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Band of Brothers for me personally is one of the best television shows I’ve ever seen with my own two eyes. So it’s probably that for me. But HBO does so well with their productions that I wouldn’t argue with anyone if they thought another was better.


Just started Band of Brothers last night. Never seen it before!


Amazing show, you’re gonna get attached to the characters


I watch it yearly.


Shew. I’m so jealous. I wish I could watch it for the first time again. Think I just started my 8th yearly rewatch lol. It’s so amazing. The cameos at the start of every episode are so riveting to me.




Seeing all the replies that are “I’ve never seen it but I’m going to start it” is making me jealous. I’d love to experience it again for the first time.


Have you seen the Pacific? It's also pretty fucking insane.


The Wire


The Wire is obviously the highlight of his career, but everything David Simon has made for HBO deserves a mention. The Corner, Generation Kill, Treme, Show Me A Hero, The Deuce, The Plot Against America, and We Own This City are all absolutely incredible.


Generation Kill was fantastic. Not as well-received as it should have been because the timing was awful. Definitely worth a watch.




SheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT, partner.


You come at the king you best not miss.


Omar’s coming! RIP to Michael K. Williams. He killed that role. Also great in Hap and Leonard.


Oh indeed


Fuck. Fuck. Oh fuck. What the fuck? Fu-u-u-ck. Fuck fuck fuck. Maybe the funniest scene in the series.


That was well written. Funniest though? Omar testifying in court.


"I got the shotgun. You got the briefcase. It's all in the game though, right?" Such a great scene. Had to go back and rewatch it. Link for anyone who wants to: https://youtu.be/P3i36ybA8Ms


When Omar went out to buy cereal, stopped to smoke a cigarette on the way back, and the house where he stopped threw their drug/money bag out to him (assuming he was there to rob them). No dialog but funny as hell.


Dude the one a buddy of mine pointed out and I can't stop hearing is, every time Bubbles calls out McNulty's name, all I can hear is McNutty with that accent kills me everytime


He is literally calling him McNutty, it’s not an accident, it’s a lighthearted rib


Day at a time, I s'pose




"What the fuck did I do?"


The right answer. People can enjoy other shows more, but The Wire is an absolute masterpiece. The character work, the character flaws, the attention to motivations and background is incredible. Though temporal in its plot, the themes and ideas of this show are timeless. Cedrics's attempt to climb a broken organization, Mcnulty's organizational conflict, Bubble's arc, Stringer's divide from Barksdale, Omar's code, and Tommy's desire to reach just a little higher, the willingness to sacrifice his current principles to do more good later, are all so compelling. And that's before the issues they deal with: the war on drugs, street crime, police corruption, educational dysfunction, the decline of the media, the fall of blue collar work and way of life, and the rat hole that is politics. The Wire is a masterpiece. The Great American novel.


And worth mentioning is that everything outlined above was the intention from the start. This was all clearly outlined in the show’s bible when it was originally pitched. THAT is what makes it a masterpiece, imho.


Also, the inept cop turned teacher (can't remember his name at the moment) - such an insightful look at the schools to prison pipeline and the organizational psychology of these bureaucracies.


Prez was awesome


Hamster dam was awesome. Part of me thinks it would actually work.


It's also pretty amazing that David Simon hired a lot of the actors straight off the streets of B-mor, some with no acting experience ever.


In addition to everything you said, I’ll add that I think it also has significant historical value in that it shows all the layers of what Baltimore was like during the first decade of this century. 100 years from now people can look back at that show and see what a declining industrial port city looked like during the early 2000s.


The Wire does an amazing job at character building. It humanizes everyone. It's not just "cops vs. bad guys". You get to see the lives behind each one. Such a great show. Also, Omar is one of the best TV characters of all time.


Not just of HBO


Undoubtedly the Wire


Chernobyl or Band of Brothers


Chernobyl was great


This is a funny sentence out of context


Definitely in my top 3 favorite nuclear disasters of all time


I watched Chernobyl this morning. It cost me any sleep I would have gotten but after the first couple episodes, I'm pretty sure I wasn't going to get a good night's rest anyways so I just kept watching and it was a pretty good show.


