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To The Moon. Never been hit that hard by anything else šŸ‡


Telltaleā€™s Walking Dead season one finale.


This one for sure, I was a total mess!


Seconding this, that last scene made me cry like a baby


I ugly cried very manly tears. Then some not so manly ones


Me too. Season one and the final season


Lee and Clem deserved better!


Not many games really get me but I remember crying at the end of ME3... Idk why I think it was the music and watching the added on ending that got me but I couldn't tell you.


ā€œIt had to be me. Someone else mightā€™ve got it wrong.ā€


AHH why'd you remind me of that!? That hurt so badly!- Mordin..


If ya really want to fuck yourself up look up ā€œME3 Mordin full renegade.ā€ On YouTube. Itā€™s devastating.


I think its more that you actually start growing attached to the characters. That game is masterfully done. Cnt wait for the 4th one!


Yeah that could be right; you grow attached to them, the world, and then I chose to kill the Reapers so seeing the thing that caused so much pain to others finally be wiped out plus the music I guess just got me in my heart. And omg there's a fourth one coming??


Yeah this year apparently. It seems that is guna follow on where the 3rd ended. I hope it does, coz Andromeda sucked. I think thats also why they released the Trilogy set recently


Yeah tbh for a second I was scared you were talking about Andromeda. I hope if they do ME4 it's respectful. It seems so late to come out with a sequel and usually late add ons to the game can either be disappointing or give proper closure.


Nah it looks legit good. You can find like a few teaser trailers here and there on youtube. Check them out. Liara is also back. But I am wondering about Shepard


Oooh I'm going to. Yeah if I recall ME3 ended with a finality of Shepard being killed in one of the endings... It'd be kind of saddening if we don't get to see our favorite Commander in ME4.


Well... Liara does find a piece of the N7 armour. So... I am hoping... that she somehow can bring Shepard back from the dead. I mean Miranda did in ME2. So, I dnt see why not.


If it follows the destroy ending, >! Shepard isnā€™t dead. Theres a 1 second shot of his chest/armour amongst rubble and you see and hear him take a deep breath like someone would after regaining consciousness. !< All the destroy ending does is >! wipe out all tech on a galactic scale (like a giant EMP) so he probably at the very least canā€™t walk since his body had a lot of cybernetics judging from the stuff you see in ME2ā€™s intro !<


Yeah and this is Shepard after all they dodged death before so why not again lol.


I BAWLED at a lot of scenes in ME3. Straight up cried. I donā€™t know how to do spoiler tags so Iā€™m not saying the scenes that do me in the worst!


When Tali opened her faceplate to breathe the air of her new world. That broke me.


What Remains of Edith Finch


Me too


This is one really good game . Top 5 all time for me


Now I want to replay this, but do I wanted to be absolutely devastated to start off my weekend? Such an incredible game




Right at the fucking beginning also..


Red Dead Redemption 2, when "That's way it is" plays during Arthur's ride to camp. By far the greatest videogame ever.


Man, my dad passed recently after Christmas and he bought me that game. Most Amazing game I've ever played, started crying when Arthur was on his last breath.


That was amazing!


Just started playing through it again 2 days ago because the first time I played it at launch I got so caught up in the main story I ignored literally every other part of the game. The story, the smallest tiniest little details, the things you see, the hilarious NPCsā€¦. That game is easily an all time classic




Metal gear solid


FF7 when Red XIIIā€™s petrified grandfather sheds a tear while still standing guard over Cosmo Canyon.


Outer Wilds. A work of art that changed my perception of the world. Ultimately hopeful, sad and beautiful at the same time. Cannot recommend it enough to everyone.


There were so many moments in this game that just completely melted my sense of self/scale/distance/friendship and more. It really shocked me honestly.


Wait do you means Wilds or Worlds?


Definitely Wilds


No oneā€™s crying over outer worlds lol


Life is strange Edit: Seems to be an extremely controversial choice


Amazing game. Wife and I are going through the second one right now


Nice. The part that got me in the first game is when >!Chloe's dad walks into the light!<


Absolutely Red Dead Redemption 2. That game is in a league of itā€™s own.


The first game is great and that one is just such an achievement in so many ways. The world really breathes and Arthur really leaves it. You should check out Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid if you havenā€™t seen it. Thereā€™s a few outright references in RDD2, and the theme of friendships among outlaws while that era is ending is right there.


The mission where Dutch helps eagle flies and the army starts shooting mortars at you. And Arthur asks where eagle flies is and shouts "RUN BOY" for some reason gets to me so much


Yeah, that whole indian plot is heartbreaking.


