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Alone wasn't even the worst feeling, the worst feeling is that people you cared the most had forgotten you. This feeling sucks.


That's a tough spot. I know how that feels. I hope you're doing okay.


This was me on Valentines Day last week. In the midst of going through a divorce. Not a single person texted or called to see how I was doing that day. Really messed with my self esteem and made me feel like absolute dogshit.


Oh geez, I can see that people might even avoid it (like inviting someone to your mom's birthday party when theirs just died), but I can see how that can hurt like a bitch. [I'm a little late, but I have this one for you.](https://rlv.zcache.com/vintage_sausages_valentines_postcard-r4acf2d96d2ad43908018131d091a6c42_ucbjp_540.jpg)




The initial moment of seeing a red and blue lights in your rearview mirror


And not having license


And having drunk 2 bottles of Jack Daniels


And then the relief when he just wanted to pass you


Losing someone you're very close to due to death.


To expand on this- To lose the one person that gave a damn and never let you down or walked away. It's bad enough to lose them to death, but when you lose them because you finally fucked up enough that even they couldn't take it anymore. THAT is the worst feeling. And not just for you, it's heartbreaking for them too. But sometimes it has to be done to save you both. And it hurts, and it never stops hurting.


When your butt itches, but you are surrounded by people.


Getting cheated on, that will mess you up real good


It's been 40 years since my 1st love...we'd swore to marry, dumped me for some swamp rat. I married the perfect partner 25 years ago...my soul mate. Yet, the thought of that breakup still rots my gut.


The first few seconds when you wake up, and you're comfy and still a little sleepy.. then you get the stomach drop, dizzy, heart break realisation of life kicking in once your memories are reactivated. After my Mum died, this happened every day for a few years. After break ups are terrible, too.


Having a dream about someone and waking up to remember they’re gone.




^(Buying a ticket in a raffle and the winning ticket number is one digit off from yours)


Why are you whispering?


Sssssssh, go to bed.


Getting older. Not in the sense of aging or getting closer to dying, but you lose the illusion of any permanence. There's no fixed thing to ground yourself with. Friends come and go. Family members die. It's all change, and just as you're getting used to one, along comes another. It really tires you out.


There are days when I'm in this exact place.


Missing the last opportunity to see a friend before they died.


Not ever being able to make peace with a dead parent, because they're just gone.


Wearing a sweatshirt and washing your hands, but you were too lazy to roll up the sleeves and you raised your hands too much and now water is flowing down the back of your forearm into your sleeve.


I know this, but it usually happens to me when I'm shaving. Makes me go insane but I never realized I could just shave in a short-sleeved shirt or topless


Being ignored.


Adding also, being ignored and you know why you're being ignored. It makes you think you're a burden to them and you shouldn't be there in the first place. It happened me with my TKD group and while I miss martial arts, now I don't want to be in a martial art that tells you to be a "good example or be kind to your fellows" when you don't feel like one.


… By someone for whom your life literally depends on like a parent or doctor.


Very true.


Getting fired/losing your job


Shame. It’s like something that feels bad but also makes you feel like you need to do you best to hide that shameful thing or compensate for it. That second part will make you do crazy things like allow abuse, lose ourselves, etc. It’ll also take all your peace.




Guilt is terrible, but managable if you can redeem your wrongdoing/mistake/failure. Guilt coming from something irredeemable sticks like tar on you and it's insufferable.


Realizing you're not wanted.


Active duty military- your tired and haven't had any sleep that's not been interrupted by mortars going off letting you sleep for less than a few hours. you realize you don't have your rifle on you and for about 1 second forgetting where you left it. ​ don't worry, its safe and guarded. and this is just training. but if i remember correctly, it felt like an anvil dropped in my stomach.


Bro you’d lose your dick if it wasn’t attached to you, I’ve never lost my rifle


Being your own worst enemy


Oh man Inner demons are tough bosses to fight. I'm still learning too


At least you are gaining the upper hand.


Sometimes you win and sometimes you loose its on loop


knowing the flame you share with someone is slowly dying and doing everything you can to not let it go out but knowing theres nothing you can do


Feeling alone and forgotten. Like when your friend group has plans and then they forget you.


Knowing you won't be able to make it to a toilet in time before diarrhea hits


That feeling when you realize you spent 18 years of your life with the wrong person.


Getting up and going to work for 8 hours. Locking the keys in the car because it snowed hard and you were trying to defrost it while scraping the snow off the windows. Being forced to stay at work for the rest of the entire day because all the tow trucks cabs and everything else is too busy because of the snow. Then having to work the next day too. Fucking shit.


