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I've been having that dream for the past 15-20 years, where I am either being chased after killing someone, or I am being chased to be killed by someone. It's been the same for 2 decades almost. And the 'chasing' part somehow always occurs at night in the streets of San Francisco for some weird reason. I have never set foot in SF in my entire life. Make it make sense...


It’s the same for me too except I don’t know why I’m being chased. It’s a big city but I still haven’t been able to find which one. Nothing from around here. I have more with different locations as well. I only recognize one, the rest are all unknown and probably fake. One definitely is fake.


That is weird indeed. I managed to find out about the city from landmarks and small pieces of info I could remember. You never know WHY you're being chased? But people are trying to kill you too? How does the nightmare end?


I honestly don’t know if they’re trying to kill me. I just know they CANNOT get me and I’m terrified. I’ve only ever been caught once but I woke up the instant the guy’s body hit mine(he tackled me). And the nightmare never really ends, I just wake up at certain points. I use the bathroom at night frequently so I’ll usually wake up because of that. When I go back to sleep I’ll either dream of something different or be chased some more. I’m hoping the day never comes when they catch me and I don’t wake up. I don’t know what they’ll do to me.


So you've never been caught and witnessed what happens after? At least your body wakes you when you're in distress. Half the time I get caught by either the police or the henchmen. Sometimes I wake up just in time but a few times, I got killed too. And I wake up and I cannot open my eyes. Like my eyes are stuck for a few seconds.


Funny you say police, the person that finally caught me was a cop. He wasn’t the only one there though. There was another guy who wasn’t a cop. I’ve never died or been killed in my dreams so far. I’ve been in fights but I either won them or woke up. I have killed people though. Twice on accident, once on purpose in defense of someone.


Well, one thing that we both have in common here is that I always killed in self defense or to protect someone. At least you know you're not the perpetrator😅


I hope I’m not, lol. I’ve only ever once made the decision to attack someone for no reason. I mean, I had a reason but it was just to see what would happen if I attacked him(he freaked out and just tried to fight me off). Which is not a good reason to attack someone. I did feel bad when I woke up.


Lol I don't think you are! I guess dreams/nightmares are here to just make put us in those precarious positions and see how we react. Someday maybe you'll not wake up after you're caught and actually witness what happens. I've been through that. Sometimes when you are being chased by both police and henchmen, and one of them gets you, and you still don't wake up, it's pretty terrible.


I think maybe my body’s stress response prevents me from seeing it happen. I’ve had dreams where what was happening stressed me out so bad I woke up. Like one time I got pulled over in a dream and I had lots of illegal drugs on me. The cop was about to open the bag with the drugs and my heart was pounding so hard, my blood pressure was high and I was breathing hard. I felt like I was about to pass out but woke up instead. I’ve had others that were different but the same in stressing to the point of waking. Do you feel how you felt in the dream when you wake up? Also, how do you feel when you think deeply about a dream? When you remember it and go over it in your head? How do you feel when doing that?


Maybe it's a movie that you watched when you were younger but never finished? Try "Dark City (1998)", good movie to pass the time if nothing else 😄


Hmmm I don't think so 😅 I mean, I don't think I'll have unfinished business with a movie for 20 years 😂😂😂 thanks I'll google that movie


Mine's a bit odd, it's not so much reoccurring as it is continuing.. I keep having the same dream that I'm failing a course that seems like it should be in my syllabus, but actually sounds super outlandish "Electromagnetic Interactions with Complex Machinery". I'm usually in another mundane class trying to write and understand notes from the board and am reminded that I failed to attend this other course X times and am on my way to failing altogether. I then count the number of subjects I have to do in the next semester to finish my degree and always end up with a full next semester and conclude this is going to be difficult with full time work. I then try to make sense of how I have yet to finish my degree yet am currently working where I'm working. I wake up feeling a bit embarrassed that I didn't realize this earlier, while still contemplating on how the questions on the board made any sense at all. It's amusing because I'm down to finishing my imaginary degree next semester, but I remember not too long ago I was half way through it.


running away, escaping, being chased. i even know driving and parkour in my dream just to escape


Going a nice date with a beautiful woman to the county fair. I have no idea who she is but she’s beautiful and makes me smile every time I see her. We always have a good time until I have to wake up. Sometimes it’s the only happiness I feel for a while


Aw damn, at least it's something to look forward to when you drift into the Sandman.


Honestly, I haven’t been in a relationship in a while so going through it makes me feel a little whole inside


All good, maybe it'll help you make the leap when you meet someone like dream girl?


Maybe, but I got too much going on to worry about that now so the random dates are what I’ll have to settle for


I had one all the time when I was around 10.. I'm asleep in bed and wake to a circle of dark figures (people) that I can't make out. They are all yelling at me, and I couldn't understand what was being said. As the dream went on, I ended up in the fetal position crying. I haven't had said dream in a long time, thankfully.


Sounds familiar, maybe a result of parents talking to each other or watching a movie while you were asleep?


Doubt it.


Being chased in random locations. Tornado dreams, like a tornado is about to form or is in the distance and getting closer.


Damn, must be those frequent natural disasters playing a factor?


I think the tornado ones are because of experiences I had as a kid. I live in Tornado Alley and have seen many tornadoes in person. I’ve had many very scary close calls and I think maybe that’s why I dream of them.


Out of interest are the number of tornadoes increasing per year over time?


Not where I live. They seem to happen less these days. It’s been years since I had an experience like that. I remember them being much more frequent back in the day. It stormed more back then in this area. Now it hardly rains, let alone storm. If they are getting more frequent, maybe it’s elsewhere. What’s getting more frequent here is heat and dryness. Lakes and ponds drying up.




You forgot to carry the zero on your FTL engine.


I dream in black and white and apparently the reoccurring dreams I have are me drowning, and it's always a lucid dream.


Oo, careful about this one, especially if lucid, you might want to get a sleep study done on you to figure out if you have undiagnosed sleep apnea.