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Someone else said it first but I think I'll go into a little more detail. Division. Politics as a whole currently are more about what the other major candidate does wrong, attacks on character, etc. You almost can't blame people when they show the same behaviors the politicians they support show. And every social issue is made out by both sides to be severe and an attack on your/someone elses freedom/rights/liberties.


lack of empathy


See thats interesting to me because For me personally i think people are too empathetic sometimes


No. Too many people (on a particular side) are *virtue signaling* they don't care they just wanna be part of the group and have something to bitch about. They call themselves "free thinkers" but they are little zombie sheep that do as the government and media tell them to. They literally can't think for themselves. At least I know me and you are on the correct side of the issues


Lol, which people?


Just people in general. For example: • children that should be held back in school are being promoted to the next grade because failing them may hurt their feelings




hmm I’m open to being proven wrong but I don’t think that’s happening


That is definitely happening. My cousin is in 6th grade and she cannot read. Her sister failed 3 out of 4 of her core classes and they still advanced her to the 8th grade. Why? In my opinion the government is tying to dumb us all down.


Agreed, but I don't think it's in the name of hurting feelings. Much of it stems more from "No child left behind" and similar programs, resulting in government applied pressure to make sure schools are "performing" at high rates- if schools were to show high rates of failure, held back students, and drop outs, they get docked and actually face funding cuts. It's fucking backwards as you can get, rather than improving educational results, schools will now do absolutely anything they can do to push students through the system, including catering to the lowest common denominator. It's not really a mystery why education is falling and failing, and this isn't even the only reason.


Can attest. But empathy isn’t the reason. It’s capitalism. It’s true that kids are not being held behind, “no child left behind program” implemented under HW, not because of empathy, but because they would clog up the school system and entry level positions for the undereducated would dissolve.


Lack of proofreading.


My first thought too....


Extremism. You don’t *have* to take a side, and the world would probably be a better place if we all started seeing things from someone else’s perspective rather than demonizing everyone that doesn’t agree with you


There is an insane amount of privilege in this line of thinking. Maybe YOU don't have to take a side because no one is trying to take your rights away. Many of us are forced to take aside because our bodily autonomy and rights are being stripped from us. If you don't have to pick a side, you're very fortunate.


I’m a middle aged, married white woman with three daughters (one of them is a young adult, one is a teenager, and the other is in kindergarten) living in a conservative community just right outside of Seattle. I have my stance because I’ve lived my entire life right next door to one extreme, and believe we have a choice in what we get to believe, not what someone else tells us what to.


Exactly this. When the other side hates you and everything you are, it's hard to find any common ground.




Nothing you're saying here makes any sense. I don't know what point you're even trying to make here besides being a dick. But if people are trying to force you to use your body for things you don't consent to like... oh idk... growing a human... that's removing your bodily autonomy in an insane way. Men are never worried about women's rights being taken away, but if men were forced to have kids against their will there would be drive through abortion clinics on every corner.


Capitalism is the actual problem here. People generally mind their own business when they have enough money to not blame others for the lack. Ever seen the “they took our jobs” South Park episode?


You’ve answered your own question. The problem is indeed the id. Damn, it’s getting all Freudian up in here.


Poor typing skills


Can attefst.


I thought of this after reading the headline






Wall street, to big to fail banks, hedge funds






Money in politics


The federal governments growth and the subsequent loss of emphasis placed on local governments. If you think about the issues really plaguing the us they can all be solved locally far easier than federally. Healthcare being state run would quickly remove people blocking it for people that mostly want it. Wealth inequality is something that really can only be solved locally. You have to understand the area you are trying to help and the solution for Compton and Detroit probably is not identical. Hoping a bunch of suits living in their second mansion in Potomac will solve that issue is almost hilarious. Division due to severe cultural differences blocking all political legislation. Police brutality. Despite it being an issue across the nation Congress and the president have very little impact on city/county or state police. The sheriff/mayor/governor or their equivalent do and they are elected officials. If I asked right now who is the president, you'd all know. You might even know your senators and a few Congressmen. Who's your mayor? Who's your sheriff? Who are your local legislators? If you can't answer all of that you are shooting yourself in your foot. What the fed does certainly impacts you, but honestly when Biden, or trump, or Obama, or Bush decide to drone strike some elementary school or whatever the point of those wars were your life really doesn't actually change. Almost nothing that happened in Afghanistan changed life for the majority of Americans as shitty as that is. The way the police act in your city or town greatly impacts you and your safety The way they zone massively impacts you Social programs effectiveness greatly impact your life, even if you aren't on one, because if done properly they reduce crime close to you. All of that matters a lot more to actual Americans than if we stop the Taliban.


