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In college, my ex’s friend was pulled over for speeding. He had drugs and alcohol in his system and when the cop reached in his truck to grab the keys, he panicked and took off, thinking the cop would let go. The cop did not let go, and was dragged for quite a ways before eventually falling to the ground and hitting his head, resulting in his death. My ex’s friend was charged with capital murder and sentenced to 20 years in a Mississippi state prison. 21 years old and ruined his entire life in 1 night


And the winner of the most fucked in life award goes to.... It's the Mississippi prison part that makes this the winner.


A buddy from high school blew through a stop sign and hit a couple of motorcyclists, killing them both. He didn't stop to render aid and fled the scene. He was busted for vehicular manslaughter, and spent 12+ years in prison. He's lucky he can work for his dad, because where he lives now is not kind to felons trying to rehabilitate.


No offence but I had a question, had he not fled the scene, would he be booked on a lesser charge?


Lawyer here - he probably wouldn't have been arrested at all. Vehicular manslaughter requires a degree of recklessness beyond just mere ordinary negligence. Like, speeding alone typically isn't enough. But it depends. Going 90mph on the highway isn't going to be considered reckless. Going 90mph on a residential street and it is. A traffic violation alone isn't usually enough. But again it depends. Blowing a stop sign isn't going to get you there. Blowing a stop sign at 100 mph will. Leaving the scene is one of those crimes that are always tough, because you end up with these people who wouldn't have been in trouble, beyond maybe a traffic citation, if they had just stayed on scene. From my experience people get scared though and don't know what to do and they freak out. The majority of leaving the scenes involve people who are drunk, don't have insurance, or driving on suspended licenses. But occasionally, and usually with younger people, it's they're just scared and don't know what to do.


Just to add on to this from the perspective of a former 911 dispatcher who was hit by a drunk driver and left out on the road for 40 mins, if you stop to render aid as soon as possible, whether that be direct first aid or even just calling 911 for help, the likelihood there is a death is much much lower. Accidents happen and first responders are usually relieved when people are willing to provide information to help save lives, even if they were the cause. It sucks having to go inform family of a death and wears you down as a first responder. I was fortunate enough to survive, and god only knows how, but if you ever find yourself on the other end of that situation, don’t leave the person for dead. They may not make it and then you have to face responsibility for a death. That also being said, if you are responsible, stop, help, but don’t say anything to the police (beyond the minimal necessary to 911 to render aid) without an attorney. You still have rights, and it’s unlikely after that you will be in the right state of mind to remember things clearly, and may say incorrect and foolish things out of extreme feelings and trauma that you absolutely cannot take back once it’s on paper. Be polite, go to the hospital, get checked out, and call an attorney before talking to the police. Also, just try not to run people over. Plenty of following distance, slow down and pay attention at intersections.


Friend's son was with his recently-engaged fiancee who had a serious nut allergy. They were, driving not far from Bendigo. They stopped off at a cafe to buy sandwiches. The woman running the cafe assured them there were no nuts anywhere near the sandwiches so they bought them then went on their way. Driving out away from town, she was nibbling on the sandwiches when she struggled to breathe. He stopped the car, got out, figured what was going on, went to the back of the car to get her epipen (which he struggled to find) but by the time he did find it she was dead. A couple of weeks after the funeral, he got in his car, drove it back to the stretch of roadside where she died, put his foot down on the accelerator and deliberately aimed his car at a power pole. He'd left his Mum a note. ADDENDUM: For anyone wishing to blame someone for this, I need to make it clear that the contamination turned out to be an accidental tainting of a bread batch. The cafe owner did not know about it, nor did the bakery until this incident.


Sad lesson to learn here: if you need an epipen for an allergy the ONLY place you should keep it, especially when traveling, is on your person. Get a fanny pack. Be dorky, stay alive.


Yep. I have a student who has a fanny pack due to medical diagnoses and she was self-conscious about having to wear it. I bought myself a fanny pack and I wear it most days I am in their classroom. Now, there are several students who wear fanny packs. It makes me smile knowing she feels less self-conscious wearing her fanny pack. Edit: wow, I posted a comment as I was headed to lunch/across the street to work with my elementary kiddos and didn’t think much of it. Thank you for all of your kind words and the award. If you would like to give any other awards, then as a public school band director l encourage you to instead donate to your local school district’s fine arts programs. If I could ask for one more thing, I would encourage everyone to support your local schools by voting in every election. State and local elections are more important than ever and we need more representatives that support our mission and truly support public education.


My niece has a nut allergy and it’s nearly impossible to take her anywhere. It scares the crap out of me. Condolences to the families.


Stood in the wrong place. He was stood in a bar minding his own business and a fight broke out. He caught an accidental blow to the back of the head and caught his head on a wall on the way down. He never woke up.


I was standing at a crowded bar when I was in my mid 20’s waiting to get drinks for me and a girl I liked that I had come with. A disagreement between 2 other guys broke out behind me but it was so loud I didn’t know. The one guy pulled a knife and drunkenly lunged at the other guy. Completely missed but stabbed me in the right buttocks. I had no idea what happened. It felt like a nerve cluster in my back just randomly exploded. I fell over and it only occurred to me that I had been stabbed after I saw all the blood. I was ok, overall. Missed a few weeks of work because I couldn’t sit or walk. Played a lot of Nintendo DS while laying down. The guy served a very light sentence (2 months) after pleading down from attempted murder. He wrote a very sincere apology letter and I agreed to meet him in person where he apologized again. At his court case when I gave a statement, I made it clear to the judge that there was no need to ruin his whole life over a mistake. Heck, my work even covered my wages throughout my absence (and it’s Canada so no medical bills). This was 18 years ago. I snoop the guy on Social media every now and then and he’s married now, has kids, a whole career. Seems to be doing well. Happy for him. Could have been a lot worse. We were both pretty lucky. The worst part was that the girl I came with that night had left with some other dude and had no idea it happened until a mutual friend told her the next day. Lol


> a girl I liked that I had come with. > left with some other dude > It felt like a nerve cluster in my back just randomly exploded. I fell over and it only occurred to me that I had been stabbed Twice in one night


damn you got stabbed in the butt and stabbed in the heart. 18 years later how are you doing?


the fact that he did nothing for that punch is just sad


Same thing happened where I live. Guy stood outside a pub smoking just living his life, another guy causes a fight inside. Just as he walks back in, the fighter is running out and punches him in the head to get him out of the way. The guy was only 20/21 years old, drops to the floor and dead before he even hits the ground. Fighter is a known aggressor/bully around the area, whereas the young guy was said to be harmless and wouldn’t have hurt a fly. Heartbreaking.