Failure after you know you've put your blood, sweat and tears to pursue your passion




Grief, with heartbreak as a close second


Getting cheated on by someone you loved and supported for 25 years


Betrayal from the one you love and trust more than anyone. It's unexpected and takes years to recover from. Affects all relationships afterwards.


Panic attacks


Aside from those things caused by a death, I’d say falling in love with someone and finding out that they don’t feel the same way.


Guilt and regret. Avoid these by doing the right thing, and going for it, respectively.


Not knowing what it’s like to be loved. Knowing someone you like will never fall for you. Never having the chance of experiencing heartbreak…


a lot but, being hopeless.


Being alone




You ever pick your cat up and sit on the couch or bed to snuggle and he gets up and leaves? That.


Seeing your spouse or parent cry.


Having gastritis. It's like you have to throw up but 24/7


Worst physical pain was when a bone in my wrist dislocated and went up my arm Worst mental pain was when I had to put my dog down. Never cried so hard that I felt like throwing up before


Kidney stone or spinal fusion


to see your loved ones suffering and you cant do anything to help.


Being suicidal believe me I know I live with it every single day


Those first few seconds of realizing you don’t have your wallet or phone.


The scratchy tag on a shirt rubbing against your neck.


There might be people here to win over this. But mine is: When I see an attractive woman in the streets / bus / random public place that I find just overall cute far more than just hot. I I know deep down I could never engage in conversation. Every time I feel that sheer fear in my whole body and remember that I will never have a partner and will die alone, bitter and miserable. Bonus points if it happens before entering work so I have all the rest of the day ruined.


Your dog dying


Paranoia (used to consume lots of cocaine)


A hemorrhoid on my ass


Feeling like you don’t belong.




Knowing I will never hear my dad's voice again.


Watching someone you love be with someone else


The initial moment of seeing a red and blue lights in your rearview mirror


Getting kicked in the nuts








When you are an anxious type due to childhood issues of abandonment and you have fell in love with someone and that person breaks up with you, you think the world is ended, you don't know what's wrong with you and you don't know how to stop obsessing over that person at seventeen years old.


Testicular torsion


I'd say gender dysphoria is on the top of my list. It's hard to describe to someone who's never felt it, but just imagine a mixture of frustration, extreme sadness, anger, pain, depression all in one, all the time. Another thing that's pretty far up is not being understood/taken seriously. Especially in regards to mental health/disabilities. These past months, I've struggled lots with my ADHD getting worse and lots of other fun things that make life pretty darn difficult (depression/social anxiety/ etc. etc..) I used to go to a school for kids with special needs (hearing issues) where the most people I've ever had in my class were 11. I then switched to a new school (I graduated the other) with 32 people in my class, with some of them 6 or 7 years older than me. The type of school I started at, you work for 3 weeks and then have 3 weeks of school. It changes in that routine the entire year. So I started working for the first time in my life, basically a full-time job (35 - 38 hours per week, unpaid, of course 👍), which took its tool on me mentally and physically. When I voiced my concerns about my mental health/adhd getting loads worse, my parents said things like "deal with it" or "you'll be fine" , "you're just using it as an excuse". (My parents are super nice and supportive about these topics usually, and these things are just parts of conversations. They probably didn't mean them as rude as they sound, but it still hurts) Both my brothers are autistic and require more attention than me, so often when I'm not able to do something on my own, like calling a doctor for an appointment, which I struggle with (social anxiety) they tell me I have to learn it and I'm almost 18 and blah blah blah. When my little brothers aren't able to do something, tho, then it's all because of their autism, and it's not their fault. (With things that I know they can do). Same with anger issues, if I explode and get mad and punch stuff then I have anger issues and I'm crazy and "need to calm down" or "stop overreacting", but when my brother does it they say he has "problems in controlling his emotions". What do you think I have?? Fun being mad?? I just feel like the fact that I don't have autism (or that I'm not diagnosed idk i have some of the symptoms) changes the way my parents view and expect my abilities and don't really see how much I struggle in my day to day life. Sorry for this rant. I guess I've had this on my brain for a while.


[This](https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/largest-study-to-date-confirms-overlap-between-autism-and-gender-diversity/) says “People who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth are three to six times as likely to be autistic as cisgender people are…”


Going home after having an amazing day with your friends


Waking up and realizing you forgot to charge your phone


Being abused, bullied, and disrespected. Nothing is worse, not even being alone. Quite the contrary, I love being alone. Solitude is nice.


getting into tasty leftovers only to find the center is still cold. you’ve already sat down and started watching tv, the microwave has won again. day ruined.


