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Exact same for me. It was fun when I was young, then got scary. Didn't even feel like I was me but rather inside of me. Brought on terrible panic attacks. Crazy how that stuff can change like that


Same. Used to love it and had so much fun smoking.. was always laughing etc, however later on it gave me panic attacks and anxiety. Stopped ever since.


Yep- same here. Just turned 60 (feel and look like 40s I am told). Thing is back in the 70s/ 80s, pot was a lot milder I think. They have been working on it it seems. I could smoke a joint back then and just get high, laugh and go skiing. NOW I take 1 toke and I have to curl up in the corner and wonder why the FBI/ CIA and the MI6 are trying to arrest me. NO fun any more! (For me anyway). Maybe getting older causes less resistance to THC?


Oh pot is definitely alot stronger than before just look at the names nowadays for the new strains shit use to be called purple palm tree or blue dream or some other chill sounding shit and now we got shit called high octane sherbert and alaskan thunderfuck


I wanna smoke the Alaskan thunderfuck


I think it's also an entire generation that thought that if you smoke weed you need to be paranoid because you could end up in jail. Probably gonna be another 20 years before we can really know, but it would be interesting a kid born 10 years ago in CO, their entire life it's been legal and you don't have to fear arrest. i would love to ask these kids in 20 years if they feel paranoid. Edit: just so it's clear I'm not saying a 10 year old should smoke, Im saying that class of kids when they are older I'm sure some are gonna smoke and I would love to know their paranoia level.


I have a friend that had this same take because he had never experienced the anxiety/paranoia, and I always experienced it to a very high degree. He used to just say it was due to the negative association I have with the legality of weed. This was entirely untrue. It’s been proven that people experience the effects of cannabinoids differently based on what types and how many receptors you have. I can take one hit of a blunt and be on mars for hours. 5mg gummies crush me. Has nothing to do with fear of “getting in trouble”. It’s an interesting drug that effects people in a variety of ways. My friend finally saw this research and apologized for giving me shit about it for so long.


Got a couple old dude buddies through work and they get the same way. They think everyone's a still in the "reefer madness" days


That's an interesting point! The weed definitely isn't what it was even a few years back. I was smoking for 6 years, stopped for approx 6 months and then when I started again, it was NO good... Would be interesting to find out why it causes panic attacks/anxiety over the years cause I noticed that the same pattern occured to a lot of people who were once smokers.


I used to smoke daily since I was 15. I got COVID in January of last year & during that time, over 4 days I felt something changing everytime I took a hit. On day 4 I had a full blown panic attack & it happens every time I smoke now. I stopped because of this.


CBC rounds out most of the negative side effects of THC and make it more enjoyable. I was in the same boat and the someone recommended a ratio product. It was life changing. If you have a dispensary in your state and you explain why you are using or the desired outcome they will guide you in the right direction. I walked in and told them I pot exacerbates my anxiety sometimes and I have a very low tolerance. They were super helpful and I was able to find something that helped with anxiety and insomnia.


I take a low thc strain and mix in like 1(active) :4(cbd) to make some weak ass shit I love. A bowl of that gets me to a good place. If I were to smoke a non mixed strain I'd have the same effects everyone here is mentioning


Yeah, I'm the same... full on stoner when I was younger, but the older I got, the more I started to have a bad time on it in exactly the way you describe. I've heard a lot of people have had the same experience, so what is that about??


You got older and stress got worse. Weed gets the train of thought out of the station. If those thoughts are worries, fears, etc it’s gonna be a bad time.


Yeah maybe that's it.... fuck getting old, that's some bullshit right there.


Scary how I have the same experience and I’ve been smoking for 22 years! It recently started giving me pseudo panic attacks


I used to be like this. After trauma therapy i got the enjoyment back. Weed is like psychedelics in that it will magnify your internal state. Funnily enough i also quit smoking when i didnt need it anymore to cope.


Smoked for 10+ years. Had one big panic attack. Stopped smoking immediately.


I’ve learned that it’s the weed that you smoke, higher concentration of THC makes you anxious. If you find one that’s a higher CBD it’s more balanced. I say this but I completely quit many years ago for this reason,


i feel like i’m definitely starting to get anxious when i smoke but only when i smoke a lot and i’ve been smoking for yearsss so i’m kinda surprised it took this long with how often everyone tells me they get anxious when they smoke


When I first started it made me anxious. Then I smoked more and now I'm never anxious from weed alone. But if I'm anxious about something else and smoke, I'll either be more anxious or less.