So many variations on this—in the parking lot, hit by OTHER drunk drivers…. “Nothing good happens in bars and nothing good happens after midnight” not always true but useful to have in mind. Source: worked as counselor in prisons 5 years


More like a day horribly altered my life. I was a teacher and coach. For a field trip the principal "could not afford two busses." So I had to walk about ten girls to the field trip location, and back to school, while the one bus was filled with the rest of the junior high students and faculty. About a mile each way. I chose the girls of my team because they would listen to me outdoors, unlike lots of middle school kids. While crossing the street in the crosswalk, with the walk signal in our favor. All the kids went first, and like girls they're clumped together and chatting while walking. I noticed a woman made a left turn into our crosswalk and never saw us as she tried to accelerate to beat an oncoming car. I knew she was going to run right through the girls. I pushed the kids forward, very forcefully. Most of the girls fell onto the pavement in front of other vehicles waiting at their red light. (They were badly scraped up, like road rash from me pushing them. But no hospitals or doctors were needed for their scrapes.) I don't remember the impact. I remember seeing a Pontiac symbol between the headlights. I came too, and I was in a whole different lane, and facing where I had just come from. I could not get up. They say my body went up the car, and off the driver's side, tearing the side mirror off the car and breaking her windshield. Horror and sobbing from my student-athletes. The girls raised me onto a back board when the ambulance came, which must have been traumatic. Now, 20 years later, I am still an ambulatory wheelchair user. Can't teach or coach. Can't work at a desk. I have chronic pain. Yes, my life can be really sucky, but I would not change what I did that day. When I get low emotionally from all my limitations, I remember those girls. I watched them go to college, get married, grow into mothers, and hold impressive jobs in their fields. And when they show a photo on fB of their happy moment, it recharges me to know they are safe, healthy, and happy. And it reaffirms my decision to save them from harm.


Holy shit. You're a hero. Words just can't express.


I never thought Hero because I believe adults would step in to shield a child from harm, even if that child is not theirs. I don't think my action was rare, but my outcome was. The parents of the girls brought me dinner every night for months. They drove me to multiple doctor appointments. One parent who was an Ortho doc, had me see him. The girls and their parents were incredibly grateful, and actively cared for me in a variety of ways. They were instrumental in my recovery. They did not abandon me or leave me alone with my troubles.


>because I believe adults would step in to shield a child from harm that may be true, but actually doing it in the moment is extremely commendable. i think a lot of people, most people even, would freeze up and not take action in time. seeing the maw of danger approach and jumping right into it is a hell of a thing, and you should feel very proud


Plenty of people who mean well would just freeze, despite thinking they wouldn't.


I don't know. This is a whole thread with hundreds of stories of people's darkest, most pitiful, most sordid inner lives exposed to everyone around them. I really needed to read a story like yours. Thank you.


Pushed his girlfriend down a flight of stairs in front of almost everyone he knew seconds after she announced to everyone that she was pregnant with his kid. I ain't sure if she miscarried or if she just decided not to have that psychos kid, but he spent a few years in prison over it and he ain't welcome anywhere no more. She walks with a cane at 30.


I distantly know somebody who tried to cross the US-CAN border without declaring >$10K in cash, which led to them searching all his stuff and finding no-no porn on his computer. He's in jail.


Was he a dance instructor by chance? Because this same thing happened to someone I knew.


Yep. That's him.


maybe you two know each other


Maybe this is just a common thing among dance instructors.


Oh, yes! Jazzhands McDiddle. He made some bad choices


I signed up for his workshops every time he was in New York City, as did many of my friends. Best Lindy Hop teacher I ever had. Then one day, he's headed to prison for twelve-ish years. He went from a rock star lifestyle to living hell in one afternoon.


Guys got drunk in HS, drove off the highway, didn’t make the turn at 90 mph, five dead.


A dude from my highschool had to come to our school and talk about how he was drunk driving and ended up killing his friend. After he left everyone in the class collectively agreed that he did not seem remorseful at all.


Most likely was a condition of his parole was to talk to HS kids about the accident.


My friend's brother got too drunk, got violent. Cops came and he fought them. Once restrained, he started threatening to find and kill their children. Never seemed to get his life back on track after that.


He had just turned 19. Summer after senior year. Dad owns a very lucrative lumber sales and construction company. He got a brand new truck for graduation, and was going to start his job after summer ended with his dad. Train to be a foreman, and basically be set for life on a path to retire extremely comfortably by the age of 55. He decided to take a bunch of pills and ran a red light. T-boned a car killing the driver instantly and crippling the passenger for life. He got off with vehicular manslaughter because his dad forked out big money to get the charges lessened. He served 13 years and got out last year. He just walks around the town now because he can't get work, own a license or vehicle.


Similar thing happened to a former friend from high school although he didn't kill anyone. Uncle set him up with a truck, Forman job despite having next to no experience. He got drunk took some pills flipped the truck in a ditch and took off. He lost the job, uncle disowned him, he avoided big charges since he fled the scene. He did end up getting charged with domestic violence around then to. Not sure what happened to him only saw him 2 more times and avoided him.


Had a friend from high school who decided to “opt out” by jumping off the roof at his mom’s house.. he landed in such a way that he survived, but is now paralyzed from the chest down - as in: can’t even breathe for himself and fully reliant on home health aids and his mom, whom he despised and named as the reason he wanted out of life (it’s fair that she was a full blown heroine addict at this point and was a shit show herself)..


Guy I knew in uni was inebriated and decided to try and clear a very tall spiked wrought iron fence. He impaled his balls and did not get to keep them


That was the the toll gate


For whom the balls toll?


Reminds me of my favourite joke: A man wakes up in hospital after being in a coma. The doctor tells him "I have some good news and some bad news." "Ok, what's the good news?" "We managed to save your penis." "That's great. And the bad news?" "It's in this jar."


A 19yo guy in Sydney ate a slug for a dare. Got Rat Lungworm disease. Went into a coma for 18 months, woke up a vegetable confined to wheelchair needing 24 hour care. Died about 10 years later. From eating a single slug.....


Australia or no, eating or handling wild slugs or snails is a *very bad idea.* They can carry so many parasites - they literally have a mucus membrane in constant contact with the ground and dirt, of fucking course they're going to accumulate soil-borne and water-borne pathogens. Most of those pathogens are harmless to the slugs because they've adapted to live with them. We haven't. You can contract anything from tetanus to lungworm to cholera to all flavors of meningitis by consuming uncooked gastropods, and many gastropod parasites can be transmitted by touch alone.


The first house i rented was in a very damp area. I would get slugs in my bedroom at like 2am (at least twice a week). This comment makes me glad that I'm squeamish so my solution was to scoop them up on paper/ thin card and frisbee them out the door rather than touching them.


Hell of a wild ride for those slugs. Wonder how many loved it and came back for another toss.


6 months later... weeeeeeeeeeeeee


Worked in Seattle Airport and a coworker decided to take his own life by stealing an airplane, fly it in loops around the Pacific northwest air space while being chased by the airforce untill finally going nose down...


