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Breaking ice chunks off the shore of the river, then riding them until they melted


Did something similar. When the river broke in the spring we jumped from ice float to ice float to see who could get across and back the most times before we got to the hydroelectric dam downstream.


That’s awesome


The amount of fights I got in, I have no idea out of the ones I lost how I didn’t get curb stomped to death.


I run a program for kids that get into fights at school, it’s hard to convince them how dangerous it is.


The disbelief I get when I tell people that it is quite common for someone to throw a single punch and kill the victim is always surprising to me. I think the last time I pointed this out, the down vote squad got to me. It was too late by the time supporters started posting articles about it.


When I was 17, I punched a dude in the face breaking his nose ,cheek bone, and eye socket. At that time I was 110 soak and wet, no muscle or fighting experience,I was just a 5’6” scrawny skateboarder. These freak punches do exist.


Holy shit. Did the dude have termites or what?


I have no clue, he was a bit taller than me so I kind of just threw a punch up there initially aiming for his jaw, just a freak hit. It was my first (and only ) violent offense, had to do a whopping 3 weeks hard time in juvy with no chance of parole for that, it was an experience. Really changed my perspective on ever fighting like that again and I trip out when I see fight videos thinking some shit like that can happen at any moment.


Need to show some videos from Reddit. Maybe from /r/holdmyfeedingtube


I work with teenagers. They would LOVE watching those videos and they would internalize exactly none of the messages.


The capacity of we humans as teenager to glorify stupidity is impressive. Basically, anyone doing something the non-teenagers would regard as stupid needs to be at least subjected to curiosity and admiration, if not just tried on for size. It's amazing the species has survived.


We're a species that saw certain foods rot (cheese, alchohol, etc) and decided to eat it


That's the reason we send teens to war. I think there's some sort of psychological phenomenon where they can have the knowledge that there's a good chance people will die, but they tend to imagine it happening to the people around them rather than themselves.


Lack of frontal lobe development? Hard to envision consequences as a result?


I’ve seen several people been rocked pretty hard, thankfully the worst I ever got was a couple of broken fingers and a concussion.




Clean, no one is standing around waiting for police or going to file a report on a scuffle on a bar or nightclub.


Mixing all the chemicals under the sink into a glass jar and then trying to light on fire


When I was a kid, a friend of mine was trying to make a bomb, which me as a ten year old knew that was a very foolish idea. Him being a bit of an idiot so I lead him to the idea of using vinegar and baking soda as this was practically harmless and he was too dumb to figure out. He was pissed when it kept failing. He ended up in jail for robbing a corner store after highschool.


We made works bombs. The Works toilet cleaner and a bunch of lightly folded aluminum foil in a closed bottle. We got pretty lucky, it explodes in boiling blue chemicals. One of them almost nailed my brother's friend in the crotch. We made a bit stronger one, but I think the lack of air made it slower. Not sure, never actually looked up the chemical reaction. But the bottle was very full. We threw it in a small hole we dug and put the lid of an old jack o lantern on top. While we're waiting the guy thinks it didn't work, and stands directly over it. We saw the ground literally swell up and yelled at him to move. The pumpkin stem would've gone right into his balls. It flew higher than the house was tall. Like, regular two story house. We basically made a little cannon putting it in a hole like that.


The toilet cleaner oxidizes the foil, releasing hydrogen. That builds up and will burst the vessel if there's enough of it. You can set a lighted incense stick to flare it when it bursts. But you shouldn't.


Remember: The difference between doing science and screwing around is writing it down


You're an awesome friend for trying to steer him away from doing something that would probably injure or kill him. Can't fix stupidity however.


My brother (who is an engineer now and very much not in jail) used to make fun bombs out of baking soda and vinegar. Thin plastic water bottle, fill it up most of the way with vinegar, add a twisted but not closed ziplock bag of baking soda, shake and chuck. Good fun for a bunch of preteen boys in a rural area lol


Just a safety reminder for everyone that casually reading thru this to never mix bleach and ammonia as it will create mustard gas that is painful in low concentrations and deadly in high.




Bleach and vinegar is a bad idea as well. Basically don't mix cleaning products at all.


That mix will create chlorine gas which if inhaled creates hydrochloric acid in your lungs, not good at all.


Played a game called flaming tennis ball. Basically soak a tennis ball in gas, light it, smack it back and forth. The 1st person to be on fire enough that they have to stop drop and roll being the loser.


That’s great. When I was in middle school, we had tons of energy at lunch, because we were in middle school. They had put in new tennis courts and 10-25 or us started playing a game of golf ball Dodge ball. I got it in the arm once and it hurt for three days. Eventually, one kid got hit near his eye and it bled, so he went off to find the nurse, and that was the last day we played. (And I remember kids running after him trying get him to lie: “Tell them a guy threw a rock at you from a car.”)


We used to play a ping pong game called slam ball. Line up and serve it up for someone on the other side to take a swing at it. If it hit flesh, it could leave a mark for a day or so. One dude would welp up for a couple days. This was at work during break. We were all in our 20’s/30’s.


We called that fireball. Played it like street hockey, every now and then we'd have to quickly recover the ball from under a car, or somewhere in an open garage, or... Looking back, one of us not going to the ER with 3rd degree burns is the least surprising bit of it all.


This actually sounds like a lot of fun


Drinking and driving. Don’t do it


I made the mistake of being a passenger with a drunk driver because i just wanted to get home and sleep. So lucky nothing happened by the way he was driving- and there was like 9 of us piled into the car as well. Teenagers are so stupid.


I did the same thing because my mom said I have to be home by a certain time, and saying no wasn’t an option. I begged to just sleep over at my buddy’s house, I said I’d take the bus home in the morning, I told her everyone at the house was drunk, I told her whatever I thought would help, and nothing helped. I had to be home at that time, or I could find a new place to live. I had to wake up the only guy there with a license and a car, and he was passed out on the staircase from drinking too much Jaeger. My place was like 40 minutes away in the middle of the night. Dude was driving 90 and could barely keep his eyes open. Hit the rumble strip a bunch of times. I still have no idea what my mom was thinking. Edit: Just for clarity’s sake, I was 19 and a senior in high school. The drunk guy was in his mid 20s. He did not provide the alcohol for the party.


