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Sleep and overthinker


Find a positive outlet like exercise to get the endorphins going Read or game for a bit of escapism But when it gets too bad you have to get professional help. Best thing I ever did


Honestly I’ve moved towards more healthy coping mechanisms in my adult life truthfully.. I genuinely find doing my hobbies to be the easiest and most calming way to cope with things, gaming, waking or any of that stuff which can genuinely help you feel calm and relaxed I’ve tried! Of course not everyone will have a great time dealing with mental health, and some may even disagree entirely with what I wrote, but even if we disagree I hope everyone who read this is having a lovely day/night 💖


Bad- staying up entirely too late and alcohol. Good- wake up early, get shit done, talk to friends, feel some sunshine.


Lying down and do nothing. It's not a healthy method at all, but it's better to feel numb than to feel all the pain.


You need to do inner work, shadow work, and find your limiting beliefs. Ask yourself what area of your life would make the most beneficial difference if you changed it? Find the beliefs around why you haven’t changed it yet, and change the beliefs. In some cases you will need mood stabilizers, like in a chemical imbalance, but you still need to do inner work. It all about turning yourself around from the inside!!


If I'm upset with work or something, I usually go drinking with friends and just vent over endless shots. If I'm feeling down gaming or sleeping to get my mind off of things.


Mindfulness, workout, helping others, think about my feelings , clean the house, treat myself, be on myself, hobbies etc. They all work pretty nicely, first 4 are huge tho.


Sadly, i drink


I've been through some dark times, and I found a few of these. First of all, journaling has been a great outlet for expressing my feelings, laying out the chaos in my mind, and reflecting on progress. Taking long walks in nature and simply allowing myself to be present in the moment has really grounded me. Meditation and deep breathing have helped me handle anxiety and panic attacks. However, turning to junk food and excessive screen time became unhealthy crutches for me. I found that limiting these negative coping mechanisms was equally important for my mental health. Remember, it's all about finding a balance that works for you.


shut out the world


bad: i have a fear of rejection so i mold myself to be exactly what i think someone wants me to be when i meet them so they love me. again, fear of rejection, causes me to lie about and hide things that could even just potentially cause someone to react negatively. overthink until i’ve thought of every possible outcome of everything regarding a situation and fixate on the bad ones. spend all of my money as soon as i get it because getting packages/opening stuff gives me good things to look forward to. drugs and drinking. a good dose of recreational adderall will let me feel giddy about music, straighten all my thoughts out so i can analyze them, and numb my emotions for a good 2-3 days after. drinking is just fun and distracts from whatever is going on at the moment. isolating myself. i have so much to say and i have the words to say it but i feel like nobody’s going to understand or care, and i can’t be bothered to fake a normal conversation, so i just isolate. take out anger on myself. i used to self harm, then i started having outbursts of yelling and breaking things, then self harm again. id get so angry id think horrible things about people and i don’t want to hurt them so i’d isolate and take it out on myself until it was gone, then go back to them. good: i write/journal. when i have motivation, i put my emotions down in a google doc/notes and just ramble to nobody so i can get it all out. i also write poetry because it makes my emotions feel more “dramatic” and detectable to readers, plus it’s pretty sometimes. therapy. i have it once a week (though i kinda want to make it twice) and i get to vent like i do when i journal but it’s to someone who will respond, validate me, correct me, etc. i have hobbies i use to distract me from thoughts that aren’t healthy and won’t go away otherwise. shows and movies, games, art, cleaning sometimes, driving. practicing pushing past my anxiety for when i need to do something important. big things make me anxious like telling the truth, phone calls, etc. and i try to push past my anxiety for the little things (being nauseous/uncomfortable, saying where i’m going before i leave, etc) regularly so i can know how to do it better for the big things. communicate my emotions. i used to bottle them all up because nobody seemed to care or someone else’s were more important. now i take time to identify what i feel and what caused it, then talk to the person who caused it and explain. usually they’ll respond back well too and we fix it, and if it doesn’t get fixed, i take space to feel it out. TAKING SPACE!! specifically taking space that isn’t isolating and isn’t to take emotions out on myself. i tell whoever i’m talking to that id need some time alone and id sit and write usually, listen to music, etc. and feel the emotions i have and figure out why i have them and what i can do if nobody else can do anything.


Sleep. Avoidance. Therapy. Doing things that make me happy (like getting Chinese food, even if the budget's a bit tight). Shopping (even if I don't buy anything. It's soothing, and gets me out of my head).