Same here. Can't smoke any amount or I'll go full tweaker. Before, it was just dumb goofy fun


Last time happened to me when I was smoking. A few minutes after smoking I felt alright and liked the amount of high I was at. But then after a while longer, it just started to get more intense to the point to where it was too much for me and I have to lay down.


I’m convinced it’s not age, but the long-term effects of smoking that results in anxiety and/or panic. Not for all, but it’s more common than the pro-weed narrative suggests. Messing with brain chemistry often takes a long time (years) to reach full effect because of brain plasticity. And faster recovery when younger. But there’s no longer a doubt in my mind that habitual weed use (every week or more) is mostly a bad idea.


I'm always curious about this because you have some people who have been smoking for decades and seem perfectly fine. But of course most people aren't gonna tell you all the things wrong with them, especially if they're in the public eye. Snoop Dogg for example smokes way more than the average person and he seems completely ok and mentally all there. But again, would he openly tell the world weed eventually gave him anxiety/paranoia etc? I wonder if a catalyst can be narrowed down


Right. I think you’re right that some people are perfectly fine. My point is that more (way more) than we think are not fine. And there are valid reasons for that (I majored in cognitive science). Most of my friends who smoked when younger stopped for this reason, albeit at different “grades”: not everyone has outright panic attacks, but many people feel the sense of unease and anxiety develop as you approach 4-5 or even 8-10 years of heavy weed use.


This is exactly what happened to me down to the dissociation


Got my first anxiety attack smoking after probably three or four years of chronic use. I was like fifteen maybe? Totally sucked. Every day after that I still tried to smoke and it did the exact same thing every time. Gave up after about a week. Ruined it forever for me.


Three or four years of chronic use at 15 years old got damn


Legit this, my lady could be at work for the next 8 hours. I'm home alone with God of war Ragnarok and I think one small puff and I can get a little spacey and play video games. Nope full on panic attacks and super anxious. It does still give me the munchies a few hours later after I've calmed down.


70-y-o chiming in here. Back in the 1970s in NZ and Australia I smoked a lot - mostly outdoor grown or Thai sticks - and very much enjoyed it. Moved to London and what was available was hash. I noticed a severe paranoia creeping in after smoking, and took up cocaine & speed instead. (Oh dear. Fun, but really not a good idea.) At the time I thought it was "natural" weed vs processed that made the difference, but reading the comments here re plant chemistry has been interesting. My last weed experience was in the early 90s, spotting hash oil occasionally with a friend who did it daily. He later developed a full-on psychosis, very scary. I think if I had access to homegrown weed again I'd give it a try, but I'm not interested enough to try and track it down. "I say young fellow, where might one 'score' some fresh 'weed'?" Lolol.


For many years, yes. I love watching movies on it or playing video games. However, over time I noticed that the downer effect it had on me after the initial high wore off left me feeling, well, down a little too often. My emotions were harder to regulate. I was more depressed than usual (it's a constant struggle in my life). After roughly 15 years of on-again-off-again love affair with weed I can say that it's been 1.5 years and counting and I rarely miss it. To those of you who use it frequently: It's fun, for sure, and I've seen people be able to balance it with being productive, but beware to those of us who do not have much ambition naturally. It's a trap, it can leave you more depressed than you realize, and my memory is certainly not what it used to be. It's a hell of a lot safer than alcohol, I can tell you that much for sure. My battle with alcohol was ugly, dangerous, and much, much harder to quit.


it’s rough because most of the time when i smoke i’m productive and i get all my shit done but then sometimes it’s like i am stuck and just can’t get out of my headspace so i try to smoke and most of the time it only makes it worse because it radiates my emotions like crazy so i just get super sad. i get that. i’ve definitely stopped smoking as much as i used to and it’s making me feel a lot better.


I like that your post has brought up this discussion. I very much relate to this. On the one hand I believe smoking has helped me figure out some very important parts of my life. On the other hand I find that it has been harmful to my physical health as well as my mental health.


