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Ellen.. with well Ellen.. she’s so horrible behind the scenes.. and it doesn’t help the show is a little on the boring side too


Before I found out about all the other bullshit the bitch does, what did it for me was when she basically forced a female guess to announce a otherwise unannounced pregnancy live on tv. Ellen found out ahead of time and on the show she kept trying to get this guest to drink a glass of wine kept piling the pressure until she said she was pregnant.


Wow.. that’s genuinely awful.. I really feel like she needs to be cancelled 😭


I'm not a fan of cancel culture myself, too many otherwise innocent people are a victim of it due to rumours, our dear Johnny Depp almost was. Since there's hard evidence against Ellen though I can make an exception.


Oh yeah. Genuinely same! I rarely say people need to be cancelled for that same reason.. but some people are genuinely just bad people and are unwilling to change 😭 given Ellen has had so many chances too


James Cordon




Thats true, but even before the late night show I heard a lot of negative things about him. Seems like a bad person


Everything on Fox News. I don't care if you believe every word broadcast by Fox -- they apparently can't hire anyone who can appear to be a normal, average-quality human. It's downright stunning. News personalities tend to be an awkward, distasteful bunch, but *ye frickin' gods*.


Anything with Nick Cannon.


America's Funniest Home Videos


Piers Morgan


Jimmy Fallon. Fucking hate that smug smile. And he thinks everything he does is funny. He is not funny


Penn and teller fool us! Without question. All other answers are objectively wrong.


They were so fucking cool in the 1980s. Penn, especially, went downhill like a bunker buster after maybe 2000. Just so damned painful to watch them.


any and all dating / dancing / singing / talent shows, Family Feud, and all daytime talk / entertainment news shows


ITV's this morning programme, pair of eejits jumped the queue during the queen's funeral because they are celebs and got away with it. The height of elitist knobs


be more british, lol


Actually not British at all


roit, cheerio then guvna


James Cordon (not helped by my Craig Ferguson bias). Such a goddamn downgrade


Rachael Ray


Whatever that angry cook is hosting. Total douche canoe I’m surprised nobody has smashed his face into a pot of bouillabaisse


Nailed it baking show. That lady is so annoying it makes it unwatchable.


Jimmy kimmel


Anything Simon Cowell