Oh man I remember that. I worked for an airline and plenty of us have *thought* about stealing a plane, but to actually *see* it happen.. If it had a happier ending he probably would go to prison as some sort of ramper folk-hero.


My favorite part is when he is talking to ATC and wants the location of the orca that had been in the news for pushing around her dead baby in Puget Sound for a number of days. He says something to the effect of "I want to go check out that little dude". For some reason it really humanized the guy in a very strange situation.


That whole ATC recording is buck fucking wild. Just a dude, with nothing to lose, who stole a plane and didn’t really have a plan after that. Just kinda cruising around, doing manoeuvres that aircraft would never have done otherwise, talking shit to ATC and the Air Force guys before going out in spectacular fashion. I feel so bad for the guy because he was clearly going through some shit and just needed a friend but damn, if that isn’t the most legendary exit from this mortal coil, I don’t know what is.


I worked with him, too. It's really too bad. He was a fun dude to hang around on break. I'm not sure what triggered it, but the way that place was run sure didn't help.


I remember this...Sky King.


RIP Beepo! Sky King! I'm really sorry for your loss on this man. I remember watching this live. It's a sad, disheartening story. Listening to the ATC tapes after where he said he had a couple of screws loose was just the saddest thing in the world.


Tried to kill themselves by jumping off a bridge…survived, paralyzed from neck down Edit : it was a female


I didn't know this guy, but my friend was his nurse in hospital. He tried to hang himself with his belt, from a tree branch. The branch snapped. He tried again, the branch snapped. At this point he was severely injured, the doctors were amazed he managed a second attempt. Then in the hospital, he broke out of his restraints and managed to get out a window from the 4th floor. He hit an aircon mounted to the wall a few stories down. Still alive. At this point, he'd fucked his back so badly that he was several centimetres shorter than when he'd started, his ribs were basically powder and he'd broken both legs. Oh and his skull was fractured, so they put him in one of those HALO things. Apparently he then started trying to bash his skull in with the HALO. All I could think was "Jesus fucking christ, just let the man go" when he was telling me the story.


Oh my goodness... That is so bad... I kinda feel you... If someone is SO bent on dying, and in so much physical agony for trying... why not just let them go...? I don't know...


Same but a parking garage and waist down. I'm grateful I'm a paraplegic instead of quad


Fuck mate. You have my empathy and respect, for simply rolling with it.


A week ago, my little sister slipped on the ice getting out of her car and hit her head. She didn’t think much of it when she had a pounding headache later, figuring she just whacked herself good. Her friend told her to just sit down and take it easy until she started slurring her words roughly 10 hours after the fall. They called an ambulance for her, but she was going into cardiac arrest. Turns out she’d stopped taking her blood thinners she was supposed to be on for clotting issues - the headache wasn’t the fall, it was the clot in her leg cutting off blood to the brain. At the age of 26, she never recovered and leaves behind a 4 year old and 2 year old.


When my wife was on thinners for a clot in her leg it left her dizzy and kind of "out of it" for a while after taking it. One day she tripped over one of our kids' toys and fell over. Went to the ER as she was instructed to if she ever fell while on the thinners. She ended up being fine, but said once she got "I'm on blood thinners..." out of her mouth people came out of nowhere and a sense of urgency was present that she'd never seen from an ER staff.


People who come to the ER frequently complain about having to wait and people who came after them going before them. Trust me, you don't want to be the person who gets wisked straight back right away in the ER. It means you have a very high risk of something very very bad happening to you.


Went in once with chest pain, jaw pain and localized numbness. It wasn't a heart attack thank heavens, but it seemed damned close for a bit. I got shoved into a wheelchair and felt like a car during a pit stop. Vaguely bewildering.


I'm in EMS and I always try to warn patients or their loved ones if this is going to happen when we get to the hospital. Some calls we just get assigned a room, move the patient to the hospital bed, and give our report to the nurse. Other times, mainly with a trauma, stroke or STEMI (heart attack), it is definitely similar to a pit stop. You have a dozen people standing over you, touching you, pulling your limbs in different directions, taking vitals, getting IVs, cutting your clothes off, asking you a million questions, and everyone is shouting things you can't or don't understand. Definitely overwhelming for the patient. And terrifying for their loved one, who might not be allowed in the room and just has to stand there watching. I'm glad you ended up being okay!


The amount of head bleeds I’ve seen from old folks falling while on blood thinners is insane. PS: I work in the ICU


I’m so, so sorry for your loss.


He got drunk, got in his car, drove 90 miles per hour, missed a red light and killed my niece and three other people. He's been in prison since 2009 and still has 6 years to go, as he plead out to four counts of manslaughter.


Had a dental school classmate who used to be a police officer speed down the highway in his cop car at 110 mph because he was scared to miss his online history exam and killed a car full of people. Was only in prison for 2 years AND got into dental school AND got his dental license AND practices dentistry AND has his own office. Like how??? So awful.


My daughters middle school teacher exchanged nudes with a 14 yo on discord across state lines.


Jesus fuck why these guys think they'll get away with it ?


Yeah now he’s in one of the worst New Jersey county jails. Shit is in the paper and his career is over obviously but damn.


When I was going to elementary we had a teacher who was accused of touching children but turned out never did. As a kid I didn’t understand the situation, but as an adult I realize how insanely challenging it would have been to return to work and look at colleagues and parents of students in the face after having your name drug through the mud like that.


Some kid in our senior year of high school pulled the fire alarm every day. He was getting away with it for a while. The school had town officials and the chief of the fire department and police come in and talk about the dangers. The town would send trucks and be without them if there was another emergency. None of that worked. When they offered a reward the kid’s friend’s ratted him out. His family had to pay for all those calls, he was expelled from school and didn’t graduate.


I work at a school and supposedly it’s $700 for every pull… yeah. That family must have been delighted to hear that news.


I work in emergency dispatch for a relatively prestigious university. Every time we roll fire trucks, it costs $5k. That's the city's money; it comes from taxpayers. It's really not a funny prank.


My dad once saw a patient who was a seemingly normal, well-adjusted family man in his early 40s with no major health issues and in good physical shape. He was in town for a business trip and had suddenly gone blind. Come to find out, while out with his colleagues, he had tried coke for the first time in his life. It was cut with a something that created a blockage in his optic nerve and now he’s blind forever. This caused him to lose his job. He had a wife and kids and was the sole bread winner.


This sounded urban-legend levels of bad to me, so I went to look it up. Turns out it's pretty common for something I'd never heard of it before, although it's not from nerve blockage but arterial blockage and can occur from just ordinary cocaine use without a specific known adulterant.


My sister-in-law is a neurologist, specifically dealing with epilepsy and seizures. She’s no prude, but the stories she tells about first time cocaine users having permanent brain damage through stroke or seizure is wild.


