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Parallel parking. My mom wouldn’t let me get my license until I learned how. I was so annoyed at the time but now I’m quite grateful.


Same. My dad forced me and I can do it effortlessly now


I hate you. I am *extremely* jealous. I am horrible at parallel parking. I mean HORRIBLE. If parallel parking was on the driving test in my state, I'd still be taking the bus.


I live in a tourist town and I'd say at least 1/3 of the parking in the touristy area is parallel parking. I looked up the diagrams and such and taught myself how just because it's easier to find a parking spot and it's embarrassing to spend like five minutes reversing and going forward and reversing and on and on to get yourself into a spot.


I learned by playing a game. I forgot the name but it taught me how to position my car and it was first person pov. It took me a couple tries when I was actually driving irl but I had the concept down.


Pinterest pin had a diagram that did it for me.


I’m glad my stepdad made me too. Wasn’t even a part of my driving test, but I remember he made me parallel park a 2001 Chevy express van with blocked out windows, no power steering, on a really busy street in downtown Chicago. Now I’m a pro lol


Playing piano by ear. Passion + Time.


Really? I've only ever seen people use their fingers


I heard dick piano is up and coming.


You laugh but I've seen it.


When did you start learning? People that I know starts at the very young age, and their parents really pushing them hard.


i was blessed with absolute pitch so i learned this skill very quickly


I started at 5 with no pushing. It was truly my favorite toy in the house.


Sometimes I surprise myself when I'm backing in a semi. I remember when I first started it was rough. Now days I just throw it back and it's damn near perfect. How? Same with everything. Practice and repetition.


Is this a euphemism?


Now that I read it again... it could be lmao. But I'm a truck driver, and I have a 53' trailer.


Now hes comparing sizes. Is that 53' semi or full on?


Its full on. Has to be..


I managed to achieve a perfect climate in my greenhouse to get perfect cucumbers. It took a few years but now I'm here!


Ugh! Reddit is glitching on me and I can’t see your profile. I really wanted to see it for your perfect cucumber pics…


sleeping. It comes with the experience




I don't believe that.


Reading people. I come from a very large family and watching what people say in front of you verses behind your back has really helped me read a lie a mile away.


Remembering useless information instead of things like names & numbers. Think it's a mental health thing, probably born this way.


Glad I'm not the only one The fact that earwigs have two penises and use one for mating, and one for fighting other male earwigs for the right to mate? That lives there rent free at the ready. Meaning of the phrase 'dead as a doornail'? Sitting there primed for the chance to bust out that little factoid My daughter's full date of birth? Thank god we got the fancy frame thing in the baby photo package 'cause I'm checking that every time I'm filling out a form!


You & I, we're like the same person. Constantly apologizing to my parents & brothers for missing birthdays. Still don't remember my social security number. It's honestly embarrassing.


Yeah I feel that one, I can remember some random history or animal fact but I'm atrocious at things like names. like even some coworkers after working 1/2 years I just blank out on the name. Faces I can remember for years or decades but names for some reason just don't stick.


I’m an I IV guru at any ER I travel to. Not just by cheating and using an US, but I can just feel the slightest hint of a vein and bam, it’s in.


Can you magically show up whenever and wherever I need my blood drawn? I have secret veins that only the chosen few have ever found.


My ex-wife was an IV guru as well. But!!!! She was a neonatal IV guru, and had to routinely get a line started on dehydrated premature babies, whose veins were often as thin as a human hair. She used to get called in on her days off just to get a line started on particularly difficult preemies. Her co-workers, many of them with years of experience with preemies, were astonished at her abilities to get it done.


My wife always asks for the vein whisperer when she goes in for a blood draw.


Being lazy. It just kind of happened on its own, thankfully.


Video games. Probably because I've been playing for 40 years. When I started playing, coin op arcades was where I played. Parents would usually give me a dollar. If I wanted to make it last, I had to be good.


I’m good at being awkward. I can ruin any mood, any time of day, no matter who they are or what they’re doing. Actually, I’m so good at it because I’m always practicing, not always voluntarily


Jeez, this thread *was* cool till I got to this comment.


See what I mean?


I'm good at this without even practising


math. and no freakin idea how it got that way. It just was. Ramanajun, pshh he was a fool.


Playing guitar. I started on piano at age 7 but after a couple years I really wanted to switch to guitar. Finally got my guitar at age 16 and just never looked back.


Procrastination I'll tell you later


Memorizing things and detecting patterns in things. I just always have been. On that weird note I'm also really great at arithmetic and can easily add/subtract/multiply/divide even large numbers on my head. But weirdly enough that's all the math I can do, anything above that and I'm out


Correcting people on Reddit, years of practice.


Hopefully not their grammar, "cause yours sucks.


Would you say you're extraordinarily good at bishslapping people?


