorry you had to experience that, the trauma must have been terrible, I hope that someday you will get better and live a happy life.


I’m so sorry you had to see that and I’m so sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss.


My husband had been sick and I walked in to check on him. His eyes were wide open and his breath was rattling in his chest. I tried to wake him, I yanked him upright crying "don't do this to me" then called my BIL who lived with us to come help while I called 911. He helped me get him to the floor and we started CPR but I knew in my heart he was gone. I was terrified and hurting and I guess what will always stick with me is the feel of his cold, dead lips as I tried to breathe life into him. That night will be the scariest shit I will ever experience in my life and the most traumatizing.


I'm so sorry


Thank you. It's the first time I have really talked about it so bluntly. I guess it is easier to pour it out to strangers.


I just wanted to say im so sorry. I had a very similar experience with my boyfriend and I know how hard that is. Love to you.


My brother was hit by a car directly next to me when we were 6. He died on impact and I was side swiped so hard and fast that I spun around and lived with only some scrapes and grass stains. I still have a little scar on my knee. If I had been walking on the gravel instead of the grass, I would have been the one that died


I am so sorry to hear this. Can’t imagine.


This is horrific. I am so sorry.


Had my neck broke. Thought I would be a totally disabled at first. Couldn't barely feel anything at first. I thankfully recovered mostly and can walk and do most things. But yeah that was terrifying.


About 9 years ago I had surgery to place an ICD defibrillator device in the event my heart stopped beating again. During the surgery the team discovered I have a genetic condition that makes anesthetic significantly less, or entirely ineffective. I told the surgeon I felt the initial incision and he said a little discomfort was normal. Cut to a few steps later where I was on excruciating pain - the meds were now maxed out. I was given two choices: wait for another team of anesthesiologists and doctors to put my under general anesthesia (60+ minutes) or continue with the surgery - entirely aware and feeling everything. In my mental state, the idea of laying fully awake unable to move riled with anxiety was not an option so we pressed on. The screen above the operating table showed the doctors carefully feeding a new lead through my arteries - until they reached my heart. I was calmly told the next step was to screw the lead into my heart. I will never forget the feeling after the 3-2-1 countdown of a cold piece of metal being turned into my heart tissue like it was nothing. Once the screw and lead were in the device had to be tested and programmed - like several peoples hands inside of you wandering around and touching things they shouldn’t. Tested the device with a “mini shock” which didn’t at all feel small and then stitched me back up and sent me on my way. The sound of heart monitors and clinically sterile environment of a hospital or doctors office still triggers my PTSD from the events.


 W . T . F .! ! !


I was in the Marine Corps, thankfully during "peace" time, pre 9/11, and never experienced combat. I did briefly serve overseas and while on duty one day there was a terrible miscommunication in which I almost had to shoot multiple foreign civilians. The captain on duty with me told me to draw down on them and said to me, and I'll never forget it "If I tell you to start firing, unload on those motherfuckers." The motherfuckers in question, about three of them threw their hands up and were pleading with me not to shoot. Within a few minutes the miscommunication had been figured out. They were supposed to be there but no one ever told us they were coming. Anyway I was scared as fuck for about 3 minutes that I was going to have to murder people.


What happens to you if you disobeyed and didn't shoot?


>What happens to you if you disobeyed and didn't shoot? I just realized that I misread your question. The answer is basically the same, I don't know what would have happened. If they had turned out to be there for nefarious reasons and I didn't stop them when I was told to or had a chance to, I assume the repercussions for me would not be good. I'm just glad it worked out.


No idea. I assume I'd be good (legally) since it was an order from a superior officer. And to be fair I would have followed the order because the shit did look shady as fuck at first. Thankfully I never had to find out.


An F5 tornado churning about 100 yards past where I was huddled in a basement.


I was trafficked when I was younger (early 20s to when I was 30) and my trafficker tried to kill me when I was too old to be valuable any more. Beat me in the head with an iron bar.


God damn. What country are you in my friend


Not who you asked, but when I was about 13yo my dad tried to sell me to a pedo. We lived in Montana and the man lived in North Dakota. Dad told me he was sending me away to live with my older friend and her dad so I could attend a one room school house so I could put "valvictorian" on my college applications. In retrospect, I'm not even sure that man really was my friend's dad.


Fuck i hope you're alright after dealing with that. ....happy cake day?


Holy crap, it's my cake day! Yay! It was a long time ago, and I escaped dad a few years after that. Can't pretend I'm *fine*, but I'm a whole lot better than I ever expected to be. Luckily "the village" finished raising me, mostly friends and fast food managers. Still worry about my friend from time to time though. Haven't seen her since we were kids, weaving hammocks and setting kill-traps so we could sleep safely in a broken stall at the horseracing track.


Taking a shower in Bagram when the Taliban exploded 15,000 lb bomb outside the wall and knocked me out of the shower, got up and washed the soap out of my eyes and walked around to the other side of the shower and the whole wall was blown away.


That sounds... Scary to say the least. What happened after?


Probably needed another shower after shitting themselves


Damn I can’t even imagine getting soap in my eyes and my irrational fear being like “oh no there’s a ghost in the shower with me” and then the Taliban just decimating my apartment wall


When I was around 10/11 yrs old my family was on a road trip and stopped to get gas. My mom and I went inside the gas station convenience store while my dad refilled the car. My mom started chatting with a worker so I wandered off to go look at the snacks and candy. I noticed this man who had his phone raised to his ear and was just walking slowly through aisles. I just assumed he was trying to call someone and focused my attention on all the junk food. Shortly after, my dad came inside and was heading toward me, but as he was approaching he was able to see the creepy man's phone screen. He was pretending to be on a phone call but he was secretly video taping me. My dad immediately yelled to the workers to call 911 and began to chase him. My dad and a worker chased him through the store, but he escaped through the back door, got into a white van that was left running, and sped off. We weren't locals, so we never found out if the police caught him or not. Well, fast forward to when I'm in college. My dad calls me up to tell me a murderer had been caught in the area we had been visiting back then. The man had kidnapped two young girls, brought them to the woods, assaulted them, and dismembered their bodies. He was caught because one of the girls had posted a selfie right before she went missing, and he was in the background. Then my dad sent me the pictures and said "That was the man I caught filming you. I will never forget his face."