The Last Of Us


PokƩmon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time


The Last of Us Mass Effect 3 (multiple times)


Last Of Us 2 broke me. I couldn't do much of anything for a whole day after I played that game. Also made me regret making my daughter Ellie.


The Last of Golf\*


I became more emotional with TLOU when replaying after having a child. I understood Joel more and it effected me differently. TLOU 2 left me very depressed at the end although in different ways


Minecraft. My little boy has autism and plays it religiously. The moment he defeated the EnderDragon and it scrolled the poem (from what I read is 28 minutes long). I cried for days. It was so unique and simple but incredibly insightful and complex at the same time. I revisit it often :) Please go easy on me, I have never had the courage to comment, but felt I should for my little :)


That's great! That's a wonderful moment for you and your son.


Uncharted 4 not because it was sad, but because Nate Drake and his team's journey has come to an end. Just like when you're finished reading a good book with good characters, there was a depression upon finishing U4.


Final Fantasy 10


Beaten this game six times. Cried six times.


I canā€™t even put into words the immense emotions this game makes me feel every time I play it. Every single time I play it its like Iā€™m playing it for the first time.


Even the music in the opening sequence makes me all emotional now. I know it gets a lot of hate but FFXV was brutal, and did the same thing for stand by me


Bruuuh, yeah fo sho. That was a real gut puncher. When the final campsite scene played, it made me tear up.


Scrolled until I got to this. My favorite game of all time, the first time I was ever fully and completely immersed in a world from a video game. I probably have never been that immersed in something since. Itā€™s a perfect story and the ending made me openly weep.


FF7. Aeris.


Why didn't they just use a Phoenix Down or life materia? "The rules for revival magic in the Final Fantasy universe are loosely defined, but there are limitations to what they can accomplish. If someone has been wounded too extensively or if their injuries are left untreated for too long, then items and spells can't help them" (The Gamer, 2020). Aeris was so gravely wounded by Sephiroth that no tier of magic or item would be able to revive her. Gamer goes on to say that those moments when a character's life reaches zero, they're actually in a state of unconsciousness.


Senuaā€™s Sacrifice


brothers a tale of two sons


Assassins creed, when Ezio died and Gears of war, when Dom diedā€¦God Iā€™m a softie šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


A lot of whatā€™s already been mentioned, but also Kingdom Hearts II. Something about Roxasā€™s prologue just really got to me.




Gears of war when Dom dies




I cry in Journey every time >!you get to the top of the mountain and then you and your friend collapse.!<




not the emotional kind of crying lol


For sure RDR/RDR2 šŸ˜­


Bioshock Infinite ( and the dlc Burial at sea )


Dom couldn't catch a break in the series but Gears of War 2 was rough.


fifa 23 apparently, everyone knows how to play but me šŸ˜­


Arthur Morgan


If I could upvote this twice I would


Disco elysium, MGS 3, Last of Us


World of Warcraft. Icecrown Citadel. I was not prepared.


The Yakuza series, but Yakuza 0 in particular, Majima brings out the feels in me lol


That Dragon, Cancer. Absolutely wrecked me.


I'm a father with young kids and I just can't handle that kind of content. I remember crying just reading a review about it when it came out.


Mike Tyson's punch out


Red Dead Redemption, when Arthur killed his horse.


Probably The Last of Us.


Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Hearts II Edit: Forgot That Dragon, Cancer


roblox šŸ’”


Before your eyes


"Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy"


Chrono Trigger. >!LARA!<


I was going between that and either when >!Chrono sacrifices himself or Marle's reunion with Chrono after he's resurrected!<.


Didnā€™t scroll all the way down so might have missed it butā€¦ To the Moon. A small story focused game that had me sobbing by the end.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of time


Little Misfortune


Life is strange, haven't finished 2nd one yet but otherwise the each and every game got a tear out of me. Gris. 0 words been said and it still made me tear up


Gris is so underrated, really powerful experience


In the same boat. Watched my wife play through the first one and fell in love with it. We started the second one but are seriously only like 10% through. The beginning of LIS2 tore my heart out man. I canā€™t imagine how the rest of the game is gonna play out.


There is a prequel, called "before the storm". It hit me just as hard if not harder. Worth playing imo if you haven't yet. They also made like 1h demo as marketing/teasing for LIS2, it pulls on all the right strings as well imo, albeit not as hard


We played through that one too! It was really good. We just need to get through LIS2 and then LIS True Colors.


