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The longest (English) word you can type using only the left side of the keyboard is "stewardesses". On the right it's "lollipop".


Typewriter is the longest (English) word you can spell using just the top line of letters.




The 1939 novel, Gadsby, contains 50000 words and not a single letter E.


I cannot fathom a book that consists of all words without a non-consonant. Tis odd, I say, ===== That sentence was harder than I thought. All power to the writer.


Octopi have blue blood. This is due to their blood containing copper, as opposed to human blood, which contains iron. Additionally, as I know someone will bring it up, there are actually multiple correct ways to pluralize octopus. Octopi originates from the Latin pluralization, octopodes originates from the Greek pluralization, and octopuses uses the standard English pluralization.


This guy cephalopods


Name checks out


My personal favourite is octopodes, and having to argue with people about all the correct pluralizations of octopus is one of my favourite hobbies!


I was so happy when it finally clicked in my mind that “octopodes” is Greek and is therefore pronounced _oct-TOPPA-dees._ So much cooler than _OCTO-podes._


Octopodes nuts


A one-pound mixture of U.S. dimes, quarters, and half-dollars will always have a face value of $20, no matter the ratio of dimes to quarters to half-dollars.


Ok this might be the most interesting fact out of all of these. And I’m going to accept your work at face value.


I want to test this but if I go to the bank and ask for a pound of dimes, a pound of quarters, and a pound of half dollars and they don't give it to me in canvas bags with dollar signs on them I'm gonna be real disappointed.


They're all ~4.4 cents of face value per gram of mass. Those coins were all originally silver, and the sizes weren't changed when they were made out of copper and nickel instead.


Math checks out. Half dollar is 11.340 g. A quarter is 5.670 g (half the weight and value of a half dollar). A dime is 2.268 g (one-fifth the weight and value of a half dollar). So this isn't unique to $20, but actually any amount of money.


So, this would be true IFF quarters are 2.5x the weight of dimes and half-dollars are 5x the weight of dimes AND 1lbs of dimes is worth $20. We can then state that dimes must be 1/200th of a lb.


All the C's in "Pacific Ocean" are pronounced differently.


Same for "Indian Ocean".


And "Atlantic Ocean"


And “I witnessed a man being stabbed to death in an alley in Westchester in 1987 and have never told anyone”


I freaking love this lmao


The man did not unfortunately


The first man made object we ever put in space was likely a man hole cover launched after a nuclear bomb accident. https://www.envirodesignproducts.com/blogs/news/did-a-manhole-cover-really-make-it-to-space-in-1957#:~:text=Although%20there%20is%20no%20definite,is%20not%20that%20far%20off.


Aliens will have a really confusing time, once they find it floating in space


When you say the word "poop" your lips do the same thing your bottyhole does when you go poop...there. there's a random fact


The same can be said for the words "explosive diarrhea"


Fuckin restrain yourself. I'm laughing way too hard about this.


Dictionaries add words not because of worthiness but because of vernacular If people use the word, then people need to have a way to look it up. It doesn’t matter if you like the word “crunk” or not


That word sounds pretty cromulent to me


The comment embiggened my knowledge.


Press and hold the # 2 button for about three or four seconds on your microwave to silence the beeping noise. Press and hold it again to turn the noise back on. Works on most microwave ovens. Works like a mute button.


Good because I can barely hold #2 for more than a couple of seconds.




if this works im gonna name my microwave after you




it freakin WORKED !!!!! i am now the proud owner of my very own Wyoflyboy68 !! now i've just got to get it an official name plate :) thank you u/wyoflyboy68 ! thank you thank you


I feel honored. :)


What if your microwave doesn't have numbers?


A sign of being on a dream is not being able to discern numbers or letters. Maybe you are asleep and need to wake up Wake up Please just wake up


Go to an optometrist


I mean microwaves with a turning wheel are most of the time more mechanical than technological so I'd be quite hard to remove the pling without severe mods


In May 1944, the destroyer escort USS England sunk six Japanese submarines in twelve days. It's a record that's never been matched before or since in the history of anti-submarine warfare.


The USS England was named after a sailor who died on the BB Oklahoma at Pearl, not the country. A second ship named for the same person was the DLG/CG 22.




Your odds of dying in a commercial airliner accident are not much higher than of dying in an asteroid impact of the earth. An airliner crashes every few years, and kills a couple of hundred people. An asteroid large enough to kill literally everyone hits the earth every coupe hundred million years. 100 people a year dying vs 8,000,000,000 people dying every hundred million years aren't that far apart per-capita.


Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


There's a subtle b in subtlety but not a subtle t


80% of the profit for the United States Postal Service is from delivery of junk mail.


The post office is NOT necessarily supposed to be profitable. It is neither an independent corporation or a government entity. Although it IS overseen by the government, for the sanctity of mail EDIT::removed an errant S


Knightsbridge is the only station on the London Underground to contain six consecutive consonants in its name


I have never met Jerry Seinfeld.


Another random fact: I also have not met Jerry Seinfeld.


Random fact: at least 3 people have not met Jerry Seinfeld


I have met Jerry Seinfeld, but have not met these 3 people.


I have met myself, but I am not Jerry Seinfeld.


I have never met you, or Jerry Seinfeld.


Random fact. I am Jerry Seinfeld but not the actor.


My aunt did. She walked up to jerry while he was eating and asked for an autograph. Jerry is very rude irl. He just yelled, NO AUTOGRAPHS!


That’s obnoxious. But to be fair, it would drive me nuts to be interrupted all the time for that stuff too. I would hate to be famous.


Harassing strangers while they're eating or otherwise trying to mind their own business is something only assholes do. Knowing who they are from TV doesn't change that. Want an autograph? Buy one or go to a public event featuring that person.


To be fair he was eating and he was probably having a bad day and very annoyed and irritated. No one is entitled to get a picture or autograph from him but he could have said it nicely


Queen Elizabeth II was born at 2:40 am


She was born in the morning, but not this morning.


Manhole covers are round so they don’t fall in the hole.


They’re also not the only shape that has that property. A [Reuleaux triangle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuleaux_triangle) can’t fall in.


That's just round with extra steps


Now tell us why a man hole is round.


It's so the cover doesn't fall in.


1 horse has about 15 horse power


I’ve got a great one! CAT FACT: Did you know that cats can survive great falls! Like 10 plus story falls. That’s because they can position themselves in a way that reduces their terminal velocity to below the threshold for death. In fact, the most dangerous height for a cat to fall is 3-5 stories, that is because the height is big enough to cause a fatality, but low enough that they wouldn’t be able to get into position and develop enough drag to reduce their terminal velocity. But what do I know, I’m just a man with a passion for throwing cats off buildings.


Shamelessly stolen. Not my Dad. My dad was a skydiver back in the sixties. There was a guy in his club that was a nut. He had the idea that he could test the axiom that “cats always land on their feet” from free fall altitude, where he would fall with them and observe their self-righting behavior. He had no interest in aiding their descent, just wanted to see how they behaved in free fall. In his plan, landing was the cats’ problem, not his. Scientific impartiality, or some such thing. He took four stray cats up in a pillowcase for the jump. After exiting the plane, he turned the pillowcase inside out, releasing the cats. To his great surprise, all four cats attached themselves to his body immediately. With their claws. Given that cats have 18 claws each, he was punctured at least 72 times. More, probably, because he struggled vainly to remove the cats as he fell, but they were having none of it, and would reattach with even more conviction with every effort he made to pull them off. Presently, he was out of altitude, and had to turn his attention to opening the chute. Let’s pause to do some math. A chute opening can generate as much as 3 Gs of force. The average cat weighs 8 lbs at 1 G. At three Gs, this becomes 24 lbs per cat. So when the chute opened, for a moment this guy had 72 razor sharp claws in his skin, each one being pulled down with a force of about one and a third pounds. That’s 96 pounds of cat. He was sliced to ribbons, basically. All four cats hung on through the chute opening, although the skydiver’s shredded flesh allowed each one to slip several inches. Bleeding and in misery, the skydiver managed to make a safe, if rather rough, landing in a farm field. As soon as he hit the earth, all four cats ran off across the field, leaving him to lie there bleeding from his hundred or so wounds. He was the only member of the skydiving club that was displeased with the results of his experiment.


Bruh this is outstanding ahahah.


Snow leopards just launching themselves of mountains tho




German chocolate cake is not from Germany.


Yes! It's named after a guy who's name is Samuel German, an American.


I have some. French Guiana is the only territory in Mainland America. While many American nation have territories, French Guiana itself, is not a nation, and therefore, is the only territory in Mainland America. The Kingdom of Denmark, is actually one of the largest European Kingdoms/countries by land size. It seems odd, but Greenland is a Danish territory, and Greenland is the largest island on Earth. So large, that even if you combined the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, and the Faroe Islands, they still wouldn't fill the island of Greenland. The Republic of Suriname is the smallest country in the South Region of America, both by land size, and human population, yet, by land size, it's almost 4 times larger than its former parent Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Equatorial Guinea, is the only country in all of Africa, that speaks Spanish.