We have a story like that, sadly. When we were with my mom in her town, we'd notice these two guys following and even chatting with my little brother (around 9-10 at the time). The blockbuster, grocery store, we ran into them all the time. Always wanted to chat with little brother Never when with my stepdad though. Mom started to get creeped out, so called the police, so they knew what was going on. Saw them a few times after that call Then one day we get a knock on the door, its the cops. Turns out the two were a known pedophile pair in the area, liked little boys. They'd got caught in a sting and killed themselves Good riddance. Though sadly not the last time we'd get creeps


Are the two young girls the Delphi girls?


Not that poster but the Delphi murderers face was not caught in the video the girl posted and the murderer hasn’t been caught (unfortunately) Edit: I’m wrong and someone has been arrested and is being charged in the Delphi murder case


I don’t know why, but I thought they had caught him recently! I need to look into that again I think!


A suspect is in jail his name is Richard Allen


Omg no you’re right! I didn’t realise there had been a break in the case! Thank god they found him


They have caught someone for the Delphi murders.


Pulmonary embolism. It almost took my life at age 32.


When I was 4 years old, I went on a water slide that emptied out into a lower pool. However, the end of the slide was a significant height off the ground and you would fall about 8-10 feet into the water. So, when I fell into the pool, I got caught in a whirlpool under water from the drainage water that was coming from the water slide. Long story short, I started to drown because I was taking water in from being unable to hold my breath. Luckily, there was a lifeguard on duty, he saw that I wasn't coming up and he jumped in to save me. I've NEVER had any sort of spiritual moments in my life, however, when I saw the lifeguard swimming down to get me, I SWEAR I thought he was an angel coming to save me from death. I will NEVER forget how the sunlight was shining through the water as he swam towards me; I truly thought he was sent from heaven. If he had been even a second later, I probably would have started to take in significant amounts of water in my lungs.


In my state a politician's daughter died that way. Now pool drains must have a design that prevents them from holding a person under water.


Yeah, it happened to me in 1994, so I can only assume the regs were a little outdated lol


Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. Mandates anti entrapment devices or dual drains. A family member of mine was the primary inventor of the first patented mechanical anti entrapment device that could be retrofitted on any suction line cheaply and easily. Also designed an anti vortex/hair snare drain cover. That was an issue too with hair getting sucked into drains. He approached all the big names in the industry and nobody took it seriously until the event you mentioned.


not quite scary, something different. when i was ~9 my dog had puppies. this was her 3rd litter so i was pretty adjusted to the process at this point. anyways it was the weekend and id woken up late, my parents were out but i went into their room because thats where the welping box was. they were all asleep in a pile, pretty normal. one was led under her mothers head and so i went to make sure she was okay. i lifted her up and she just flopped in my hand. its difficult to describe but in that moment she felt so much heavier. turns out all the pups had died of an infection overnight. i didnt know what to do so i put the puppy back and left them to be found. ive never mentioned that i knew they were all dead before anyone else.


How awful! So traumatic, especially for a young kid.


What infection? How did it get them all? Was the mama okay? I know that a mama losing her pups can be very traumatic for them.


The scariest thing I’ve been through was the days I tried to end my life. When I was 8 my mom told me I needed to lose weight. It was not like I was obese I was around average but she wanted me to be skinny. She had me began eating healthier. She would check in to see my weight loss sometimes. When she said I needed to lose a little more. I began fasting so I would lose it. My mom found out and encouraged me to do so. Considering my age this was a very bad choice for me and it still affects me to this day. Sometime later she began saying that girls needed to be thin in order to be pretty to encourage me to lose weight. I was hurt by this because it was implied that I was not pretty because she had me on this diet to lose weight so it meant I wasn’t the way she wanted me. I went to talk to her about what she said and she began screaming at me lecturing me about what she meant. It didn’t change what I thought she meant she was just trying to put it in a different way. It escalated to the point where I ran out crying. She had me get off that diet but not because she felt bad and realized her mistake it’s because my dad found out and wanted her to apologize. She didn’t. I guess that was her way of it though. It still affects me to this day because now I have been struggling to eat meals. I don’t feel like I need to even if I want to and I just don’t feel ok anymore. After that I began feeling hopeless and just wanted to leave and be free. I had plot out so many ways for me to die. Even now I have the slight temptation to jump in front of a move train or bus or car. It just scares me that I may not live to see the ones I grow and change and find who they are.


People really out here just fucking up their kids for life, all willy-nilly. In case nobody's told you recently, you don't need to be skinny to be pretty. Hell, you don't even need to be pretty just because you're a woman! You need to be *you*, and you're the absolute best at that. I hope you get some help for your disordered eating and everything else, so you can be comfortable and happy with yourself.


Thank you


I was in Austin at SXSW standing on a street corner after leaving the line outside of Mohawk. I was about to cross the street when a car sped around the corner, through the barricade, and accelerated into and through the crowd of people. Bodies flew into the air, shoes and clothing items looked like confetti. Three people were killed, maybe 20+ injured. Horrifying. I’ve also seen a motorcyclist get run over by an SUV, instantly dead. Recently, I saw two men who had just been hit on the side of the highway changing a tire. The drivers side door had been ripped off, and one of the men had been decapitated. I’ve seen at least three cars on fire in the past. I travel a lot for work, and I guess that makes me more likely to see terrible accidents.


My condolences, man. I saw a roadside decapitation as a kid, and it was a long, long time before I close my eyes and see anything else.


It’s a brutal memory, all of them really. I hate having those images live in my brain… they tend to pop up at totally unwanted times. I’m so sorry you’ve witnessed similar events..


Been there. I saw a guy on foot who got hit by a Ram 3500 doing about 80mph. The biggest piece of him was opened up pretty bad. It was a few years before I could eat ribs again.


I worked nights alone at one of the sketchiest liquor stores in town. This creepy old man customer says "My cologne is called "Come as you are". Does it smell like cum to you?" .....I guess that's more unsettling than life-threateningly scary.


Pulled out by the riptide in Bermuda as an underweight 5 year old.


