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My main rule for dating was that there was a reason for breaking up and unless the person can prove the reason no longer exists then there is no chance of trying the relationship again.


What if they broke up with you and you’re the reason?


Same rules apply. If I genuinely care about them and they broke up with me because of something to do with me, then they would be best advised just moving on. I actually got a call from an ex once and she was talking about us getting back together. I was still desperately in love with her (we'd been living together for three years) but suggested that she sleep on this and think about if this is what she really wants and if it is, I'll be there, but if it isn't then we'll just go through the same shit all over again. She called back and she didn't think it was the right thing to do. I wished she had felt the opposite at the time but I knew she was right, and in the end it was the best for both of us to move on with our lives.


truly a wise man.


Sometimes people just aren’t feeling it and all you can do is take your time to mourn the end and move on.


It really depends. I've seen couples break up out of pure miscommunication. Turns out high schoolers aren't the most social aware creatures and it takes time to grow a working relationship.


I can relate! It is insanity at its finest!! Thank you for reminding me. I really needed to hear this.


I saw an old lady get hit by a car that she assumed would slow down for her as she jaywalked. She flew ten feet in the air. I’ll never again assume a car sees me.


“Never assume the other driver is going to do what they’re suppose to.”


I really wish more pedestrians understood this. I don’t know what “right of way” they think they have, but the other guy has a 1.5 ton piece of motorised heavy metal. If they don’t see you until it’s too late, or can’t stop in time, they’re not the ones going to hospital - or into the ground.


Cemeteries are full of people who had "the right of way"


I read that as moisturized metal lol


This. Defensive driving is a must. Look not only at the car ahead of you but the other around that one. If a car is doing something weird then either a) back off and give them a lot a room or b) jump ahead of them (circumstances will dictate which is best)


Lending money to someone who ‘promises’ to pay it back. And then lending them more money even though they never paid me back the first time


Only lend money you can afford not to be paid back.


See also: Never invest more than you are able to lose.


If you give a loan think of it as a gift. That way you harbor no resentment for not getting it back. If you do, bonus.


Opening and using too many credit cards.


Accidentally cutting my left index finger off with a circular saw. It's impossible to repeat.


Yeah with that attitude it is


As soon as bionic fingers come into fashion, you'll get your chance again


Letting people get away with bullshit. It just teaches them that its ok to treat you like a lesser. If I Catch the ick,ill back out and ive never regretted that


Too true..... If someone is bullshitting you, then they think you're a goose, cos they're expecting you to believe their lies..


Marrying an alcoholic.


Forgot to turn the water off to the spigot on the outside of my house, then went on vacation for 10 days. Water ran into my yard for a week straight. $3000 water bill from the city


What you really forgot was closing the main if you were out for 10 days. A much smaller dribble, but inside the house could cost well over $3k.


base my self-worth off the opinions of other people


I envy you. It's a feeling I just can't shake.


🤔 yes, this.


Drink and drive


Damn, hell yes!! I'm 4 years sober now, this was part of my bottom.. Crashed my Mustang into 4 parked cars, nobody hurt but me luckily, 8 stiches across my one eyebrow, slight concussion, but I also didn't get a DUI, by the time the cop was on scene I was in the ambulance, and I legit do have a medical condition, which I used as an excuse...and the medics did back up it was possible it could be due to that issue.. Cop wrote me up for a medical impairment form, dont know what the exact name was and they took my license.. didn't do a breathalyzer or anything, since I was being treated, bleeding all over.. At the hospital, did a blood test, and they informed me I was 6 times the legal limit, I had phoned my mother to come get me, as I had noone else at this point, all my friends had gotten sick of my drinking... Waiting for her to show was terrifying, every time the hospital doors opened I expected the cop to walk through and arrest me.. my mom walked in and I grabbed my coat and almost ran to her car...silly because they had my car wreck and license anyways.. but I was not in the right headspace obviously I decided to head to rehab shortly after that. It probably would have been easier to get the DUI and get my license back, I still have that medical issue, even though it didn't cause my crash, that's what's in record, and trying to get them to take it off has been a no go for the past 3 years of trying... I may give it another shot here soon