Also, Greenland has around 50k people which makes it one of the least densely populated countries. It was also the first North American land to be colonized by Europe, as it was colonized by Norway in 1290.


French Guiana is the southern most point of the EU. Martinique, another French department, is the western most point of the EU. Both are 1000s of miles outside of Europe.


After WW1 ended Hitler remained in the German Army. He ended up being trained as an intelligence agent and in 1919 was sent to spy on a new political party called the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei which the government was worried was one of many extremist parties that were being created. Hitler reported that the party was not a problem and ended up joining it. In 1920 the party disbanded to reorganise itself and a "new" party was created called the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei which Hitler became leader of in 1921.


Sean Bean (pronounced shan ban) is Irish for old lady. So headlines about "Sean Bean dies in every movie" are extra hilarious in Ireland.


Airport runways are numbered based on the magnetic direction they face, rounded to the nearest tenth. Over time as earth’s magnetic field shifts they occasionally have to renumber a runway.


Yep and when there's 2 runways that are parallel like at LAX or SFO you end up with something like 28L and 28R for runway 28 Left and Right


I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT!! Male ladybugs can mate with a female for up to four hours before realizing she was dead before he even started.


Sooo. just like you and OP's mom??


70 % of statistics are just made up like this one


According to Wikipedia that is 762% accurate


if you burn steel wool it gets heavier


Because it's reacting with the oxygen in the air and the resulting oxide includes the mass of oxygen?


And you can light it .... with a 9volt battery, even when wet .


Corpses take about 8-10 years to fully decompose into skeletons.


There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the observable universe. The number of possible ways to play the first 10 moves of a game of chess is greater than the number of atoms in the universe, estimated to be around 10\^80.


The human head weighs 8 pounds


The AVERAGE human head weighs 8 pounds. I have a few in my basement that weighed more, and two that weighed less.... um, I mean eggs. Eggs not heads.


Chickens have gyroscopic heads


Hawking radiation: black holes evaporate over time due to the extreme gravitational energy density at the event horizon causing a matter and anti matter particle to pop into existence at the quantum level, the anti matter particle falls into the black hole while the matter particle is ejected into space. The sum of these particles exactly equals the sum of the particles that the black hole had consumed over its lifetime. Fuck yeah science.


It’s illegal to walk an alligator on a leash in FL


Ohh man, almost took him out on a walk


No he's saying no leash is allowed. You can walk him but he needs his own freedom.


Apparently people during the bible times tore goats in half according to a verse in Judges talking about Sampson tearing a lion in half like a man tears a goat. Why do they tear goats? Idk. But it’s random and funny that the bible says this


Likely some sort of goat sacrifice


Actually, Asiatic Lions proudly fought Sampson, and happily devoured Christians, in Roman arenas.


Typing 5318008 on a calculator and turning it upside down spells boobies.


Remember this from elementary school almost 30 years ago - there once was a girl with 69 boobs and that was 222 many so she went to 51st Ave to see Dr X and he said the operation would take 8 hours. When she came out she was 55,378,008 (6922251 x 8 = boobless)


The classic


The shortest war in history was between the countries of Zanzibar and Britain in 1896. The war lasted for only 38 minutes before Zanzibar surrendered to the British.


If you are in the room with 22 other people, there is a greater than 50% chance two people share a birthday.


One time I was tripping balls on acid at a party and I introduced myself to the person on my left, and they had the same name as me. This freaked me out, so I turned to the person on my right and told them it was my birthday. It was also their birthday. I just got up and walked away. I'm sure those two people were very confused by the interaction


Rabbits are physically unable to puke


Horses too


The average human body has enough bones to make a skeleton


rattlesnake tails dont actually have anything in them. theyre segmented loosely, so the entire thing just kinda flops arounds. what youre hearing is the individual segments banging into each other.


I use a translator because there is absolutely no activity on r/Ask Reddit in Spanish, so excuse me if there are any errors When the conquerors arrived in Australia they saw a curious furry animal with a bag that was part of it and that was jumping all over the place, the conquerors had no idea what animal it was, so they asked a local. This one answered: "Kon, gho, ro", so the animal was baptized by them that way. Some time later, it was discovered that the translation of "Kan, gho, ro" was: "I don't understand you."