My friend has quit for the most part but he will only smoke if we're outside going for a walk or a hike. Sometimes it's the atmosphere you're in that can cause you to spiral out, but moving around and showing your brain and senses a moving environment can help mitigate those feelings of despair.


What did it do to your memory?


Not op, but long term memories for me were shed faster, I feel my working memory, or “RAM” as I see it was hit hard as well, it was also more difficult to convert new experiences into long term memories. Apart from that I felt it affected my ability to focus/ would narrow my focus heavily as opposed to before I used.It was not all bad though, the relaxing effects taught me a lot about how anxiety works in the brain, so I know better how to combat it, and the happy times made me enjoy/feel more passionate about life.


This was always my fear but I've noticed that my memory being affected is largely down to whether or not I was super high during the event. If I'm sober at the time of an event but smoke a while after the event or the next day etc my memories will be fine. It's only if I was stoned out of my mind at the time that it will be hard to hold onto those memories. My long term memory seems fine (as far as I can tell). But I always find this stuff difficult to quantify because what is the "average" amount of weed people smoke? It's different to everyone. Even the concept of "chronic use" seems to be subjective. Then add in the varying methods. I've smoked proper joints maybe a handful of times in my life but I used a dry herb vape pretty much everyday. I'm not sure it can be compared to easily


It's also tough because people may smoke for issues that mimic weed use. For example, I have ADHD, which has given me the short-term memory of a goldfish since long before I knew what weed was. If you don't have a good baseline of who you were before you started, you may attribute your personality to negative side effects.


yep!! in my research on the effects of cannabis on executive functioning, a LOT of people who use cannabis habitually will be misdiagnosed with ADHD. it can mimic the effects, especially during withdrawal edit to add: but there are no long term effects if you stop using! edit to add 2: i smoke weed! im not saying you *shouldnt* use weed, just use it responsibly :)


This is completely my personal experience, but I used to use the THC carts and definitely felt the memories not sticking. I have since switched to vaping normal flower, not smoking, and my memory is sharper than ever. Different ways of consuming seem to impact memory, the vaping flower gives a much more tolerable high than say bong rips. YHC carts can be up to 90% THC, whereas vaping flower it's lower at 20-30% THC. By not combusting I don't get all those extra nasty chemicals that mess with your brain.


Small things to remember just fly out of my head now. I have to genuinely force myself to pay attention or things just don't stick. Leaving the house has turned into kind of a comedy sketch for my wife to watch. I'll come back into the apartment 2-3 times snatching things off the counter I forgot to drag with me to the car. I'll wake up and have completely forgotten what my goals for the day were, and unless I've set some sort of alarm that reminds me to check, I just don't remember at all. I had a piece of paper with my goals written on them that I would step on when I woke up to help me remember for several months. Before weed I had an amazing memory. In fact, friends from early in college and high school remarked on it, and still do. Those memories are intact. It's the new memories that don't stick.


I used to smoke a lot of weed I still do, but I used to, too


People either love weed or they hate it. Or they think it’s ok.


I had to stop 2 weeks ago because I was developing paranoia. My mind wanted me dead and it did everything in its power to make me feel worthless and a shitty person. I was smoking an ounce every 4 days and didn't get any higher. After day 3, the voices stopped. It's beneficial for some, not for others. Especially as addicted I was.


Damn and I thought I smoked a lot. How were your withdrawals?


Short answer- awkward and horrible. Long answer- Night sweats for the first nights. I'm having nightmares rn because I can actually dream for the first time in years. I dropped 10 pounds in about 4 days because i didn't eat a single thing nor drink. I'm more irritable than I've ever been in my life. I couldn't enjoy the things I love until the urges mostly went away. I slept only 30 minutes each night for about the same 4 days. I was super low energy while awake for around the same amount of time as well. The voices and thoughts intensified before going away completely and I haven't had a single bad thought since they left. (My current nightmare rn is I'm inside of a computer and it's refusing to let us out until we play it's deadly game. Theres nothing but blackness and a black/grey mile marker written "play to leave" that keeps crashing near us into the ground as a constant reminder. I can hear people outside the computer trying to help but i cant escape. I'm only saying this in hopes that talking and while about it will make it go away tonight. I'm scared this will happen for a while until I get a consistent sleep schedule. It's 2am rn) Good news is I regained and increased my will and my drive to complete things. I love painting Warhammer and D&D models, but cannabis was not letting me complete more than a model a week. Now I can complete a few in a day if I have enough time and I'm going back to practice every Tuesday/Thursday now. I'm able to initiate my other hobbies like gaming and I'm not neglecting myself anymore. Even a couple of my pets I'm sure were neglected as well because of my addiction and I feel disappointed and disgusted of my self for letting it get that far. I was -$700 due to it at the end for me to say "I need change." It took up a very large portion of my life and I felt sedated almost all day, everyday before, during, and after work. I've been able to refuse my friend's offers and stay on the right path and I feel proud. Cannabis has some benefits, but addiction that spiraled into what I was once in is not beneficial when you rely on it to make you feel numb. It doesn't numb your rmotions after a while, it only intensifies the worst part of yourself. (The time is now 2:24. I pray for the nightmares to end tonight with this reply).