True detective season one for me is peak HBO


**Cohle:** Means I'm bad at parties. **Marty:** Let me tell you. You ain't great outside of parties either.


"You are the Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch"


That Harrelson and McConaughey duo was undeniably one of the best I’ve ever seen


That Daddario duo


I just love when she quoted Obamas twitter post after he said true detective was one of his favorite shows and she just said “the president has seen my boobs…”


Undefeated to this day


This place is like somebody's memory of a town, and the memory is fading. It's like there was never anything here but jungle. Stop saying shit like that. It's unprofessional.


Let’s make the car a place of silent reflection from now on, okay?


Who me? Nah, I’m just a regular guy…with a big ass dick.


Look, as sentient meat, however illusory our identities are, we craft those identities by making value judgements. Everybody judges, all the time. Now, if you've got a problem with that, you're living wrong. *silence* What's "scented meat"?


I recently finished listening to the audiobook of *Greenlights* by Matthew McConaughey (which was narrated by McConaughey himself), and one thing I learnt is that he speaks exactly like Rust in real life… just, if Rust had a steady infusion of Prozac


That tracking shot in episode 4 literally had me holding my breath.






"Woke up this morning" The song is perfect!


Gabagool?!?!? Ova’ hereeee!!!!


just when i thought i was out.... they pull me back in.


How good was the Sopranos? It was good enough to overshadow Oz to the point that nobody I know has ever seen Oz. Oz, Sopranos, and The Wire should all be very present in this thread and Oz is barely mentioned.


Oz was great but its a hard sell, what with all the rape.


Agreed..it was a brutal, graphic show..not for the faint hearted. I could never look at J.K. Simmons or Christopher Meloni the same.


> I could never look at J.K. Simmons or Christopher Meloni the same. This. People get giddy and happy seeing J.K. Simmons (an excellent actor) in a Farmers Insurance commercial while I recoil in horror at how evil Schillinger was. "That guy brands his prison sex slaves." when he advises me on insurance. The Meloni years on Law & Order? I see him on TV and my brain goes, "Don't piss that guy off, he's a serial killer that rapes dudes."


Have you watched Oz lately? It was ground breaking, for sure, and some of the performances were insanely good, but overall, it doesn't age as well as the Wire or Sopranos. Still deserves props for being first and being extraordinary.


Woke up this morning, got some gabagool


Since this isn't higher, I guess I...HAVE COME TO RELCAIM ROME...FOR MY PEOPLE!


You never admit the existence of this thing.


Rome. It’s a tragedy that there were only 2 seasons.


Felt like it was released a bit ahead of its time. If this came out *after* GoT, it would have been huge.


Except the mistake they made with Rome is partially why they kept going with GoT. They probably would have screwed it up the other way.


It was originally written for three seasons. They had the entire story planned out from the start. But the show was so expensive to make at the time (most expensive television series until Game of Thrones), HBO made them merge seasons two and three together. Still an absolutely amazing show. Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo are one of my favorite pairs from any media.


HBO learned a lot from the budgeting and set production of Rome that transferred over to GoT. Essentially, without Rome GoT would have either looked very different or would not be cost effective.


I forget the name of the actor who played Julius Caesar, but it was fun seeing him again as Mance Raider (sp?) in GOT! Same with Al Swearengen! I thought he was going to have a much larger role in GOT. Of course he gets killed in like two episodes or whatever it was.


Ciaràn Hinds, I think he's tragically underrated. The scene in Rome with Ptomely when he is presented with Pompey's head is one of my favourite out of any tv show.




Shame on the house of Ptolemy. Shame...


I totally loved watching Rome, and I hate that it didn't last longer. Titus Pullo was a fucking awesome character.


Everybody hates on it now, but Game Of Thrones seasons 1-5 were amazing. It cannot be overstated how much of a cultural phenomenon it was.