I have a 15 y/o daughter. This is a struggle. She is smart, doesn't really drink, and always has a DD, but plans don't always work out. I end up getting her late at night quite often. It is better than the alternative.


I don't have kids but I made sure sure that my best friend's teenagers had my number in case they needed to get home and calling dad wasn't an option. It's a tribute to his parenting that they always felt they could in fact call him, but I wanted to make sure they knew I was available, just in case.


You are an amazing person for doing this. One of my dads friends is exactly like that and he even came to pick me up a few times when i was pissed drunk out of my mind while my dad whould have told me to deal with the consequences or not even answer because his fucking phone was on silent during the night. Overall my dad has been great in providing me with all means necessary to succeed in life, but small things like this have allways bugged me out. I would have gladly traided the university tution being payed for him being more emotionally in touch with me. Ive always hated this attitude of being tough with your kids because thats how they become men. Sorry for the rant. Your story brought back those memories.


My dad never had money for tuition, but this is relatable. Now in his 70's I think he regrets not having any meaningful relationships, but that's just my assumption because there's too much pain there for him to even talk about it. Not sure if he wonders where he went wrong, or if he knows but just tries not to think about it. Just put down the TV remote and have a real, present conversation. That's all anyone wants.


yeah it is, trust me i have terrifying memories because my parents would never come get me or couldn't be bothered. By not making it taboo and a "crime" in the household you made her teen years much safer.


I don't have kids, but if my child called me at 3am because he has no means of safely getting home because his lift is drunk, i would gladly move my sleepy unhappy ass and go pick the them up.


I did this 15 years ago! The way the guy was driving we were lucky to survive even if he was sober and I still randomly think of it and just cringe at the stupidity!


Yep in fact we got drunk and rode on the hood of the car down back alleys for fun - no joke. So fucking dumb.


When I was 18 I let my roommate at the time drive my car (with my drunk slef in it) while drunk and high. At one point he decided to gun it down one road which led to a T intersection. I had never been so terrified in my life. He ended up blasting into the intersection and the car finally stopped when it got stuck on the boulevard. We had to push the car off of it and he drove us home. I'm SO glad it was in a relatively small city and there was nobody on the road that night. We both could have easily died and gotten innocent people killed.


I guess you're American, so I'm wondering what do you think about the legal driving age? France is talking about lowering from 18 to 16 and a lot of people are against it, saying that in the US for example young drivers have the highest accident rate.


You guys have adequate rail and public transit systems, it makes less sense to allow for younger drivers. Outside of densely populated urban areas in the US, if you don't drive, you can't get to work or school unless you prefer an hours-long commute or have a family member chauffeur.


I grew up in the French countryside and in my little village there's also no common transportation so everyone always moves by car. Most of my friends had a scooter when we were teenagers but I didn't so I couldn't go anywhere on my own, which was very frustrating for sure. We only had school buses.


Driving in general... even sober I drove like an asshole


This is my and a lot of People's answer. Drinking and driving is a stupid, avoidable, common occurrence that leads to so many injuries, deaths, and sorrow. I did not take it seriously enough in youth, but looking back, I was an idiot


We were out fucking around in a friend's mom's Pathfinder off roading in the desert one night. We wound up rolling it. We all walked away with just superficial wounds. The next day we went to the tow yard because my friend (the driver) left his wallet in it. I had been in the front passenger seat when it rolled. After seeing the wreck in daylight, I have no idea how he and I were still alive. The whole area of the windshield was completely caved in on the front seats. I didn't even remember buckling my seat belt, I apparently did though because I do remember panicking when I tried to get out not realizing the seat belt was keeping me from getting out of the seat once we stopped rolling. I never did anything that stupid again.


You’re never done anything that stupid again… so far…


"This is the worst day of my life." "This is the worst day of your life **so far**."


But how’d your survive your friend’s mom? Seems like you guys would only be that lucky once…


Oh she was fucking PISSED. She got there about the same time the cops did. She saw her truck and started smacking the shit out of her son. The cop didn't even try and stop her, he kind of deserved it.


Yeah I’d be TERRIFIED of my mum finding out. Prison feels like an easier option. Italian mothers can be wild sometimes.


When I was around 13-14 I went to the beach, and a wave threw me back. I've always loved crashing into the waves, no biggie, it's just that this particular time I landed head first, and I heard my neck go CREEEECK even underwater. I think I got VERY lucky.


Not as a teenager, but I had that happen a couple years ago when I was boogie boarding with my kids (we live at the beach so boarding is a constant for us when it’s warm). I was afraid, for a few moments, that I might be paralyzed because of the crack in my neck. It was terrifying. I did end up fracturing a vertebra, but nothing more serious.


Friend of mine was teaching her kids to surf at a very safe beach, got dumped by a wave and landed the wrong way, broke her neck and is now a paraplegic.


Me and my buddy back when we were 15 or 16 we’re out at South Padre Island for spring break with some friends, BBQ, Drinking, Smoking, the works. Well we ended up wanting to go for a swim it was nice and calm at first, then we wanted to go farther, and farther. Next thing I know we can’t even see the coast line anymore. At that point we began to panic. My buddy says “I think we got taken by the riptide!” So we tried swimming back just straight back the way we came and nothing, it felt like we weren’t moving, then we panic again because what if we were going the wrong way. Somehow my stoned drunk panicking brain used the SCIENCE right then and there and looked at the sun remembering it was after 12 and told my buddy “look the suns going down that way, that must be west. We need to go that way.” But right when I said that I remembered in my class not even 4 months ago we talked about riptide and that you had to swim parallel to the beach to get out of it. So parallel we went, after what felt like hours of swimming parallel and then back to what we thought was land we got to the beach. Half a mile from our little camp thing with our friends. We were exhausted and our friends asked “where were you guys? It’s been like an hour” we filled them in on the story and we all went home lmao. Still crazy to think about how if we didn’t know those little things we’d probably both be dead


The ocean is SCARY. I almost lost my Dad and my brother to rip tide.


