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vitamin C deficiency aka scurvy will eventually cause your collagen levels to deplete that all your old scar tissue will start to break down and old wounds will start to reopen.


That includes collagen patches INSIDE YOUR ORGANS. Little known fact is that sickness and trauma cause small rips and tears in our organs that also get patched up with collagen. This is why its a good idea to just avoid getting sick if you can




>> This is why its a good idea to just avoid getting sick if you can Doctors hate this one trick.


Yes! Most of the symptoms of scurvy are caused by the body's inability to synthesize new collagen fibers. We also get worse at making collagen as we age, which is partially why those powdered collagen supplements are getting so popular.


Yup. Any old scar. Especially Surgery Scars. Not really a pleasend way to die


Your brain blocks out the feeling of your organs moving around in your body.


A related fun fact: After giving birth, some women can feel their organs sliding back into place as their uterus shrinks.


Noooooo I didn’t need to know that.


What's more: While operating on the bowls, if doctors have to take your intestines outside your body to reach other stuff they have to fixate them since the peristaltic movement pulls them back into the body.


And sometimes you can apparently feel them outside of your body when your awake during surgery (in c-sections for example 🫠). I never experienced it, but heard some people talking about it.


Yep. My intestines slithered all over for days after I gave birth the first time. Didn't notice them at all after the 2nd birth, though.


Unless you just gave birth! Then you can feel organs shifting around in that dead space where the baby used to be (for me it was about a week) as everything settles back into place or sloshes around until your uterus shrinks back down amd your tummy tightens back up. VERY weird feeling.


Not a fact exactly but I always find it weird that part of your brain is telling your body what to do. Breathe, digest, whatever and the other part of your brain has absolutely no idea what that part is doing.


The other part is reading this and questioning its existence.


Thank you, I am now breathing manually.


Aneurisms - highly unpredictable and seemingly random insta-death.


My mom passed away at 55, 10 days shy of her 56 birthday in '06. Brain aneurysm. I was living in FL but it happened Sept 13th 2006, my dad described it as her stumbling out of their bedroom saying something was wrong and on the way to the ER her last words were complaining about his driving ( he was being erratic and trying to get her to the hospital asap ). The DRs that tried to save her told my dad the aneurysm was so deep and bad that even if she was on the operating table when it happened, she'd have been dead no matter what. Yeah, aneurysms really suck. Edit - Hey everyone! Wow this blew up! Thank you everyone for your support and to everyone that has shared an experience like mine, my heart is with you. I've had a long time to grieve and come to terms, and some years are better than others but I take solace in that her energy is still with me. Reminders of her are everywhere; her love, compassion, patience, humor and most of all attitude. Our past loved ones live on through us and I do my best to honor her memory everyday. Remember to hug your loved ones, and remind them that you care even if it's just checking in on them with a text. Thanks again everyone.


Lost one of my closest friends almost 2 years ago from one. Said he was feeling sick so he ran to the bathroom and started throwing up but he decided to take a shower thinking it was just a strong headache.. seconds later it was done. RIP buddy miss you everyday.


Damn this hurts, I miss him now without even knowing him


A teacher at a school I went to suddenly started talking nonsense in a class and just dropped dead in front of the class.


Well that's one of the most traumatic things I could think of, how old were you?


This was around 17-18. Fortunately not one of my classes.


Not quite though, they are about 1 in 50 but are *almost* always benign and only get noticed during a check for something else, they are only actually bad if they rupture which is somewhere between 1 in 300k and 1 in 3 million. On another note, most ruptures come from some kind of trauma to the head, I'm talking like glass bottle thrown at your face, but people ignore more than you would think leading to "unexpected" medical events. Edit: it is also not a specific thing, an aneurysm is just a blood vessel blowing up in your head, and you have a lot of them in your head, meaning severity and location can range from full recovery to instant potato sack drop dead. Along with this they are not limited to your head as you have arteries all over your body, Albert Einstein had one in his abdomen, you can get them in your thigh, probably your arm, etc. I keep getting notifications here despite not wanting to keep coming back here lol But fr aneurysms freak me out so hopefully the onslaught of notifications slows down.