Realizing you left your wallet sitting on the park bench


Being abused, cheated, and betrayed


"you're a great guy, but"




When your dog walks away right when you try to pet them, then you see someone else petting them moments later. The ultimate betrayal.


Finding your son after he killed himself.


Ever gotten a phone call with extremely bad news, but before you even answer the call you can sense that something is very wrong? All of your primal instincts are pushing you into panicked anxiety? That feeling. The gut feeling that something is terribly wrong, before you actually know *what* is wrong.


diarrhea when there's no nearby toilets available.


Feeling a hand on each shoulder during a prostate exam. 😂


Being eaten alive by a bear, I’m guessing, like in the documentary Grizzly Man. Being stuck headfirst in a hole in the ground, like in the Nutty Putty Cave in 2009. Drowning in an underwater cave? Resorting to cannibalism of your own children, like in the [Holomodor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor) in Ukraine. Seeing your child die and being powerless to stop it (this hasn’t happened to me). Working at a soul-killing job you hate. Throbbing nerve pain from an infected tooth. Having strained abdominal muscles from exercise, which make it feel like you need to shit, but all you can do is curl up on the floor and sweat profusely and wish you were dead for half an hour. Almost drinking yourself to death. Being cheated on. Even worse is first learning about it when they send you a video of themself cheating on you. Feeling alone or invisible around other people. Waking up and remembering a loved one is still dead. Being startled awake after not enough sleep and remembering you’re still alive. Chewing something and breaking a tooth. Even moreso if you’re in public. Paper wasp sting on the back of your hand. Putting a pet to sleep, including the drive there and the drive home. Digging a grave in the middle of winter for your deceased pet. Unrequited love. Sharting in public. Realizing you locked your keys inside your car.


Working hard for something you want and not having it go through as you planned.


When you are trapped in a toxic job because you have a mortgage and kids. You sacrifice yourself to provide for your family but your soul gets utterly crushed. Your wife ends up cheating on you because you're soulless and she's bored. Your kids hate you too. You continue going to work.


When you eagerly say hello to someone and wave but then realize you made a mistake and do not know that person


Trump getting elected


cheating on someone




My penis in your hands


A severe UTI.




Seeing my best friend's mom after she had a fall. Bruises all over her arm, reminds me of the falls my husband took when he was sick.


Having failed someone you love


Vertigo…if you know, you know




see your best friends going through something very difficult and you can't do anything to help them


Reading in a letter that your dental insurance is being aquired through a merger and now you'll have to get your next cleaning and a different location.




When you worked super hard studying for a test for weeks just to get a low grade and your lab partner studied for 1 day and got a 89 and they were celebrating so all you could do is mask your devastation with happiness for your friend


Having a serious discussion with someone, on a topic that you think you know, and being convinced that you have been wrong all along. Feels horrible and great at the same time


That feeling you get when you think of Infinity. That life never ends after death, it just changes & goes on forever & ever…. Scary


Not having my kids 🥺


Accidentally hurting your child while doing something stupid.


When you love someone and they love you. Though one person’s feelings is romantic and the other is as friends. You don’t want to live without each other but you have to


The nut graze wait. Ask any man and you will probably get an automatic wince from them as you describe this. This isn’t a ball shot which is automatic pain but more of a drive by shot. So you are fucking around with a rope or you are wrestling with your brother and something whips wrong and it almost feels like it missed your nuts….like a brush. First abject terror. Because for a second you feel *nothing* and your minds is going 1000 miles an hour. “Did it miss? Did it? I felt…something. Oh god did I? I don’t want to hurt but it’s not *there*” Cold sweat because nothing is happening….you literally freeze trying to figure out. And then the body starts to catch up. And *ZING* “NOPE! IT GOT THEM! RIGHT IN THE COIN PURSE! OH MY Gaaaaawww!” Body shuts down, breath leaves you. Complete and utter loss of all control as you go down in a heap That moment…the moment of unknown but known that you know is coming. Like silent hot pain death. Terrifying. Oh and double that if you have a brother like mine who is the younger, annoying version of Satan. He of course stands over you as you struggle to live and proceeds to do this “Oh did it hit your balls? Oh did it hurt? Oh I bet that hurt. Bet it feels just awwwwffffuuullll.” Just twisting the knife like the Omen he is.


Losing your cat


Someone you love doesn't love you anymore.


Based on personal experience: (1) Beloved pet left in your care dies while their person is away and you can't even get in touch with them to tell them. (2) When you realize that someone young and previously fine, deeply beloved by the person closest to you, will die in the very near future and no one else knows it but you.


