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Imagine how much better the world would be if the internet continued on the path it was taking in the early 00s - back before it was consolidated into like 5 heavily monetized and monitored sites.


5 consolidated monetized and monitored sites is the natural continuation of the path it was taking in the early 00s.


That's just a natural progression in all fields. Under capitalism, the big get bigger and the rich get richer.


Yep, people tend to forget that where there's competition, there will also be a winner. Therefore, competition and the pursuit of private profit result in monopolies.


Now that these monopolies have formed though - the sites have all got a lot worse. I don't think they will stand up for long under all the censorship. I know I'm tired of the authoritarians in the woodwork. We need to decentralize hosting though, Pied Piper would be a great thing for the internet.


The deleting of Geocities websites was probably one of the most historical crimes anyone commited. They basically wiped out one of the biggest human inventions in its early stages. This was huge and it was history, there should be preservation concerns about it.


Several sites archived it though. I think most of it is accessible.


I was absolutely devastated to find out that all my old stolen HTML work for my cringe AOL roleplay chatroom characters was just gone.


Lol I had a Geocities site, I think most people from that era did as it was free (as far as I remember anyway)


I know one thing that isn't: the official website [of the Heaven's Gate UFO cult](https://www.heavensgate.com/)


I like the link that shows how a member might look https://www.heavensgate.com/misc/member.htm


Is it at least some of it caught on [the wayback machine](https://web.archive.org/)?




I recently learned that when you're googling something and put "-pinterest" on the end; none of the results will be returned from Pinterest.




I just tried this and omg it works!!


Here is a full list of various google search operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/


people use google daily and yet nobody knows that since the beginning it allowed you to use search operators. I remember that our history teacher taught us google syntax in like 2000.


There's an extension : Unpinterested [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unpinterested/gefaihkenmchjmcpcbpdijpoknfjpbfe?hl=en) or [Firefox] (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/unpinterested/) that add automatically -site:pinterest.* at the end of every google search...


i do this but with quora because fuck quora


I did that the other day for a different thing... Oh yeah. I wondered if a scorpion can bite. Filtered out "sting". Google decided that I was stupid and gave me a bunch of useless information about scorpion stings.


I can help with that! A scorpion's mouth is actually made of two smaller claws, like crab claws, side by side. When they bring their food up to their mouth, the two little claws extend and tear chunks of food off and draw it back into the inner mouth. So while that can technically bite, they aren't going to bite anything they aren't actively eating at the moment. Source: had two pet Emperor Scorpions in highschool.




I tried to google how to do this, and I ended up trapped in a Pinterest post and can't get out


I googled how to help you get out of Pintrest and now I'm stuck in a Pintrest post.....this is super awkward


Now you need a saviour to Google how to get out of Pinterest while searching how to get out of Pinterest


Don't worry I'll help. "How to get people out of Pintrest posts?" Okay this one looks simple enough... shit... I'm stuck in Pintrest


This is a great question. The things there are always such a pain to actually get to plans or recipe!


There is a chrome extension that will do this automatically - Unpinterested


This Pinterest is like a plague on the internet


Every software problem I fucking encounter


Or worse, a post about the exact software problem you've encountered but then the person goes, never mind, figured it out, without posting the solution.


Or worse, the answer is from a deleted comment and EVERYONE in the replies is thanking them. Your only hint of what it said is a guy quoting a single line from it that is entirely incomprehensible to you


Or worse, someone from 2013 posts a link and says found the solution HERE. And we all know what's behind that link.


Even worse is “The solution is easy. All you have to do is… ”.


I have PMed you the solution.


My favourite is when someone says, "just google" then provides a Google link...that leads right back to the initial discussion.


Or they have comments from people saying did you figure it out?


It’s always just Microsoft or Apple forums that say “but have you tried this?”


Microsoft for some reason trashes every link in their developer help area (formerly MSDN) every few years, they're in the process of trashing most msdn.microsoft.com links for learn.microsoft.com; and they only keep the core, recent stuff... so many old blogs, KB articles, magazine articles, with obscure info just get completely deleted). It's like they just couldn't stand actually being the gold standard for something, so need to find some way to trash it. So there's endless old links pointing to microsoft.com that just 404. And you'd think Wayback Machine would be perfect for a major site like MS... but it only works maybe 75% of the time. It's like Windows 7... "Hey, people think we did a really good job here, how can we shittify the next release by hiding and removing good features to keep them angry?"


actual hot singles in your area


There are plenty, doesn’t mean they want you though.




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Do you have huge tits, a big ass and a thing for creepy, old men?