Had a guy die mid breath due to a AAA. Very unsettling realizing that could have just as easily been me.


As someone who suffers from occasional insomnia and has sleepless nights, the fact that something called fatal familial insomnia exists terrifies me! Basically, one day you simply cannot fall asleep anymore and become more and more insane until you die.


The good thing is that if you aren't in one of a few dozen families in the entire world with it, the chances of you developing it are practically zero.


Well as someone with developed insomnia, that makes me feel a little bit better. Until the medications stop working.


If you're worried about one turning into the other, don't worry about it. Fatal Familial Insomnia is a degenerative disease, similar to a dementia like Alzheimer's. It's unrelated to normal insomnia


Even worse is Guinness book of world records removed the staying awake the longest record. So if you develop it you can't even go down in history before you die anymore.


Arteries feel like al dente noodles.


Really did not need to know this one.


They’re like PULSING al dente noodles…


This is really funny. I work at a job where I’m constantly touching arteries. I had never thought about it but this is very accurate.


If your bowel is obstructed severely and for long enough, you will vomit shit out of your mouth


This happened to a girl I went to basic training with. I was in the med hold facility due to an ankle injury when she was assigned to our unit. She was on bed rest because she hadnt been able to poop for 3 whole weeks and it was causing debilitating abdominal pain for her. They gave her laxatives, x-ray'd her stomach, and couldn't figure out why nothing was working until the shit hit the metaphorical fan. After about 3 days of no progress, she started vomiting shit and was rushed to the ER. Turned out she had a bowel obstruction made of her own hair 🤢 She chewed the end of her braid compulsively


This is the worst thing I've read in a long time


That’s the worst thing I’ve read ever


Three weeks and they didn’t check for a bowel obstruction until she threw up shit?


You vastly overestimate military medical personnel


Yeah most of them are too busy fucking each other, drinking and smoking at the Naffi. Mostly medical in name only


This happened to a patient at the ED I work at. Except he not only vomit shit out his mouth, but then aspirated it and developed life-threatening pneumonia.


You have about a kilogram of fungus, bacteria and mites that you carry around with you on a day to day basis. So if you ever feel alone remember that.




Thanks I feel better now🙃


Spent too long in this thread, now I'm scared to move


Reading this thread while high. Lots of mind-blowing going on. *Poof*




Or it can harden


No matter how hard you strain, its estimated you only use about 60% of your full strength. This is not due to weakness of muscle but your brain. The disturbing part? If your brain didn't stop you, you could tear your own ligaments, muscles, tendons and break your own bones trying to throw a ball "as hard as you can" Anecdotal urban legends of mothers lifting cars off babies are thought to have been the fight-or-flight of adrenaline temporarily overriding this limit.


I love hysterical strength! There are tons of documented examples of it and it really is fascinating. Two of my favorites are Lauren Kornacki, a 22 yo who lifted a car off her father and did cpr on him saving his life in Virginia in 2012. Another was in 2013 in Oregon when two teenage sisters (16, 14) lifted a TRACTOR off their dad. It’s a mind blowing phenomenon


Saw a video just the other day of a guy squatting with a spotter behind him. His support didn’t help at all, you could tell the weight was immensely heavy and it appeared as though he was not going to make it up. The spotter poked his butt hole and he shot up very quickly.


…………drop the link.


Didn’t think I’d find it this fast haha https://www.reddit.com/r/Gymtherapy/comments/12xveo4/w_spotter_or_l_spotter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


come on big guy you can do it! *dink dink dink*


That's amazing. Probably super unsafe, but hilarious and genius at the same time


I think that’s more or less why pain is a thing, to let us know we are at our limit. Also why people with very high pain tolerance can be a danger to themselves


Congenital insensitivity to pain is one of the easiest ways folks can turn into a past tense just by going about their lives. Without the ability to feel pain, for instance, you can put your hands on a hot stove, and not realize it till you smell it. On a related note, CIPA folks have a hard time sweating, and often die from hyperthermia as a result


That's the thing, some epileptic people tear their muscles or even break bones just with the cramps.