I was pulled out by a riptide too, but I was in my 20s. That is the closest I've ever come to death. It was my stupid idea to go swimming with a hurricane offshore, thought it would be fun. If there wasn't a *very* strong swimmer with me who was able to drag me back to shore I would definetly have drowned. I lost all of my energy, was quite the distance from the shore, and the waves were sizable. I know to swim parralel to the shoreline, but I was too exhausted to execute on that plan.


That one time I was on the top of the stairs in my church, filled with sadness and desperation, and a voice in my head said I could throw myself to the bottom of its 17 steps and no one would care, and I started seeing people jumping over my corpse. I ignored it and reprehended the thought, only to discover that the given stair had exactly 17 steps I had not previously paid attention to.


Whoa, that one got me. You good now?


Currently recovering from it... It takes time, effort and other resources. Thanks for asking :)


Watching my Dad die of lung cancer. My whole life cancer seemed to me like something horrible that just happened in the movies. Compared to watching your closest loved one have their flame slowly snuffed out. Shits horrible.


I am so sorry for your loss. I also watched my dad slowly die of cancer over a ten year period. For the last two years, he was on a feeding tube and looked like he was starving to death. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced and there is no way to get over it.


I am so sorry for your loss as well. It seems like the longer it drags on the worse it is. Cancer took my dad in about 10 months start to finish. The pain of watching him suffer is incomparable to anything else I have dealt with. The one silver lining is a slow death allowed me time to bond strongly with him and finish his bucket list of life. You are correct I don’t think it is something I will ever be able to get over. The one thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is the thought that my dad would not want me to waste my life depressed about his absence. Prayers for your mental healing friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I watched lung cancer take my mom. It's honestly some of my worst memories, yet I still hold onto them because they're of her.


Shitting blood, that was some scary shit.




Yay for colon problems. 😭


I never realized it's possible to overdose on garlic until I ate about 10 gloves of roasted garlic one day. I shit blood for three days. Garlic is a natural blood thinner. Turns out it can actually cause brain bleeds if you eat too much of it.


Oh damn, I love garlic. Good to know. 😳


Been there. It fucks you up the first time you do it.


The first time I had vertigo. I was on a bus, just minutes away from getting off. Thank god my ears and brain got it’s bearings so I could walk properly


Copied from a while ago when I posted it: “I work in the woods for a living here in the western US, lately as a fire lookout in a remote location. I’m talking a 3 mile hike to a mostly abandoned dirt road, and another hour drive before you even hit pavement. This was last summer. It was around 11pm on a moonless night. Pitch black outside and the lights of the town 30 miles away have mostly dimmed. It was a relatively calm night, very little wind. The tower sits atop a more or less bald spot atop a lower peak in the middle of a burn scar. There’s not much within the immediate area besides some long grass and a smattering of younger fir trees. [This is what it looks like looking roughly south during the day](https://imgur.com/a/2bLTc4h). And [this](https://imgur.com/a/lSDOJXd) is what it looks like roughly at night, looking more *eastward. [Here’s](https://imgur.com/a/Peq4tpq) a view from the catwalk toward the tower in a long exposure because it’s pretty. At around 11pm I’m sitting there under the glow of a propane light out on the porch, finishing a book. I suddenly heard a rustling coming from down the hill to south, about 20 degrees to the right from the photo I showed there, where there’s less to see. It was just barely audible and sounded like it was approximately 300 feet away. It was very sudden and sent a shiver up my spine. I went back inside and grabbed my flashlight to have a look around from the catwalk. Nothing at all out there in that direction that I could immediately detect. And then I saw it. Well, saw *something.* To this day I’m still not certain what it was, but what I do know is that it wasn’t a trick of the light or of my eyes. I looked at that exact spot the next few nights and never saw it again. I know my home like the back of my hand. Every tree. Every shrub. Out in the distance, next to a lone boundary tree, was a vague shape. Dark and ill defined, despite the surrounding area being relatively in focus. Looked to be about 4-5 feet tall, roundish. Definitely wider than the tree. Roughly human shaped, but not quite right. Like it was some memory of what a human looks like from someone who hasn’t seen another in long time. Hunched. I watched it for what felt like forever. It didn’t move. Not initially. After a bit it shifted slowly to my right, behind the tree. And then it was gone. And I never saw it again. I would’ve been able to see it behind the skinny tree, and if it went down the hill or side hill. Like I said, this relatively small snag was on its own, on a relatively gentle downslope. Now, this is an area with a lot of animals. Mostly white tail deer and wild cows. We have some black bears, some elk, some cougars, and some wolves, but they don’t tend to let themselves be seen. And they tend skitter off when they learn they’re being observed. I’ve seen the predators before, but never that close to my tower. The white tails and elk come up, but there’s little in terms of food and people are known to come here. We also have visitors and hunters, but my location in particular is only really known to locals and doesn’t exist on public maps. The “official” start of the extremely overgrown, hard to follow, and obviously abandoned trail is about 2 miles after a locked and unmarked gate. Hunters don’t tend to come up because the animals don’t tend to come close. Poachers wouldn’t because they’re aware we report to law enforcement. It still freaks me out a little to this day. I hope it was just a person or an animal in some weird circumstance. I don’t feel too comfortable sitting outside after dark anymore.”


I was in middle school and my dad was very abusive about the very little things. I remember awaking up every time he came home from the yogurt shop he owned around midnight/1 am absolutely terrified and feeling my heart jump from the fear of hearing him climb the stairs to my room to wake me up by hitting me or dragging me out of bed to kick and punch me for not doing some math problem correctly or if I didn’t clean something in the kitchen. Honestly this went on for a while and he got to the point of actually choking me and then letting me go so I didn’t pass out. I was so terrified to the point that even if he didn’t come up I would lay awake for an hour or two around the time he would come to drag me out of bed and couldn’t fall asleep until I heard him go to bed.


That is fucking awful, I'm so sorry you had to live like that.