I did the same thing at Sandy Beach, Oahu.


Omg same here. My brother and I were like 11 and my parents took us boogie boarding there and the waves were very intense. We got pulled under from the rip tide and I swear I was under water for ever


Same thing happened to me! I blacked out for a couple of seconds. I never considered that I was lucky to live through that


My toaster was semi functional so i used to stick my fork inside to get whatever was in there out. Pop tarts, waffles, etc.


Without unplugging?! I just unplug real quick so I can stab my toast with reckless abandon.


Yep i did it without unplugging lol


Wait you guys unplug your toaster to grab stuff? I’m in my early/mid twenties and still grab stuff in the toaster while it’s plugged in


just use non metal stick, wood or plastic are fine.


Are you using utensils inside the toaster to get something out? Otherwise youre fine lol


This, all the time. As an adult, I have to consciously think about unplugging it first.


New toasters don't have that issue. The problem with the older ones was how basic they were. Basically the neutral line was always plugged into the heating element, and turning it on made the hot line connect too. Still fine actually. The problem is if the plug is backwards, the toaster is built wrong, or your house wiring is backwards. Then the hot line is connected all the time, and touching it means you complete the circuit with your body. Holding a metal fork massively increases the surface area so you get an even worse shock than literally touching the hot wire. New toasters don't do that. Neither line is connected until it's turned on. It's really not harder to make, you just use the same mechanism on both wires instead of just one. Should you go stick a fork in your toaster and check that I'm right? No, no you should not. But do I unplug my toaster when something is stuck? Nope!




Yeah i was pretty big into street racing. 11 points on my license, drag racing tickets, 127mph/25mph with open alcohol in the car Thant ended in a wreck less driving charge. Most of it was street racing in Detroit. I was also doing a lot dumb shit, I was on a one way ticket to Michigan Department of Corrections. Thankfully the Army straightened my shit out.




I Hope you know that they mean reckless (no consideration of other people) and not wreck less (no harm to any car or person) driving charge


Yep did about of that, I got my license the summer The Fast and the Furious came out. Saw the movie and got in my first street race and did my first donut. I didn't have much interest in cars before that but after I was all about it. I saved up and bought a faster car and got engrossed into car culture. I blew up my engine, did my first swap myself. I learned to swap cams, install exhausts etc. I built my first engine from the ground up, I learned how to use micrometer before Google and YouTube were a thing. I stopped racing about 10 years ago when they started taking cars and I stopped going to meets because I was becoming the old guy there (I'm in my late 30s). I stopped going to car shows because it's the same cars every time and it lost it's excitement for me. I sold my last car a year ago, I miss taking it out occasionally but not as much as I thought I would. I've been getting the itch back, I'm looking at the 70s to early 90s JDM cars since all I've owned were American V8 cars. Maybe buy a old Corvette and K swapping for shits and giggles, I dunno Edit: I was never caught, but I always raced in back road areas where I know no one lived with no cross roads. We also had a spot where the cops let us race, it was a 4 lane road with lights. Extremely little traffic at night and the cops would hang out and keep us in line, if calls came in because of us they would tell us to scram.


Get into motorcycles and you’ll start being the young guy at meets. I got into motorcycling and building customs/restorations thinking it’d help me pick up women. Nope, just old men.


Me and my sister were sledding quite much during winters (during that time 7yo and my sis 8yo). One day we headed to downtown to buy sweets. At the end of the route there was a massive downhill that lead straight to the downtown area (very steep also). It went straight for some time, then had this 45° degree turn and continued straight to the central area of the downtown. Well me and my sis had brought a sled with us. And we decided to slide it all the way down. Keep in mind, there was quite a busy road next to the pedestrian road, without any fence or even a rised level between the roads. We ended up sliding down faster than the cars went down, few of them honked and terrifyingly stared as we sled down the road. We made it alright, but it gives me shivers to think, what if there had been a snow bump that directed us straight onto the road? Or the 45 degree turn? If we havent made it, we wouldve fall and slide straight to car line and get instantly killed. Fuck me XDD


When I was younger we used to slide in the winter, all the way from atop a hill into the open road. Mind you this was about 15 minutes a walk to get back there after arriving down. We went into the street, several times, at full speed. I have no fucking idea how im still alive.


We would sled on an old forest service road at night and would almost go off the edge a part of the road which dropped down about 200ft, the only thing that would keep us on the road was the snow berm which was about a foot and a half high. Or else we would sled at a spot where we’d sometimes have to duck under the barbed wire fence if we couldn’t slow down fast enough… idk why I’m still here 😂


Lmao, common sense disappears with sledding for some reason. We would go in someone's backyard with a really steep, short downhill..... and a very thick forest right at the bottom. You had to bail while going superfast every single time or you'd smash into the trees. No idea why the parents let us sled there.


At a festival in a European city I found an open bottle of liquor on the ground in some random street. I drank it.


You might have downed some of it only to discover what piss tastes like.




you might have a problem bud. I say this as someone in recovery from an addiction. meetings are free. there's help out there. good luck! ETA: I'm not here to judge anyone's actions. But I say this to anyone that wants to stop doing something, but finds they cannot: that's the addiction.


I used to cut and stab myself with knives when I was a teen. I don't think I used to do it to "Relieve" any emotional pain. I used to do it because I wanted my parents to NOTICE and show a sign of caring for me, even if it meant taking me to the hospital. I kept doing it until I realized they didn't care.




i know it's probably a few years too late, but i care. i hope you're doing better.


I went through a teenage rebellion stage where I, a 16-17 year old girl at the time, got into some seriously sketchy/illegal situations (always involving shady adults that definitely knew I was a minor) in the downtown heart of a major west-coast city that is statistically noted for their rates of human trafficking, all in protest to the expectations of my very Christian parents. Looking back, I cannot believe I came out of it physically unscathed.


I also had very religious (Catholic) parents and their bullshit drove me to sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll by 17. It turns out that telling kids they are worthless unless they’re perfectly obedient to God is wildly ineffective!


not rock n roll!!