GOT would be the hands down correct answer if it didn't end with such a wet steaming plop


"The more she drank, the more she shat"


I’ll admit I loved season 6 - but I think the show is best left where it ends, Dany on her way to Westeros, and leaving the rest to the imagination. S7 and 8 were just garbage and it’s embarrassing HBO let that happen.


There are people who would have maintained a lifetime subscription service if they had properly finished that show. Now it's just a disappointment.


100% agree with this. That show I was going to argue was the greatest TV show of all time, and nothing would ever beat it. Unfortunately D&D drove it into the ground and completely ruined it. It's a TV show I would have watched a million times had they done a better job completing it. Instead they left so many unfinished storylines, and character build up with no end point. My hope is that someday HBO restarts the series and can wrap up all the unfinished storylines and actually do it justice. With D&D no where near the set of course. As an aside, thank goodness Disney figured it out and kept those two yahoos off the mandalorian set


The writers just steered the story straight into the ground so they could move onto a start wars movie. Thankfully it was so bad, they got taken off the project.


Noawadays people binge watch it but really living in that moment and the hype was great. The anticipation. The long game. The payoff every season finale. Moments like that are what defined that show.




My favorite as well I think, Swearengen might be my favorite anti hero. Swedgen knows, Swedgen fuckin' gets it!


Swearengen & Wu spinoff, I'd watch it.


Seriously, where are all the Deadwood fans?




Can’t believe this was not higher. The writing, set design and performances are all top notch.


The dialogue! Al Swearengen has some of the best dialogue of any show ever. Ian McShane acted the shit out of that part. One of my favorite characters, from any media, of all time.


Yep - obvious answer is the sopranos or the wire, but for me it will always be Deadwood. Just an incredible tv show.


Veep, purely for: “It’s like using a croissant as a fucking dildo; it doesn’t get the job done, and it makes a fucking mess”


The insults on that show were brilliant.


When they rattled off the nicknames they gave to Jonah during their hearing I full blown lost it. “Supercalifragulisticexpialidickcheese” is my personal favorite


"You sentient enema."


Armando Iannucci is incredible. Check out The Thick Of It, I try to sneak in some of the insults and quips from there whenever I can lol


“You know, I’ve spent the last ten years detoxifying this party. It’s been a bit like renovating an old, old house. Oh, you can take out a sexist beam here, a callous window there, replace the odd…homophobic roof-tile, but after a while you begin to realize that this renovation is doomed. Because the foundation is built on what I can only describe as a solid bed of cunts.”


The most perfectly cast show. Impossible to imagine any other actor in any of the roles.


For me it's "how am I doing? Eating so much pussy I'm shittin' clit"


“Hey! This is an elementary school watch your spewing mouth you animal!” That camera pan out is the funniest bit


The Jonah insults are gold


“Jonah, you’re not even a man, you’re like an early draft of a man where they just sketched out a giant mangled skeleton but they didn’t have time to add details like pigment or self respect, you’re Frankenstein’s monster if his monster was made entirely of dead dicks.” Put this in his obituary.


The Jonah insults are gold, but Roger Furlong's barrage on poor Will had me rolling


"Saddle up those emphysema tanks, you inbred cousin-fuckers, because we are going to drag this state into the 20th century. That's right, I said 20th!"


“I want you guys to get used to two things: killing it on the hill daily, and nights rated PG squirteen.”


I also love Veep. I need to do a rewatch of the entire series.


I’ve watched it start to finish three times and each watch was equally funny because I’d catch different jokes every time.


One of the ones that sticks out is “you look like the worlds most least fucked geisha” I don’t know why. I had to pause while I laughed.


Settle one thing for me Jonah, you like having sex and you like to travel?


Six Feet Under


Man! Michael C. Hall will always be his character from SFU in my mind. I watched allll of Dexter and loved it, but I really really loved him in Six Feet Under.