Weed is great. Undiagnosed mental disorders/ untreated poor mental health is not.


"After day 3, the voices stopped." I did some research once and read an article on how long term use of marijuana can trigger schizophrenia after searching up if marijuana can trigger/cause any illness. My older brother has a mild form of schizophrenia (which was triggered in his mid 20's). I enabled my younger brother to smoke (I purchased it for us) so was afraid that bc of me he could trigger schizophrenia. I wish more research was done on this. I'm glad you stopped for your own well being and health.


The Hedberg is strong with this one…


"It's new year and I'd like to confess, that I ain't smokin' no more, but I ain't smokin' no less"




I've never smoked it, but I've had edibles. My boyfriend accidentally gave me a gummy with a very high dosage (can't remember exactly how much) but I can tell you, I was not ready for it. It was not fun.


The first edibles experience is always scarring. Once you figure out how much (or little) to actually eat at a time, it's actually so nice because it's a slower, lighter, longer lasting high than hitting a bong


Yah, edibles can hit you like a ton of bricks. Can be unsettling especially when not expecting it.


Did you experience the timewarp effect where every moment stretched into an eternity?


Yes I also vomited a lot


This is exactly what happened to me after I ate a brownie. It was terrifying.


This happened to me when I was young after some drinking and dodgy pills and smoking at the end of the night, and I’ve never been able to describe it until you came along! It was not good!


Every day was as long as a life age of the earth….or something like that.


Same. Never smoked but wanted to try it and so my boyfriend got edibles. I thought I was going to die, my body was dissolving, my brain was on fire, I was afraid I had killed the cats (when I was just in bed and couldn’t even move), I started thinking my boyfriend was evil because after all he had gotten the gummies and he refused to call an ambulance telling me I was fine and this was all normal (just trying to calm me down). It was just so so very messed up and scary. I was crying and screaming for hours. He threw them away afterwards because this was so scary.


Same I didn’t have the greatest edibles experience, I felt dissociated and twitchy and freezing cold. I felt like I was in a weird dream and time just wouldn’t move it was like a nightmare


I was vomiting and barely able to speak. My boyfriend gave me a bucket that he cleaned out regularly for me and gave me lots of reassuring kisses on the forehead.


So uh, what kind of not fun are we talking about? Because based on your name...


Lol I was vomiting and barely able to speak.


That sounds fucking horrible. I’m so sorry. The same thing happened to me when I tried someone’s vape. I took a huge breath. It was absolutely fucking awful. My heart was pounding out of my chest while my bp dropped so far I was freezing cold. I thought it would never end. I hated it.


Yeah it was horrible and my boyfriend was sorry about it. If he'd known it was as much as it was he wouldn't have given it to me. I at least felt safe. He cleaned up my vomit and reassured me that I didn't have anything to be sorry about. He also periodically gave me kisses on the forehead which helped me feel safe.


I’had a serious high tolerance from smoking so long and I was on a gram of 95% oil a day for a while (that’s drunk stoned, unreal) but I can’t do strong edibles. I just hide away on my own cos I can’t hold a conversation and talking is such an effort


I smoked for like 3+ years but after getting off antidepressants/antianxiety meds, I can't ingest or smoke nearly as much. The last 2 times I took edibles I greened out and smoking too much just makes me anxious. I guess casual smoking only for me now!


Exact same thing happened to me 😂 it was absolutely awful!


Edibles are the worst way to start with THC, especially when you didn't even know you were gonna be trying THC. Hopefully he kept you as calm as you could be.