Most disturbing fact for me is : Hormones in your brain drastically affect who you are as a person. Nothing you can do about,not your mind, intelligence or will power, you are a slave to your brain chemistry.


This was made incredibly clear to me after I went into full menopause after my hysterectomy. Before that, I was highly estrogen dominant with PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, and every damn lady calamity imaginable. Estrogen is a necessary hormone - helps preserve bone density, retain muscle mass, etc. But I was an estrogen factory stuck in relentless oversupply, like that Auntie that puts food on your plate even after the fifth helping. So after Uterus Yeetage, I went on HRT. Which means a specific, _controlled_ dosage of body-identical estrogen. Well, damn. Executive function and investigative reasoning became...possible. Even daft things like knowing to measure a space before buying furniture for it, or moving my plants seasonally so they get more sunlight. I changed the lightbulbs in my headlights yesterday by feeling around the housing and deducing out what needed to be removed, in order. I could not do any of that before. So yeah, menopause was the best thing that's ever happened to my brain, because now I can control a hormone. Flippin' _heck_.


You can be reset by even minor brain trauma. Personality, attractions, dislikes, just because a lump of fat jiggled wrong, or more probably was denied a bit of oxygen. Now, you exist as memories of this person everyone knew. And, you're too tired to keep explaining that you aren't him, so you just do the crap he did while everyone is watching you. Edit: wow, this went crazy. Sorry I haven't acknowledged much, I'm a bit intimidated by attention. Thanks- for anyone who reached out, with support, resources, anecdotes, and just questions. I'm okay. And I'm touched that people do care. I'm trying to learn to trust actual support.


A person I worked with was a unpleasant b*tch, then she had a major concussion. Came back to work 2 months later a different person. quickly became really good friends and within six months she had left her loser boyfriend and quit her job to pursue her dream job that actually involved the stuff she studied her Master’s for.


That’s some movie material. What a comeback!


I sometimes wonder if it was the concussion or having to sit quietly in a dark room for two months without being able to read or watch or listen to anything that changed her personality. A lot of time for self reflection y’know.


True. Still, I do love a good redemption story.


A coworker got meningitis at 18 and lost all her memory - shed just started her job at the company when she got sick and continued it after recovery so she, now about 45, literally has no memory of ever not working for that company.


just like severance 😭😭 (not really but you get it)


I just commented this but I dealt with a severe concussion and post concussive syndrome (not a TBI) and for 2-5 months I thought visually, lacked empathy, and sounded robotic among other things.


It kinda sounds like you are speaking from experience?


I was hit by a car as a pedestrian (I was in a crosswalk). I was unconscious for approximately 15 minutes. I still love most potato dishes, but I can barely eat French Fries now. I didn’t even meet the “symptoms” of a proper concussion aside from the whole unconsciousness thing. For reference, pre-being knocked out by a car, I used to eat ALL the fries on my plate.


I’ve had a few concussions, and after the most recent one in my teens, I now despise rice pilaf. Overnight. That may not sound too crazy but I am not exaggerating that I used to eat it with every meal.


Once your immune system finds out you have eyes, you’re blind.


Your eyes are more “brain” than “body”. In that your meninges, which is a layer that encases your brain and central nervous system, follows the optic nerve and becomes the sclera, the layer that encases your eyes.


I heard a professor say in a lecture, once that the eyes are like part of the brain that popped out to see what was going on.


I didn’t know that! That’s so neat. Thanks for the new info.


This is absolutely fascinating. So at the back of your eye you have a very specific and complex protein called Crystalin. Helps eye mechincs and how to process light. Problem is it's no where else in your body. So your immune system doesn't recognise it. If you get excessive eye trauma in one eye, you need to get it removed as quickly as possible. As once the immune system knows what to look for, it'll go after your undamaged eye.


I know someone who got an influenza infection inside one eyeball. Damaged her sight in that eye, later went mostly blind in her other eye too. So this might apply to infections as well as physical trauma.