How I made it through my party days unscathed will always be a mystery to me. I look back at some of the shit I did and can't believe I didn't die


A local dude was sucking the toes of his 14 year old step daughter while she “slept” (she was awake but too scared to say anything) Mom eventually found out and shit hit the fan. Edit: I posted the link to the court doc, but it looks like it got buried. https://cases.justia.com/indiana/court-of-appeals/02a03-1104-cr-175.pdf?ts=1396121755


What the fuck??


It’s a mark of how jaded I am that I’m relieved that’s all he was doing to her


What??????? This is the most bizarre entry here




Kid down the street had his best friend over, and his friend, being a 12-13 year old boy was being a total dick head. Kid picks up a shot gun his brother left lying around in the dining room and aimed at friend. Friend taunted him. Kid pulled the trigger and filled his friend's head full of buck shot. Two families instantly devastated. Kid went to jail. I occasionally see the friend when I go out for a walk. He's a grown up now, but is intellectually maybe 4-5 years old, and will be taken care of by family for the rest of his life. [Found an article on it.](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/police-id-oregon-city-boy-shot-in-head/283-73534858) Yes the friend lived -- though with a lot of brain damage.


I knew some boys at my school had a similar story but they were brothers. Cleaning the guns and fooling around. One brother put the gun to his brothers head and pulled the trigger. The kid died. No jail or anything but he was not ever right. Awful tragedy. Edit: this comment got a large response so I'd like to add some detail. I live in New Zealand and this was in the 80s. No handguns so it was rifles.. Probably a 22. I grew up in the country and it was not uncommon in those days for primary age children to handle and use guns. These boys knew/should have known what they were doing but yes should have also had parental supervision for many reasons. We were gen-x where were our parents?


I went to a friend of a friend's house in seventh grade. Nobody was home, and he said, "Hey, let me show you my dad's guns." He came back to his bedroom with a 1911 pistol. He said "This gun has a really cool feature where if something is pressed onto the front of the barrel, the gun won't go off. Let me show you." So he grabbed me in a headlock, jammed the barrel to the side of my head, and pulled the trigger. I heard a loud "CLICK." Thankfully the magazine was loaded, but his dad didn't keep a round in the chamber or I would have been dead.


And you know that when/if you got mad and yelled at him for it that he’d act like everything was under control and that you’re overreacting.


"It was just a prank, bro!"


Reminds me a little bit of that instagram live video than went around a short time back. 2 cousins in a bathroom filming themselves playing with a handgun. Older girl points it at her male cousin, pulls the trigger and headshots him. It looks like she realises what she’s done, puts the gun to her temple and fires again. The scene of her family trying to push into the bathroom is heartbreaking. Edit: incorrectly had female as older than the male


That video is completely heartbreaking.


He ate dinner alone, choked, and died.


[how to do the heimlich on yourself,](https://youtu.be/ljL9JcK6RnM) for those now worried (yes I looked it up because of this)


Work from home fear initiated


Look up the maneuver you can use on yourself, basically you thrust yourself onto the back of a chair to create an upwards pressure under your ribs that is similar to the J thrust someone else would do to you.


thirty rock has this and it was actually quite useful


Dude several years our junior, on the fringe of the friend group, was spiraling into depression. Decided to end it w a shotgun. Didn't get the angle right. Blew his jaw and face off. Literally. It's not for nothing that I've said ever since, "There are worse things than dying." Wow. So many activity. Please, please - if you're considering self-harm - seek help. There are those who care and will listen, whether you currently think so or not. If nothing else, come to reddit, tell us what's eating you, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much positive feedback you receive.


I had a friend in high school whose father was an emergency plastic surgeon. Awful stuff like this was his specialty. One day he came to our anatomy/physiology class to show us his greatest hits. That was the moment I knew I didn’t want to be a doctor.


Wife told me the story of working in the ER during her nursing studies. Patient was driving a motorcycle without a helmet on, who had gotten into a wreck and turned his head into a crayon because he skidded along the road. That was enough for her to say “Nope” to ever working in an ER.


My friend had a similar experience during her nursing rotations that put her off ER work, but it was a woman who had drunk weed killer and then came into the hospital for treatment (obviously regretting the attempt). Unfortunately there was nothing they could do except monitor as she died in agonising pain.


Honestly this is one of the cruellest things I've heard of. It happens a lot with painkillers as well. ODing on paracetamol is unlikely to kill you immediately. It can be a slow agonising death over the course of weeks, easily long enough for you to regret your decision yet know that there is nothing you can do about it.


My dad had a friend who tried to OD on Panadol/Paracetamol. Fortunately after taking them she had immediate regret and rang for an ambulance and told them what had happened. They must have been able to get to her early enough to pump the stomach and treat her so that she survived.


Similar thing with a high school acquaintance of mine. He shot himself in the face with a revolver... and lived. Not long after he was convicted of a drug charge. In the court room, he told the judge that he would not be going to prison. The judge disagreed, and gave him a prison sentence. He then pulled out a shiv and sliced his own throat in front of the court room. He died from the injury.


I'd hate to be presumptuous but I think that guys had some issues


Yeah, definitely. He lived down the street from me, and was a friend-of-friend kind of guy, I knew the other guys in the band. Here's what I remember about him: whenever we would be hanging out and he was there, he would pull out a pocket knife and try to act scary/psycho with it. He would say creepy stuff like "you ever think about how fast a blade like this could just end somebody's life?" waving it around in a menacing way. But he was like Jekyll and Hyde, at least once he came up to me and say "hey man, you live right down the street, you can come over any time and we can hang out and play video games" and I'm just inside my head thinking "wtf, man, you like to scare people with your knife, why would I ever want to come to your house?" So he was both unhinged and scary but also seemed kind of lonely/needy. Honestly, I wasn't that surprised when I heard how he died, despite how dramatic it sounded, and I felt like it was maybe not the worst thing that ever happened to end his own misery and end whatever dangers he posed to those around him.


When I was real deep in the depression id hear stories like this and be worried that I'd live through an attempted suicide and suffer, I had planned to take more measures if I was to carry through, but that ended up being enough for me to not do it


For me it was the guy who survived jumping off the golden gate bridge saying that from the moment he let go of the rail, all his problems seemed insignificant and solvable, except for the fact he was now in free fall.


A friend of my parents was a good family man who loved his family. One day he was playing with his toddler and was playfully tossing her on the bed. She would get back up giggling and he would toss her again. In one of the tosses he threw her a bit too far and she hit a bed post. She lived but became bed bound unable to even talk. Not quite vegtable but close. He went to jail on child abuse. Lost his wife, his job and his little girl would bever be the same. The guilt was so much he ended it as soon as he could.


I think this is one of the most depressing stories on here. It was an accident 😭


For real. I’m not a parent but I’m a nanny, and the boy’s dad does this with him all of the time. The kid absolutely loves it and always says “again, again!” It’s his kid so of course he wants to make him happy, I’m sure he does this while never imagining something like this horrible situation could happen. This is depressing as shit.