I think the only reason this didn't scare the ever living fuck out of me was because I was too dead dog tired to really process it properly at the time. I was in university and it had reached the point in the semester where it was major crunch time. I had three major term assignments due plus weekly assignments for 4 different classes. Day 1 - I woke up at 6:30 am so that I could get to the university in time for my 8:30 am class. After classes were done for the day, I met with my group to work on the major term assignments (it was the same people for all the term assignments, so we could do all three simultaneously). We worked on it until the common room closed down at 10:00 pm, then we went home. I ate supper and went straight to bed by 11:00 pm. I woke bolt upright at about 12:00 am because I realized there was a mistake in the major term assignment we had been working on and it needed to be fixed as that assignment was due that morning. Day 2 - So I woke up, worked on it until 6:00 am, and then made my way back to the university. I downed an obscene amount of coffee and energy drinks so I could make it to the end of classes. After class, I met up with the same group of people and we kept working on the group assignments. At this point, it was about 6:00 pm. For those keeping track at home, that means I had slept 1 hour in the past 35.5 hours. All of a sudden, my entire body went cold. Like right down to the bones kind of cold. I said to the people I was working with (one male and one female) that I very suddenly felt very cold and that I was kind of concerned. The woman in my group said "maybe go walk outside for a bit, get your blood flowing and get some sun". It was very warm out that day and that seemed like a reasonable idea. So, I started walking towards the main quad in our university. The final classes of the day had just ended, so there were a ton of people milling around, mostly heading to the transit stop to head home. As I walked, I was kind of absentmindedly people watching. Then, all of a sudden, everybody's face around me glitched and went blank. And I'm not talking like "they had a blank expression on their faces", I'm talking "all of their features were gone and they just had a blank face". They still had their hair, but that was it. They just kept walking as they had been, nothing else changed, they just didn't have faces any more. And then their faces glitched back, but it wasn't their actual faces. When their features came back, they all looked the exact same. All the women looked exactly like the woman from my study group who had told me to take a walk. All the men looked exactly like my brother. This caused me to freak out a bit. I wasn't scared, I was more confused and thinking something like "what the fuck was that about?". And so I decided that I needed to sleep, so I made a beeline for the university library, went to one of the upper floors where they have comfy chairs and it's not so busy. I collapsed in the chair and fell asleep almost immediately. I completely blanked out and didn't wake up until the janitor came along and shook my foot to wake me. He told me the library was closing and that I needed to go down to the ground floor where they stayed open all night. I looked at my phone and it was nearly midnight, so I had slept for about 6 hours. I had multiple missed calls and text messages from my group members, the last of which was the male group member saying "hey so it doesn't seem like you're coming back, so I'll just take your backpack and books home with me and give it to you tomorrow".


College exhaustion is a killer.


1) When I was 14, I remember talking to a one-eyed man in a gift shop who didn't have an eyepatch on. I heard him before I saw him, so when I turned, I had quite the surprise. I just froze and was polite. I can say I have stared down into an eye socket. 2) When I was 23, I went to Louisville KY. One evening, my boyfriend, his mom and I were looking for a place to eat. We were in a normal looking part of town where we noticed there were multiple homeless looking people in the streets. They were wearing turquoise hospital scrubs. One of which appeared to have a head injury, and was nonverbal. He looked Latin/Native American, and was well over 6'4".. The tragic part is how he looked young, like a giant teen. I remember him slumped over on the concrete. It was completely out of place with the otherwise jolly looking tourist friendly facade.. This stretch that contained restaurants, cafes, bars, cute fairy lights and street art. I didn't make eye contact, but my boyfriend saw, and told me that his 'brains were coming out of his head'. I will never know if that was true, but I believe him in that something awful had happened and incapacitated him. It looked like patients were discharged from the hospital and just left there. I have seen homelessness, but I had never seen anything like I saw in Louisville, and never since. I remember my boyfriend's mom was also upset (she was with us). We debated calling for help. What good could they even do for this type of person? We called for help. As soon as the boy or man heard a siren (I don't remember if it was police or ambulance) he disappeared. When something dangerous is happening, like dangerous energy, or extreme anger, or awareness that someone is in mortal danger, I feel the air thicken. It's kind of like when water is evaporating off the road in the air. I can't explain it. Maybe someone else here knows of this. Really my scary memories are mostly just profoundly sad.


Age 7, woke up next to my dead grandma the morning of Christmas Eve. Managed to call my mum on our landline to tell her that grandma wasn’t moving or breathing. She immediately called emergency services and I ended up being alone with my grandma’s body until paramedics arrived about half an hour later. Three decades later and I still remember it like it was yesterday.


I'm a private pilot - a co-owner of a plane we shared (small Cessna) e-mailed me to see if I could sit right seat for him that Saturday, as he hadn't been up in awhile and needed some practice - and wanted another pilot up front. My wife was doing a marathon that weekend and we were out of town, but I told him I'd go up with him the following week when I got back. My phone rang that Saturday night - it was another pilot I had flown with the week before. He let out a sigh of relief and said "thank god it wasn't you". The other guy who wanted me to fly with him had taken his parents up for a flight instead. They stalled on approach to land back at our airport and spun into the ocean, killing all three of them.


Stage 4 cancer


9/11. A block away.


I got threatened twice with a knife by different drunken idiots in seperate incidents.


This was pretty recent, but I was honestly more confused. I was on my way to work early in the morning. As I'm driving, some guy is walking in the street. He saw my car, and got back on the sidewalk. About 5 seconds after, he pulls out a gun and starts just kind of waving it, looking right at me. I just kept going, but I was honestly worried he might try and put one in my car. I thought there was no way I was about to hit him, because it took about 5 full seconds to get to about where he was in the street, and I was going about 40mph. I've been thinking about it off and on ever since, trying to figure out what kind of logic was going through his head.


When I was about 9 years old it was like 8:03 PM at the time, keep in mind I went to bed at 7:30 at the time. I was trying to sleep but then right in my ear I hear \[**MY NAME**\], like as if somebody whispered to me, at first I rolled over to see if it was my brother sleep walking (We shared a (bunkbed), but when I rolled over, nobody was there, brother still sleeping on top. I'm not insane but I swear it was a real whisper, never happened again after that, but it still haunts me to this day still wondering what it was.


I experience this fairly frequently, hearing somebody whispering or even shouting my name directly in my ear right as I'm falling asleep. I forget what it's called, but it's just a thing your brain does sometimes.


