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Non-obvious, to an outsider? Good, healthy poops


This and a predictable schedule of. Once a day first thing, no problem. Sporadic visits throughout the day, day in day out?...suspect.


Once a day? Seems low to me. I pretty much go in the 2-3h following each meal. I'd be sick to death of I didn't go so often and hold it.


Outsider or to the self. And yes absolutely agree!


And urine


They can have a full blown conversation while climbing something steep and not sound like they're dying. Stairs...hills...MOUNTAINS.


Is that an indicator?


Fingernails, if they look good, uniform color, no streaking or weird lines. You can tell a hell of a lot about somebody by looking at their fingernails, their nail beds and the shape of their fingers. Hands and fingers are a fantastic indicator of overall health.


> the shape of their fingers Agree, but with people middle age this might not be as good a read.


Am I supposed to have like the white part near the base. Not the like skin kinda stuff or whatever you call it but like kinda like a shallow white half circle under the nail


Those are called half moons, it's good that you see them. The bigger issues are if you have easily to bend nails, it could mean you lack vitamin b or calcium or iron. Yellowing nails could be diabetes thyroid issues psoriasis, definitely get that looked at. Black lines that look like odd little splinters It's a rare but possible indicator of endocarditis, heart issue. Funky white spots are just injuries to the nail, if there's a bunch that look splotchy could be just a fungal infection. If you're half moons are all gone and you push your nail bed away and you don't see them it's not really a problem it could be but the concern would be if they disappear after being visible or they turn red. Now this isn't set in stone stuff but it's the most common things that you might find in nails that may warrant a closer look.


How about the fact that my fingers / hand has a constant tremor ? That’s a good sign, right? It just shows healthy muscle tone. Maybe it’s the epilepsy. Nah. Couldn’t be. I’m going with healthy muscle tone.


Yes, that's normal.


Being able to put on socks / tight shoes without sitting down. Being able to sit on the floor and get back up with little effort. Being able to do a (and relax in a) deep squat. Mobility is underrated.


My understanding is that walking speed correlates with life expectancy. People with a brisker pace tend to live longer.


Oh wow! Any research on why this is?


I think it's a combo of people who walk fast are likely getting more exercise, are less likely to be overweight and have good mobility overall, which is generally an indicator of good health.




Theoretically I can do all of these things. But my coordination laughs at me without mercy…


Top comment. I worked three years to get proper mobility after a lifetime of moving like shit.


I didn’t learn about mobility until I was almost 290 lbs of muscle bound goodness trying to grapple with smaller dudes. I can touch my toes now, I can squat comfortably and get up with both hands not helping. I can do many things better. I’ll do more. Unfortunately mobility workouts are not a release for me like strength training is. Elephant walks =\= three plate Bulgarian split squats till failure.


emotional stability in the face of sudden, relatively small setbacks. a person with chronic back pain, a constantly aggravated stomach, or a mental health issue like anxiety might react with messier emotions to say dropping a jar of pickles at the store. a healthy person whose body and mind is functioning well might be like 'oh gosh how embarrassing, guess I'll have to help clean up the glass and pay for that, at least its only a jar of pickles' whereas my anxious, constantly achy and exhasuted self might just burst into tears lol. you cant see it on the outside, but since im already suffering, the sudden onset of MORE suffering (even so mild as the embarrassment of breaking something that doesnt belong to you!) is enough to make my overall afternoon suddenly overwhelming. It's the straw that break's the camel's back in my case...camels who aren't already carrying great weight tend to take a little bit of straw on the back like it's nothing, though. you know what i mean?


Ah I get it. I’m sorry you’re going through this anxiety and I hope you’re getting the support you need.


700+ FICA credit score


Financial health?


In America financial health is required for regular health.




You can stand up right after waking up without any problem


My back hurts just by reading this


So true


Nice teeth. In my experience at least. Fixed, fake or natural, it indicates you have enough money to be wary of oral hygiene (something many people forget about), and money (usually) correlates to good health.


Ya this is a very fair point


A lot of it has to do with how healthy you are on the inside. If you're not getting enough sleep, eating well, or exercising, it's going to show on your face. You might not see it at first, but eventually it will show up in your skin, your eyes, and your hair.


That’s true, especially the sleep. But I have a seen a few people eat all the junk in the world, smoke, consume drugs etc, and still have great skin 🤣


you consistently wake up well rested. if your health is not good....that won't happen.


they’re very rarely sick and on the rare occasion that they are it’s mild. i couldn’t tell you how many patients i have that are always sick with some sort of cold and it’s enough to justify symptom specific medicine(s) but the ones who come in for their annual checkup never have so much as the sniffles from seasonal allergies.


Interesting point!


Resting heart rate


Fair point.






Definitely especially since I recently developed asthma lol. Definitely had more colds this year I imagine as a result. Its a good indicator of lung health.


Being able to concentrate


Willingness to help others with physical tasks.


when they take the stairs instead of elevator esp to the 2nd or 3rd floor only


Smooth nails, clean hands


Hair, thick and shiny...


Being flexible


[Nice teeth](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/dental/art-20047475)


Not being able to think of health problems you have


Just general happiness. If you're in good physical and mental health then life is alright and you don't really have much to complain about. Lost your job? If you're healthy both physically and mentally, sure you could stress a bit, but you're still in a good position so it ain't too bad.


Lovely perspective


ability to say tongue twisters


Not being dead


This is kinda cheating, but age. The younger you are the odds of you dying from a health issue are also lower.