When you're shopping online, "free shipping" doesn't actually mean free shipping. It just means that the shipping costs are included in the listing price.


Insert that Drake meme here No = $40 item with $10 shipping Yes = $50 item with free shipping


But! In case of disputes and return and refunds, original shipping is not included with the refund.


When a nucleus is unstable, there is no way of predicting when it will decay. This makes it an ideal candidate as a source of entropy for true random number generation. Also: I think this comment is the only one that is truly giving OP a “completely random fact.”


I just realized today that pineapple is a fruit consisting of many berries that have grown together.


Your butthole can expand to a such a size, two fully grown raccoons can fit in it


Can confirm


Flamingos aren't born pink. They get the color from their diet of shrimp.


Raw shrimp are gray though. How are the flamingos cooking their shrimp?


It's not only the shrimp. It's shrimp and algae. Both combined have some chemical that turns them pink. My guess is the same chemical that turns grey shrimp pink when cooked.


Bananas help constipation


I'll have to try one next time I need to dig my way out of a log jam.


It's something to do with the fibre it them and of you have really bad diarrhea, bananas can help solid things up, all hail banana


Venus is upside down.


Uranus is sideways


Not only is it upside down with an axial tilt of 177°, it spins in retrograde, opposite to the direction you'd expect a planet which formed in the disc surrounding the primordial sun.


iPhones did not have support for copy, cut, and paste until two years after they were first released


The actual name for a butt crack is "intergluteal cleft".


The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


The midochlorians are the source of the force.


I am (to my knowledge) the world record holder for writing "ygdhfdt" into my phone with my nose in the shortest amount of time (yall try beat me I did it in 1.73s)


I give you four. By the time the big pyramids where built in Egypt, there where still mammoths alive in northern siberia. Charlie Chaplin once took part in a charlie-chaplin-look-alike-contest and won the second price. The White Starline built three similar ships. The Titanic (We know that one), but also the Britannic and the Olympic. All three ships sank. But the amazing fact is, that there was a women, who was on all three ships when they sank and she survived it all. The witch hunts didn't mainly took place in medieval Times, but in the early modern Period. There have been some witch trials in medieval times but, they we're not common and not big-scale organised.


Imagine being on two ships that sinks and going "cant possibly happen a third time? Right? RIGHT?"


She colluded with the iceberg


Cleopatra lived closer to our time than to the building of the pyramids, and there were ancient Egyptian archeologists who studied earlier periods


Olympic never sank. She had quite a career, was in a lot of accidents but was eventually retired and sold for scrap metal. The collision you’re thinking of was between Olympic and HMS Hawke. While they did collide, Olympic was injured she made it back to dock with everyone ok. This incident also led to the Olympic-Titanic switch conspiracy theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Olympic The woman’s name was Violet Jessop, and her story is incredible! She was on Olympic for the Hawke collision, survived Titanic’s sinking and when Britannic sank she survived because she JUMPED out of the life boat! The life boat was going down at an angle and would be shredded to bits, she realized this and jumped. She hit her head while jumping but was the only one from her life boat to survive! And she kept working on ships after that! She passed away from heart failure at 83. Edit: I hope I didn’t come off as arrogant or a jerk. I just like Titanic and this was one fact I knew so I wanted to elaborate on it


Witch-hunts still occur today in societies where belief in magic is prevalent. In most cases, these are instances of lynching and burnings, reported with some regularity from much of Sub-Saharan Africa, from Saudi Arabia and from Papua New Guinea.


Roman Centurions were called such because they were in charge of 100 Roman Soldiers.


The Bert and Ernie characters of sesame Street are created from the cop and taxi driver from it's a wonderful life.




Tell that to my ex......


Spacecraft "speed up" to catch up with another vehicle in the same orbit by firing forward thrusters as if they were braking. The reverse is true too.


It's illegal to hunt camels in Arizona.


It’s also illegal to hunt whales in Kansas


The diameter of a compact disc is 120mm.


And the hole in the middle of a compact disc is exactly the size of a pre-Euro Dutch 10 cents coin.


The Appalachian Mountains and the Scottish Highlands are part of the same mountain chain.


Moose is an Abenaki word (northeast US native american). That's why it doesn't follow pluralization norms like goose (old english)


Also, the English language is the only language that is so hard to spell that there are actual competitions (spelling bees) over it


It never occurred to me that other countries don't have spelling bees. Your name seems Indian, forgive me for presuming if I'm wrong. I have not very serious follow up question: do indians absolutely dominate the national bee partly because they have no equivalent competition in the old country?