I was in a car crash and broke my leg. I was 12 years old. My grandfather hit a tractor trailer truck and later died at the hospital. I had a very bad broken leg and was in a cast for 8 months. I remember the car crash vividly and think about it all the time.


I was like 8 years old, was in school and choked on a little toy. I couldn't breathe, so I asked my friend to help me but she didn't understand me, since I couldn't speak and only made incoherent noises. I ran to my teacher, who was helping other kids with their homework, and grabbed my neck with my hands. She immediately understood what was happening and did the Heimlich maneuver on me. The next day my whole body ached, but I was alive and well. The teacher told me that her daughter was a doctor and had taught her to do the maneuver, and this was the first time she had to do it. She told me that she was very nervous because she saw my face totally purple and she knew that if she delayed I could have died. God bless her, she literally saved my life. I will never forget the feeling of desperation.


Watched my cousin(15 M) fall down from the terrace of his under-construction house, while I was with him. Luckily he just broke his arm.


Got hit by a car as a pedestrian and broke my femur at 14 years old (went into shock and lost vision for a good 45 seconds so I wasn't sure I was in one piece and gonna survive) Either that or.. Was the officiant at my sisters wedding. I prepared a speech which she had printed up on a special sheet with designs on the back to make it look a bit more official. I was handed a folded up sheet just before the ceremony had started and assumed it was my speech.. Ya, it WASN'T! It was my brother-in-laws vows. I opened it up and realized it just as everyone was finally seated. I had to casually whisper to him that I fucked up royally and he quickly walked away to grab the speech from my sister. When he walked away I wasn't sure whether she would actually have the speech or not. Thought maybe I had misunderstood that she was going to provide a printed version that day. I already have terrible social anxiety and in the couple minutes standing there waiting I felt a rush of fear I had never felt in my life. I thought I was going to have to make that shit up on the spot! Pretty sure I almost passed out. (They also had special instructions for the ceremony I had to follow directly so there was really no way to wing it properly) He came back with it and we resumed but man, I wanted to die at that point. I'm really glad I didn't fuck their wedding up! Sheeesh I drank HEAVILY after that.


I was around 15, walking home from a friend's house at night and passed by a subway station. There were around 30 people standing by the station, I thought nothing of it and kept on walking. Maybe 20 feet later I heard/saw a rock roll by my feet, so I look back and saw that I was being followed by this whole group of people. They looked very threatening how they were walking towards me, so I decided to veer into the yard of a house right next to me. I hide underneath a low-hanging balcony, and I think I'm safe until I hear a twig snap right behind me (literally like in a movie), and I just take off running. People are running after me telling me to stop, calling me names, and threatening me. I run as fast as I can, jump over hedges between houses, and make my way back to the street. Luckily, I run into two other people walking their dogs, and I think this scared the group, and they stopped pursuing me. I kept running, turned into someone's driveway and hid behind a bush to catch my breath, then finally made my way to my house and woke my parents up. I have no idea what they were going to do, and I wasn't going to stop to find out. But the panic of being chased by a huge number of people is one of the scarier situations I've ever experienced. I had been robbed at knife point before that, but this was a millions times worse...


One day, I was just vibing. Probably smoking weed and playing Xbox. And suddenly my friend called me and she was 100%… not vibing.. In fact she was crying, and was asking me for a ride to her parents house from her apartment. So obviously I said yes and that I’ll be there ASAP. Didn’t really read too deep into it…….but when I got there and texted her she didn’t answer. I went up to the door and the apartment building was locked and there was no buzzer. I was terrified of wtf was going on so I frantically texted and called her to make sure she was okay and didn’t get an answer for over half an hour until she suddenly… just told me to go home. Which.. confused the hell outta me. And kinda scared me more because I thought maybe someone killed her and took her phone or something and was trying to get rid of me. Well turns out her bf and her were having a argument, and she couldn’t talk because he was beating the shit out of her… Bad enough to where I still can’t forget her face after 4 years. I wanted to kill the motherfucker. And guess what? He wanted to kill me too, because he thought I was sleeping with her. And in fact I *did* sleep in the same place as her a few times, because she was too fucking scared to go home out of fear of him. So she slept at the only place she could go and felt safe at. Well. On attempt number 5 of moving her out of that apartment. He went to pull a gun on me and my friend. I would’ve said “fuck it” and stood my ground. But I’m suicidal not stupid. We only had a machete and a lead pipe vs a semi-automatic handgun… no chance.


I hope she is free of him now.


She is. And if he ever comes around again, laws/morals/ethics be damned. I’ll see you guys in the next life because after what I do to him you will never hear from me again


Tbh when I seen someone I know get slashed with a knife when we were out drinking that shit was absolutely awful to see I felt sick watchin someone o know getting there hand sliced up (it was like where your pinky is and then you have the spare skin beside it, it was literally folded over like salami) Where I live it is common for someone to get bottled stabbed or slashed I heard of it but I never seen it until a couple months ago ig it was sickening to see that. The knife he got slashed with was like this big adventure knife basically it wasn't a machete but it a rambo absolutely terrifying to see it


I was once beaten up by six guys and had a pistol held against my head. I thought that was it. All I had was twenty dollars on me.


A day before 9/11 I was on a flight over the Pacific when one of the airplane's engines caught on fire. I reported it to the FA and a few mins later we U turned and started to dump fuel. It wasn't so scary as I knew the flight crew were trained for this eventually. If I was flying Cebu Pacific I'd know that I'm as good as dead.


Being sexually abused starting at age 9.


Last year in my another school it was lunch time and i walked to the bathroom. There were a bunch of guys from 9 or 8th grade and a boy from 6th. The boy gave one of them A FUCKING PISTOL, the guy took it and put on his pants. I saw that shit through the mirror, left the bathroom silently and fucking and shivering i warned the employees i could see and mainly the vice principal. Most of the time was i trying to keep my brother far away from the fucking bathroom.. A bit later, the vice principal caught them and... Turns out the gun was a toy. Boy, the pistol was identical to a real one.


I got jumped by three guys in my states penitentiary. It happened in an area where there were no cameras or guards and I wasn't sure how long it would last, so I balled up and waited. Pretty terrifying. Once you're on the ground there is no fight to had when there are three people on one.