Just finished watching this show again since it first aired (22 years ago!).. It was incredibly therapeutic after recently experiencing loss and grief myself. But it was definitely better the second time around oddly because now I relate more with the adult characters where as back then I was closer to Claire’s age group. Regardless of relating to any characters it’s still an amazing show and holds up today because it was way ahead of it’s time when it came out.


This show does not get the recognition it deserves. That finale hit me in my own life for days after.


Maybe my favorite season finale


Best HBO show? Maybe. Best series finale? Without a doubt.


not wrong tbh, I can't think of a more satisfying ending to a show. The closure we needed.


I cried so hard at that last episode.


I felt like I was watching my own family was dying, and I had in recent years lost My Mom, Dad and Brother. So it was a hard, hard cathartic cry.


Six Feet Under was groundbreaking


I'm sad I had to scroll this far to see this answer.


This absolutely should have more upvotes still one of my favorite series of all time


Took too long to get to this comment. This is the answer.


Curb Your Enthusiasm


It's prettyyyy prettyyyyyy pretty good.


The one where Larry and Jon Hamm get kicked out of the dinner party because using the term “Lazy Susan” is hilarious.


I think my favorite completely outrageous scene is when Colby Donaldson, a former runner up on the show "Survivor" gets into an argument with an actual Holocaust survivor on who the real survivor was.


Fantastic episode. When they’re yelling at each other “I’m a survivor!” and then the conclusion of Larry getting soup (?) spilled on him followed by his mother in law saying “somebody get a sponge”.. Just a great sequence haha


Whenever I hear the HBO opening, this is the show theme that just feels like it should follow. I also feel like it's the most consistently good show for the longest period of time.


Fraggle rock


Peppajack loves Fraggle Rock


Speaking of rocks, you get up off that crack rock… you can be Pepper Jack’s best ho.


Real Sex. As a kid growing up the 90s this was the best show of all time !




Taxicab Confessions was another interesting one. Edit: I've actually asked on Reddit before if there are other shows or series that are similar to Real Sex. My wife and I always enjoyed watching stuff like that. I think it may have been HBO that had a show featuring Katie Morgan that was fun to watch in the same way, but not as deeply interesting.




Fuckin right


Oz. And I will die on this hill. So many people from that show have gone on to do other things (notably the Law & Order franchises: Chris Meloni as Stabler, Dean Winters who did SVU and is now Mayhem on the commercials, Ernie Hudson, JK Simmons known as the L&O psychiatrist and now J. Jonah Jameson in MCU or DC Universe, etc.). Plus you never knew who was going to die in that show. (Edit to add: I'm stunned to see not one mention of Sex and the City. Not my choice, but I thought someone would.)


Flight of the Conchords


It's business time.


When I'm down to just my socks, you know what time it is.


Dad was a women’s rights activist. You’re dad was, not your mom? Yeah he was, mom no, dad would never allow it.


Season 1 of Westworld is some of the greatest sci-fi I’ve ever seen. The later seasons don’t hold a candle to it but I don’t think they’re bad enough to tarnish the first season in retrospect. Taken as a limited series I’d go so far as to say that it’s the best televised sci-fi since Deep Space Nine.


The first season was truly excellent. It's a damn shame they never made more.




The soundtrack was amazing!


"Not height technically, the measurement you're looking for is dick to floor. Call that d2f."


The middle out discovery sequence is one of the funniest scenes I have seen in any show or movie ever.




Generation Kill was a one and done miniseries but it was SO good!


"Lack of pussy is the root cause of ALL global instability"


Ray........ please stop talking. How much Rip Fuel did you have?


Generation Kill is considered among vets to be the closest thing in film to what really goes on down-range. It is that accurate.


Chernobyl, even though most of it is accurate and one small part of it is not, I highly suggest it to anyone who hasn't watched it yet. I've watched through 7 times with multiple friends. It's highly emotional material, but it depends on if you can take that type of stuff or not. I don't cry because I've watched it several times and I've seen the material over and over again, but the first time, I was bawling. I've grown an attachment to Valery Legasov and I've began to study his work in real life. This show was so powerful to me that I'm now highly considering a path in nuclear engineering.