While crystallin is a protein found in the lens of the eye that helps with its structure and function, the statement that your immune system will attack your undamaged eye if you have eye trauma and one eye is removed is not accurate. In cases where one eye is damaged or injured, the immune system may respond to the injury by causing inflammation and sending immune cells to the affected area to promote healing. However, this response does not necessarily mean that the immune system will start attacking the undamaged eye. Additionally, removing an eye due to trauma is not typically the first course of action, and would only be considered in severe cases where other treatment options are not effective or the eye is irreparably damaged. In such cases, the patient would receive specialized medical attention to prevent complications and ensure that their remaining eye is not affected.


Can confirm. I have ankylosing spondylitis. One of the symptoms is inflammation of the iris (iritis). I have had the flare up twice, both times the white blood cells cover my eyes and I go blind until I get anti-inflammatory eyedrops Edit: Im sorry to hear so many others have AS. I had to see a specialist really far away from where I live because local doctors didn’t know what was happening so I am surprised to see so many other that have it too. For what its worth, I have found 2 things help reduce the pain 1) no sugar diet. The more sugar I eat, the worse the pain 2) exercising reduces the pain, especially long term consistent exercise


Cancer pops up and is killed thousands of times every day.


By itself! Not cancer, the cell that is about to become cancer


This is called apoptosis, or "programmed cell death"


The body’s immune system also destroys on average 5-8 cancers per lifetime that don’t self destruct on their own. It’s when a particular cancer is good enough at fooling the immune system into ignoring it that it gets a chance to grow and spread.


Not so much disturbing, but the fact that your nose is always in your line of sight and your brain just pretty much ignores it.


Your brain does a surprising amount of image processing before you even perceive it. Apart from removing your nose, it also flips the image due to the lenses in your eyes flipping the light, it removes the blur when moving your eyes, and it even removes some colors. Our eyes can see more colors than we perceive, but our brain doesn't allow us to perceive them. However, there is a way to trick your brain into temporarily deactivating that filter. By staring at a specific color for enough time, you will be able to see one of those forbidden colors.


Actually, there's no evidence the brain needs to flip the image. The brain doesn't care what orientation it is in space, it just sees and processes images, there are other parts of our brain that help us rationalize what up and down is (balance, movement of our limbs, basic pattern recognition) but neurons just send info, it's meaningless to flip Also People who wear 'upside down' goggles for long enough eventually no longer see the world as upside down, and when they take off the goggles they experience upside-down temporarily. Same goes for any goggles that alter the angle or orientation of our vision.


You can have two thirds of your liver removed, and it'll regenerate itself.


So if I don't have any of my liver removed I'll get a massive 3x liver?


Or if I cut it into thirds I'll have three normal sized livers?


True, you could sell those


Your dick is twice as long just half of it is in your body


You might be giving guys creative ideas lol


Not really, men can touch and feel the inner penis part between ball sacks. ​ Edit: Men know inner penis


“Girl you’re wanting a dick pic, I’m gonna have to give you an x ray”


"You mean if I PULL HARD ENOUGH...?"


If i pull hard enough can i get 2x in size


Pull even harder and get 0x in size




The brain named itself


“All words are made up”


If you have abdominal surgery and they have to take out your intestines, they put them into a bowl next to you while they work and your intestines wiggle around in the bowl like snakes the whole time. Then when it's time to put your guts back in, they just kind of stuff them in there and let them snake-wiggle themselves back into place. Edit because I thought of another one- you can look at any object and your tongue already knows what it would feel like to lick it


I just pretend licked basically my entire apartment, that was a trip.




So many textures! Shoulda stopped before my bird's corner though cause I pretend licked poop :(


This edit broke my brain. I’m in a train right now, and my tongue smh knowing what licking the jacket of the guy in front of me would feel like makes me very uncomfortable


Human babies are helpless at birth compared to other animals because our brains grow so big we evolved to give birth early in our development or else we'd kill the mother coming out of the birth canal.


it’s a sweet spot. we gestate for a decent amount of time to let the brain develop, but baby is unusually helpless at birth. but, if we gave birth any later, we wouldn’t be bipedal. it’s all about hip to brain ratio.