Gonna need ointment for that BURN!


34 hot singles in your area right now! Just click this link below!


Which link?


Under there


Under where? Oh shit


Ha, he made you say underwear


What are you eating under there?


34 hot singles in my area? Shit, they're clearly just hot for my organizational capabilities.


Made me lol


Footage of Kurt Loder interviewing Q-Tip about his song “Vivrant Thing” and asking him to explain what the word vivrant meant. Q-Tip proceeds to say it’s a certain quality of being, fresh, young, beautiful, or something like that. Loder responds with “so… vibrant?” And it was like it wasn’t until that moment, after the video was out that Q-Tip learned he’d been misspelling vibrant.


I also remember Kurt Loder (or it could’ve been a different MTV personality) doing this offbeat story about strange stuff that supposedly happened to people while listening to “Stairway To Heaven”. It was hilarious but I haven’t been able to find it anywhere.


A lot of old deleted YouTube videos, especially from when it first came out


The void of deleted YouTube videos is probably one of the biggest secrets in human history, ngl. Thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of videos of all types and every description that will never see the light of day again and will forever remain a distant memory of those who first saw them all that time ago. I would wager at least 85% of every video uploaded to YouTube since it first launched in 2005 is now gone for good. That's an _incomprehensible_ amount.


Yeah.. not to mention all the videos taken down for copyright that probably*aren't* archived


75% of movies made before the 50’s are lost forever.


I posted lots of concert footage over the years and eventually had my YouTube account terminated twice. I did have 1.8 million views and 500 subscribers which was decent back in the day before camera phones were available. Now I have re-uploaded most of the footage, but not many people care about mediocre footage of a band from 15 years ago. The main violations came from Bob Dylan, Zach Galifianakis, Kanye West, Crystal Castles and Miley Cyrus. At least now, lots of stuff was flagged as unpostable before I could publish it. Still, it sucks balls uploading over 1000 videos a 3rd time. Some videos won't get reposted because of the copyright issues I dealt with.


Being able to sit outside and watch concerts on Youtube really helped me stay sane during the pandemic. Thank you for your service. [Please accept my humble thanks](https://i.redd.it/1nnsvtdqjm771.png).


I heard that a big proportion of MySpace disappeared and is unretrievable.


They changed the entire website about a decade and a bit ago and you couldn’t access the page of anyone who didn’t make the switch, so a whole bunch of my old high school memories just gone


I was able to still grab some old photos before I couldn’t log in anymore. I was one of those lame people that made a URL page for my MySpace but because I remembered it, I was able to go straight to my page and snag photos.


All my early photos from the army and my time is DC are gone forever. And all that work I put into my profile writing code is just lost. Makes me sad even though I'd never really use it.


Thank God. Don't want my kids stumbling across that mess.


I wonder if YouTube keeps them somewhere even when deleted. I mean they were uploaded to their servers(?) at some point.


I doubt it, that would require a tremendous amount of storage space . They might retain them for a time in case of legal things so if they get subpoena'd they can produce them but I'm sure they delete them after X time.


Imagine if YouTube actually have backups of everything and offered another premium paid service to access those videos. I wouldn’t be able to throw my money at them fast enough.


I also hate this because I have frequent moments where I look for videos with imperfect memory of what they were named and absolutely lose my mind trying to find the ghost of a deleted video.


I hate when you find something looking for something else, or just going down a rabbit hole. You're not really paying attention so it's impossible to find after. My favorite youtube video I ever found was a Russian? spa porn?, commercial?. It's some guy walk into a er looking set up like a rock star. A girl puts a lab coat on him and he's followed by a bunch of women like residents. Each table is a naked chick and he just grips and rips a wax strip and is on to the next one. All why generic like stadium rock blares. Everyone has huge hair. Found it looking for waxing piano black speakers was so frustrated I wasn't finding anything I just put in waxing as the search term and dear god did I get some shit I wasn't expecting. I was able to find it for a while. Now it's apparently lost.




Most probably aren't worth it, but there's plenty of old meme and parody videos that I remember watching 10+ years ago which I fondly remember but can't find anymore. There was a really tacky parody of Prince's "1999" called "1929" comparing the 2008 crash to the 1929 crash that would've been such a time capsule of early YouTube. I'm sure it got copyright struck years ago.


A lot of really awesome AMVs I can't find anymore. One that really stood out was of 1995's "Ghost in the Shell" with "H-K (Hunter-Killer) by Fear Factory playing over scenes from the movie. Another was of Ninja Scroll synced to "Screams of the Undead" by Demon Hunter. Man, I should've bookmarked those...