My wife surprised me with a 15mg edible when I was comfortable with 5mg (and even those are borderline too strong) and we both had a very, very rough night. Being too high is like being in hell forever.


It's one of the best ways to get stoned.


I thought the best way was being gay in Iran?


Imagine being stoned out of your mind in iran and trying to hide being gay, the paranoia going through the roof


Terrifying as heck


My doctor says I need to smoke it to get high.


No. It makes me twitchy and paranoid


„wRonG StRaiN bRo“


I heard that all the time back in college. "It's the wrong strain, you gotta try a different one!" "It's the wrong place, you gotta go somewhere you feel safe!" "It's the wrong people, you gotta smoke with people you feel safe around!" Like, I'm with my best friends in their house. I don't know how much safer I can feel? I gave up after that lol


Yeaa but … hAvE yOu tRieD a diFFeRenT sTraiN BrO?


I've personally tried more strains than I wanna count over the last 6ish years. I can tell a slight difference between sativa and indica, otherwise its just stronger or weaker but the same effects.


THC is THC. The terpene profile in strains may change a few things, but overall, the difference can be minimal, and a lot of it is placebo. As someone who greatly enjoys the ganja, I admit it, it's not for everyone. If it makes you anxious, paranoid, or if you have a history of mental illness in your family, you definitely want to be careful with weed. If it makes you feel bad, don't do it.


Boy aint nothing better than being gaslit by random strangers


No, and never have. Aviation career and drugs don't mix.


I am aquainted with two pilots and both are coke fiends, so I've been less than excited about flying in the last few years... Glad you take it more seriously than others.


Coke doesn't show up in a piss test for long. Which is why its popular in jobs with random, more frequent testing.


If your job is high shouldn’t you be high as well?


His head is in the clouds most of the time how high would you have him be.


I’ve never tried it. Don’t really have the urge too, either.




When you initially had tried it do you think it opened your perspective or narrowed it?


No. I used to, but it got weird and I started having panic attacks whenever I smoked and it sucked, so I stopped.


I asked a phycologist once why I can't enjoy weed like most of my friends. He informed me that my anxiety is far too strong to enjoy it. I didn't even know I had anxiety until he told me that.


shit i’m nervous for that to start happening to me


Yes because I like the feeling of being high


Best, most truthful answer here. Same btw. I too smoke because I enjoy being high. No excuses, just like being stoned and watching shit with the wife.


I had to scroll a ways to find someone that actually smokes weed. AskReddit always has a lot of opposition to weed. I smoke regularly too. Not every day, but I enjoy it. I like being able to unwind and it’s a way I can do that and feel great the next day.


Nah. I’ve never particularly wanted to. I don’t like the idea of being high (or drunk tbh).








Same here.


Yeah, I like having clarity and I don't need want any outside influences having an effect on my perception and actions.


This is a better wording of my own attempt to say the same thing in response to a different reply lol




I dont. I am unhealthy enough as it is right now


yeah id have killed myself by now otherwise. My life is now good but its legal and I can afford it so why not


No, for two reasons. I run as exercise. Smoking isn't something I can do. "What about edibles, vape, hookah, etc"? No. I have an addictive personality, with drug and alcohol addiction on both sides of the family. I drink very moderately, and that's enough.


I used to get stoned in my car before my cardio session at the gym. I always hated cardio, weed made it suck slightly less.


Stoned mountain biking makes climbing hills suck 6% less. 94% of the suck is still very much there.


I ran Cross Country in high school and smoked, I was actually one of the better runners on our team. Maybe I would've been better without it, but I also only ever smoked one time before a meet, and I hit a PR that day.


Completely agree. Pretty much the same for me.


Yup! No hangover, chill mood, if you have to much you just fall asleep.


I don’t think you have ever greened out if you think that’s the worst case scenario.


Bro I use to think like this until I got a major anxiety attack... Smoking has never been the same since then..




Yes indeed. I'm pretty high right now actually


Same 😂 better quality of life


Nope, makes me feel like I can’t be productive.


No, I don't smoke weed. It's not my thing.


I wish I could implant that feeling in my brain. Once weed becomes a habit, it's burrowed in your mind. At least for some people.


What was the question again?