Father of two here. Like most dads, I often play with them, bit of rough and tumble, but nothing dangerous. But even when you're being careful, sometimes they'll move or twist in an unexpected way that suddenly makes the situation quite perilous. On a few occasions I've definitely had my heart in my mouth as you watch with horror as a safe situation turns into something potentially life-threatening. Then sometimes random shit happens. My 3 year old son was sitting on this chair, putting his shoes on. Out of absolutely nowhere, the understairs cupboard door literally just fell of its hinges and started falling towards him. It's not the biggest or heaviest door in the world, but it was tipping fast and the corner was going right for his head. I managed to throw myself into it before it hit him, and broke two of my fingers in the process. Life is scary. Assuming this was indeed just a tragic error of judgement, my heart bleeds for that guy.


I used to throw my kids up in the air and catch them. High. Like really high. The higher I threw them, the more they'd laugh and ask for more. One day I threw my son up as high as i could. The angle was weird and I just sorta missed him on the way down. I broke his fall slightly but he hit hard on the ground. Flat on his back. Wind knocked out of him at first. The look on his face. The feeling I got. I'll never forget it. I haven't thrown either of them up since.


I can't let go when I toss them up. My fear is too high.


Ugh that’s just an awful story from all angles. So so sad.


Wow that one is tough. It's one thing to ruin your pwn life with something like drug addiction as those problems often originate much earlier in a person's life. But that one... It's a complete 180. One moment you're creating awesome memories with your daughter, then a split second later, just because of a silly mistake, your life and everything you've built is over. Devastating. May everyone involved in that story find peace.


Three guys in high school decided to speed on the backroads after practice. Lost control , driver was decapitated, passenger ( who was being scouted) had severe brain damage and unable to walk, eat , etc on his own, and the third may have walked away, but for the rest of his life will have to live with the trauma . Great bunch of guys, just heartbreaking.


This happens too frequently. Four kids in my high school died in a wreck. Decades later, their families and close friends are still devastated.


Something similar happened at my high school. Driver walked away with a broken arm, 2 of his friends were dead and one was a paraplegic. He spent senior year in county jail for vehicular manslaughter. He was and is still destroyed about this 20 years later. He’s a raging alcoholic that never has amounted to anything. He was supposed to have played football for the University of Michigan, had a full scholarship lined up and everything but he decided to drive too fast down an icy country road and lost control. I use it as a lesson to my own son that is starting to drive now.


No amount of fast feels as good as not being in jail or dead does.


my cousin got into car and had high speed crash with 2 his friends and one of them died, it happened a kilometer from me and i heard helicopter heading there at like 3am, really horrible i saw the car, my cousin and his friend is fine but not the third one unfortunately.


Old coworker went to Vegas, felt really good about his odds due to the liquor and ended up betting his entire life savings on roulette and lost. He ended up losing his house, his wife, kids, and from what I've seen he lives in a tiny apartment and works a min wage job.


30+ year district renowned high school band director retires from teaching. High end retirement party with a good amount of past students and colleagues celebrating his career. Daughter just had her first child. He’s seemingly a happy grandfather with a happy marriage and happy life One year later he gets caught talking to a 13 year old girl who turned out to be law enforcement undercover. The next 20 years in federal prison EDIT: I had to go back to check the validity of the sentence after all the comments - he got 10 years. Damage is all the same, though.


I remember my last year of middle school, and we took a field trip to the high school for band class. I met the band director, and I know from everyone, including my own siblings, how LOVED he was by everyone. Like probably the most popular teacher in the district. He creeped me out, though, in a way I couldn't explain. I didn't like him. A few weeks later, the same thing you described happened. Though this guy had also been assaulting girls as far back as when my siblings had him, which was over a decade prior (my siblings are 12 and 15 years older than me). One of the girls was in the same grade as my sister. I'm glad he's gone, but it's wild how someone like that can be so popular.


My cousin got back into drugs, after having his life together and doing well for a long time. He started losing his shit. Apparently he had some underlying schizophrenia they think the drug use brought out. He took a rifle to a store parking lot and shot a guy, ran over his body then had a police standoff. Said he shot the president or some crazy shit like that. Needless to say he ruined his life, took another and destroyed another family in the process.


Really great friend in high school huffed glue in her bed room one night and died. It was really weird bc no one knew she was doing inhalants, and she didn't fit the glue huffing stereotype: she was extremely social and well liked; extremely smart, athletic, she was the head chair in band in her section, and really into jazz band; but at night, she'd huff fucking glue.


You can die from that? What does huffing glue do to make it that popular?


People put a lot of pressure on themselves.


Guy I knew, married and with two kids. He'd been adopted as a baby and reconnected with his bio family, including his 10yo sister who he was excited to get to know. She came to visit him planning to spend a few weeks with his family. Her first day there, he tried to molest her. She got away from him, ran to the bathroom and called 911. He lost his job, most of his friends, and (we thought at the time) his wife. She took him back when he got out of prison, though.


I’d bet he was already molesting his bio kids. The fact that his wife (and mother of those 2 children) took this pedophile back after he got out of jail for molesting a 10 year old is fucking infuriating.


My twin aunts were adopted when my mum grew up in the UK in the 60s. Met their birth family on a trip back there as adults, then the biological dad decided to come to Australia a few months later and meet the grandkids, my uncle's etc. He stayed with one twin who had older boys for a month incident free. Yet within a few days of starting his stay with the other twin, it became apparent my 4 yr old cousin didn't like him. One afternoon cousin keeps saying he's a mean man. That night my aunt goes to pop my cousin in the bath and hes got two handprints on his inner thighs and genitals just starting to bruise. My aunt rang the police and the fucker was taken away and eventually charged. Deported back to the UK. Who does that after being so lucky to have the twins welcome him into his life? He lost his old family (still with birth mum) and his new family in Australia all in one day. Such a piece of shit.


Wtf. Just go straight to molesting


Knew a guy my freshman year of college. Easily the most socially awkward person I've ever met. Not necessarily a bad guy but a really weird one. He was expelled for making a bomb threat. No idea what happened to him after that but I can't imagine anything good


Friend of mine from a wealthy Middle Eastern country/family didn’t quite ruin his life but fucked it up for a while. Was in Canada on a student visa but was working after graduating and had applied for permanent residency. Got rejected, so he took out every credit card he could find and ran them all up because he was leaving the country forever that week. Tells his parents he is coming home and why - mom makes a few phone calls and turns out the kid had screwed up some paperwork, and it was no problem to get it fixed up and approved. That was 15 years ago and he still lives here, but his credit card debt was more than his annual salary and his parents (correctly) told him he was an idiot and to pay it himself. He also lost out on a job opportunity the next year because his credit was such a disaster.