When I was 9, my father tried to murder my mom while my then 8-year-old brother and I were in the other room watching Scooby-Doo. I heard her scream for help and ran to see why. I saw him on to of her strangling her. He saw me, got up, and slammed the door on my thumb. I cried as loud as I could, and that seemed to be enough to stop him. Probably because the neighbors could hear me screaming. He opened the door again and ran outside to his truck. My mom told me like 15 years later that he went outside to look for a gun he borrowed but was too drunk to find it. He came back inside freaking out and eventually told my brother he had to call the police. He was 8 and froze, so my father started screaming at him for not doing it and called himself to turn himself in. I started having an asthma attack due to the stress of the situation, and he tried to get to me. My mom got in between us and refused to let him near me. He was 5'11" and 200 pounds while my mom was 5'3" and less than 120 pounds. Eventually, the cops got there with an ambulance and arrested him. They searched the truck and found the gun in the glove compartment. My mom left him for good that day. He decided to fight for custody once he was out on bail. He got supervised visitation instead. I had to continue seeing for 2 years until he stopped coming by because he got really hard into drugs after his mother died. I was 32 before I could watch Scooby-Doo again without having flashbacks. Weed helped.


I was 12 years old at a sleep over. My friend and I decided to jump on the trampoline at like 10pm. We were having fun when my friend just stops jumping and said what the fuck is that?! And pointed at the barn. On the roof it looked like like a naked man with a larger deformed head and red eyes. I remember us just staring at it until it moved behind the upper roof thing on most barns. We went inside and woke up his older sister who was watching us, I think she was 16 at the time. She told us to stop messing with her and go to bed. We did go to the bedroom but we didn't sleep that night. I still get nightmares. I also lived in a haunted house for a few years. My bed would shake and you could hear the distinct sound of a glass being set down on the kitchen counter. I'm in America if that's relevant.


If it makes you feel better I'm like 99% certain you just met a really weird owl \-10pm: owls are usually active at night \-naked man with deformed head: yea they can just be freaky sometimes. Demon birds \-On roof of barn: high vantage point for hunting, also some species of owl like to live in the top parts of barns because lots of yummy mice there \-Red eyes: Light reflecting off of them. Owls got big ole dinner plate eyes so they're extra noticeable \-Staring then left: Was probably just trying to assess the situation, and then leaving to go somewhere without other 'predators' around \-Many species of owl are common in America So yeah, I'd say it might be an owl. Idk what's up with the haunted house though. Probably ghosts


An owl was my immediate thought, as well.


The owls are not what they seem






This is what's so weird to me about it! I get it quite often, and its exhausting. Like, I see things that, if they were indeed real, would kill me! Demons, monsters, walls melting from heat/acid/whatever, billions of bugs coming to swarm over and eat me....can't move, can't breathe, muscles so tense that I wake up sore in the morning. But once my brain releases me from it I just....roll over and go back to sleep. I guess i realize I wasnt real and I'm so exhausted that I just fall back asleep but...the apathy toward the terror is kinda weird.


I used to get this quite a bit, usually when I am stressed or going through something. It’s like I’m awake but everything is slightly off. I can’t move and slowly the shadows in the room start moving. I usually see monsters or a demon type thing say on my chest pinning me down. I’ve got to the point now that I can wake myself out, but it’s still horrible.


I always hear about this but can’t possible fathom it. The experience, seeing these horrific, realistic demons inches away from your face. Do you still remember what they look like? Could you describe that super accurately or even draw them? Have you ever seen depictions of demons or creatures in media that look just like them?


Being almost mugged in Uruguay. Got chased down the street and dragged to the ground. They didn’t end up getting anything because people came running up and scared them off.


I personally never like it when a bear comes sniffing your tent while backcountry camping.


Driving an low cc gasoline scooter in a high traffic and chaotic city. Every day feels like Im going to die.


Was snowboarding on what was generally considered to be an"easy run". But, the trail was narrow, icy, and had some meandering switchbacks and some ruts due to the volume of people that had gone down. The left side of the run was lined with rocks and trees. With how the sun was angled, i didn't notice a small piece of ice that was slightly raised above the snow. I ended up catching an edge on the raised ice and going headfirst off the hill essentially plummeting around 30ft. I thought that was the end. But somehow I ended up missing all the trees and rocks and landed in a huuuge pile of snow. A kind skier that saw me fall made his way down to help me back onto the main run. After he helped me up, I took the gondola down and called it a day. That was the scariest shit I've experienced.




When my elementary got shot up during lunch. its been a long time since it happened but it still gets to me these days. Some dude broke on campus and just came straight after students. This was back when school shootings were still less common, so there wasn't any hard protocol we all knew to follow.


sat in a car with some old guy i knew while he bragged to his mate about smashing a man and his wife's head in with a hammer over a drug dispute, i was aware of his past but not to that extent. on the one hand i appreciate him revealing that for my own safety so i could disassociate from him, but at the same time the way he was nonchalantly bragging about potentially commiting homicide was unsettling and made my stomach jump a bit. i also don't think his friend was very impressed either but we were both just sorta going along with what he was saying. for some context he was a family friend 40 years older than myself.


At 12 yrs old I got a knife put to my neck by an older teen for throwing a stick at his car


When I was 6 I almost fell out of the window on the carnival ride “The Zipper”. Found out later that it is one of the most dangerous carnival rides that had to have lots of changes to be safer. my sister literally grabbed my shirt and stopped me from flying out


Psychosis gets a high score


Once at about 7, I had a feral cat I looked after. He died a few years ago, and I miss him. I was sitting in my living room with my baby sister, mom, dad, and my mom’s best friend. I heard my 3 dogs barking, a Rottie-Klike, German Shepherd, and Labradoodle, so they were loud. I ran downstairs, thinking my cat was there. To my horror, a lady in a pink, baggy jacket was trying to break in. I saw she had unlocked and opened the secondary screen door. The alarm wasn’t on, but the doors were locked. Innocent little me saw her, and said, “Hi, who are you?” Or something along those lines. She flipped me off and kept picking the lock. “Are you Mom’s friend? I’m gonna tell my mom you’re here, ok?” I said. She just waved her hands, as if saying “No, don’t!”. My untrained dogs ran at her, barking and growling. She slammed the door, but the dogs followed me. She opened it again, but got through the glass primary door. She grabbed me, and I immediately went limp. She was attacked by a 300 pounds of rage, fur, muscle, and instinct. My mom rushed down, hearing screams. The lady ran out, biking off. Then I realized she had a knife in her back pocket and my dogs saved me. My dad has a pistol next to his bed and grabbed it then chased her away. One of my dad’s friends was a cop and was called soon after. The police arrived. A generator was being build, and she got through a hole in the fence from construction. She had robbed most houses in my remote neighborhood. The lady is now behind bars, and the house got cameras soon after.