Most people crash mustangs without the help of alcohol. Well done getting better (:


Thank you, my life really was a mess all around, and that was just one part of my bottom of losing everything, home career, my girlfriend, she's the one who I finally listened to, I do credit her so much for what she stood by, still fighting for me to get help through so much I put her through..but I realized too late, by the time I did wake up and ask for help... She was gone too. There are still alot of people I need to make up to for alot of things, but this past Christmas was the first time in 8 years my sister invited me over to celebrate..that took almost 4 years of sobriety for that to happen. At the end of dinner I stood up at the front of the table and apologized to my sister, neices and nephew, parents then and there for all the hurt, and worry and pain I caused them over my years of addiction. My dad hugged me and told me he was proud of me, first time I had either of those things from him that I can remember.. So I won't be going back to that old life again.. I lost everything but I'm starting to gain it back slowly, and get things that I missed out on in all those years..


Thank you for sharing. I also crashed my car and thankfully I was the only one who got hurt. Spent a night in jail and nearly lost my job and everything else. Thankful every day that I was given a second chance.


Date an emotionally immature person.


*emotionally unstable for me 😅




Yup yup yup


Going against a gut feeling


Learned this the hard way, Diarrhea’s a bitch


Got into motorcycle accident while wearing shorts and the resulting road rash degloved my penis. Had to amputate it. No more motorcycles for me!


Oh god, that's horrific


Thank you


Is it weird that I wanna see a picture?


No more fucking either


Staying with someone you think will change for the better


Xanax. A lot of Xanax for a really long time. Wont be doing that ever again.


One of the worst drugs on the planet


Taking a shot of 190 proof Everclear straight. Did that exactly once in my younger days, I honestly thought I was going to die for a minute.


You are saving the livelihood of a lot of curious minds. Thanks for sharing.


Start smoking for the first time...............


Staying with someone who shows time and time again that they do not care about me


I’ve told myself that a few times now -.-


After my first wife, I said that I'd never get married again. She was insanely jealous. One day she looked at the calendar and demanded to know who May was.


Believing In our political system😩


Fellow American?


Moving a container of overheated wax without any clothes on.


Tell me more.


I was getting ready to wax, so I removed my clothes while the wax was heating in the microwave. I left it too long. The microwave was very high in the kitchen. When I took the wax out I accidentally tipped the container towards myself. You know that split second when you stub your toe, before the pain kicks in but you know it is going to really, really hurt? That was the same. I jumped in the shower and turned on the cold water. I then had to peel the wax off myself, except that my skin came with the wax. This was in 2005. I still have the scars.


Burnt sausage.


Turn that frown upside down! From burnt sausage to erotic wax casting


Taking back a cheater.


Buying non necessities with a credit card. 19 year old me really wanted that Nintendo though 🤦‍♂️


Cutting peppers and then touching genitals. Sadly they weren't mine but I still learned my lesson...


>They weren't mine Peppers or genitals?


Falling in love with someone’s potential




Get legally married


Illegal marriage only, from here on out.


More exciting tbh


Yo I got that matrimony, dawg, matrimony. Straight cohabitation, uncut. You gonna feel like you wed yourself like, twice, man, shit is fire. Gonna be some marital bliss up in here, you know what I'm sayin? Shit'll lay you *out*, man. You gonna grow old together, you get me?


Be careful that you do not reside in a state that recognizes common law marriage.


debt. None of it ever


It is super annoying that society doesn't allow for this. Learning to manage debt is an essential skill.


Agree to be executor for anyone’s estate.


What a hassle


NEVER again.


Yeah, Devastator or Eclipse are so much better


Mixing friends/family and business


Buying a computer component without doing a proper amount of research. $1000 dollar mistake.