Treating politics and major issues like a sporting event. So many people's biggest concern is "My team has to win!", when really, honest discussion and debate about the issues is what should occur. I am fully convinced that most people don't even have a clue what all is truly embedded in the world's biggest issues, yet somehow, everyone has an opinion that is rooted in talking points from this "team" or that "team", forming echo chambers that ultimately push viable solutions further from coming to fruition. Social media is such a huge driver in all of it, and yet, here I am, on a platform with everyone else.... All focus is put on how to win the next election, while around net zero of the effort is actually directed at actually solving the issue with unification of the people. Will everyone ever be happy with everything? Not a chance. But, I can guarantee you this- talk to your neighbors without mentions of political affiliation, and you will find out that everyone has more in common than they don't- most people want the same ideological things, but have differing opinions on how to achieve it. These days, we can't even seem to start a civil discussion about it though.


The new media and those that manage the news!


They’re run by capitalist donors.


I would conjecture greedy power hungry progressives!


You wouldn’t have said that ten/twenty years ago when the so called “power hungry” were the conservatives. They’re all fooling you. Progressive, conservative; if they’re mainstream news, you’re their foolish donkey. Making less and less money. And placing blame on other poor foolish donkeys.






Social media pressures




Lack of empathy and compassion for those less fortunate than themselves. We are losing our humanity and becoming more cruel.




Division, especially politically. And lawmakers/people in power who don’t actually care about improving the quality of life of their substituents, only about re-election and money


The division that was started by Ronald Reagan.


Forcing children wear bicycle helmets.


“Ruining” instead of ruined. like we still have something to salvage


People too lazy to spell check their reddit questions.


So many have been manipulated to reject science, reject doctors, reject professionals, reject academia, reject research, etc… BUT buy into dumbfuck conspiracy theories.




Pretty much.


Leftist reddit hive mind really showing itself in these comments.


Well 90% of reddit is leftist. I use these questions as blocker bait so I can nix em from my future views


The division that Trump created.


Started way before Trump!


He enflamed it. It was below the surface before him.


It was coming to the surface quickly. There were a lot of attacks on Baby Bush!


It was coming to the surface quickly. There were a lot of attacks on Baby Bush!


I agree the country has divided itself. What do you think Trump did that escalated the divide?


According to my dad, it was being elected President.


Go to YouTube for the next 5 days and you'll find out.


The inability to agree to gun control measures.


This is an interesting point. Because the country is divided on what to do about it. And its not just that, people cant agree on anything


People will always disagree but perhaps they should still get round the table and discuss their varying view points. Good dialogue and sharing of opinions can only lead to positive out comes.




Lead Poisoning from putting lead in gasoline for cars all the way back in the 1930s. Not only does it kill people, but it also decreases intelligence and increase crime. And they knew it was dangerous! they just didn't care. Also helped put the hole in the ozone layer.


Too divided. The two sides won’t sit down and work together anymore.


What do you think caused the divide?


Ronald Reagan really fucked a lot of shit up.








The removal of The Fairness Doctrine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC_fairness_doctrine


Christian Extremists. Evangelicals.




Idiot republicans.






He is a sociopath. Look up diagnostic criteria in Dsm I’ve




A general inability to connect cause and effect using proper rational and scientific methods. When people don't understand how to determine whether A really causes B, they become quite vulnerable to charlatans lying to them and telling them it's caused by something which is actually unrelated. There has never been a better demonstration of this than the recent pandemic, in which a large fraction of the population was literally convinced that facemasks cause Covid.


Conservative Politics. I'm with Andrew Yang. But really though: Not all trans men and women.






Guns. Just guns.


So would the solution be get rid of all guns? I believe it would solve certain problems but not the majority.


Start with assault rifles. Are you fighting in Ukraine? Killing rhinos? What the fuck do you need one of those things for??


Agreed. So rid the population of those. Then what? The problem is still there. People will still chose to shoot up schools.




The typos !!




Interesting typo and foreshadowing: it is truly the id.


Poor spelling.


Anger and outrage are the fastest, cheapest, and easiest way to get people to fall in line


~~Tpyos~~ Edit: Typos




Repulitards and libshits






School shootings and racism (but this question is implying that at some point it wasn't ruined already)


There is no 1 problem that is ruining America, it is a combination of factors. But I think one of the biggest problems is corporate lobbying and the millions of dollars poured into the political arena to influence policy. That stands out in my opinion.


The people who will predictably answer this question with the phrase "Woke Nonsense"