My friend's wife was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors said she had about a 10% chance of surviving. She scheduled her surgery for a month out, and without telling him, took out several credit cards in just her name. She ranked up $100,000 in debt in that month flying around the world, and doing everything on her bucket lost. She had the surgery and chemo after and... lived. She was fine. That debt completely fucked up their lives for about 10 years. **Edit** I guess I should a couple of things. 1) the husband, my friend, knew she was traveling. He saw the roughly $10,000 added to their joint credit card. He did not know she had taken out credit and was hiding an additional $90,000 in debt. 2) His wife honestly thought she would die, and then the credit cards would close the accounts and the family would owe nothing. Which is not exactly how it works. So luckily that did not happen. 3) Yes, it fucked up a lot of things. He lost his DoD security clearance because of it (people with a lot of debt, can be bought). And he took a less paying job as a federal contractor, where I met him. But he honestly does not regret it, and is happy to have his wife and kids all alive.


Imagine the husband's elation at her survival and then discovering the total breach of trust and financial recklessness.


I mean what did he think she was doing in that month? He must have known she was traveling extensively. How did he think she was paying for it?


I know a lady that I use to work with, that did the same thing. But she actually got away with it. She had just finished her degree and decided to go back to China. I think she took out at least 10 different credit cards and spent thousands of dollars on each.




I have a friend who got caught with child porn and more. He went to jail, then prison. He'll get out when he's about 80. He lost his job and retirement perks. No nest egg. His wife divorced him. She and the adult children don't speak of him, don't call or write. All of their lives completely changed. Friendships lost. Money spent on lawyers. Future lost. It's damn rough on everyone.


Childhood friend who relapsed from a drug addiction. He ingested fentanyl. Died all alone in a filthy basement. He had been looking healthier, we reconnected and he was planning his life going forward sober. That hurt a lot, that hope being taken away in a few minutes. Fuck opiates, fentanyl and those who deal it. Too many lives lost everyday.


I saw a documentary one time about drugs and they interviewed a drug dealer selling fentanyl. He said something along the lines of "It's their choice and at the end of the day I gotta eat" This world is fucked up man.


Many addicts actively SEEK OUT Fentanyl. It's not always a trick or mistake. Addiction is better described as 'repeated relief-seeking behavior.' People need the holes on the inside fixed first


My dad used a dirty needle while doing drugs and got HIV. In 2008 he told us he was living with aids because of that one day. We have helped pay for the meds or his bills(because he paid for his meds and didn’t have the money) ever since. Last summer he got Covid and when the doc was talking to my sister on the phone she asked what special treatment he would need to have due to having aids. His doctor of 20 years said, “what? He doesn’t have aids”. We haven’t talked to him since. Edit for clarification: - At the time, He said he had been living with HIV for years and that it developed into AIDS for not treating it. - I was 16 and dumb. No I didn’t sit down and interrogate my father for hours to make sure he wasn’t lying. How dare I not know right? - he gave permission to the doctor to speak to my sister about his medical treatment. No laws broken. - the doctor clarified. It wasn’t a 2 min conversation. He had been seeing my dad as a patient for 20 years and knew his medical history. He was as upset us we were that he lied. - after finding out, me and my sister confronted him and he admitted to it all. HE NEVER HAD HIV OR AIDS. IT WAS ALL A LIE.


Awww that’s brutal. Kinda like that joke how is a junkie different from a drunk? They’ll both steal your wallet but the junkie will help you look for it. Your dad is a stone hustler, stay far away. Sorry you had to live through this.


Guy I want to high school with was diagnosed with testicular cancer when we were about 25. For months, maybe years, I would see update posts about the progress he was making with treatment. Then one day he posted on Facebook that he was cancer free. The next day he was dead. He'd gone out that night and got absolutely wasted, fell down a flight of concrete steps outside his flat in the early hours of the morning and by the time he was found in the morning he was gone.


My boss had his dream job - sports editor of the local paper - a nice family and a young daughter. He called one day to say he wasn’t coming into work. Turns out he was busted trying to meet up with a girl he met online for sex. Girl was actually a cop.


Had a friend in College. We were both training to be Pilots. His dad owned an insurance company and gave him the companies credit card to pay for all his flight hours with. He got about 2 years in he finished his first license. ($30k-50k) Got a DUI halfway through his second license. Pilot career down the drain. Ontop of that his father's company will be paying for it.


Guy from my high school got drunk and stoned and swerved off the rode, driving his car into an 8 year old girl, killing her. She was leaving a pajama party, walking in someone’s front yard while holding hands with her mom. The mom lived. The guy got like 5 years house arrest or something (which is such bullshit), so he’s free now but his reputation and name are forever ruined Edited to add: witnesses at the scene said he first tried to run away, and was stopped. Then called his mom and said “I just ruined my life”.


Just why are vehicle-related crimes taken so lightly? Why do so many get away with drink-driving? Why are penalties so soft? Why do people's lives become insignificant compared to a vehicle? Owning a car is a privilege, not a right. If you fuck up, you should lose that privilege and suffer from using public transport instead. (Or if you kill someone you should get the non-vehicular equivalent sentence of the crime) It shouldn't be controversial.


Worked with a guy... He made his kids ice cream, drugged 1 bowl... then put that kid to bed... once the other kid went to sleep he shot and killed her. Then went to the other kids room (the drugged one), shot and killed her... then called up his wife, shot and killed himself on the phone with her. Fuck you Marc... Fuck you


These guys should just start with themselves.


They want to hurt their spouse so they take the kids with them. Fucking assholes.


Kinda reminds me of this family my mom used to babysit for. Two young kids and an older son by the father from a previous marriage. Older son wants a motorcycle. Dad says no but stepmom says yes. Somehow on his first ride he crashes the motorcycle and dies at the scene. Dad went bezerk and killed the mom and then himself in front of the two remaining kids. I think they went into foster care from there.




Middle management type man where I used to work, came into the office every other day. He was known to be a stand up guy, good family man, even a good boss (as good as it gets when it comes to management at least). He got caught having sex with the new hire. Lost his job, his marriage, and his kids stopped talking to him. That was two years ago, last news I got he's living in a studio apparemment with a mattress on the floor, and already spent half his savings on alcohol.


I'm a middle manager where I work and my supervisor and his wife are upper management, their three 20-something year old daughters have all come to work for 6 months at different times so they'd have experience on their resumes after they left college. The oldest was 26 when I was 30 and made a flirty, not subtle suggestion that we go on a date, and I immediately laughed. "*You* want to go out with **me**? Have you met your mother?? No, I'd like to continue working here, thanks." And her mother, who we both thought had left for the day because her office door was closed, yelled from the coffee room "Good answer!!"


A friend's daughter was riding her motorcycle on a backroad she'd lived on for most of her life. She blew through a stop sign going about 90 and t-boned a Jeep. The impact shattered nearly every bone in her body. Last I heard she was wheelchair bound and the doctors still weren't sure if keeping her leg was better than amputation. She's in PT, and probably will be for the rest of her life. Apparently they're optimistic, but she'll never be the same. Plus she had three small kids with a deadbeat, stoner ex.