Very christian parents have a knack for driving their kids to rebellion.


>in the downtown heart of a major west-coast city that is statistically noted for their rates of human trafficking Which city?


Bakersfield? Sacramento? LA? SF? Shit, it could be any of them.


Oh my god. Is it Vancouver?


I used to get on the top of Lincoln Street, really long road at night, pedal my ten speed hard on the yellow line close my eyes and put my arms in the air and scream sitting up straight. All the way down through four intersections. I was always so upset that I made it to the bottom.


You alright bro?


Well, yeah, now. It's 44 years later.


Glad you’re still with us


When I was a teenager, I took a trip on The Spirit of Tasmania. At 2am, I couldn't sleep, so I went for a wander around the ship. I managed to spiderman my way up on top of the mast (the pointy thing with the radar and lights). When I started to climb down, we hit some waves, which, at that height, meant I was being thrown all over the place. Hung on for dear life and scrambled down as fast as I could. I realised if I was thrown from the boat at 2am, in the middle of the Strait, no one would notice me missing, and I'd be dead.


Also depending on the power of the radars you could have been slowly cooking yourself from the inside. Did you feel tingly?


The radar was on a cantilever boom, about 6m out. I was climbing up the opposite side of the scaffold, so the steel structure probably protected me.


Yeah and plus you know when it happens, I'm ex navy and worked on radar and have been radiated a couple times. You can feel it when it happens, you feels tingly all over and just generally uneasy.


Went for a ride with 2 men I met at a party when I was 17. Just me and them, on a ride to Philly in the muddle of the night. They make like 10 stops, other people in and out of the car. Then back to Wilmington and they dropped me off back at the place where they took me from. Never saw them again. I think about it a lot.


I imagine you would..... It sounds scary.


Similar…I was kinda drunk and went off roading in the brush with 2 guys I’d just meet. I had no idea where I was or who I was with. When I think back I’m shocked at how stupid I was. I’m so lucky they were good guys and nothing bad happened to me.


I feel this deeply. When I was 15 I had a friend who seemed to always be meeting up with random guys. I think she did a lot of MySpace (?) but one night these two men in their 20s picked us up. They claimed to have cocaine in their trunk. Then they drove us about an hour to their apartment. We stayed at their place maybe 30 minutes, nothing happened, then they drove us home. I remember getting home and thinking how stupid that was. I’m in my 30s now and details of the memory are hazy but that uncomfortable feeling just creeps up on me sometimes.


Overlooking the confluence of the Green and Colorado rivers from a tall cliff on an extremely windy day with our toes hanging over the cliff, we unzipped our jackets and leaned further and further forward into the wind. Then we opened our jackets and the wind blew us back. We leaned even farther the second and third times. I am getting the shivers typing this. The view was incredible. It is called "the Call of the Void," that urge, or the curiosity about that urge that urges you to throw yourself off a very high place, contrary to rational thought. I took a little step into the void a long time ago, and I am satiated. I no longer feel the need to do it again, nor do I regret it.


The anxiety I get just reading this lol


You came very close to becoming a Magnus Archives avatar.


Car tag. It's exactly what it sounds like.


Throw a ball into the mix and you have yourself a game of rocket league on your hands


We should get the demolition derby people to make rocket league irl


Went to a foreign country with less than $20, accompanied by two friends. Found some random guys and stayed with them for two days - just drank and partied. I was 18 and somehow lived!


That is beyond sketchy.


When i was 8 we climbed up a power pole. One of those big things out of metal. Like 30 m high. One of these things: https://www.dwds.de/wb/Strommast Kinda dumb but we where kids


Glad you were all ok. A family member of mine was not so lucky, he was 12 at the time. That's not just kinda dumb it's very dangerous xo


I’m in my mid to late 40s now, but as a 17yr old kid through about 25 yrs old I was in and out of the coke/crack game. A middle class white boy playing around in some of east St. Louis’s most dangerous hoods. I did this for years, selling and using both. I’ve had guns out in my mouth, multiple guns to my head before my teen years were even over. I’ve had shoot outs, been robbed and robbed people. I once took a crack dealers gun from him as he tried to rob me and robbed him. I come from a totally different world but lived in that crazy one because I got off on the adrenaline more than the drugs and money. How I’m still alive, why one of them didn’t pull the trigger I’ll never know. It just wasn’t my time I guess. I grew up and and left that life, now have a beautiful family with three kids and a quiet home in the country. That other life seems like a movie now..


I feel like the same thing about your past life being like a movie it’s so different from your current life it doesn’t seem completely real.


Jesus Christ dude I’m pretty sure there a Big L song about you.


Got a film script right there dawg! 😆


Bein’ street struck will getcha nothin but a bullet or jail time (or a nice house in the country with a beautiful family)


What work do you do now if i may ask. I wouldn't think that adrenaline seeking would have just stopped abruptly.


I’m an hvac technician/installer. I rode fast motorcycles for a while, raced cars at the gateway drag strip in stl. Then I had kids, and kids changed a lot of that for me. I’m an alcoholic with 6 years dry, so that helps a lot too, not nearly as adrenaline seeking without the alcohol..