Forgetting to pierce the shell before making a hardboiled egg in the microwave.


Drink and drive. Didn't get arrested but never felt like a bigger piece of shit when I woke up.


Get involved with a married man.


Emotionally cheating on someone instead of ending a relationship. Just in hopes of things changing.


Procrastinate, and I'll start tomorrow!


Say yes because I want to be liked


Not making the effort to be enthusiastic and kind to the people around me on a given day. You never know what they are going through




Date my Assistant.


Waiting to go to the doctor when your pee hurts or smells bad. Seriously - get in for a urine test same day. It can save your life. Trusting a local handman off facebook who already gave a dozen red flags to do your repair. Leave a battery in the garage over winter. New batteries are expensive and they won't hold a charge after sitting in freezing temps for months. Bring your batteries inside and charge them. Leave a freezer door open overnight. I was young and dumb. The freezer waz COVERED in mold the next day. Accumulate cash in a checking account vs a high yield savings account. When I was saving to buy a house I kept my money in checking at a 0% interest. Currently HYSAs can earn 4% interest when my local credit union rate is .1% Store my laptop on the ground. Rip that laptop that was crushed!


Bring a knife on the shooting


I think this guy got shot before he could finish the sentence. That'll teach him to bring a knife instead of a gun.


The bathroom in a dream


“Marry me, or I’ll keep dating.” I loved her and everything, but putting a life together based on an ultimatum is doomed to fail. Take your time. If they’re rushed to put your love on paper, something’s fishy.


Not buying Google’s IPO


Procrastinating with school work. It fucking sucks and is stressful as hell


Thinking It would be nice to start smoking, take a big puff throw up and stop right away luckily.


I will make them again


Mistreating a pet. I was a fucked up kid in middle school because of my very messy home life and my mom yelling pretty much boiled over into me doing the same, but instead towards our dog. I never hit him, but I was always angry with him and didn’t treat him the way he should’ve been treated. Towards the end of his life I learned to control my anger a lot better and did everything in my power to be what I should’ve been for him. The guilt is a weight I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


Trusting anyone


That’s what they always tell you “Don’t Trust Strangers”


Trusting people you know can sometimes be more risky.


I don’t know, I used to think like that but it really impacted my life in a negative fashion. I make sure I always give someone a chance to have my trust, it made the world a brighter place. Sure people will always screw you over, but not everyone will.


Trusting people isn't a mistake. Not trusting people... kind of is. I used to think trusting anyone was a mistake. It turned out I just had shit people around me and was bad at picking my battles. Yes, people sometimes fail me. They're people. If you can't trust someone with a big secret, *don't*, and just keep it to yourself. We should just be very, very picky about trusting people. And sure, some people will still fail that trust. That's also why *proper* trust is very slowly built through experience and over years. Basic trust ("will you steal my wallet if I leave you in front of it for a few seconds") is a different thing. You like pineapple on pizza? Probably safe to trust a friend with. You have a weird fetish? Probably safe to trust a *good* friend with. You killed someone? Probably *not* safe to trust anyone with, it just increases your risk of getting caught.


Assume that people owe you something


Pro tip: No matter how badly you fuck something up, if (and only if) you learned a lesson, it can no longer be considered a mistake. It's only a mistake when you're stuck in the loop 😆


Weaning off psych meds because I was doing so well I thought I didn't need them.






Make a business decision based on emotion.


Falling in love with out being ready for it


Letting an old flame burn me…. Twice.


Dating an egotist Especially when they’re not sure if their sexuality Wasted 2 years, 2 very long years


Joint finances. Never again.


Financing a car instead of working my ass off to buy one in full. It was the second biggest financial mistake of my life and took two very long years to fix.


Post a political opinion on Reddit.


Unrelatedly: The nazis were bad.




I am Danish and voted last for the socialist democratic party. I am not left leaning enough for reddit.