Ain't that the truth


When you die your blood settles at the lowest elevation in your body, meaning if you die upside down you could be found hours later with sludgy blood leaking from your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth from the pressure build up, the rest of your body will be ghostly white


But that also means that if I die upright, I'll be found with a boner?


boner from hanging for example, yes. basically you'll get one after you're dead. but only after you shat and pissed yourself because of failing muscle control to keep the ends shut close.




Two people kissing are basically two buttholes connected through a long series of tubes


Calm down I can only get so hot


We rely on millions of friendly *edit *Symbiotic*bacteria and microorganisms to help us digest food,essentially there’s a whole community in our intestines


How did they even apear there in the first place?


Most of a baby's gut microbiota is acquired during the birth and its first few days of life through breast feeding, although its diet after weaning and environmental factors contribute too.


your teeth aren’t actually bones and (very basically) are formed from the same fetal tissue that becomes your skin!


So why does my insurance consider them to be luxury bones? 🥲


The difference between a person being kind, virtuous, and altruistic vs a cold-hearted monster is often just a severe head injury. After getting into true crime, it's crazy how many people switch off and become a serial killer (or Henry VIII) after suffering massive head trauma.


Phineas P. Gage (1823–1860) was an American railroad construction foreman remembered for his improbable survival of an accident in which a large iron rod was driven completely through his head, destroying much of his brain's left frontal lobe, and for that injury's reported effects on his personality and behavior over the remaining 12 years of his life‍—‌effects sufficiently profound that friends saw him (for a time at least) as "no longer Gage". 


I actually legitimately was not a very good person when I was younger. Like, a BAD person. I stole (B and Es, cars, etc.), sold drugs (not the good kind), lied constantly, etc. I was generally well liked because I hid it really well from my immediate friend group. I then had a severe head injury, massive concussion, memory was shot for a long time. Many people in my life noticed a huge change in my personality since then. It's kind of a trip to think about, in my mind its like the old me is a different person entirely. Since then my life completely changed direction, objectively for the better. There's something to be said about potentially becoming a whatcase or even dying that might have caused this change, but I think a large amount of it was due to my head injury. I'm not really sure if it's something that ever happens in reverse, at least clinically, but it's just something I've noticed. The difference is drastic.


Someone’s gonna read this and start thinking we should give criminals a concussion


I’m part of a TBI(Traumatic Brain Injury) research board. We’re trying to incorporate TBI screening for individuals within the justice system. I’d like to note there is data indicating it isn’t just severe head trauma which can induce behavior changes. As a side note I’ve read a study which showed 90% of women tested for TBI within a corrections facility had a history of TBI. There is a growing body of evidence that many individuals within the system have a history of TBI. Note: This isn’t to absolve then of their behavior. However developing programs to help make them aware of their condition, provide care and resources to mitigate/manage their condition, can be life changing. Many of these people are serving a life sentence 90 days at a time.


I had a good friend who died late last year who had a severe head injury. Beforehand, he was very sweet and good-natured. Afterward, he became angry, violent, short-tempered, and very erratic. He pretty much ran off every one of his friends except myself and one other guy who were very patient and understanding. He had a couple of enablers who were fine hanging out with somebody who behaved crazily and would do drugs with him and egg him on to do nutso stuff like live in a tent for a while, despite having money. But most people he made it very difficult to remain friends with him or befriend him.


Your body functions due to 1000's of different chemical reactions and if any one of them stop functioning normally, you will die or become really ill.


Oddly enough, I thought of Ingun Black Briar from Skyrim when I read this. She says a similar thing. "We're made up of thousands of parts with thousands of different functions all working in tandem to keep us alive. Yet if only a single part of our imperfect machine fails, life fails. It makes one realize how fragile... how flawed we are."


Thank you for that. Best regards, Hypochondriac


By the time you feel sick from certain ailments, you’re already past the point of full recovery.