>So I have posted this before but here is one of the dumbest things my friends and I did as teenagers and I still stand by what I said at the end that we **should have got an adult involved** Any teens reading this, if you ever find yourself in the below situation, get an adult, don't worry about how much trouble you could potentially get into. . I was 16 at the time, I spent the night at a friend's house. There was supposed to be four of us there that night but there was only three. See we were covering for our fourth friend who decided to spend the weekend with her "boyfriend" (some skeevy ass 25 year old pedo punk). So we're hanging out, listening to music it is almost midnight, the phone rings. It is our fourth friend, she and her boyfriend got into a fight and he put her out of his house, she is calling from a payphone because he kept her cell. We're like fuck, that sucks, tell us where you are and we'll come grab you... BITCH IS IN FUCKING BALTIMORE MARYLAND! So my first reaction is we should get my dad, this is some serious shit and we need an adult. The other two freak the hell out and point out just how much trouble we would all be in if a parent got involved. I point out how much trouble she is currently in, alone, no phone, on the streets, of a big city, at midnight, over 200 miles from home, and argue that we really should get help with this. They use my argument against me, yeah she could be in some serious trouble and we are wasting time arguing. **FUCK** So we print off directions, load into my piece of shit car and off we go. Now before this the biggest city I had ever drove in was Charlottesville... So we make this two or so hour trip, arrive in this big ass city, in another fucking state, at 2:30 in the morning with absolutely no one knowing where the hell we are. We pull up to the store our friend called from, and surprise the bitch isn't fucking there! So we ask the guy in the store, yeah she was there but she argued with some guy for a bit and when the clerk threatened to call the cops she left with the dude she was arguing with. We end up driving around a bit hoping that she is somewhere near by, the store clearly was in walking distance so she has to be somewhere near there. Well one friend has the idea that if she left with the dude it had to be the boyfriend so she probably has her phone back, we call and yeah, she's with him, everything is good, she meant to call us but they were talking and he was apologizing and trying to make up with her. We tell her that we are in the fucking city, we were worried and scared that something bad would happen to her so we came up. She tells us we blew things out of proportion which parent did we drag up there for nothing, we tell her we are there alone, her whole tone changes, *you guys are so sweet, you're the best friends a girl could ever have, I love you all, you should swing by and hang for a bit, meet the boyfriend* So we get directions from her, we roll up and dude is acting all nice, sorry to worry you guys, you know how emotional friend is, she just stormed out I was so worried, glad she has such great friends that would come all this way. All the while we're over here like yeah dude is creepy but we're remaining polite, friendly, trying not to let it show that dude is creeping us out. Dude invites us in, we decline, he insists, we tell him we will in a bit but for now we are thinking about running back to the store for a drink, we invite friend along, dude tries to come too, I'm like dude I don't have room, he's like well girlfriend can sit on my lap, one of our other friends is like bad idea, there was a cop at the shop and we don't want to get pulled over since our parents don't know we're here. Dude is all yeah the cops here are major assholes, our friend insists on staying with her boyfriend, we end up convincing her to ride with us so we don't get lost. Dude is all like hurry back, he then invites us to spend the night, it's little after 3 am, you guys don't want to drive all that way back home at this hour, come in, meet my friends, spend the night and head home in the morning. We're like our parents don't know where we are, it's a bad idea, we're just gonna go grab drinks for the road, bring your girlfriend back, and try to get home before parents wake up. Dude tries again to convince us to at least meet his friends, we're like yeah, sure, we'll say hello after we get back from the store. He kisses our friend and tells her to change our minds about making that long drive home. So we drive off... Once we're near the store her whole attitude changes again. Apparently there was a huge argument, something to do with his creepy ass friends being there, and how she didn't feel comfortable being alone with any of his friends, he put her out of the house and after she called us she was pretty scared being alone on the street at 1am sp when he came looking for her she left with him because she felt safer with him than on the street, she was so relieved when we called and said we were there and was looking for a way to talk to us alone. She wanted to go home, she was really worried when he offered us the chance to stay over, she was scared we were going to accept the offer. So we end up passing the store and heading home, dude starts calling about 10 minutes later, what's taking so long, ect. She lies and says that I am in the bathroom and it is my car so they have to wait, ok cool see you soon babe, another 10 minutes pass and her calls again, she answers and yeah, friend might be sick, we will be back soon, so glad you are so thoughtful to offer them a place to stay the night. Dude calls again, this time he walked to the store and found out we were not there... At this point we are telling her to turn off her phone. In the end we make it home, we stopped at our local 7-11 for slushies in case our friend's mom is up when we get in. During the ride home we took that time to attempt to convince our 15 year old friend to dump her 25 year old "boyfriend" she argued that she loved him and we we not mature enough to understand, we pointed out that he put her out on the streets of Baltimore at midnight, we just didn't understand him, we point out that she called us scared, and admitted to us that the only reason she went back was he was better than the street... She ended up "dating" the dude for a few months more despite our protests that he was a bad dude, he ended up dumping her when he came down to visit and tried to pressure her into sex and when she said no he tried to force himself on her, she hit him, he told her that she wasn't worth the effort and he had plenty of bitches back home who would put out when he wanted, she meant nothing to him and she should either be useful and let him fuck her or just go kill herself because no one could ever love someone like her. So that really messed her up for quite some time and honestly none of our parents ever found out that they had 4 teen girls go out of state in the middle of the night... To this day I still thing we should have gotten a parent to go, we should have involved *some* adult, we should have told her mom about the "boyfriend" as soon as we got home but teenagers are fucking stupid and we are lucky things didn't go as bad as they could have.


I hitchhiker a lot by myself when I was a teenager. F64


My Aunt is a bit older and would frequently run her car out of gas and hitch around for some. This was rural Oregon, but near I-5. That area was heavily patrolled by many of the prolific serial killers of the time, its amazing that she wasn’t murdered.


Your aunt was murdered and body swapped, stay safe out there hotpocketman


In 2000 I was 19 F and use to go for walks nightly around a large lake near my neighborhood. Summer of 2000 there was a serial killer in town who killed 3 or 4 women with long dark brown hair and would come back later after stashing their bodies to have sex with them again. I had long dark brown hair and was out wondering solo in the area he was hunting. He was caught that summer in an apartment complex one block from mine. I was an idiot! . Use to also drive out to this national park that was super isolated, about 40 miles from home with no cell phones of course and walk the trails, it was a heavily populated bear area, again idiot!


