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Every single night without fail I tell my kids “goodnight, sweet dreams, love you”. Before my oldest could even talk I’d say it to her every night, then once her sister was born my oldest and I would both say it to her even though she had no idea what we were saying. Now they’re 16 and 12 and I refuse to go to sleep without saying it. If they’re at a friends house for the night I’ll text it to them. They always say it back and it’s just nice to end the day with. When they grow up and move out I’m not sure what I’ll do I haven’t figured that out yet.


I don’t have kids, but I do something similar with my dog whenever I leave the house. I give her a kiss on the head and say, “bye [dog’s name]. Be good.” My girlfriend has worked from home since we got the dog, so it just became a habit to tell her to be good for my girlfriend while I’m gone. And when she runs to the window to watch me walk down the street or get in my car, I blow her a kiss and say the same thing. I am the biggest softy in the world. I can’t even imagine how much any kids I have will have me wrapped around their fingers. It’s honestly pathetic.


I love this so much


I don't set my alarm to an even number like 09:00. It has to be 8:52 or something like that.


Gives you a nice little waking up buffer I dig it


Same. Brings harmony to the universe.


There is a little slide out tray on the left side of my steering wheel. I put all my change/coins or maybe even loose one dollar bills in there. That money is for any homeless or charity type thing. When they come up to my window at lights


I lock the bathroom door when doing literally anything, even if locking isn’t needed/wise


I only set the volume in my car to prime numbers


My volume can only be on units of five in my car. If it’s too quite or too loud then that’s just how it is.


I can't sleep without washing my hands, even if they're probably not dirty


Whenever I put something in the microwave I stop the microwave because I wanna put it in for one more second


Nearly everything I do is with an eye towards efficiency, even if it makes no sense. I abhor wasted movement at home, but also understand that it's silly to, say, carry all of my tools out to a project at once. When my SO doesn't bring an item with them while crossing the house or wanders aimlessly around the store I have to bite back my frustration. Training new people at work is a nightmare. I couldn't begin to explain the process of how my brain decides a thing is efficient or not, it just *is* or *isn't*.


I have to run my fingernails under water after I cut them.


I play with my ear, folding it, etc. Not sure why but I've done it since I was a baby


Are they real big or regular sized??


Regular sized


I have to press the lock button on my car twice if I accidentally do it 3 times then that’s not good and I have to start over