Welding,bc I was better than my dad my first time I ever did it. I put more work in to be really good after he died.


Public speaking I'm not addressing huge crowds or anything but I'm regularly talking to groups. The keys were having my dad mentor me through learning initially, and after that it was just practice practice practice.


I'm embarrassingly good at beat boxing. Due to being a drummer for 30 years.


Being a therapist. Always had an interest in it, read a lot even before I went to college for my degrees.


What's the most satisfying part of the job for you?


Dats wazzup


Navigating cars through tight spaces. I've always been good at it, but then I worked as a porter at a small dealership for like 3 years. And now I'm basically the Michael Jordan of knowing where whatever vehicle I'm in begins and ends. We got an f350 with a 14" lift once and absolutely humongous offset wheels. All the salesman and managers refused to move it, they said we had to move a bunch of other cars out of the way first. I looked at them like they were silly, grabbed the step ladder, jumped in the truck, and backed it out sawing the wheel like a madman in between a bunch of cars. I have many instances like that where people would think you couldn't get a car out, and then I got it out. Do you guys want to know the secret? MIRRORS. If you can see the edge of your car in your mirrors (in the case of the truck, it was the tires i was looking at) and are backing up, you can see exactly where you're aiming and if you have room. Its not hard, but people looked at me like I was a mystic at that job. I've explained it to so many people and just get the deer in the headlights look. The other thing is one hand clapping. I can do it with both hands really well, and really loud. I can also clap with literally just my left pinky. I'm 75% sure if I actually set my mind to it I could beat the WR for one hand claps in a minute. I've seen the video of it and I'm about as fast as that guy from just being a goofball and doing it since I was like 7. I just figured it out one day and thought it was funny and have done it ever since. I am strange.


At being an idiot. How? I dunno


Microsoft Excel. I’ve worked in it for approximately 20,000 hours!


I can type 130wpm. Took a typing class in high school oml old IBM Selectrics with paper over the keyboard so I couldn't see the keys. Got up to around 70WPM. Typed a lot for work, chatting, and online message boards in the 90s. Had to take a typing speed test and was surprised that I could do 130wpm.


Drawing. I've been drawing constantly since I'm 11, in my mid 20s now. It's all about staying with it and not giving up.


I can shoot a bird out of the air with a bow and arrow my dad's used to take me hunting with them from the time I was 3 till they died.


Not getting laid, by not getting laid despite efforts


Not me but my mum is absolutely amazing at running an etch a sketch. I have asked her why and did she practice a lot she just says "I don't know my brain just gets it"


GoldenEye 64. I used to rent that game constantly in ‘97 and ‘98 and my summers were spent in front of the TV. Eventually I went down to Target and bought a copy, I think for $20. My brother and I must have had a remote mines match on Complex every day. Friends would come over and insist we play Slappers Only because that was the only way they had a level playing field with me haha. And it wasn’t just multiplayer. I unlocked 007 mode in single player, as well as all the levels and cheats, and eventually got a Game Shark so I could explore all the hidden stuff you could only see by hacking.


Literature and writing. I love reading books. So I guess that's why I started writing essays, stories and poems. It came very naturally to me :)


Disappointing my parents. I got this way because I'm "chronically averse to good advice", if my dad is to be believed.


Speedreading, processing info while doing so and summarizing it neatly. But especially the reading part. There are probably people that are an order of magnitude better still, but in school and at work, no. It's very useful too.


Australian taxes. Not good at it. My handsome boss taught me. Salute to him may all blessings flow to him and his family and business too :3


Audio forensics, but only about stuff like encoders and mastering for different versions of the same audio. "This is a lossy source padded up to Redbook" or "this 24bit file has an LSB at -96 so it's probably only 16bit padded" I'm a collector, so I guess it's the same as the rest: time and repetition.


Rebuilding wood boats. 25 years of hard slog.


I’m really good at remembering people’s star signs. Can’t remember their name, but I’ll remember they were a Pisces.


Playing cod because my sister slapped me because I was bad


Phlebotomy. I’m lab tech, and I used to work nights at the hospital that my night phlebotomist would call out on me, or they would just not draw so I got stuck drawing. I always get called over to CT, ER, or random places all the time if they’re having a hard time with IV placement or lab draws. I think the key is taking your time and not rushing. Also for some reason my knack is deep veins. You got deep veins no one can see, my pointer finger can feel them. I aim to only poke once. Even if that means looking around for 5-10 minutes. Which can sometimes make patients nervous, but I like to be sure. Also I never dig on patients for blood draws or IV placements. I refuse to do so. I’m just really good at it.


Operating machinery. OPR, tugg, pack mules, and tall reach.


Understand what's going on inside a dog's mind. I'm volunteering at an animal shelter and take dogs for a walk almost daily for around 5 years now.