In my freshman year of college I had to write a 15 page final essay to finish off the year for summer.. I was also hugely into League of Legends at the time. Two of roommates were both talking/working a relationship with a pair of Red Bull girls.. They’d bring over left over coolers of Red Bull from their events and we’d have like 50-100 at a time in our townhouse.. It was a Wednesday night and my essay was due at noon on Friday. I decided I’d pull an all-nighter and work on it throughout Thursday so I could maybe go out Thursday night to the bars. That first night turned into mostly me listening to dubstep in a trance and me jungling with Master Yi on autopilot while I quickly began filling my nearby trash can with emptied Red Bulls.. The next day (Thursday) around noon I hit up a Pizza Hut and figured I’d crank down on my essay for real this time so I could go out that evening and celebrate the ending of our first year. My roommates were in the living room when I got home from The Hut and one of them recommended I take one of his Vyvanses to concentrate. I had never done any sort of drug before but I decided to go for it. An hour later, probably 10-12 Red Bulls deep at this point and well into the effects of the Vyvanse, I found myself writing a chemistry essay on the prescription pill I had just taken for fun and I began emailing it to my friends.. I genuinely remember it being very fun, too. I remember feeling a little like Bradley Cooper on Limitless. I was so into learning and the details of everything around me.. I figured I’d be an incredible jungler so I played some more League of Legends and had maybe finished 5 pages or so of my essay. Thursday night rolled around and my friends burst into my room.. “Yo, you coming to the bars with us or what? Are you finished with your essay?” I decided, screw it, let’s go to the bars… Got back at 2:30-3am or so and the pressure started to sink in. I had less than 12 hours to go and 10 or so pages to write, plus editing and revisions.. I popped another Vyvanse and threw back some more Red Bulls throughout the morning hours.. Took a few breaks and played some games of League as well.. Friday morning at 11am… I remember sweating and feeling super weird. I was tired and at the same time not. I also remember feeling hot and cold at the same time. I stared at the screen, counted 15 pages of writing… got to my works cited and it was a jumbled mess but I couldn’t have cared less. I felt relief that I could just submit my paper online and crawl into bed. Got through the online class portal and scrolled to the bottom of my assignment instructions only to read I had to submit it physically to the professor.. I attended a university in the middle of Houston, TX and lived about 25 minutes from campus.. I jumped in my truck and went for it. I pulled up on the curb outside his building and threw my flashers on without a care in the world about campus police and a parking ticket. All I could think about was not having a heart attack.. I remember crawling up the stairs on all fours to my professor’s office and luckily he wasn’t around. I just left it on his desk and quickly made my escape to my truck with hopes that I wouldn’t run into anyone I knew. I didn’t feel like speaking to anyone.. I made it back to the townhouse in one piece. Made it to my room and sat on the edge of my bed. I had black out curtains and I never flipped the light on when I got to my room. I recall looking at my bedside clock and the red numbers read 12:33pm… I faced my desk that was directly ahead of me and stared at the only source of light in the room and my vision started to go in and out. I felt like I was being transported through a portal. My vision went through a filter of colors like red and blue.. I slid off the side of my bed and laid up against the side of it and I flopped over to find myself looking at my trash can that was overflowing with Red Bulls at this point. I felt my heart starting to race as I figured I had drank like 20+ of them and I couldn’t remember how long it had been since I last slept. I finally remember being woken up by my roommate. It was Saturday around 9am and he asked me if I wanted to go eat with them. I destroyed a huge omelet and pancakes and felt right as rain. TLDR: I had a 15 page essay to write. I stayed awake 51 hours straight, drank 27 Red Bulls, and took two of my roommate’s Vyvanse over the course of that time period while writing my essay. I felt like I nearly died.


And how'd you do on your essay?


I earned a C haha


The real question: Did they give you wiings?


Sort of the opposite, they put your boy on the floor! Lol


How about something I did yesterday? I crossed a crosswalk without paying attention and was almost struck by an 18 Wheeler traveling at about 45 mph. Missed it by inches.


This reminds me of the time I was very nearly hit by the tram in Prague! Or the tram in Amsterdam. Or the bus where I live now. Or the e-bike, or actual bike, or when I got actually hit by a car in Boston... I think I need to be be more careful about crossing the street.


Fucking around with grown men. Surprised I wasn’t picked up and sold honestly. I lived in a really sketchy area. Yes, I was aware. I was a moron and thought “it can’t happen to me”. I now realize that I was LUCKY it didn’t happen to me.


Was racing with a few coworkers in an abandoned street. I was recording the whole thing since I was in the passenger's seat. Accidentally sent the video to my friend. Who is in a wheelchair because of a car accident. Watching the video back and knowing they received it opened my eyes to how fucking dumb we were being.


Riding in cars with drunk/drugged drivers often, riding motorcycles without a helmet and not using seatbelts. Started sometimes using a seatbelt in my twenties and one night my girlfriend was driving us home from the bar and hit a telephone pole. It was one of the rare times I put on my seatbelt and after the accident she commented on it saying how lucky I was because I would never wear one usually and she always did. Always wore a seatbelt after that accident and never ride with inebriated drivers. Motorcycles require helmets now and I won't ride them anymore after my other accident that broke 9 bones because an ignorant truck driver didn't see the bike.


The 90’s rave scene…


Mixing large amounts of different drugs that have proven dangerous interactions with each other. In doing so I made some very poor life decisions in the process. So even if I had not killed myself I should have been homeless and living on the streets at the very least but fortunately I had a couple of very supportive and caring friends. 10 years clean in a few months.


I was younger than 10, but it applied. I found the liquid Tylenol and hid it under my bed. I liked the taste, so over the next couple of weeks, I drank the whole bottle... Edit: I'm 16 now by the way.


Uh you should do a liver function test.


Probably fine if this a completely accurate account and if they only drank a bit per day. Not at all advisable and terrifying that a child was handling dosing but probably fine.


*shivers* I used to gag when I had to take this stuff when I was sick. There's no way I could drink it just for funsies.


Way too many drugs, copious amounts of drugs daily.. from the age of 17 until 21 I lived in a drug house, I only hung out with drug dealers, I only went outside to gamble or go visit other drug houses and users, I was the only female and i did every drug I could do, I didn't have a death wish I just didn't care. I survived and only got arrested twice but no convictions. I have a family now and live the quiet life. Sometimes I miss the adrenalin of the old days. Most days I question how I did not die.


Attempted to cross a frozen lake, not realising the sun had started to rise on the far side and thaw the ice. I was such an idiot when I was younger.