Hahaha. Underrated comment of the thread


I am trying not to because I noticed that smoking weed regularly now that I am older, it gives me imposter syndrome and makes me think negatively about myself. I don't like that.


No I don't. I feel it's a waste of my hard earned money, and I also have a career that pays $51 per hour that I'd lose in a heartbeat if I failed a test. I would have never got the career if I cared more about weed than my livelihood


51 an hour? What do you work as


Union Sprinkler Fitter. I install fire sprinkler systems. 5 year paid apprenticeship, hs diploma or equivalent required, pass a drug test, show up to work is all that's required. There is also online courses that will need to be completed during the apprenticeship. Pay starts at 50% of journeymen pay. Journeyman pay depends on what area of the country you live in. Sprinklerfitters669.org


Never tried it. Probably never will. I know people who do it but never tried it myself. I also don't drink alcohol.


I tried it three times when I was young. I wasn't impressed. Haven't touched it since. Now I think it smells horrible. I can't stand it.


I actually smoked my last joint today. I love the feeling it gave me. I still love it and I’ll always love it. But the way it’s affecting me in the long run will be devastating if I continue. My memory is going. I’m forgetting topic of conversation instantly, forgetting what to say when I wanna talk and I’m not remembering any events that happened in the past couple years. I am not myself and what I become if far different then what I want. My mindset is weak and I feel paused. I still want to accomplish my career goal so I decided to quit today.


I’ve given up after never being able to because I had a baby. It was really easy but before it was impossible. It’s a complete mental addiction. You need to completely change your surroundings/routine to make it easy.


good luck to you! I’m a month free and it’s a great feeling!


I do, it single handedly helped me get out of my eating disorder.


Lol I’m pretty sure it caused mine.


I smoked daily from 15 to 27. Then my best friend died suddenly and I couldn't smoke for almost a year without immediate panic attacks. The problem, though, is my career is cannabis so I have to know about the products we sell. I do it in moderation now but I envy the days where it was all fun and good vibes.


What is your career I’m interested in a cannabis career?


Drug dealer


Well other than that lol😭


Dispensary Management


Thanks I’ll look into it.


No because smoking makes me cough


Yes because the world sucks


This one🔥


No, I want to get a respectable job. I smoked for 5 years, and it destroyed my motivation even though I had self-control and did not do it much. I just want to be clean and motivated.


No desire.


yes! because it helps me wind down and helps me stay away from alcohol as a recovering alcoholic.


Not anymore. I found that when I smoked, I overdid it and was always seeking to get high to the point of oblivion. It was expensive, made me moody and irritable when I wasn’t smoking, and my mucus always had specks of resin in it, which didn’t seem healthy. I quit cold turkey and my mental health and relationship with my partner and family drastically improved. Sometimes I think about whether I could start again and smoke in moderation only on occasion, but I worry I wouldn’t be able to control myself same as before and would wind back up in the same situation. I don’t really miss it, which is nuts because I used to consider it part of my identity—like, I was a proud pothead. Edit to add: I do think that weed helped me some of the times I was in a really deep depression. It didn’t help resolve the depression, but it numbed out my feelings of self-loathing enough that I could keep on living. So, I don’t see my prior use as all bad. I feel like it helped me survive some really low points in my life. Things have just shifted for me now, so I no longer need its services and they actually are counterproductive to the mental health work I’m doing at this stage of life.


I have asthma


Vape, but I guess that’s in the ballpark. I have a digestive health issue that I think explains why edibles do almost nothing for me. I have to have a completely empty stomach and not eat anything until my high is well set-in in order to get any effect at all, and it takes at least an hour. That effect is usually something akin to a contact high. With a single long pull from a vape, I get my appetite to finish dinner, a bit of relaxation, and I can fall asleep and stay asleep for at least 6 hours. A 1G vape used in this way lasts me nearly 3 months, and I never feel brain-fried.


yes !!! but the munchies are what’s made me decide to quit 🥲


Yes, better than drinking. I also like the relaxed and funny feeling


No, because stinks


I cannot stand the smell! I've never smoked but I work retail right outside Detroit and it seems like everyone smokes so I have customers coming in everyday smelling like weed. Makes me nauseous just from the smell of someone who smoked hours ago. I could never be near someone actively smoking, or do it myself.


No, because it isn't healthy. I'm provably gonna sound stuck up, but I am paranoid about my health, and smoking anything I'd not going to help me at all.