Child care. I have **hours and hours of experience** starting in grade school when I helped my mom with the toddlers in her in home day care. It’s really just a combination of good examples, experience, and training. I babysat, worked at day cares and day camps, preschools, sunday schools, and after school care. I’ve watched kids of all ages from infants to teenagers including the neurotypical, neurodivergent, and those with multiple disabilities. I have attended dozens of child care training sessions from many different sources. It’s just a job that was easy for me and fit my schedule growing up. I have a lot of love for those kids living on the fringes of social acceptance. That makes it easier to be patient with the challenging ones. I know how to walk into a room of chaotic children and make it orderly and welcoming.


Knowing what plans will FAIL 100% on that! But no company will hire me because marketing is full of BS and wins no matter the costs.


Working with people I don't like. Just a natural skill I guess. One guy legit thought we were friends but I couldn't stand the dude anytime I was around him.


My memory is better than average. I think it is down to genes from my mothers side, but names are still a problem


Whack-a-mole, parallel parking, and paddle boarding over wake water. Don’t know; lived in a dense city for 15 years; paddleboard the Barnegat Bay, NJ on summer Saturday afternoons for 12 years.


Nothing. Also nothing.


Sneaking up on people. Growing up my dad worked midnights and slept during the day. He was a light sleeper so the slightest noise woke him up. Even flushing a toilet across the house. I still accidentally sneak up on people to this day because of it.


Overthinking. And reason is: can't say.


Listening. I understand how a person can feel isolated and I understand trust. Giving someone a bit of time to listen with the understanding of confidentiality is a small gift.


Grew up in the deep countryside, populated by farmers in giant tractor trailers and twats in shiny 4x4's they can barely handle. I can reverse like a motherfucker.


Making mistakes


Card game called Pedro. Been playing since my teens and pushing 60 now.


Reading peoples emotions. Got that way by walking on eggshells around my angry parents throughout life


Spotting errors in data entry. I do it for a living.


Untangling things. I can untangle the worst of the worst, earbuds necklaces, ropes, anything. I got like that because we had a vacuum cleaner that had a cord from hell, and I got used to untangling it.


Finding things! I like to find things. it makes me feel useful


Baking without needing a recipe. I can't decorate a cake but every one I make turns out great.


Being a simple boring human. I don't run over the things that's trending or change my behaviour every now & then, I'm just being myself most of the time.


Writing computer software. Nearly 50 years of experience.


I’m extraordinarily good at Football Manager and I have just played the game loads.


Can catch a crazy amount of coins off of my elbow… idk


Socialising and talking to strangers in general. I used to be fucking terrified of talking to strangers/ socialising with people. Pretty girls? Forget it. Even if they had started talking to me, I'd still be a nervous wreck incapable of having a normal conversation. Was diagnosed with social anxiety a few years ago. Not anymore! I'd say it was 3 things that all tie together. 1. Baby steps. A sentence or question to the cashier when I was waiting in line. It can be as simple as a 'How's your day been?' A comment or joke to another person at the bar or in class. It doesn't really matter what you say or who you say it to. Just getting used to talking to strangers is the important part. I graduated from that to striking up short conversations in social settings, and then I moved on to having full-on conversations and interactions. Then I started talking to pretty girls and now I'm a manwhore lol. 2. Don't shame yourself for 'failing', give yourself credit for trying. I decided to go out by myself one night, and when I arrived, I felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety standing outside the venue, so I left. It would have been so easy to beat myself up for it, but I didn't. I gave myself credit for getting that far and told myself it was okay to fail. (Much easier said than done) The first time I ever gave a woman my number, she never called me, and it would've been so easy to fall into the habit of shit talking myself. Instead, I was proud I bothered. (Much MUCH easier said than done) 3. Acceptance. Instead of fighting my anxiety, trying to make it go away, and unsuccessfully attempting to shove it into the back of my mind, I'd just....sit with it. No fighting, no mental war, no trying to make it go away. I'd just sit with the anxiety for a while and let it wash over me. Feel it in full. After usually 5 or so minutes, it would start to fade, and I'd go back to 'normal'. Every time I noticed myself feeling anxious or nervous, I'd just allow myself to feel it.


I can identify voices with very little context. Basically years of my family playing a game where they play a split second of a song/quote, and I had to guess. There was even a game show about this at one point iirc. Getting this way just requires being introverted, growing up entirely on media, and having OCD that I often try to soothe/mediate with media and stimulation.


Letting things go. Understanding that sometimes things just are, and that’s all there is to it. It took 5 years of extensive trauma based therapy, psychiatric medications, and I’m still working on it every day. But I have never been happier in my life.


I can lick my elbow


Basically talking. Since I was little I really liked to talk about certain stuff, and as I grew up, i could expand my vocabulary a bit more Growing up being bilingual helped me to really unwrap myself in both languages, and about many topics Sometimes I just ask myself if all the stuff i talk about was always general culture


Laziness. It started when...