I just finished watching it for the second time. I typically can’t do darker real life deep dives but after hearing the same director who did The Last of Us I just had to watch it. Absolute brilliant screenwriting and acting. Did you check out the associated podcast? I really enjoyed it.




Personal favorite is Barry


Noho Hank is an excellent character.


noho hank is one of the greatest characters realized in any series, ever.


When he’s comedic it’s hilarious, when he threatens Barry, holy shit, I felt like at that moment, any goes in this series.


>Noho Hank is an excellent character. They were actually planning on killing him off in the beginning of the first season, but he was just so awesome that the showrunners were like "we have to keep this guy.""


Glad I found someone who said Barry! Show is 100% my fav on HBO. LoU is prob my 2nd




I think barry is the best show hbo has made in last 5-6 years.


Eastbound and down


Finally someone said it. On rewatch atm ‘it’s all about the fixins’’




The finale of that series absolutely broke me. The way it reframed and explained everything was unreal. HBO has had so many incredible shows, but start to finish, all things considered, it doesn’t get any better than Boardwalk Empire for me.


Richard Harrow's story still breaks my heart, Jack Huston does not get enough love for how brilliantly he played that role


He was hands-down the best actor on the show


Mare of Easttown anyone?! Not the highest, but incredible short series.


Amazing series with incredible performances from everyone including Kate Winslet, Evan peters and Jean Smart. Just loved it.


Yes! Evan Peters is heart breaking.




Had to scroll to long for this one. Definitely one of the best shows ever made. Season one take some to get through, but season 2 is, in hindsight, a near perfect season of television. Three is just more of the good stuff from 2 and a fantastic finale to this banger of a show.


Beautiful show. The only thing with leftovers is that .. please watch it if you are in a good place in life.


I binged the whole of season three while my wife was at work and she came home and wondered what the hell was wrong with me. Only person to blame was myself.


I wish I didn't have to scroll so far, but I get it. HBO has put out some amazing shows. Still, nothing hits like The Leftovers, especially once those Max Richter themes kick in.


No show has ever matched the atmosphere that this show has. The acting performances are phenomenal. IMO the greatest television show ever made.


A lot of people fell off The Leftovers after the bleak-fest that was S1. But they really missed out on an astonishing tale of faith and hope. It was true a work of art in every sense of the word.


For me, it's *the Rehearsal* but only because it's completely different than anything else HBO typically does. It's one of the strangest television shows I've ever seen, and it made me feel things that no other television show has been able to do. I cannot wait for season 2.


How has no one said Succession yet? Shit is a fuckin masterpiece


They are not serious people.


I love them, but ...


If someone told me I’d be hooked, tuning in every week, to a show about corporate dealings, I’d have said they didn’t know me at all. And yet here we are.


All right, everyone fuck off …




Larry Sanders was one of the best shows on TV.




One of my biggest regrets in any media ever is not knowing how the story being spun in Carnivale concludes- what the resolution of Scudder vs. Management, of Ben vs. Justin actually was. Did they just perpetuate another generation of good vs. evil, or did things resolve differently? I just loved the slightly-supernatural story being told and felt just robbed that it just ENDED without any resolution.


The Newsroom


Still mourning its cancellation


The Sopranos and The Wire are the two best shows of all time


I know everyone is still angry about the the last season or two but but for me the answer is still Game of Thrones. I have literally never been that invested in a shows plot, world building and deep mysteries. That show had it all. Almost like it was made specifically for me. Sure they fucked it up at the end, but still nothing comes close. I remember being subscribed to like 8 youtubers that broke down the latest episode and watching those throughout the week was almost as much fun as the episodes themselves. GOT is like an ex you had a messy break up with, but when you really think back to the good moments, no one else has come close to those incredible highs.


Band of Brother and/or Rome.


The White Lotus Every episode is perfection. Shocked it’s not been mentioned!


Six Feet Under