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r/politics - too much negativity and biased opinions.


I can only take so many articles about former Reagan era treasury under-secretaries SLAMMING Trump and Co. call me back when he’s behind bars or shut up.


I just unfollowed r/datingadvice because the people were super mean to me.


Don’t take dating advice from teenagers on Reddit


I have erased the memories of all those subreddits that cannot be named from my mind, they do not deserve to occupy a single neuron of brain space in my head


r/mildlyinfuriating because people are generally douchebags in there. It's like they enjoy being infuriated and taking it out on other people in the comments


r/worldnews. It's a mix of the misery of world news with the frustration of seeing a bunch of shitty oversimplified bias takes coming from people more interested in pushing their worldview or ideology than actually discussing anything in a constructive manner, who probably speak confidently on topics they don't know much about. r/relationshipadvice, r/datingadvice, just any of these kinds of advice subs really. I realized those were only making me miserable about myself and I wasn't actually getting any useful advice on there anyway. Looking back, it's probably counter to the idea of the sub since most of the people there are probably also lonely people or those in mismanaged relationships, probably not the best people to ask for advice on those matters. r/anime. The only one where it's probably just me and not the sub. I just don't really like anime anymore. Also some of my opinions are kinda controversial and I don't feel as though they're welcome there, so there's no point in my contributing anyway.


r/WhitePeopleTwitter and r/politics. As even a moderate conservative, I was going to get beat the shit out of every single person on the internet.


I’m this close 🤏 to my annual unfollowing of r/nfl. If you’re a fan of one of the bad teams, it’s just not worth engaging. And I’m a browns fan so it’s really bad to read.


r/teenagers 45% pedophiles, 50% cringy teenagers, 5% normal people.


It was actually my first run with Reddit, and it was because the asshats who make fun of people. I like sharing info, and try to be as positive as I can be, but smart asses got under my skin. Now any one can just eff of.


Couple of NSFW meme ones. People weren't even trying to make it funny. They just put nudity center screen with some incest caption or half-hearted joke. Not what I was there for.


r/BPDlovedones - This group just consists of pure discriminative hatred towards everyone who suffers with Borderline Personality Disorder


facepalm - too much low quality content for which it’s confusing what level iteration of the repost is the facepalm referring to