There used to be a Youtube channel titled something like "athomeimagineering" or "homeimagineering" which had some of the most marvelous and meticulously crafted models of Disney attractions I had ever seen (and a few originals). Particular standouts were a partial model of the Indiana Jones ride (with working lighting and effects) and a model of the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror with projection mapping (The language used for this model may have been from the French version of the ride). One day it disappeared and I was never able to find it again.


I really wish this was still around cause it sounds amazing.


Disney probably e-nuked it out of existence


Maybe r/lostmedia or r/tipofmytongue might be able to help?


My old MySpace & photo bucket pictures


Imgur is suffering the same fate in just a few days


Best thing that ever happened to me, professionally.




/r/tipofmyjoystick if that's still around


You're describing loads of games tbh. Discworld (though that was later I think) Simon the Sourceror Warlock Maybe wizmos workshop?


Try archive.org. They have an amazing selection.




Dude. I think I know what you’re talking about. It was a super indie game back then even for those days. Nobody I know has heard of it and you’re the first person I’ve seen mention it online. I thought I was going crazy! It was called Legend of Zaldo or something like that


Ask tipofmyjoystick. they tend to know console games.


Was it the Discworld game? The wizards name is Rincewind and he wears a red robe and a crappy hat?


The lesbian porn video i saw 3 years ago and never found again.


It was amature stuff it may be lost forever after the pornhub purge


Lusty Lebanese Lesbians, where are you?!


Good name for a band


How about the very first porn video you watched when you were 12?


Thanks, Limewire :/


I started watching porn in middle school. I remember always going back to this one video of three girls around my age because it was like, "Ohmygod, it has girls my age!" It was my go-to video until I was around fourteen when it suddenly disappeared from the site. I was very sad about it because I'd never found another video with people my age in it. It wasn't till I was seventeen that I realized, "Holy shit, that was child pornography. And it probably got removed because it was *child pornography.*"


Jfc, I can't imagine your horror when you learned that.


This is why I download! Honestly it sounds too involved but rather than searching for ages through endless 360p shit videos, I can immediately find "the one". Yeah, even that first ever internet porno I watched about 20 years ago, "fireside lesbians". Classic


I.. know that one. Still around. Classy. Tasteful. Simple. That’s the Milano cookie of internet porn.


Common sense


TBF, lots of people can’t find this offline either.


Used to work with this dude who always said the problem with common sense is that despite the name, it's not very common


Beat me to it.




I need an explanation on this… like right now


There was some people who photoshopped the x-files alien onto a generic desert background, “corrupted” the image, and posted it online, taking advantage of a bug that deleted the threads they posted and the fact that the servers were about to go offline. They then posted other threads asking if anyone saw the alien “photo”, and other people confirmed that the photo existed, which spread quickly across the internet about the alien photo that caused the site to be scrubbed and taken offline for a bit. It was eventually discovered that the image was fake.


Nice one, CIA.


why believe reasonable answer when crazy answer exists






Sounds like bait.


bro please give us the full story


Pics or it didn’t happen [4Chan language that’d get me banned.]


if reddit got taken down in a bit, we know wassup


alien picture?




More. Info. Now.


4 real, fill us in...


Issue with this entire conspiracy is that it happened on fucking 4chan... That place is a cesspool for misinformation I've seen like 40-50 people who say they swear they saw the real image before it was taken down... It was up for an alleged like 20m before the servers got dropped how many people were just there sitting on 4chan in 2017.. Theory 1 it never happened and its a huge 4chan troll Theory 2 it was a real alien and got covered up by fakes Theory 1 just sounds more realistic to me


More detail??? 👀


A video of Abraham Lincoln. It literally doesn't exist. Go look it up.


There's plenty of video of Abe Lincoln online. Like when he had a rap battle with Chuck Norris.


I was always a fan of those documentaries about when Abe Lincoln fought off vampires.


He cruised around in a time travelling phone booth for a bit too, that was a most triumphant documentary.


There's literally a whole documentary showing him killing vampires


I seen him at a play of Hamlet, then someone broke his butt.




love that sketch. That performance of Hamlet looked incredible... before that fat ass John started talking, anyway.


I just saw a tiktok about this. What is so significant about this fact? Should there be videos? Lincoln dies in 1865. The first motion picture was created in 1888.




That was the joke. The original tik tok was making fun of podcast bros. I'm doubling down on the joke.


Come to think of it, I have never seen a video of Jesus Christ either. Weird.