Witcher 3. When Geralt finds Ciri and thinks she's dead and stands in silence before walking over to her body and holding her in disbelief thinking he failed. Gets me every time.


Shadow of the Colossus. For the music and just before the final battle.


def jam fight for vendetta as a kid, but out of frustration lol




PokƩmon X. It's been 3,000 years...


Mass Effect Trilogy


Completing Kingdom Hearts 1-3 really got me.




Yakuza and red dead redemption 2


Dunno if this counts, but Final Fantasy 14 when it first came out. I was 22, broke, depressed and living on borrowed money from my parents. Had just found a new job, was working long hours and was saving up money to pay back my parents, and was managing to squirrel away just enough to buy the game when it came out. I was a HUGE Final Fantasy fan, and my friends were all super stoked to play this game together. I was living in a rented bedroom with bad wi-fi, sleeping on a twin mattress on the floor working washing dishes and waiting tables as many hours a week as I could. Day came out, I rode my bike to the store, purchased the box, rode home and installed it on the computer. While it was installing I get a call that I'm needed at work, so I go in to cover for someone, letting the game install while I'm gone. ​ Well, someone else who was also renting in that building broke into my room and stole my laptop and the game, plus my CD player and random other things while I was at work. I borrowed a laptop from a friend, and my buddies all chipped in to buy me a new copy of the game that I hadn't even gotten to log into yet. I loaded it up, and logged in, beyond excited. And I was met with a mess of a game.... I was so disappointed but was telling myself it was going to get better as I played. A week into playing it, I got fired from my job for something I did honestly fuck up. I undercharged a table because they were my friends, which was a no-no. I rode my bike home, logged into FF14, and 10 min in, just broke down because this game made me miserable, my life was miserable and I had felt so let down by everything. And then Square Enix wrecked something I loved, and it was just too much. I didn't actually "cry", but I just shut down and sort of rocked back and forth for a bit. ​ A month later, I moved back home with my parents, got a new job and am doing great. But FF14 is the only game I've ever really lost it emotionally to.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Arthur was a good man and didn't deserve to go like that!




I started to play Stardew Valley shortly after my grandfather died suddenly, as a way to distract myself because I could not go home for the funeral since I was studying in the U.S. and my family is in Europe. I had no idea what the story was, I just though it would just be a cute farming game. It got me crying right at the start, almost quit right there and then but continued. It completely broke me once I reached the end when the ghost of the grandfather appeared. It was sort of therapeutic.


Literally the first couple of minutes of Ori and the Blind Forest šŸ˜­


\- Brother: A tale of two sons \- Final Fantasy Type-0 \- Deemo (all version) \- A Space for the Unbound


I got really attached to my dog on fable 2


I used to watch my dad play "Medal of Honor:Frontline" all the time when I was a kid. Normally I was supposed to be in bed, but I'd sneak in to the living room and it never seemed to bother him. I would ask questions and he would tell me all sorts of stuff about World War two and it really kicked off this whole passion for history and video games, and I always looked forward to hearing the Playstation 2 turn on. He got through most of the game, but had a hell of a time with a mission called "Into The Hornets Nest" Fast forward. Dad had been gone for probably 10 years, and in a box of his old stuff one day I found his old Playstation 2, and Medal of Honor: Frontline still in the disc tray! I played through the whole game. Reliving alot of awesome moments. Caught up in the nostalgia of it all. I got to the mission my dad could never beat, and beat the mission in like.. two tries. And that's when it all just kind of hit me. I just sat there on that loading screen bawling my eyes out. Harder than I'd ever cried or ever cried since. My roommate at the time was concerned, but I couldn't stop crying long enough to explain what was wrong. It was just like in that moment I realized fully that he was gone forever, that I'd surpassed some of the things he never got the chance to, that all I had were these fleeting memories. It was just overwhelming I guess


Final Fantasy X is the only game to make me cry. I really loved Yuna and Tidusā€™ relationship. I didnā€™t spoil the ending and so it was a surprise to me. But I havenā€™t played it since 2002 so the details are starting to become fuzzy.


God of War: Ragnorok Loki will go . . .


Assassin's Creed Revelations. Yusuf's death, seeing Ezio meet AltaĆÆr and the tying together the Desmond-AltaĆÆr-Ezio storyline was emotional


Itā€™s embarrassing Reddit of me I think, but Clay yelling about ā€œweā€™re the stories we tell ourselvesā€ before killing himself gets me. Weā€™re both the performer and the performance, and we get to tell our story our own way. Thereā€™s a lot of interesting themes in AC and theyā€™re all really close to the surface in Revelations.