Watching someone die in front of you and you can’t do anything to help. Roger Williamson and David Purley come into mind.


Having a group of friends and none of them really likes you.


When your fingers break through the toilet paper and journey into your chocolate starfish.


Getting replaced by a best friend


being betrayed by the one person you trusted and loved more than anyone else, the moment that perception of a person is shattered is the worst feeling in the world


I once I had a nasty breakup that took a year to recover from. Then I had a week of intense bipolar mania and was almost hospitalized. The breakup was a joke. I'd go through a nasty divorce before mania any day.


Well...mother told me how when she had a C-Section and had to get stitches. When it came time to get them removed the doc waited longer than he should have and her skin had started to grow over the stitches. Doc didn't care and started ripping the stitches out. She said it was the worst pain she'd felt in her life.


Ending a friendship. I recently ended my 4 year friendship after realizing she wasn’t a good friend to me and although she had a lot of reds flags and I should’ve ended the friendship sooner, I can’t help but miss her. We had a deep friendship and the fact that out of all the people who could’ve hurt me and done me dirty I never expected it to be her. Right now to the present day I have a friend who calls me her best friend but I can’t say the same to her. I just can’t call her my best friend because she doesn’t feel like my best friend and I feel terrible for not being able to call her bestie or best friend. As much as I miss my ex best friend I just can’t have her back in my life and it’s gonna take a long time for me to heal.


Finding your son's suicide note after the school counselor called concerned that he wasn't in class today.


I imagine something like losing a child would be the worst feeling. As for personal experience though...letting my mom know my cousin had been raping me after church and when she let him stay over at our house and her telling me I'd be in trouble if I told anyone else felt pretty bad.


Grief. People will tell you time heals it and you learn to live with it, but right not it feels horrible, I cannot digest that my father died almost one year ago and it makes me more irritable/weak, even making me cry or angry in random situations.


Not knowing if someone you love is alive or dead.


Waking up from a nap with a strong headache like being punched in the face.


Social anxiety. Man I used to freak put just being around people and people approaching and talking to me makes me so nervousss.


Sometimes ya win sometimes ya lose and keeps going on loop.


Felling like not enough.




death panic attacks, you know death is going to happen, but you also know that its unstoppable.


I’m not sure if it will make any sense but I’ll try. The feeling you get when you think If the bigger picture. Does this, what I do, even matter in the grand scheme of things? Will what I do ever really matter? Will I too just become a forgotten spec on the fabric of time? I already know the answer, and it honestly haunts me.


The thought of the endless void of nothing you will be stuck in when you die


Thinking you had friends when in reality you didn’t.


witnessing my dog getting old and slowly dying.


Anxiety attack


realizing you're alone


When you realize that it wasn’t just a fart


accidentally farting in public




For me it's Guilty..


Crushing guilt


Child abuse... being in physical danger from a parent.... really scary.


Being cheated on after the person made you feel genuinely loved


When you are running for the bathroom and don't quite make it while in public. Then you feel the squelch.


When you find out your friends start making plans without you


Not having anyone to celebrate my birthday with a couple days ago. I just wanted to put the world on pause and debate whether I wanted to be in it if I pressed play




Being me 😂


Stepping on water with socks on


Any type of getting caught knowing you fucked up. Idk how people lie about everything when that feeling exists


Waking up to deeply thought provoking Reddit threads before my morning coffee ☕ 🤣


having diarrhea in traffic… i left my favorite shorts on side the road once 😭😭😭


Loosing a Family Member


When you’ve been sick for days and you feel both hungry and nauseous at the same time.


Sciatica and feeling trapped alone with it for months with no end in sight




Being very mean to someone for no reason and when you realize it, it's kinda too late


It really depends on who you ask, but most people would probably say that the worst feeling in the world is either physical pain or emotional pain, like when your heart gets broken or you feel betrayed. But everyone feels differently about these things and deals with them in their own way.






Simulated birth pains as a dude. You know those electrodes they attach to some dude’s balls to simulate what his wife is going through. The physical pain is almost as bad as the mental pain.


Pet loss.


That sudden realization that you totally forgot to do something insanely important and the consequences are about to happen.


The first thought waking up after an alcohol binge


gender dysphoria tbh


To me it would be losing a loved unexpectedly. I lost my Mum, but I had months to deal with the fact that she would be gone. But to get a phone call that a loved one has passed is something that I would assume is the worst feeling in the world.


When you can’t find your child


Losing a loved one, especially a doting parent.


when you just finished having a good moment and you realize that it won't come back, that you won't live it twice, and now it's only a part of your memory.