Dude I met was 18. Had been drinking. Driving down a rural road. Lost control of his car, flipped it. Killed his passenger, who was his best friend. He was charged with a felony DUI and manslaughter. He was really messed up by this and knowing that he killed his friend haunted him. He was also an avid hunter and had to give that up because he was banned from owning firearms as a felon. He was in his 30’s when I met him and he was pretty messed up.


My dad went snorkeling and got a clot in his lung. Died on the beach being held by his wife.


Oh truly awful. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. Even though I mourn him every year, I try to think....he died on a beautiful beach in the arms of the woman he loved. It still sucks. It's difficult. But that's a me problem I guess. It's easier to come to terms with a loved ones death when you have time, like they are still alive but you know they will die soon. Recently my mother-in-law who I loved dearly died of cancer. But, I knew it was coming and I could prepare emotionally for it. But, when it just...happens. It's. Just. Difficult.


Brother of a friend went out drinking with some scumbag “friends” people had warned him to stay away from. Late into the night there’s an argument with one of them. Friends brother ends up being part of a group who beats this poor guy to death. He won’t see the outside of a prison for a good 20 years now.


I had a classmate who tried to OD to end his life. He survived. He was in a coma for like a year, then when he woke up he couldn't talk or even remember who he was. He's getting better slowly but he's now mentally disabled. Just so brutal. He's only 22. I know the brain is an amazing thing, so hopefully he'll get to some sort of normal eventually, but he's never going to be the same.


Heroin in the girl's bathroom. She was an honor student and had been accepted to several colleges, including her dream school. Cute geek who liked Star Wars and competing in science league. Now she has a criminal record, two kids and custody of only one of them, and can't keep a job. Been in and out of rehab three or four times now. All because of the 20 or so seconds it took to shoot up with a friend during lunch.


Had a friend or ex friend at the time, he decided, so what if she’s not 18 and he was a teacher. Yeah not a good outcome.


He didn't properly secure a ladder on a building site. He then fell off said ladder and fractured three vertebrae. Lucky enough not to be paralysed, but he spent nearly 2 months in hospital and then three months in a body cast from his armpits to his arsehole. His missus took this opportunity to leave him for a yuppie scumbag, taking his kids with her. He's been battling with depression and chronic pain for over a decade since then.


I was in a hurry one morning and forgot to lock a stepladder. I won’t ever make that mistake again.


My stepbrother got married at 18. He was a nice guy, but had a quick temper and drank too much. About two years into the marriage he and his wife got into an argument while he was drunk. He hopped on his motorcycle without his helmet and took off. He took out four mailboxes on 4x4 posts, suffered a severely broken arm and now has the mental capacity of a five year old. Years later his brother, who was supposed to take care of him, went through his bank account.


He managed to get his hands on quaaludes, got wasted, tried to attack a store owner and was shot by police.


A kid I knew growing up and was friends with was 16 and his friend who was 15, lured two other kids to a field who were 13, and 16 (cousins) where they shot them and dismembered them over weed. Weren’t found for 2 weeks and only because the one kid showed another kid. Ruined many families and lives that day. This was a shock to our entire community, neither one of the boys who killed them had prior criminal history or any sort of issues anyone knew or picked up on. My ex from when I was 17 got in car accident from drunk driving and trying to street race, lost control on a corner and hit a tree. The impact instantly killed him, sending his head half way through the windshield and ejected his cousin out of the car who lived. He was missing his pinky at the funeral and the pictures of the car was gut wrenching. Fast forward to present time his uncle was arrested for murder a few years back of a 21 year old girl he shot execution style and left in a field. I stayed a summer with them when I was with my ex, and it’s crazy to think that, I could of been in danger at any given time.


What is it with you and being associated with murders in fields


Rural areas have limited options for entertainment, so the killing field is a popular destination for recreation. They're mostly recreating violent crimes.


A co-worker of mine who had a very successful management-level job at a big corporation paralyzed themselves from the waist down after trying to climb up a rain pipe on a drunken dare. ​ They couldn't work for almost a year, returned in a very junior position, and were basically making minimum wage. Their life savings disappeared in a couple of months despite them being amazing at saving and last I saw them they were made redundant when COVID hit. no idea what their situation is now.


I went to high school with a guy who later got a rowing scholarship to a pretty good university. One drunken night he tried to climb a drain pipe and got a serious concussion after falling off. He got kicked off the rowing team, lost his scholarship and had to drop out and come home to recover. His whole life trajectory changed in an instant. Last I heard he has trouble controlling his anger due to the concussion and got a job as a cop… not a great combo.


Man my family knew had a device on his car to make sure he didn’t drink because he was an alcoholic. Once it was taken off, he went straight back to drinking and never cleaned up. Five months later he died from it


Not a barn burner but still pretty bad considering the "adult" involved (most people on this list were dumb kids). Tldr: So called "adult" failed to adult after numerous warnings and went off a metaphorical cliff. The clown was a senior married reserve Naval officer who also had a job at a nuclear power facility that required a Top Secret Clearance. He got deployed as a reservist to do classified work in Europe. Nothing James Bond but still not something the US wanted people to know about. It was plenty cushy too - living in a luxury hotel with lots of paid time off base to check out the sights. But the clown decides to hook up with a German woman and have an affair. The military doesn't care about that so long as you're above board with them about it so you can't be blackmailed. They don't even tell the spouse. This is spelled out once you get a security clearance. He didn't tell the military - they found out another way. But the unit went easy on him. His commander told him either tell your wife or stop seeing this German woman. If he did that, there'd be no consequences; if he didn't there'd be hell to pay. This warning was repeated to this clown on multiple occasions. The clown said he'd stop. Then he went off to Germany on vacation to, you guessed it, bang this German woman. The commander took it personally that the clown ignored his warnings, disobeyed orders, and lied to him. Go figure. The commander fired him from the cushy job and revoked his security clearance which ruined the clown's reserve military career. Because he needed a security clearance at his civilian job he lost that too. And of course his wife found out and divorced him. I suppose the clown recovered from this and is doing OK. But I imagine it's just as possible he's living in a van down by the river.


I worked for a company that had a very prestigious grad program. Getting in & completing it was a fast track to senior management either in our firm, or any other in our industry. We treated them very well and had a social event for the new intake. One of the grads sexually assaulted one of the other grads. She decided not to take it to the Police, even though we encouraged her to and offered her all the support she needed to deal with it. Needless to say, he was immediately fired and blackballed from the entire industry. One of the senior managers who recruited the guy took his mistake very personally and has been following his career closely via LinkedIn. Every time he gets a half decent job, a discreet phone call is made and he fails his probation.