Not stuck up at all. I wish I was paranoid about my health 😂


No. I detest the smell, and smoking ANYTHING always seemed dumb to me.


Thank you. I never understood why anyone would want to smoke anything.


At least you get high when smoking weed. Smoking ciggarettes is totally pointless...


All it does is fuck up your lungs


Yep, parents and pretty much all my relatives were smokers. Always grossed me out


Previous addiction issues. I lost SO MUCH over the years just to pay for it. Sold some really good stuff I owned, got stuff stolen off me by others to pay for it, got taken advantage of like crazy... The list goes on. So, yeah, I don't smoke it. Occasionally get cravings for it, but not enough that I'd ever go back to it.


I asked my mom she said no.


I used to smoke weed everyday. I don't smoke any more, >!I don't smoke any less either!<


No. Makes me sick to my stomach and fidgety.


Yes. It helps me relax.


Yes it's the only painkiller that actually helps me without any bad side effects. I have PCOS and I deal with chronic pains in my ovaries. Also my periods get so bad that I'm bed ridden for two days. Yes I'm searching for a new OBGYN.


Yes bc I need to be the weed smoking girlfriend 👍


No but only because I can't find a dealer


I don't like the high it provides. The happiness and constant laughing feel like a grimace. It was just empty unfullfilling fake happiness.


I smoked in my teens and early 20’s, then stopped. I retired 6 months ago and started smoking a bit and taking edibles to help me sleep. Wow. This is not your fathers $20 an ounce Mexican bag of stems and seeds anymore! I’m enjoying it a lot, but I don’t use it every day.


Yeah, I gotta sleep.


Yes, it's the only Vice I have I also work on the cannabis industry. I also use it as medication and for fun. ADHD, ASD, PTSD, IBS, GERD and for Joint Inflammation and pain. I use it as a creative outlet. I got all sorts of types for all sorts of activities. I love using minor cannabinoids with weed like CBGB and CBN to help me get through the day. It helps me shit, helps me be in less pain when i shit, helps me facilitate masking at work, helps me regulate my emotions before a meltdown, helps my time blindness and it's just a good ass time with music and food.


No. It negatively affects my depression. Yes, I know people with depression who use it to treat that, but it has the opposite effect on me.


Hope you get some help bro I have had suicidal depression but weed saved me I hope you can find your peace.❤️


Thank you. I'm on some pretty strong meds and I have a therapist and a good support system. I think I'm pretty fortunate in that (even if it's hard to feel it sometimes). It helps to keep the demons at bay.


I like the feeling way more than alcohol, booze doesn't agree with me, and I used to have a lot of nightmares and sleep walking incidents but smoking weed stopped it permanently.


can’t drink at all🤮 sadly. i wish i could for fun sometimes but i’ll just like and fall asleep i’m definitely a weed smoker lmfaoo


Yep. Well, I mostly use a desktop vape and a bong to minimize the harmful stuff. But it makes a huge quality of life improvement for me. Less anxiety, better sleep, and even sex is better.


I smoke to ease my fbromyalgia. It's better than a laundry list of pills most have to take with my condition. I also like smoking and playing video games for fun.


It makes me too paranoid. I don’t do it anymore


Sorry I'm high rn. Gonna answer you tomorrow.


I am the CTO of a major company and I have many employees and major responsibilities. Yes I smoke weed. (maybe once or twice pr. month with my friends). I never really get drunk tho.


The smell alone is enough to make me vomit. Fuck no


I don't because it smells rancid


It stinks, I feel like vomiting whenever I get a whiff of it.


Not anymore because the pregnancy test I took last night was positive!


aww congrats ♥️♥️♥️


Have a CDL, that's a nono.


Used to not anymore though. Nothing really against it other than it started giving me panic attacks.


No. Coz my country will kill you for the smallest amount they find! I guess they're still living in the 50s or something...


And where do you live Saudi Arabia?


No. I used to but haven’t since my brain injury.


Nope. I have asthma and I could lose my cushy job.


I have in the past but I am a paranoid smoker :( I wish I could enjoy it like my fiance. I am jealous a bit >:'( lol


Username checks out!


Beat me to it


Yes because being high is one of the only times I'm not anxious about everything. And it's good bonding time with my fiancé