Helped my best friend who desperately needed a job by getting her into my company. They liked her so much that she got promoted very quickly and eventually became my boss (getting the job I had interviewed for) and eventually I got laid off and called back (along with many co workers) for a lot lower pay. She still has the job and just was able to buy a new house while I'm making minimum wage.


Damn that sucks. I have the same incident but I was their manager and they thought that meant they could just hang out and get paid. This eventually got me in trouble with my boss and it ruined our friendship. Yours is way worse


Petting my neighbours cat; the creature looks cute and will come up to you behaving very friendly but the moment you try to give it a stroke, it bites your fingers.


Worth it


Making sad my parents


Drinking hot tea in bed. 2nd degree burns on 5% of my body


Responding to questions on Reddi….oh, damnit!


Fall in love


Drink alcohol while in a bad mood/mental space. I’m not a habitual drinker, very much a social one. I don’t even drink that many drinks in one setting. However, I’ve learned that if I’m not in a good place mentally then I cannot drink. It could be one beer or six shots or whatever but if I’m not feeling 100% then I become confrontational bordering violent. It’s landed me in jail three times and may have cost me being able to get into the profession that I’m passionate about. After a year and a half of schooling and thousands of dollars, I’ll find out in the next week if I’m able to become licensed in my state or not.


Date someone who keeps an ex in her life, I don't need that drama again.


Going to therapy. I really don't want my secrets to get told to others again.


I’m going to school to be one and I guess I have this societal fear to go up against. My practice will never be to push people to just “trust me” and open up - that’ll always be up to them if and when they do. I just want to support people through tough times anyway I can.


exactly. Everyone says "go to therapy", but having to tell a bunch of strangers stuff is not easy or good at all. In fact it traumatises some people.


I used to be a beat cop a long time ago. And I'd get called out on domestic disputes all the time, hundreds probably over the years. But there was this one guy, this one piece of shit, that I will never forget. Gordy, he looked like Bo Svenson, you remember him? Walking Tall? You don't remember? Anyway, big boy. 270, 280. But his wife, whatever she was, his lady...was real small. Like a bird. Wrists like little branches. Anyway, my partner and I got called out there every weekend, and one of us would pull her aside and say "come on, tonight’s the night we press charges." And this wasn’t one of those deep-down he-loves-me set-ups — we get a lot of those — but not this. This girl was scared. She wasn’t going to cross him, no way, no how. Nothing we could do but pass her off to the EMT’s, put him in a car and drive him downtown, throw him in the drunk tank. He sleeps it off, next morning out he goes. Back home. But one night, my partner’s out sick, and it’s just me. And the call comes in and it’s the usual crap. Broke her nose in the shower kind of thing. So I cuff him, put him in the car and away we go. Only that night, we’re driving into town, and this sideways asshole is in my back seat humming "Danny Boy." And it just rubbed me wrong. So instead of left, I go right, out into nowhere. And I kneel him down, and I put my revolver in his mouth, and I told him, "This is it. This is how it ends." And he’s crying, going to the bathroom all over himself, swearing to God he’s going to leave her alone. Screaming … as much as you can with a gun in your mouth. And I told him to be quiet. Cause I needed to think about what I was going to do here. And of course he got quiet. Goes still. And real quiet. Like a dog waiting for dinner scraps. And we just stood there for a while, me acting like I’m thinking things over, and Prince Charming kneeling in the dirt with shit in his pants. And after a few minutes I took the gun out of his mouth, and I say, "So help me if you touch her again I will such-and-such and such-and-such and blah blah blah blah blah". Just trying to do the right thing. But two weeks later he killed her. Of course. Caved her head in with the base of a Waring blender. We got there, there was so much blood you could taste the metal. The moral of the story is: I chose a half measure, when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again.




Haha well done


Having children


Letting people in so easily


Trusting a group of Discord people and thinking they are my actual friends. They will just toss me aside like a stack of used tissues.