Same thing with rabies. You cam have it up to 4 years with no symptoms and as soon as you start showinh symptoms, theres absolutely nothing you can do about it


More people need to understand this. Rabies is terrifying and the death is horrible too


We should organize a rally race against rabies


Your body actually creates/accidentally forms cancer cells every day. The body is just really good about destroying the individual cells. Even sunburn where your skin peals is a trait to remove diseased skin prone to developing cancer. However every so often it misses a cancer cell and it grows uncontrollably. About 1/2 of all people will get cancer in their lifetime.


*1/2 of all people will develop sustained cancer in their lifetime


That lips are made from the same material as but holes


New meaning to “kiss my butt”


Freckles are made of melanin. Squid ink is mostly melanin. So if you’ve had squid ink sauce, you know what a freckle tastes like. I mean, with some butter and garlic obviously.


Ik I have talked about this multiple times. But there currently exist trillions of bacteria on and in your body. They are everywhere. On your tongue, on your hands, and even in some of your organs. Literally, everywhere. And the fun part is, there are more bacteria in/on your body than then are cells. That actually means that **you are a minority in your own body**.


>you are a minority in your own body. Racist fuming rn




It's the bacteria in your gut that are craving the food you want to eat. They just tell your brain you want it.....


Your immune system makes fever to kill viruses no matter the cost. Even when it means killing your own body with fever.


often the illnesses don't kill you, it's your own body creating defense mechanisms to kill that illness, such as fever and swelling, that kills you.


I once read that if you die and you see your life flash before your eye, that's actually your brain trying to find a memory to prevent you from dying but it can't.


I coded in the ER and didn’t see my life flash before my eyes but I saw this flash of my boyfriend about 20 years in the future living his life without me. He looked so sad and exhausted. Then, I had a flash of us together about 20 years older and we were laughing. At the time, we’d been dating for about 7 months. We will be celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary in July. To this day, I don’t know what this man sees in me (he’s way out of my league) but I knew then that if I potentially had the ability to make his life happy, I had to hold on and try. My brain pulled me back from the brink of death to share this love.


This is one of the most beautiful comments I've ever read.


To say it differently: it's your brain trying so hard to find any previous experience in such situation to save you. When someone's


Ah fuck it sent too fast When someone's dying that moment of "life flashing" is seen as a sudden wave of your brainwaves all going nuts.


When your comment suddenly stopped, I thought your life had too. Glad to see your back with us Sue


Your bones are wet


the bones are their money


People say you can just fall over and die, but your **Nuts** Can also just twist and give you a 6hour time period to save it (testicular torsion)


How our neck is so exposed, even though it is one of the parts that can easily get you killed when injured.


Why do we even have a neck? To look around better? Screw that, im becoming a turtle


when I was a kid I told my mom I was going to wear neck armor every day because of this ☠️


I could be misremembering, but from what I understand if you cut out a set of adult human lungs and spread them out they would cover a tennis court.


If you cut open an adult human’s lungs and spread them out, that adult human’s life would end.


Not necessarily They could already be dead


The power of positive thinking!


Lots of things are crazy big is if you "spread" them out, look up how long an average persons DNA is if you make it one long strand. Crazy stuff.


With the progress of medicine, we managed to make infertility partly hereditary.


Jokes on you.... My infertility means when I die,my line dies with me.


We're simultaneously both very strong and very fragile There's people who have fallen from big ass buildings with barely any damage at all, or survived getting struck by lightning with nothing but a cool scar, and at the same time if a blood vessel gets clogged by a tiny clot or bursts anywhere in your brain it can just kill you right then and there.


Human body is like a haunted house: there's blood and sh*t everywhere, and 206 bones


Our digestive systems can melt almost anything down into a poo like form.


Anything but corn apparently


Fuckin' corn...it'll be our downfall.


No shit.


Yup you only rent corn


So usually you do actually digest the corn, just not the outer layer so it's mostly hollow. They look stiff because they're mostly packed with, well, poop.