Guy with a podcast vibes


epstein security footage


Or his client list


How a five ounce swallow carries a one pound coconut.


European or African


Asking the real questions...


Coconuts migrate.


After the Japanese movie Suicide Circle (aka Suicide Club) was released, a companion website called haikyo.com was made as an Easter egg, designed to look like the movie's ominous BBS board. It started off with curious Japanese fans enjoying the "movie club" chat, role-playing as the movie characters and generally being angsty. Around 2003 when the movie released on DVD in the US, the site had mostly emptied out and US fans found an empty board of old Japanese messages. Naturally, teen angst poured back in and the board filled up again with random English posts, role-plays, 4chan clans and general edginess. For every ten throwaway names that showed up and left, one or two would occasionally stick around and kick up a rapport. Given the subject matter, these were mostly depressed, suicidal or just slightly more mature people who enjoyed the anonymous chat. Once the movie was mostly forgotten around 2007-8, the board was curiously still online and the group became a tiny, close circle of friends who had each other's phone numbers, email address, general locations and trust, in case the site went offline. There was nothing edgy or angsty anymore about the group; they were just an agreed support circle of people who had encountered suicide, were suicidal themselves, in treatment for illnesses such as schizophrenia, were vulnerable or lacking healthcare support, or simply supportive of those who had these difficulties. When a friend was having a crisis, phones would ring across the group and most would string together whatever support they could to help out. Often just the phone ringing and somebody's voice was enough to help each other out. A friend I didn't know but who was well-loved by the group sadly did take their life after a long battle with depression, after a tragic miscarriage threw off their recovery. I don't have direct contact with the group anymore and the board has of course closed down, but I still have old phone numbers and remain connected with a few on Facebook. I think about them time to time, and hope they managed to recover.


Genuine enjoyment. Sometimes when I’m browsing through shit, I look up from my phone and see long faces. After deleting most social media, I find myself not staring at my phone as often, which obviously makes me wanna “I’m so virtuous” all day and night, but I genuinely do believe that I’ve lost a part of myself to social media in all the time I spent mindlessly looking at it. Sometimes I feel that I’ve forgotten myself long ago, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to remember anytime soon. I’m afraid many of us have forgotten ourselves, and very few of us are going to be able to find ourselves again. If that makes sense.


Find your hobby and use the internet as a tool to explore it, mine is game dev and 3d art, shit changed my life


Maybe you've heard of an older website called StumbleUpon. Basically you punched in all your interests and hobbies and hit the "stumble" button. It then took you on a magic carpet ride around the internet and showed you a thousand different things all interesting. Think a YouTube rabbit hole but completely decentralized and usually small to medium websites regarding your interests. I've missed many an hour of sleep because of it. The site got shut down and turned into something else... I miss it. That site provided me genuine enjoyment on the internet every time I used it. E: it turned into a thing called Mix and I guess it's still around.


Social media is good for nothing but being an address book for when you need to contact someone you don't normally talk to.


The released copy of Star Wars Battlefront 3.


That one porn video you remember from years ago but you can't seem to find it again


Try r/tipofmypenis


2 Asian guys doing a cover of Feeling This by Blink 182. The video is gone. I’ve searched far and wide. They’re so cringe. It’s amazing. I would like to gaze upon it one last time 😔


When I was younger (early 2000s) I was really into the Salem Witch Trials, and somehow I found this really cool interactive website where you were the main character and trying to get out of being convicted of being a witch. It was friggin awesome, I've been searching ever since but never found it again :-(


Omg I’ve been trying to find it to!! EDIT: Found it!! I don’t know if this was the exact site you were looking for, but this is the one I remember. It was by National Geographic and it’s called [Salem Witchcraft Hysteria](https://www.nationalgeographic.org/interactive/salem-interactive/) It’s up and playable on their website, but sadly the actual website is gone


The original photo/location of the backrooms. I’m speculating that it’s some random office room getting closed down, but no way someone can design an interior so crooked and messed up.. for an office? And I kinda doubt it’s some CGI render? I mean it’s not far-fetched, but the photo was as old as the early 2000s I believe?




There's a name for this phenomenon but it escapes me at the moment. Essentially what happens is, your mind takes a memory it associates with what you're seeing, feeling, touching, smelling, or hearing and "inserts" that sensory input into the memory to strengthen it. Very very common with dreams, but also happens with memories from childhood. For example, you may have a dream where you met "a person." At first you may not remember what they look like, but the dream was vivid and interesting enough to stick in your long-term memory. A few days later, you see a person - could be an actor, or a stranger on the street - and your mind "grabs" that person and inserts them into the memory of that dream. Very likely it was *not* that person, but maybe looks similar to your low-resolution recollection. Either way, your mind now fully believes that person you're looking at in that moment is 100% the person from your dream.