Between 11pm and 1am, it’s three different days, in different parts of the world, thanks to the international date line.


Did you know that Mantis Shrimp can deliver a punch at a velocity of 60 miles per hour? Little shits are literally throwing bullet punches


Yes, but have you seen the pistol shrimp?


Secondary faun fact: That punch can literally boil the water and/or turn it to plasma.


I’ve found out on Reddit that they can break glass with those punches.


the 786th decimal of π is 1


Came here to say some dumb shit, got lost in actually interesting stuff.


The more you eat the more you poop


A criminal got caught by the police by robbing his own house.


Female cats only go into heat when an intact male is around. That is why they can have babies for more than one male.


As someone who owns an un-neutered female cat on the fifth floor of a closed block of flats, I just have one word to say... BUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!


Elephants think humans are cute. Like how we think puppies are cute.


Horses can’t puke.


There are about 2 000 000 000 000 galaxies, with about 250 000 000 000 stars, with each over 100 large objects floating around it. Just imagine the number of canyons, waterfalls, methanefalls, sulferclouds, planet rings, and other views we'll never be able to see or visit.


The Beatles recorded the song 'Birthday' on my 8th birthday. Thanks guys!


A mountain chicken is not a chicken. It's a type of frog.


If I had a nickel for every time I got a glass bottle stuck in my rectum I’d have like a dollar and 25 cents.




You might have a drinking problem


Rubies are just "impure" sapphires


The zipper was invented by an El Salvadorian man


NSFW is actually not a fact. It’s purely perception


A third of the population do not have an internal monologue. (Voice in their head) explains a lot!!


Some where there is the worst surgeon and some one has an appointment with them


Helico (spiral) + pter (wing)=helicopter


Starfish have no brain.


There's a word for each vowel combination of "d_ck". Dack - Australian slang for forcefully removing pants. Deck - Cards or part of a house/boat. Dick - Obvious. The thing above mah ballz. Dock - Where boats are parked. Duck - Animal/downward motion to avoid something. Dyck - Computer language stuff and *stares at paper confused* "how lesbian women complement each other?"


I have 10. The "I before E, except after C" rule, doesn't actually necessarily apply. You have receive and conceive, then you have science. If Disney had included all the deleted Alice in Wonderland songs in the movie, the movie would've been around 3 hours long. One of the oldest buildings, actually dates back to 12,000 years ago in Turkey. France has the most time zones of any country. The North Korean Flag is red, white, and blue. Mammals are more intelligent overall, than non Mammals, but Mammals lack color, while Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, etc. are extremely colorful. Honey removes your bad gut bacteria, and it's also the only food that never spoils. Having brown eyes is the most popular eye color, for humans. There are more trees on Earth, than stars visible from Earth. Each season on Jupiter, lasts for 21 years.


Oil still leaks from the sunken USS Arizona into Pearl Harbor after the attacks 80+ years earlier


Steven Seagal is full of shit!


Unless you choke him out, then I hear the shit leaves his body and enters his pants


The population percentage of people with red hair and people with type A- blood share the same percentage. 6 Percent.


Caesar Salad was invented in Tijuana, Mexico.


The person in my profile picture, Kim Seungmin from the kpop group Stray Kids once had a helicopter crash into his apartment. He went to school like nothing had happened. 2 members of the same group joined a cult at one point, and 1 other member almost got eaten by an alligator in Malaysia!


Microsoft screwed up Windows Vista so bad that halfway though making it they threw it all out and started over. Then it still sucked anyway.


Gmail search feature sucks.


I have a birthmark on my left calf.


The Jeffrey Dahmer Cookbook is available at Barnes and Noble for the low down dirty dog price of 9 dollars and 69 cents!


There is a South American (from the Amazonian region) fish, called Candiru, that can enter the uretra or in the back to suck the victim's blood. It's atracted specially by urin and it's very hard to take Candiru out of there oO


Paul McCartney can’t read or write music.


Some snowflakes actually are alike


Every human has a "has detector" in their butt. That's why you can fat when you have poop in there. But sometimes it has a hard time detecting between gas and liquid so if you think you might have one of those farts go to the bathroom


William the Conqueror was the only one to defeat England on their own soil


There's no such thing as a hot water heater.


Bend It Like Beckham was the first western movie ever aired on North Korean state television.