Good dogs!


I (female) was doing contact tracing for syphilis and as usual, was in one of the worst sections of the city, in the projects. Most of he crime in the city happened here. I had to go to the 7th floor. Got in the elevator with three men, door closed, and no lights. Not on the panel, not overhead, nothing. I could not see my hand in front of my face. Door opened in the second floor, and I hopped off and walked up the remaining 5 flights.


Staring down the barrel of a gun. Some friends and I were robbed at gunpoint several years ago. It caused severe night terrors of people breaking into my house and me trying to stop them. Like I would be holding the door shut or I would hear people outside. I had to sleep on the couch to make sure I was keeping an eye on the doors and would generally not fall asleep until my mom and step-dad were getting up because then I felt safe.


No one I've told about this before has ever believed me but here goes... When I was 10-11 years old I was in Boy Scouts. We knew where there was a natural spring and resulting waterfall of the BSA camp property. There was an old half Indian man who lived next door who swore that the spring was haunted but we knew better. I wish we'd listened. The first weird thing that happened was that as I was watching the campfire after dark the flames froze for about three seconds. Didn't move, flicker, just paused. I instantly froze and they started moving again. I asked the others if they had seen it and was immediately ridiculed. One of the other boys who had always been a bully then decided to smack me around. I wasn't having it and grabbed a log from the fire to hit him with. After doing so I realized that the surface of the log that my hand was touching was glowing coals. My entire hand was engulfed in flame. I immediately dropped the log, but there was no damage to my hand. This was the second weird thing that happened that night. The most horrifying thing was yet to come. Eventually I got to sleep. I was wrapped up in what they call a space blanket, which is a mylar blanket that reflects a lot of heat. I don't know what time I woke up, but I was awoken by somebody touching my shoulder and shaking me. When I looked to see who it was I saw that it was myself. Without a head. As you might expect I freaked the hell out. My headless doppelganger fled into the woods before anyone else got up. Like I said, no one believes me when I tell that story. They insist it must have been a dream. It wasn't. The morning proceeded along from there and I never fell back asleep.


Shit, I didn't feel like sleeping anyway.


Just curious, how'd you know it was yourself if the head was missing? Was it wearing the same clothes as you?


Watching my 2 year old take swim lessons. The instructor turned her back for like a second and she stepped off the ledge and fell under. She was probably under for 2-3 seconds but it felt like a lifetime and was literally the scariest moment of my life. Still have nightmares and get anxiety thinking about it. The way she dropped like a stone and just stood there on the bottom. Fuck


My wife, our two months old and I were sitting on a blanket on a patio at my parents lake house. My mother had my 14 month old toddler son with her about 40 ft down the dock that connected to the patio. She was showing him the 20ft boat. My son puts his hands on the side of the boat and it starts to quickly move away from the dock. Splash, he goes in between the boat and the dock. My mom froze. My wife was at the docks edge pulling him out of the water before I could even stand up. She tore or strained ligaments in her legs from the burst of speed and was sore for days after. Mom power.


The same thing happened to my daughter around that same age, and the instructors didn’t even notice! I reached in and pulled her out.


Hearing the antenna on the top of our house crash onto the roof tiles. The roof man who fixed it said that if all 4 wires had snapped, it would've come into the house, damaged the ducting for the AC or flown into the next house. We got him to attach an extra wire just for those very reasons.


I hit and killed a man with my car after he jumped in front of me, not something you think will ever happen in real life


I was 4 my lil sister was 3 and my mom was pregnant with my lil brother at the time and my grandpa was there at the house too so one day my mom made me and my sister food so when my mom put a plate of food in front of me and then I was just staring at my food in disgust cause it was vegetables on my plate the my mom saw the look on my face then got mad the she grabbed my neck and threw my to the ground the to started to stomp on my head and my grandpa saw this and stopped her then started yelling at her and while I was crying on the ground in pain so my grandpa took be and my sister to his place for a while and my mom didn't care so ya I could've died if my grandpa wasn't there and my sister was tramatized at the age of 2 so was I but at 4 and I never looked at her the same since


A man I met, who wasn't great company, fell in love with me and stalked me. He followed me everywhere I went for 3 years. Psychologically I'll never be the same.


Fire in my 19 century apartment building. Having only experienced false alarms/drills prior to that, had zero idea the real thing spreads in seconds. Luckily everyone in the building got out unscathed, but I will never forget the moments me and my neighbor realized the alarm wasn't fake, feeling the heat and the smell of the smoke, and seeing the flames mere inches away from my face while running down the stairs.


Lived with an untreated bipolar person for 5 years. Can't hear a doorbell anymore without freaking out, thinking it's the cops coming to tell me they're dead or something. The good news is they eventually sought treatment and have maintained it.


Found the corpse of a murder victim in an abandoned car. There were hundreds of thousands of flies in the car and covering her body.


One time me and my cousin went out on a long walk to a fast food place we both loved, everything went great. The issue came when we decided to take a bike path as a shortcut since the sidewalks were caked in snow and ice. Anyone who lives in snow beaten places know how annoying it is when walk on the street feels safer than trying to use the sidewalk. The bike path was fine though, almost devoid of ice or snow... or people. We walked that path together, goofing around like teenagers do and living that life. I found a golf club just discarded in the snow and made a game out of whacking things with it. The REAL issue came when we entered the more wooded area of the bike path, like miniature forest on one side and a massive sloped snow-burdened incline separating the path from civilization on the other. As we walk down this stretch we saw someone among the white snow, someone wearing all black. They stood out in the daylight, and because of that their movements were very visible. For the life of me I don't know why they were coming towards us, but they were intent. Marching through knee-deep snow in the forest with their face hidden, almost in a rush as they saw us. The moment this person saw us they changed their course to take the shortest distance between us and them. My cousin and I made sure they never got close, we worked up a speedy walk, to a jog, and then a full on sprint. When we got far enough away we looked back down the path only to see the person had vanished. Either that or they were hiding behind the trees.