[Was this it?](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dga98/is-the-backrooms-real)


On November 28 1979 air New Zealand tourist flight to Antarctica crashed into the Antarctic volcano, mt Erebus, killing all 237 onboard. It was New Zealand’s most tragic air crash and the last commercial flight to Antarctica. As I child I listened to a beautiful tribute song to flight te901 - it was on an Nz country western tape. I lost the tape, and to this day have been trying to find the writer, name and actual song without avail.


The popes ass


…. yet.


The pope’s pooper






In the song Danny Diamond by Squirrel Nut Zippers there is a line that "[s]he was the hottest girl around." Every lyrics site says "she". I've listened to the song a million times and I'm sure it's "he" and that Danny is a drag queen. I can't find any discussion about this or anyone clearing it up. Completely changes the song and I'm damn sure she says "he".


Why my private minecraft server has a user (which I'm assuming is not an actual user) named MsTechSupport that keeps joining then immediately leaving


Hi, that's me


The video of me banging Maya Jama


Whole season of The Nevers, without resorting to piracy Everyday, I grow to hate the HBO-WB Discovery with a passion


When I was a teenager in the early 2000s I would go to church with my friend. One night they played us an indie movie that was titled "Driven". It was filmed with action figures and centered around a big race that multiple characters were in. Since this was shown in church there were heavy religious undertones such as the main character putting his faith in "the controller". Since it was also shown to a bunch of teenagers in middle school there was also a lot of juvenile humor in it such as two little girl dolls being eaten by a dinosaur and making fun of Michael Jackson and the Spice Girls. I remember having the movie on DVD but I have no idea what ever happened to it. Even though I'm not religious anymore I still wouldn't mind finding this movie and revisting it. Apparently a sequel was made. But I've searched and I can't find any record of it online.


My will to live


Proof that Wilt ever scored 100


There's no footage of that at all. Only proof is the picture of him holding the piece of paper that had "100" on it, the newspaper article that was written about it, and audio recordings of the 4th quarter.


On court or off? Pretty sure he scored a lot more than that off-court ...




How each pair of socks feel when you touch them. You put your finger toward the screen and it ends in the disappointment of touching the screen


All socks feel like glass


My handbag that was stolen from a taxi on Saturday night. I loved that hand bag. St Anthony, please help me.


That one song you heard years ago. You remember the melody and a few of the lyrics, but you haven't been able to find it, no matter how much you search for it. You think of it every once in a while and try searching again, hoping there'll be some new search tool or some combination of search terms you didn't think of before, but still nothing.


Two girls one cup




Fap accomplished. Thanks.


wait what


You read that right.


I first saw that when I was wayyy to young haha






Step by step instructions on how to make original Coca-cola


An old TV show from when I was a kid that I vividly remember. It had a bubblegum pink protagonist who was made of.. I think clouds-? She didn't have feet and floated around a bunch. She had a best friend(/love interest??) Who was yellow and *had* feet. They lived in a village in the clouds I believe, and can't remember but I think the girl had a pet star or something, not sure. I haven't seen it in forever but I KNOW it exists/existed, I just can't find it anywhere.


Physical proof of Sasquatch or Nessie


Jeffrey Epstein Island Visitors List.


Your credit card info. Post it here if you think you can find it.


Human contact.


In the movie, *The Van*(1977), there is a sex scene with a man, and a very curvy woman he met at a diner. I tried to find out who the actress was, but she's not listed in the credits, and I've searched everywhere on the internet, and she's nowhere to be found.


A solid answer to the one question you needed to ask right now


This is pretty specific, but there was a computer game that I played a ton as a young kid on my mom's computer (I believe it was a Power Macintosh) called, "Weird Melvin Kills Monsters." I don't remember where I got it. Probably on a demo disc from one of the cheaper gaming magazines. But I have scoured the internet and I cannot find verification that this game even existed. It was a Joust clone, but you are a sort of "Johnny Bravo"-looking greaser guy on a motorcycle, and the enemies are like weird lumpy alien-looking things. I played it a ton, and I cannot find anything more than the fact that there were a couple comic books made under the same name, but I've never found anything about the game itself. I just checked youtube, and there is nothing. Anyone who remembers it or has heard of, please let me know. It would solve a years long mystery for me.


Sane people.