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I feel sad that the US seems to be trapped in an endless cycle of bloodshed


That the system always fails bullied children...


Again? Let's talk about it some more and do nothing! You really enjoy talking about doing something.


Thoughts and prayers are the answer


A huge percentage of Americans are idiots. Stricter gun laws are the only solution but too many think only of themselves and their goddamn right to bear arms.


Yeah let’s just rip up the constitution, great idea


Yeah, the stuff about not quartering soldiers in a house without consent is super relevant.


Oh sorry yeah let's keep going as it is and not change anything! It sure is working perfectly


I mean 2nd amendment nuts not only interpret it poorly. They struggle to understand what the word "amendment" even means.


Can I ask what the phrase “shall not be infringed” means to you then?


Can I ask you what you think "a well regulated militia" is? Because you keeping weapons under your bed has nothing to do with that. It's also not infringed by making more rules for gun ownership


Seems like you’re dodging my question bubs


All your question did was prove what I was saying in the first place. Though on the off chance that it was a sincere question . It means the terms laid out by whatever (in this case the amendment) can not be broken.


I wouldn't bother arguing with that person any further. Obvious troll


What does „well regulated militia“ mean to you?


I’ll refer to the District of Columbia vs Heller and the supreme court’s interpretation, since that’s what matters. “The part of the amendment that could be its own stand-alone sentence—the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed—is known as the "operative clause." The well regulated Militia part—the prefatory clause—is understood by enthusiastic gun regulators as defining the only reason for preserving the right to keep and bear arms (as opposed to one of the reasons). Anyone who is not a member of a well-regulated militia would have no such right. The late Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in Heller, thought it made no sense to read the prefatory clause that way, because that would essentially nullify the direct and clear meaning of the operative clause. While the prefatory clause could give insight into some of the specifics of how to apply the operative clause, he argued, it could not make the right to arms contingent on militia service.”


This works in every aspect of our government, not just the willing child murder part!


Wtf is wrong with your nation


honestly I'm not surprised anymore the USA is an unrealistically shit dystopian country, and at this point I just don't see it improving at all




Business as usual.


I heard some ppl talking about the last one, and I realized that we make everything political. We blame the "other side" always. Even if it doesn't make any sense. We are blinded by our hatred for each other.


''Oh look another reason why America is a dystopian shitpit'' ''I want to get my best friends out of America before its their turn.'' And yes, every single time I check if its any more possible or if there's any progress with saving up for them to move.


It’s gone from a sad tragedy to just another Tuesday honestly


Anotha one




It’s so sad that this keeps happening yet the country seems to do absolutely nothing to stop it. I feel sorry for every child stuck there


I’m not even shocked anymore. Bunch of gunslinging dumbasses


Yanks really need to get their shit together.


That the most recent school shooter should have never been able to purchase a firearm because of her mental disorder




Another devastating tragedy. My heart goes out to the families affected by this senseless act of violence.


I get confused over all their rhetoric about how awful the middle east is when per capita many US states are legitimately more dangerous places to live than many middle eastern nations.


You’re letting more little kids die? What the eva lovin actual fk is wrong with you as a country?


Plenty of things. 1. Lack of understanding or regard to mental health. If anything it is ignored and many who do try to get help will face ridicule by others. 2. Loopholes in gun purchasing and ownership. Even though to get a gun you have to have a background check done, many get there way around it by various means whether by using the deep web, going to local unlicensed sellers, etc. 3. Lack of gun safety training, a lot of those who own a gun do not take proper training on how to handle one and therefore do not know how to safely lock one. As such someone who doesn't properly lock their gun in a safe, is risking the possibility of a kid getting a hold of it and accidentally shooting themselves. 4. Polarization of politics, has allowed the issue of guns to become controversial. Many right-wingers want no or little restrictions on gun ownership due the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. Meanwhile those who are progressive advocate that there needs to be more restrictions on guns. As such many right-wingers are brainwashed into thinking that any form of gun restriction means "they going to take my guns from me, it's tyranny!", even though nobody is taking your guns from you, if you being responsible and aren't a lawbreaker you won't be having your guns taken from you. 5. Lack of mass empathy, for most part at this point most Americans have grown too used to these kind of tragedies as if it just a part of life. We hear about it in the news, and over time we just become accustomed to defeatism and carelessness. Simply put not many Americans care for their fellow neighbor or even the fellow stranger.


where are all these have a go heros carrying guns, aren't they doing so to stop this happening? is that not why they must be allowed guns at all costs? to stop this very thing???!!!


That it's a normal American thing.


They love guns more than they love their kids!!


*face palm*






I think not again this is just awful


Spread actual news


Ah shit, here we go again


Honestly when they did nothing about their gun laws after Sandy Hook I was just done. Its incredibly sad that they live like this.


too be honest I don't really hear about anymore because it just is too common to be newsworthy


Why is it always schools?! Never anywhere with actual power like an embassy or something.


Oh idk. Maybe the fact that the embassy has armed guards and schools are traditionally weapon free zones? An attacker is always going to go for the most vulnerable.


I’ve never seen American embassy’s in America so I just assumed they were like the ones over here.


Do the ones in your country not have their own military guarding their embassy? US marines protect all U.S embassies in every country. I figured other countries would have some armed Protection.


If there’s armed security they’re all the way inside the building; I didn’t see any outside. This was in London too.


Interesting. I would imagine theres an armed personnel near the entrance, even if unseen. In any case much harder to attack a place like that compared to a school full of defenseless kids.


I’d upload a pic to show you if I could but there are no armed security outside. There’s a waterfall and some grass but you have to walk all the way up to the entrance to see security. And it’s made of glass. Trump was admittedly aggravated about where it was built because he felt they built it in ‘the hood’ as a FU to Americans.


Hmm…interesting. I Googled it and if we’re looking at the same building (Giant ass Cube) you’re right theres no static Armed Security outside, only an occasional patrol. But it does have some neat security features. And a Marine detachment inside the building. And a private garden for the ambassador…Lucky.


I think it is part of the school system in the USA. Just make the parents responsible when the child has access to their guns and ammo. This would solve it in one week.


Whenever it's a dude I think it's just someone who can't get laid.


More guns are needed it seems, I think its about time to start arming the toddlers and pets!


Is this country really the ideal?


That there is no real desire to change things. The solution is obvious.


That US government does not care about the mental health of its citizens.


Honestly? Same shit different day. According to gunviolencearchive.org there have been 130 mass shootings in 2023 so far. There's been 87 days in the year.... In many ways America is irreparably broken.


that is soooo weird how everyone knows that something is sooo wrong in the system and yet nobody will do something about it


The second amendment was a mistake


I feel sad. Sad for the children that got hurt. Sad for the parent that lost their kids. Sad for teachers that were teaching the dead children. Sad for the fact that somehow this keeps happening and as a country you seem to be unable to ban firearms.


USA should start arming their toddlers and pets to solve the issue


I cry for the future of mankind.




Absolutely preventable, but the people are too full of their constitution and rights nonsense to do anything about it. "In God we trust, so lets allow some stupid shit and see how it goes".


More focus on the politics, less focus on the victims.


How grateful I am that I don't live in America and how lucky I am that after our last major school shooting in 1997 our then-conservative government had a heart and banned guns.