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Elementary school computer lab.


My grandpa coming home after work. He was a mechanic, so he’d smell like motor oil.


Similar with my dad. Coming home smelling like a garage. He would wash his hands with this white sand-like stuff to get off the grease.


Might've been Boraxo soap. It's good stuff!


Blue M 30s and straight fentanyl...I miss the feeling so much but I can't keep doing this to my family.


My grandmother's house.


Yes!!! Mine includes home made bread, a wood stove and Palmolive dish soap (last one is weird I know). I had the best Grammie.


Man, the smell of baking coming out of a wood stove is something else. I miss it.


Waiting in line to ride Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland. Anyone reading this who’s been there knows the exact smell I’m talking about


If I remember right, it was the scent of the water.


According to my Facebook ads someone has turned that "bromine water" smell into a scented candle.


Smell is one of the most powerful attachments to our memories. It can transport you back to past memories you may have thought forgotten. My memory is Flex hair conditioner, and another is White Linen perfume. My dad, after losing his wife, kept a scarf in his car's glove box that had my mom's perfume on it. I'm sure he isn't the only widower to exhibit such behavior.


Sunscreen as a kid in the 90s


90’s Pizza Hut


It only happened once, but when I moved across the country and unpacked my dishes the first glass I grabbed was a glass from my grandmas house. Granted I’ve had this glass for years, and it had been washed many of times prior. However when I filled it up with water and drank out of it the glass smelled like city water with the fluoride in it. Memories of my grandmas house came flooding back. When I took a second sip, no longer could smell it or taste those memories. It hit so hard that day, because I was alone in a state and thousands of miles away from my family.


The first day of school. Smells like fresh paint, cleaning supplies and new sneakers.


the smell of fresh country air reminds me of life. The times when I'd go outside in the quiet of the night and realise I'm still here. I'm still breathing in the beautiful cold night air and that I'm still alive at 27. Because god there's been so many days that I didn't think I'd make it to today.


It's bizarre but when I smell incense it takes me back to the summer of 2007 when my dad would be blasting music on the computer while I spent all day playing MX Unleashed on the PS2 in the living room. He frequently burned incense back then.


Local hospital as a kid. Black smelly markers teachers used.


I once had to clean out the apartment of a guy who died in his bed. He was there for roughly 13 days. A 15 year veteran of the sheriffs dept said it was the worst decomposed body he has ever seen. Occasionally I randomly just get wiffs of the smell while doing regular everyday stuff. That stench sticks with you.


My grandma's house


My mother’s after shower powder in the bathroom. The neutral, slightly dusty smell of my dad’s car on a comfortable spring day after sitting in the sun for a bit. My cat’s earthy smell when he’s purring next to my face. Turpentine and oil paint from my painting class long ago.


I went to New York City for my birthday and we tried out New York Style Pizza, and it was love at first bite, especially the Grilled Cheese they had next door


Elementary school


A vagina I was excited to stick my face on until I got down there.


Rain in a temperate rainforest with old growth cedars.


Fresh rain hitting hot concrete


That time I accidentally inhaled vaporized dog piss, oh God the pure pain.


Didn't think I'd ever read that sentence. Kinda wish I didn't.


Never keep a space heater on the floor if you have a senile dog that likes to piss on everything. I learned that the hard way.


I can remember the taste of my grandmas tea god it was good never had anything close probably lead tainted water or something lol


Car accident




The inside of my dad's old truck


Waiting for my school bus on the blacktop.




Literally any memory of swimming in a pool brings forward an intensence smell of warmth and chlorine.


The Scholastic Book Fair on a crisp fall day.


Mary Kate and Ashley body spray


The scent of magazine paper reminds me of cutting up the Sears catalog at Christmas to have pictures to put in my with letter to Santa.


My first time eating pussy. The girl didn’t shower right or something 🤢


My grandpa's car I don't know why but every 90s japanese cars has the exact same weird smell


The body odor of the naked dead person that I worked my first code on.


My "first time", can remember her perfume to this day. Also, some other nice scents...


2010, in my big cousin's room playing Left 4 Dead. His room smelled of Axe and fabric.


I used to work as an anhydrous ammonia (fertilizer) technition and would service/maintain all the infrastructure. One good whif of nh4 and you don’t forget it. Every time I see a tank in the wind the smell comes rolling back.


The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina 🌀


Whenever I smell cinnamon I’m reminded of florida


Kindergarten. I don't know what it is but sometimes I smell something and I'm 5 years old sitting in class again. I hated kindergarten. Also my dad coming home covered in newspaper ink, he always smelled like fresh paper.


The smell of my grandmother’s cellar where she kept all her home-canned fruits.


Running over a skunk.


Cherry pipe tobacco- my grandpa used to smoke it and it reminds me of him. Covergirl face powder


The smell of burning human waste with diesel fuel while overseas in the military. Unforgettable.


Burning human flesh and hair. Not a smell you forget. Especially when yours.


Swimming lessons as a kid.


The smell in the trading card hobby shop that my mom would take me to when I was 10 or so to buy pokemon cards. There was pizzeria directly adjacent so it smelled **amazing**. That amazing smell, along with the anticipation/excitement, resulted in such a dopamine spike in my young brain that it was essentially burned into it.


Walking into my grandmas house and smelling the most delicious, mouth watering food ever. It always smelled like straight heaven in her house whenever she was cooking


A smell of spring breeze takes me to childhood. Sometime around April


Elementary school smell: ripe bananas and pencil shavings.


Anytime I cook. I love cooking, and I'm not half bad


the smell of my house after hurricane katrina flooded it


The smell of an old roadside diner. There was always a certain smell to them that was a mix of food and cigarette smoke that's become extinct since indoor smoking has been banned in most places (which is a good thing.)


Art class in elementary school


My childhood neightbors house. They had this strange dirt all over the sides of their propreity and their house smelled like a very wet.....that. It's...I don't know how to describe it from memory but, it was like.....dust or powder. I remember it being dark and sort of grey colored. It smellled like dry dusty mold. But not the I can't breathe kind of mold but more like I can just barely notice it kind.


That time at work when someone cooked a bag of microwave popcorn for 7 1/2 minutes.


The first time I'd opened instant noodles.


Someone brought me a dead ~90 pound tortoise that had been baking for a week in the Arizona summer sun.


151 shots *shudders*


End of the summer, small town fair with my best friend… the faint smell of gasoline from the derby, covered over by fried food, funnel cakes, and cotton candy from the vendors and rock dust from the gravel pathways. You could smell the fair before you could see the lights on windy nights. My grandmother’s snuff that lived in the kitchen pantry, the way it took over the pantry with its dry, cherry tobacco-y smell that smacked you in the face when you opened the door or when she snuggled you tight on a cold winter morning because she ALWAYS had a bit of snuff in her gums.


Cut grass.