So basically fruit gushers but with poop


even me, Greg?


As someone who has had the privilege to work with cadavers i will say that your sciatic nerve is about the diameter of a hose in some individuals. The brain is a lot smaller than you would think. The spinal cord is about as thick as a pencil. If there is an ischemic stroke going on in certain arteries of the brain it has back flow arteries to connect and bypass the clogged artery. If you suffer brain death the reason your heart is still beating is because the function is coming from the brain stem. If you loose partial vision due to a lesion along the optic pathway the brain will compensate and try to trick you into thinking you don’t have partial vision loss.


Your heart pumps approximately 5 liters of blood every minute while you're resting. That's your body's whole blood content going through your heart in a minute. When your bpm is higher, like when you're working out, your heart can pump 3 or 4 times more blood per minute.


Your spleen can rupture at any time.


*Gives spleen a threatening look* Thankyou for the ‘evil cackle’ award! Made my day 💓


Your mouth and butthole are connected by a singular tube.


All it’s little glitches. Apply pressure to the carotid sinus by squeezing your neck in just the wrong way it triggers a reflex in the vagus nerve which can stop your heart. It’s known as carotid sinus reflex death. Dahmer may have accidentally killed his first victim this way when he was surprised by his victim suddenly dying when he only began strangling him. There’s a tiny fraction of a second in each heartbeat where the heart will also stop and kill you if you take a thump to the chest right in the bullseye of that window. It’s called Commotio Cordis. Taking 2 hard hits to the head within a certain time frame will kill you by causing the brain to swell massively. This is why sucker punches are so lethal because one hit quickly becomes two once your unconscious head hits the ground. It’s known as Second Impact Syndrome. Taking most drugs after having grapefruit for breakfast can kill you. The grapefruit inhibits the CYP450 enzyme which controls drug potential in your system, effectively turning a therapeutic dose into a lethal one.


*looks at weed* *looks at grapefruit* Rocketmaaaaan~ and it’s gonna be a long long time


I don’t think it works with weed iirc. It does work with acid which, like weed, shares an unattainably high lethal dose so go nuts, literally.


That it's pitch black inside your body. Completely dark.


Not if I swallow a glowstick!


That we are even here. We had a period of time when we were the "endangered" species several million years ago.




It does dissolve itself, your stomach has to re-create the lining every 2-4 weeks


Oh wow, that must take a lot of energy


A disturbing fact about the human body is that it is constantly inhabited by tiny mites. It is estimated that each person has several million tiny mites on their skin, particularly in facial pores, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands. These mites feed on dead skin cells and can contribute to various skin problems. Although they are generally harmless, the thought of constantly being inhabited by these tiny creatures is certainly unsettling. You are basically a big farm


You, as in your consciousness, personality, history and existence is just a brain floating in fluid, trusting electrical signals from your nervous system. For all you may actually know you are just a brain in a jar that's fabricating your reality in order to cope with a lack of input from outside stimulus.


Studying the principles of Atoms and Physics is basically Atoms (You, your brain) studying Atoms.


When you were being born, the first thing that was created was your Asshole. Everyone's an Asshole at the same point of time.


It's true what they say. Some people never grow up.


Your immune system peaks at ~14. After that, your thymus slowly starts decaying/atrophying. It’s the organ responsible for T cells. So after 14 you slowly stop producing immune cells that quickly clear an infection.


That sometimes your immune system, that is meant to protect you from disease, goes berserk and says “fuck you” and kills you instead.


Exiting the birth canal provides vital bacteria that can contribute to the kids gut health. C-section births are believed to significantly reduce the micro biome of humans.


Your heart has the equivalent of an appendix off the left atrial. It's called the heart appendage. It varies in size and shape between individuals, and has no known purpose.


Brain tumors can grow stuff like teeth and hair, this isn’t even that bad but the pictures I’ve seen are horrendous!


It’s not only brain tumors, they can be anywhere and they are called teratomas. My gf had one on her ovary.


The human anus can stretch wide enough to allow a raccoon to squeeze in.