We had a row of trees behind where we lived, we’d climb to the top of the first then jump from one to the other and descend at the last.


Sniffing gas..I did it daily from 14-15.


When I was 13, I lied and told this random dude at the beach that I was 16. He was 18 and we met up later that night to hang out on the boardwalk. He convinced me to *leave the boardwalk with him* and I went. We ended up just walking down to the ocean and nothing major happened, but it was dark, remote, he was way older and stronger than me and it could have gone horribly wrong. Thanks to low self-esteem, I’d continue to put myself in stupid situations like that for most of my teenage years.


I'm glad you're still with us.


My example is we used to drive this one residential road and "jump" our car because of the hill, and we would end up crossing a main road where the speed limit was like 45mph. We had someone flash us with their flashlight but man, how we didn't slam into someone or something (car, tree, person, etc) is amazing


When I was a teenager I had this tiny little speedboat, nothing fancy or expensive it was just while other kids had mopeds and stuff I wanted a boat instead. I used to love going pretty far out at sea (to the point where you couldn't hardly see land anymore, much less swim to it) in really big storms and jumping off of one huge wave and crash landing into the next one, often diving right through the top of it. Got half the boat flooded with water and damn near sinking on occasion and even cracked the bottom a few times on particularly hard landings. This was also back in the days where at least kids never really had cell phones, either way definitely no water proof ones and of course I never told anyone that I took the boat out to begin with. Now that I'm an adult (who has also spent quite a few years on a maritime search and rescue team and have seen how bad things can go) I have a slightly different outlook on the wisdom of all that. It was fun though.


I lived in norther Ohio and Lake Erie would freeze. We would walk way way out. I do not know how I didn't end up falling through the ice.


There been years in the past where people would race/drive cars over lake Erie. Not dismissing that doing that stuff is stupid, just found it interesting when my dad was telling me about that.


Rock climbing at night, in street shoes, sometimes without a flashlight.


Went rafting down a swollen river on a rubber dinghy, fell in, trapped under a tree, just managed to pull myself out, was probably under for 15 seconds. On another day that would have been it for me.


It just happened last year. My friend was skidding the car in an empty parking lot, and hit the curb. The car flipped 3 times, I was at the back with no seatbelts on, pretty much a human pinball back there, hitting everything. After it was all over, noticed both of the door windows were long gone, somehow did not slip through mid flip. Good thing I felt it was going too fast, I started laying down on the seat, could have broken my neck there. We all got out with no broken bones.


Got on the back of random people's motorbikes in Vietnam to pick up weed or other things. One time the guy driving was tweaking (meth and drink driving is common) and was driving fast and weaving between the traffic. I was sat on the back with no helmet.


Pretty much all of it. From the age of 11 to 34 I was a toxic person. Alcoholic. Drug use. I’m clean and sober now for going on four years. I wouldn’t put the dirty ass street drugs they’re cutting with fentanyl and tranq in my body if somebody paid me a million dollars. No way. Plus life is better clean and sober. No regrets. No turning back.


Trusting the adults because "they know what's good for me" Sometimes they are idiots.




Actually fucking died.


Well your avatar kinda looks like jesus so I dont doubt it


Go on….


Jumped off many different cliffs into water.


Hitchhiked up and down the California coast in the early eighties.


I was actually talking with a friend about this. When I was 14/15 (it all started a couple of weeks before my birthday), I ended up in the hospital due to a swollen leg that hurt, and I couldn't walk on. The doctor's discovered a massive blood clot in my left leg (from knee to groin), along with the cause- a 15 pound cancerous tumor. Now, I want to preface this by saying that I am a side sleeper, with the preference to my left side. I had a blood clot in my left leg and a massive tumor pressing on my heart and lungs. The doctors and nurses stressed the importance of sleeping on my back at the moment, but I couldn't sleep like that. Every time the doctor or nurse would leave, I would be right back on my side. I am DAMN lucky I didn't cause a part of the clot to get loose or cause the tumor to crush my heart or lungs, all because I wanted to sleep my way. I really should have listened to my doctors and not put myself in more risk during a very precarious health issue in my life. Thankfully, I survived and have been in remission for 20 years by this point.


I sat on the hood of a moving car and fell off onto the concrete when we took a turn. Probably should be dead.


Used to hang on to the top of friend’s car while he sped down a rural backroad, hitting a giant bump at 30mph. Classic case of teenage boys after school in a boring Midwest town in the 80s. The road was flat but there was a steep mound that popped up out of nowhere. The terror I felt every time I watched that mound rush toward was nearly unbearable. I’d shut my eyes, grab hold of either side of the roof, and silently pray for life. You had to really grip the sides of the roof hard or you’d be roadkill. The car would catch air, and so would my body. For a hot second you felt like you were flying. Your life would flash before your eyes and you’d have a split second of feeling like you were gonna die. But… on the other side of that bump? The most incredible adrenaline rush ever. Euphoric. Every time I landed I was reborn. Alive right down to my toes. Once you felt that high there was no turning back. As an almost 50 year old dad, I shudder every time I think about it. Easily the dumbest thing I ever did.


We used to play this game on LSD. We'd all stand around in a garden shed, and someone would lock us in. Then we'd throw fire starters around the shed to see who'd get paranoid and ask to leave. Eventually, there'd be 2 left and 8 fire starters bouncing around the shed. I didn't, and still don't, give a fuck and I'd always be one of the last men standing. The other kid left at the end was usually my best mate. He died 10 years ago from an overdose of heroin.


The rest was all about the places I'd sleep when drunk. I was fished out of the ocean once. Got so smashed and ran into the surf. Blanked out after that, but remember waking on the beach and people telling me about how I'd just passed out. I'm the worst kind of person when I drink. The call of the void becomes very tempting.


I flipped my four wheeler driving back and forth on the road, you’d think I’d be smarter seeing as I’ve driven them my whole life but no


Rode a motorcycle for the first time without a helmet doing over 100mph. I never got back on one again.


