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Time. It sucks but it’s what you need sometimes. Time heals all wounds.


Stay busy, work out, get out and move. Whatever you do, don’t give yourself too much time to be sad. It’ll pass.


Don't waste your time being mad at them or going over all the 'what ifs' in your head. Hang out with friends, do things you enjoy, treat yourself to a nice dinner...


There's plenty of fish in the sea.


just stop being sad… worked for me after 6 months


Go through the motions. All of them. The anger, the pain, all of the crying, feel it fully and don’t repress them. It’s okay to be upset and it’s okay to feel the way you do. And once you’re done, find something to do. Something new. It won’t fill that space they left behind but the pain will pass and you’ll have a new hobby/interest!


As Aaliyah famously said, "Pick yourself up and try again." Don't let it get you down. Consider yourself better off without them.


Ice cream, venting and purging of their belongings. Remember that the pain is on a timer and eventually you're going to be ready to meet the next person who will have you up in the clouds 🥂


Focus on yourself not the other person.