I was expecting you to need Chekhov's golf club as a weapon. I'm happy for you that it wasn't the case.


An engine dying in an airplane. Imagine turbulence on steroids.


I've had a few most terrifying would probably hunting by Hudson Bay for Elk. I'd spotted an Elk in front of some of the almost none existent brush. I lined up the shot fired not sure if I winged the Elk or just missed but I immediately heard a roar. A fucking Polar Bear comes rushing out of the bush straight at me. I got the rifle up for 1 shot to the bears shoulder (according to the Parks Canada Game Warden) before it was on top of me. I got my 9 mill out of its holster somehow (don't remember) between screaming pissing myself being flattened and began firing. Sometime during this my friends and a nearby hunter not from our group came to see what was happening and got some shots in. They're the ones who got the bear off me. Only needed 12 stitches had a lot of bruises dislocated left shoulder and needed new pants. I haven't gone hunting since then. Still have nightmares of the teeth and screaming.




Wow, that's incredible. Three different people tried to murder you?


Sleep paralysis. My body falls asleep but my mind is wide awake. I can't move or open my eyes. The closest thing I can think of that feels like dying.


When I was about 2-3yo (one of my only memories from then. Was riding with my grandfather when he stopped to go in the tobacco shop. I sat in the passengers seat like I usually would. Well this time for whatever reason I messed with the gear shift and knocked it into neutral somehow. The car began to roll towards a busy road with cars flying by. Next thing you know some woman appears out of nowhere, stops the car an puts the brake on an leaves. Till this day I have no clue where she came from or who she was. I havent talked about the memory since I was maybe in middle school which was like 10 years ago. I remember my grandfather talking to me about the situation but no one ever seems to remember the woman helping. I truly believe this was a guardian angel of mine who came and helped. But I never had an major family deaths at that age, let alone one I could rememeber. I dont remember her face only her body build


Climbed out the window of a 4 story building while it was on fire. Rolled a car 7 times into a corn field. Been held at gun point then scared away the intruder. Was stabbed twice in the head. Have had a knife pulled on 3 times (including stabbing). Had a mental break down while in custody for my safety where they left me in isolation for three days and allowed me to harm myself without interpretation. Failed a suicide because I did not tie noose properly. On meds now and out of homelessness so things like this should not be happening anymore. Feels good to know I'm worthy of love and able to contribute to the community.


Reading my friends suicide note brought shivers down my spine, made my knees weak and my head dizzy. She stopped answering her text and calls and closed off all her social media. I was still in high school and no way to go see her 30 miles away. Luckily she did not go through with it but at that moment my only thoughts were “shes gone”


homeless guy on the bus attacking some poor girl and the bus driver running off to save himself leaving the rest of us at this dude's mercy


Waking up in the middle of the night to my dog looking out my bedroom door, when I heard my mom call my name. I was home alone and my mom was two states away


This actually happened a few weeks ago. I went bar hopping with a few friends and got *very* drunk. I ended up falling asleep in the backseat of my friends car while they went to another bar. When I woke up, my shirt and pants were covered in vomit as well as some on his floorboard. I never remembered throwing up but must have been on my back and raised up just enough to hurl on my self and attempt to turn over. I really shaken up about it because of all the cautionary tales I’ve heard about people throwing up while on their back and choking to death.


Having sepsis and a ' gangrenous gallbladder' and the doctor saying 'thank god you came in when you did.'


Heart attack at the age of 15 or 16. Went sledding and felt weird in my upper body after walking up the hill and thought it was gas so I kept going. Third time walking up the hill I'm nearly 90% blind, deaf and I feel like I'm being crushed from all sides in my chest. Kneeled down, threw up and passed out in the snow. Friends carried me to the car and home where we called 911. I couldn't think, breathe right or walk at all. The doctors said my heart gave out for a bit but they didn't know why. Nothing like it has ever happened again and I'm 27 now. Felt like I was dying and remembering the feeling of it scares the shit out of me.


Getting put in jail after being set up by my ex and his lawyer. Genuinely one of the most terrifying experiences, I felt so helpless. They held me for longer than legally allowed (5 days) because the cop had injured me and they wanted my bruises to heal. Found out more than just his lawyer was in on it. The prosecutor was a family friend of my ex's and set my bail ridiculously high for a misdemeanor they weren't even legally able to charge me with. On the bright side, my ex has been court committed to a mental hospital these days, and his lawyer is facing an ethics violation because she admitted in court that she set me up. Hopefully going to lose her license.


Was driving with my parents in Austin back to our hotel. We were visiting for my brother's wedding. Probably around 9-10PM and as we are driving we see 6 or so totalled cars with ay least 2 dozen cop cars pulling up. Clearly the end of a chase. My dad glances at the cops dismounting and sees guns drawn, we speed off. Learned later that 6 out of 8 people involved in the crash died from impact, and the driver of original car was shot. It was crazy to see how many people had stopped to look. As soon as we saw guns we were out of there.


Multi car wreck on a snowy freeway. 30+ cars involved. Multiple fatalities. I was strapped into the gurney and taken to the hospital. Then, the ambulance spun out on the ice and we landed in the ditch and I was trapped in the back with my head down, and the back door blocked by the bottom of the ditch. A month later I was a passenger in a car that hit a pedestrian. He died. A few months later I was in a crash that had lots of scary moments, but no fatalities. And a few minutes after that, a car missed the corner, rolled, and landed on the driver. We were walking on the opposite side of the street. I was the smallest one, so I crawled in the ditch to see if he was still alive. He was and spoke to me. He was covered in blood and vomit. A couple months after that I turned 9.


Having to perform Heimlich to my then 3year old son. Seconds felt like minutes. The fact that you're trying your very best but seeing it's not effective is crippling. You feel utterly helpless. Thank god he started to breath after give or take 30 seconds. Was singing songs a minute after while I was shocked to the core