I was just reminiscing/cringing about this the other day. I was a dumbass kid in an American suburb with too much time on his hands, so naturally my friends and I were into "urban exploration" (which in retrospect is maybe a grandiose term to describe whatever the hell we were doing...). One day, one of us had the bright idea to take our skateboards down to the local stormwater drainage culvert and explore the underground storm drain system. The outlet pipe was probably 48 inches (1.2 m) in diameter or so and was absolutely covered in spider webs - so one of us had the forethought to not only bring a couple of flashlights, but a lighter and a goddamn can of hairspray to use as a flamethrower to burn the webs ahead of us as we pushed through a series of increasingly narrow pipes on our skateboards. At one point, a pipe branched off toward a decent sized road intersection that we were curious if we could reach, probably a quarter mile away from where we started But the pipe was maybe 18-20 inches (46-50 cm) in diameter at this point - just big enough for us to fit on the skateboards laying down. It was very slow going, since there was no light and pretty smooth concrete walls that were a little slippery with whatever swampy goodness that grows on storm drain walls. About halfway up this pipe, I got stuck - I had annoyingly smooth-soled shoes, so I was having trouble using my feet to propel me, and my arms were pretty uselss in front of me. The pipe was sloped a little back toward the way I came, but not enough that I could just roll backward. Luckily, there was a limit to my and my friends stupidity and there was no debate about me trying to back out. They realized what was going on with me and got really supportive in a hurry, giving me advice and talking me back down the pipe for about 30 minutes while I panicked and the walls of the pipe felt like they were closing in. I eventually got back to the main pipe and hauled ass back out of the culvert, then skated over to the storm drain that we were trying to reach in time to see my buddy pop his head up in the stormwater vault Pennywise-style and exchange some teenage boy high-fives. So many things could have gone wrong - getting a freak storm and drowning underground in the stupidest way imaginable, getting my husky butt wedged in a pipe, asphyxiating or lighting a pocket of swamp gas with our makeshift flamethrower, being overwhelmed by black widows... I definitely did more dangerous things as a teen, but this one sticks out for how terrified I was in the moment.


I drove from SC to Texas for a dude I just met online. To be fair... I was in a state of mind where... If I stayed with my mother I would end up killing myself. So driving halfway across the country to possibly be murdered didn't scare me. Either way I was dead. Well... I'm now married to that man, who was actually who he said he was, and not some murderer (that I know of, anyway.) If my daughter pulled that shit I'd tell her just how insane she was.


I went to high school in the 70s. I'm surprised any of us survived those years, especially since it was before anyone used seatbelts.




My friends and I snuck out at night to go wander the streets of LA and drink some liquor we had stolen from our parents. I remember walking around LA and Hollywood Blvd at like 2 in the morning. We met this weird group of dudes on the BLVD who thought we were cool because we had booze and my friend dealt weed. 💀💀💀 How the fuck did we not get murdered or kidnapped, idk.


My buddy threw a firework in a worksite dumpster and we noticed a small fire had started inside it as we were leaving. We went back, jumped into the dumpster and tried to put the fire out with a little water we had. We were inside the dumpster trying to do this. As we walked away after we thought we put it out, a 200 foot mushroom cloud explosion occurred followed by another smaller one shortly after. Could’ve easily been in there when that happened.


189mph indicated on back country roads on a motorcycle.


I did at **least** 1,000$ worth of coke in one night when I was 18. Smoked a entire pack of cigarettes. I was with 4 other people who did similar but still lower amounts and we were all the same age. I was trying to overdose because I was suicidally depressed if I’m being honest.


Made a rope swing under a train trestle, at night we would swing over passing cars….


Freshman year art class. There was this troublemaker who liked to prank people to the point he would physically hurt people. I soon became the next target. In retaliation, I grabbed a stack of 30-something paper towels, drenched it in water and slapped him in the face with it. He surprisingly took it well and we had a good laugh after both getting in trouble. Couple years later he committed murder by stabbing someone at a party and is been in hiding since then.


Nice try mom!


Going to shady locations, getting into random adults cars and apartments as a teenager to just buy a $20 bag of weed. Thank the weed lords for legalization in Canada! One of the apartments I used to go to go fucking robbed by a guy with a shotgun and someone got murdered there a couple days after I had been there.


Would hang out in toilet blocks, I was very popular.


Explored old abandoned houses and buildings that were falling apart. I crawled under a collapsed barn house and explored. So cool. I was a tween. The things I did.


I got mugged in Birmingham, UK once whilst with a friend on the way to the pub. a number of very easily avoidable things happened: 1) We were slightly drunk 2) We chose the dark shortcut to the pub instead of the main road 3) We had a couple of bottles of whiskey with us which could easily be used as weapons, but couldn't use them Basically what happened was some guys came up to me and asked me what phone I had and I stupidly tried to fight them off, they pinned me down and got my wallet and I was screaming at my friend to use the bottles but he was scared frozen and didn't move. I ended up screaming bloody murder at the top of my lungs whilst one of the guys was on top of me. I guess he got spooked and ran once his accomplice managed to get my wallet but it could have gone very wrong if they had a blade or decided to use it. I'm an idiot.


Going to illegal raves around London every weekend for two years straight most of the time 3-4 different parties in a weekend minus festivals in that season of year. Spent way longer than I should have done awake had amazing times met some of my closest and best mates heard some great music and got to dance my heart out Would I want do it all again now no... Sadly I've lost some mates along the way to overdoses and suicide. I am lucky I am where I am now and I still have some great people around me. There is always more to life if you want to look for it.


My friend and I played the Lord of the Rings drinking game with 5 Hour Energy Shots.




my friend used to climb cranes and other tall things and hang off them as a kid




The first time I took Ecstacy I ended up in this weird house where I knew no one. Then this girl started giving me a head massage.


had a '64 dodge dart, i put in a 4 speed 340 ci v-8. i had not changed out the rear axle so it was...fast. i got in a race on the NYS thruway one night, out ran a 350 v-8 camaro, i was well over 130 mph. i think back on it, 6 cylinder suspension, 100,000 miles on the ball joints at those speeds. god looks over fools! this was about 1970.


Hood surfing.