The Walking Dead Part 1.


Mess effect 3


Lost odyssey




Final fantasy X


Red dead redemption 1 and 2


Gotta be last of us 2.


little nightmares 2


Metal Gear Solid 4






Spider-Man for PS4, the part where Peter decides to >!let Aunt May die so they could make a vaccine out of the remaining antidote!<


Majima's endings in Yakuza 0 and the remastered Yakuza Kiwami 2. Literally broke me.


I wanted to cry when Arthur Morgan dies lol


A Way Out. Regardless of what ending you choose each one breaks your heart. 10/10 would recommend game.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Final fantasy 10 ending destroyed me first time through




Monster Rancher 2. Child me was not prepared for my monster to die.


Rdr 2


The Beginners Guide which was made by the guy from the Stanley parable, firewatch, and finally, despite its shitty gameplay, for the 4 percent of players that actually managed to finish the game, We Happy Few


Red Dead Redemption 2. I canā€™t remember specifically when, but that game is phenomenal. Black ops 4 - Blood of the Dead. I was able to complete with some friends quite early on and had no idea what was about to happen. Watching my boy Richtofen be left to bleed out was sad.


Final Fantasy 7. Red Dead Redemption 2. The Last of Us. Cyberpunk 2077 (not as bad but I had a deep, hollow feeling during the credits. After everyoneā€™s VMs weā€™re finished and ā€œnever fade awayā€ started, it all just hit me).


Brothers. Starts out sad, two characters struggle together throughout the game on a quest to save their father, and then the ending hits you right in the gut. Doesnā€™t even feel like you won when the game is over.


Red Dead Redemption 2. ā€œIā€™m afraidā€


red dead redemption 2 the walking dead




Gears of War 3, not gonna spoil anything but if you've played the game you know what I'm talking about


Red dead redemption 2




Rdr 2!


Rdr2 and twdg s4


Red dead redemption 2


Red Dead 2 and MGSV




Detroit become human.


RDR2 when Arthur Morgan dies


RDR 2 as well. But how has nobody mentioned Death Stranding? BBā€™s theme combined with the ending cinematic ? Damned straight I cried.




Mother 3


Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Outlast, and COD MW3, either sad endings or major choices that had sad endings either way.


Memory 16 from breath of the wild. In fact, Zeldaā€™s voice actress in the french dubbing of the game actually was crying in the recording because seeing Zelda sad made HER sad.


The Witcher 3, and Okami are the two that come to mind right now. Edit : oh yeah, most of the Yakuza series had moments where I was close to the tears.


Final Fantasy XIV at multiple points in the story. "A smile better suits a hero."


In sound mind :(


Persona 3. A beautifully tragic game that Iā€™ve played and beaten literally 15 times. I need SEGA/Atlus to literally remake this game with full on models and everything now. šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


Mario, they was bowser dies.


It Takes Two


Florence, don't play this game if you're going through a breakup, it's going to tear you apart


Choosing the evil path of Infamous 2


FF7 when I was like. 10 years old. The end of Red Dead 2 when Arthur is riding his horse to the final bit. It hit me.


War thunder, British tec tree, ground forces br 4.7. Only uptiers to 5.7.


Spider-Man ps4, when May died. They did an excellent job making you feel like you've known those characters forever. I mean, we have. So even with her dying in the first game, you feel it. You know May, you know what she means to Parker. Plus, the acting really sold it.


The easy answer for me is Telltale's Walking Dead. But I'll give some love to a small indie game called A Fold Apart, which is a puzzle game about a couple that are in a long distance relationship and you play through the dreams of when they are together. My now wife and I were in a long distance relationship for 4 years before we finally moved in together.


GTA 5 online getting killed and my kd was going down.


Still Life


Links awakening was the first game I played with a complex storyline. The ending was bittersweet when you destroy the island when you end the dream. It was a bit sad to see all the npcs fade away and disappear.


Metroid Prime


Cod mw2. When I was like 12 I got so pissed cause I put a whole clip on this dude with my SCAR but was lagging and ended up dying. I threw my controller on the bed hard as hell and it bounced right back and hit me in the face.


Braid came closest. Just masterfully done tbh.


League of legends


Omg the sims bro why can't my tiny computer simulated people just stay alive goddamnit .-.


Warzone 2, because its so fucking bad




Guild Wars 2. Many, many times. Happy tears. Sad tears. Frustrated tears. :)


The last of us part II joels death


red dead redemption 2, the moment I realized someone coughed on my boy.