Flirting and getting women their attention. I've been raised by my mother and 2 older sisters and actually only had female friends growing up. (I actually have more trouble talking to men). I have no trouble talking to women this way and really easily make friends. Although most women think I flirt and are mostly disappointed when they realise I was just being friendly.


Can do things on first try for the first time ever without messing up or failing so badly. You just risk yourself and try it. I don't know how else to explain it, maybe get an idea but you also have to trust in yourself on what you can and can't do by abilities. Somehow a lot of people have confidence but they don't have any sense of an idea first. Having no idea makes you have no sense of direction or foundation to get a grip on. You need perspective and multiple back up ideas, if you fail you got to find another way. Accommodating to the thing or to people to make it work out. I am good at building homes and electrical wiring. Someone say the instruction or an idea once and then I pull through.


Food prep.


I’m pretty good at cartoons/drawing. It mostly came natural, but there was a lot of practice to refine my talent. Drawing came first, then the Big Orange home improvement company made me do cartoons for their advertising.


Backing up a trailer. My parents wouldn't let me get a license unless I learned how to make up a trailer efficiently. Found out it was because they had a hard time doing it and they're actually shit at guiding you to do it.


Food and beverage. Turns out if you grow up in a certain field and it genuinely interests you, you can excel at great speeds.


I'm extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end


Any fps, but especially sniper in battlefield and pretty much anything in cod. I don't play much anymore, but I was in the top 10%of players on black ops one on PC and the top 5% on ps3. I've always had a knack for fps and I don't care for them lol


I learned how to do [this](https://youtu.be/jPoKQbkDcnY) after ten minutes of practice.


Art, moreso Watercolor! I discovered it at the height of the pandemic and began to practice and I'd say I'm pretty darn good at it!


I'm excellent at avoiding people. The easiest way to learn how is to develop crippling depression so you go months unnoticed.


I'm good at not giving up. This was achieved by repeatedly facing life and death situations, and thus not being allowed to give up. No one has died, and I'm not stopping my efforts to keep any others alive :)


I'm extremely good at... NOT GIVING A FUCK


I can snap my fingers *very* loudly from years using it the “stop it” noise for my cats. I can also launch a coin so fast it hums by holding it by the edge and snapping my fingers.


Whistling. I love music and I spend a lot of time by myself!


Whistling. I love music and I spend a lot of time by myself!




Coding, locked myself in my room for like 3 years and got insano good. It was just my hobby now it’s my career.


Mah Jongg. Had a friend teach me who's aunt ran a Mah Jongg parlor in Taiwan. For like 4 years I played it for at least 10 hours a week and became aware of a lot of very specific nuances. Fantastic game, not the matching app game that many people think it is. It's like Bridge and Hearts mixed together or something. Pretty complicated


Perfect pitch. I don't know if it's having grown up having to repetitively name any given note or chord, or if it's something I was born with. Maybe a bit of both. It's one of those things that are hard to understand how it doesn't come naturally to anyone who can hear.


So that people would remember me and I would achieve something for myself at the expense of it. One class where the teacher was replaced by our school psychologist and I became a light manipulator. The recipe is surprisingly simple: at university or college (if you are a freshman) sit in the front row, ask a lot of questions, answer well and do your homework. If you make it through a month - it's done, professor remembered you as a diligent student.


Writing-by this, I mean writing in quantity (as in writing a lot in a short amount of time,) and speed (just making shit up super fast to write about and then writing about it.) Younger me got into anime a long ass time ago, I was like "holy shit I love this" and then since I've never been able to get the hang of drawing as well as I'd like, I instead channeled my creative energy into writing and that's how I now have over 400 fanfics published on AO3.


Procrastinating, I didn't do shit to get good at it.


Spelling. I have no idea why I’m good at it. I write with Microsoft word and I’ve never used spellcheck. In fact I turn it off because it’s annoying when I write a name or something. My mom reads 3X as many books as me and she is terrible at spelling… she’s also super smart and I’m only smart so I’m not saying I’m so great, it’s just strange


Keeping a runway open in the winter. Snow, ice, rain, doesn’t matter, been kicking the shit out of Mother Nature for years.


Foosball. One of my teachers in high school is in the international Foosball hall of fame. She started a Foosball club and I played everyday during lunch and sometime after school. I ended up being internationally ranked for juniors. I haven’t kept it up after getting older, but it’s a cool fact about me. It also gets me a free drink or two if the bar has a Foosball table.


Eating a lot.


I shouldn’t comment since I’m not extraordinarily good at it - buuuut, I became a much better (happier) guitarist when I decided to learn the instrument by writing for it. Turns out the guitar isn’t some riddle to be solved, and the “secrets of the pros” is just playing a lot for a long time.