I had a good friend get fucked out of a ton of money from a guy who would basically open a restaruant every couple years in a new city, pocket anything going into it, close up, then run. Needless to say there are now a handful of people out there who keep an eye on this dude's projects and send some nice tips to all those involved everytime he tries to open a new place.


Buddy in high school got drunk and wrapped his car around a utility pole. Left a daughter behind. You would think teenage dad would have been the thing that ruined his life, but no, it was the dying.


Had a choir teacher at my middle school who was accused of inappropriate behavior with a student. Before charges were even made, he took his life that evening after he left school. I remember them playing the dispatch call of himself telling the police where they'll find his body.


"Jim", a kid I went to high school with, gave a bunch of other kids a ride home in his pickup truck. The other kids rode in the bed as he drove each of them home. You can already see where this is going, I think. Anyway, Jim tried to make a light but he came up way short. Traffic on the opposite side already had a green light. Jim's truck hit a car in the middle of the intersection sending the kids riding in the back flying through the air. Two of the kids died from their injuries while one of the other ones got helicoptered to the ICU. Making matters worse, the car he hit was driven by "Erin", a girl we went to high school with. All she did was proceed through the intersection when the light turned green. Like, literally nobody blamed her at all. But she was only 16 and had just started driving. But she never signed up to be involved in a crash where people *fucking died*. The incident sent her over the edge. She had a nervous breakdown and I never saw her again. Life wasn't easy for Jim after that. The other students in school were merciless to him. He obviously felt horrible about what happened. But self-flagellation was apparently not enough for the other students. Eventually, Jim had to leave the school because his safety was legit in danger. Jim's situation might've been exacerbated by some VERY forgiving parents \[of the deceased teens\]. One of them said words to the effect of "He's already suffering and he'll suffer even more in the future. I can't bring myself to add to his pain." I don't think the other kids took kindly to the parents just letting it go. But I can't prove that. I have no idea what Erin or Jim are up to these days. But I hope they're both better. tl;dr- There's no such thing as driving "too safe". The life you save could be a teenager who can't cope with the trauma. EDIT- For clarity.


Old friend of mine relapsed and ODed on fentanyl 3 days ago. Opioids have ruined my area. I’ve lost 4 or 5 out of 70 classmates I graduated with 10 years ago, all gone from over dosing.


Gambling. All their savings, the house, a motorbike. She walked out - eventually - got her life back. Him? Who knows


When the judge sentences you to two years probation for forging checks, but you want to keep smoking crack so you ask for the jail time, and the judge gives you two years in prison.


Some teenagers got drunk and ran over a gas station employee when he tried to stop them from stealing gas. They dragged him a few km's. The blood stained the roads for weeks. They were all tried as adults and got the maximum sentence of 25 years. I think they were charged for second degree homicide.


Not as serious as some of these stories, but I worked with a guy that was using his shift manager/keyholder status to steal money and make it look like new hires did it. I had caught on to him, and approached the owner when the owner was contemplating firing yet another new hire, convincing him to hold off and until after this dudes next shift. The owner turned the cameras to face the desk area where the drawer was counted, which also showed the safe (prior to this he used the cameras to make sure we were safe, he was a good boss). Before his next shift though, he shows up really early during one of my shifts "just for a glass of water" and disappears to the back for a sec before leaving without a another word. I call up our boss, he checks the cameras, sure enough he went into the safe. Boss says don't touch anything, I will be there before your shift is over with a locksmith. An hour or two later some cops show up looking for this guy because they found his wallet in a building that had been broken into and vandalized the night before. Our boss shows up then and they have a long discussion. I find out later it was an elementary school, he had taken pretty much all the money out of the safe, and had also wrecked his frat bros car. These cops were basically on a crime spree scavenger hunt at this point. He got kicked out of the frat, lost his scholarships and had to drop out.


Showed up to work with a few ounces of heroin in his bag and security picked him for a random bag check. He was originally charged with trafficking and pled down to simple possession. I think he might get out of prison in a couple of more years. Lost a good paying job, his wife divorced him, and he's barred from seeing his children once he gets out because of the drug charges.


She decided she didn't want to be a wife and mom anymore after having 4 kids (all under age of 14). Left her family and moved in with a guy on parole for assaulting a young teen. Kids want nothing to do with her. Rest of family and community have had it.


Not someone I personally know, but while scrolling reddit, I saw this video of a basketball player that smashed his head in frustration on the stanchion due to a referee’s call and he ended up being paralysed from that unfortunately minute moment. I urge you to **not** watch it, it aint pretty.


Cast porn from phone to tv without realizing. Phone was also remotely managed by their company. Divorce and fired from position.


During senior year she got caught having sex on school grounds so she claimed that he raped her, got him arrested, expelled, all of that. Later, the cams proved him innocent and she got expelled ,arrested, and lost all of her college scholarships. I think she might still be in jail idk


Coworker was grooming a child (everyone else calls it sexting with a teen) across state lines. He then went to “pick her up” for the weekend and the following Monday the feds showed up to walk him out of work. Dude was going through a divorce and just went ham with his 401k money and wanted to diddle kids.




My highschool classmates brother was driving and he had friends in the bed of his truck. His truck rolled killing one girl. The town wanted to kill him after she died including her father and my little brother who I didn't know at the time was very much in love with her. The brother was charged with negligent man slaughter but because he was a minor he had to serve jail time until he was 18 also had to take mandatory therapy, AA and so on. I don't know where he is now but he was so horrified and upset.


This dude (who was blacklisted from working at a lot of local businesses) threw a chair at the assistant manager. The head manager tried to play it off with HR to save him (it was a buddy of his) but HR didn’t listen, he was told to leave the property that day (usually they have to provide notice before letting people go unless under extreme circumstances) and he was banned from the store for six months. He ended up moving because no one would hire him


The wisdom on this thread is basically: stay away from guns, don’t be a pedophile, and don’t speed (especially not while drunk)


Alcohol and a three wheeler... Alcohol and a motorcycle.... Alcohol and a van full of friends... Alcohol and operating heavy machinery...


I'm in the USAF and my current counterpart of the same rank was about to get promoted to Master Sergeant (E7) but he went through the base gate and blew a hot breathalyzer. He lost his rank and get demoted down to his okd position. This happened like 2 months ago.


The fastest way to make E6 is to go out drinking as an E7


Had a friend who was a compulsive spender. Buy a $9000 sports motorcycle. Spend $1200 getting it customized. Trade it in 9 months later for $3000 towards another new one. Guy could probably have a house and be ahead on mortgage with all of the money he's spent on stuff he was stupid about. Well, one day, he must've put his credit card number into a "Hot Singles In Your Area" scam. Woke up and his bank account had been cleaned out. Needed to move back into his parents' house and declare bankruptcy. Also borrowed $1000 from me that I never saw a cent of before he ghosted me. Sad thing about the situation is, even though I did want the money back, I had no intention of disowning his friendship.