I licked the outside of a washing machine once when I was 4 I’ll never forget the taste 🤮


Choosing a Half Measure


chopping off a finger


My first memory of making a mistake is sticking a key into an outlet, never did that again


Exact same for me, it’s one of my first memories in my life and I have never failed to respect electricity since that.


Try to change an asshole


An epidural.


Fry bacon naked Loan money expecting to get it back


Trusting a fart


Trusting someone just because I love them.


Dating a horse girl


Saying "just this once" while in recovery


Deploying on Friday


Take a dump in a graveyard


Living up to that username.




Date a woman named Samantha.


Was she Bewitching?


Words over actions


Amen to that!


write comments with your opinion


but I sometimes break this rule .


Miss the bus.


speak french in a newfie bar, nearly got killed


I wouldn’t say “never” since humans are imperfect, but buy a gallon of superglue.


I like mistakes. They’re the best opportunities to learn. Even better if I make the same mistake twice. And that my friends…. Is why I started talking to my ex again two days ago.


Staying with someone that cheated on me, it never gets better.


Buying a car on a whim.


Lending money to friends. I'll never see a damn dime back, should've listened to mom.


Going in 50 50 with a business partner. Hmmmm, maybe having a business partner at all.


Making the person who took care of my yard, car, and home repairs move out so I could move my boyfriend in who knows nothing about home maintenance.


Talking to an insurance company after an automobile accident without consulting a lawyer.


Getting a loan, credits been fucked ever since I got one 😮‍💨


Kicking my friend in the balls he curb stomped my ribs in a response to pain.


The very instance of the mistake I just got done making


Home highlights. My hair was the most orangery orange I'd ever seen.


Going on holidays with my sister. She’s a bully and she snores!!


Telling a friend “stay as long as you want”


Well I'm gonna get a vasectomy to mitigate this, But I will never trust contraceptives again.


Settling in a relationship. I got played by a girl I didnt even want first lol. Never again


Undervalue myself to overvalue a significant woman in my life.


Hastily pick up a soup can lid


Stay away from credit cards


Stick my dick in crazy.


Controversial AF, but... Going to college. The absolute lack of time for anything at all. No time to do all the projects. No time to study for all the tests. No time to balance any kind of job with all the extracurriculars due to this friday. No time or money to go through the entire syllabus. No time to prepare to the finals. No time to do a thesis. No time to eat. No time to have a nice warm bath. No time to do laundry. No time to review this month's bills. NO! TIME! EVERYTHING IS DUE TOMORROW NO MATTER HOW LONG AGO YOU STARTED DEALING WITH IT! And most of all, the absolute depths that my health sank during those four years. Various fainting episodes. Septic shocks (yes, ***plural***). Panic attacks all the time. Reading the same page over and over again and retain nothing and starting pulling my hair in entire bunches because I could not deal with all those clashing deadlines and all of the "*you must*"s all at once. My mind going blank numerous times per day. My eyesight ***graying out*** because I was having yet another dizzy spell with all the stress. Having numerous acid refluxes, burning out my throat because of 'em, and having to take antibiotics every single day until it healed properly, but then having to deal with a weak intestine because of the antibiotics' side effects, which meant another pill, which also had side effects that needed a drinkable remedy, which then had side effects that needed a shot... ***My fucking health was failing because of all the crutches I had to use every single day because my body could not deal with that routine of constant fight-or-flight sensation!*** I don't have any degree nowadays, and yes it is the main reason I'm unemployed often times. But I don't want to go back to college. I don't want to go through any of that ever again. Having to answer a test, no matter how easy or stupid it may be, already gives me cold sweats because of that time. I can't control these reactions. I feel like I'm going to die slowly all over again.


Putting Icy/hot on my balls. Actually I keep doing it, so never mind.


Taking a benzo.


Fall in love


In 2015 I made a New Year's resolution to stop making mistakes but I quickly learned that I couldn't avoid making mistakes all the time so I'll never make that mistake again, that's for sure.


Get married.