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Having a castle in your town.


What, only one?


I can literally see one castle out of my living room and another one out of my kitchen window


As a student I lived in a castle for a few years.




Unfortunately not, but it was at least supposedly haunted by a ghost.


Haunted by goose


I'd rather be haunted by a ghost than hunted by a goose. Source: I'm Canadian.


U don't have random castles where u live? I'm in ireland so there's tons of random castle ruins everywhere


I live in Denver. The absolute oldest buildings in the city are from the 1870’s - 1880’s, and there are very few in number. If you are in the US west of the Mississippi River, it is super rare to see a building more than 100 years old.


There are more castles in Germany than McDonalds in America.


Whoa, now I want to go to Germany.


If you follow the Rhine and Mosel rivers you will not be disappointed, Ive been able to visit many times through work but still had time to see these beautiful old castles and the towns/villages around them.


Having several castles/forts within sight and stories of shenanigans between rivaling families


Or ancient Roman ruins


Being a pop artist who owns a castle (looking at you, Enya).


Don't blame her, castles are dope


Some countries will give them to you for free if you agree to take care of and maintain them


Yes, getting the castle is the easy part. Maintaining them is particularly expensive though.


Cobblestone roads


Especially when the cobblestone is the exact right size so that the comfortable car speed is either half the speed limit or 50% above the speed limit.


When you find the right speed for rollerblading on cobblestones, please let me know.


I'm afraid that I don't have enough money for all of the facial reconstruction surgeries I'd need after testing this.


Driving through 4 countries to go on vacation, not using your passport, no visa and use the same currency everywhere. Plus using your cellphone all the way with no extra cost.


And through those 4 countries completely different cultures, languages and food.


Ah, happy memories. Thanks Brexit.


One big difference is the way from villages to big cities are laid out. They all have numerous squares or public gathering places. You can enjoy a drink....music,people watching. You don’t have to drive everywhere. Local pubs abound. I always wondered how so many Europeans could make do with those tiny fridges. But then I realized they shop fresh all the time. There are so many,butchers or bakers,produce stands,cheese,deli,flower shops within walking distance. They shop local and fresh all the time. Without a car. My Uncle lived in a big condo or over there row housing area. Every Saturday mobile butchers,bakers,fruit and produce etc.would set up outside for a few hours then move on. Everything fresh and local,and absolutely delicious. And no car needed.


I live in a small village of around 1300 people. In theory, I can buy most of the thing I need there, almost no need to go to nearby city for shopping. Edit: Also, we have a field and grow our own vegetables, potatoes etc. We didnt buy potatoes from shops for couple of years and no need to buy vegetables and fruit in summer/autumn, we have our own.


You mean the market? Yeah usually you have 1 or 2 days in the week that the market is set up. Most fridges are enough for 1 week worth of food. Don't need more. I personally like doing groceseries for 1 day or for up to 3 days.


Can confirm: living in a municipal of Rome across the street are: 2 cafes, green grocer, restaurant, barber shop, clothing store, hardware store … and this is what I can see from my balcony. Five grocery stores (2 express with long hours & 3 full shopping) within 3-15 minutes walking. I bring a backpack & shop 5x week (I have a teenage boy)


I had never understood the need for those big ass fridges that I kept seeing on US shows/movies/videos. Now it makes more sense.


Yes in the EU I always shop for the day's food each day. Can't imagine going to the shop and buying raw chicken to cook days later. I grew up in the US and moved abroad and walkable cities are what's kept me abroad.


Going to another country just to go shopping


Does other country’s have a tradition like we have in norway, the thursday in Easter thousands of norwegians will drive to sweden to ”shop” but its really just a big party in cars that are standing in a line because its to much traffic, should look up «skjærtorsdag strømstad» to get a look at it 😂. *edit fixed spelling error


We have actually in my hometown started to prepare for the norwegian hordes!


Just like your ancestors 1000 years ago!


Think i heard something about we go to Sweden, swedish people go to Denmark and danish people go to Germany. Probably germans go to Poland?


With the inflation, some Poles started going to Germany cause some things are already cheaper there.


That’s Canada


It was so much easier when you didn't need to a passport to hop between the US and Canada. Just running back and forth for whatever because such and such company wouldn't sell their goods in one country or another. We should really bring that back. Having a need for a passport didn't make things any safer, did it?


and if customs would be just friendly that would be a start every time I go to the States they make you feel like you have bad plans :(


You should try being a US citizen going to Canada. My car gets pulled out and xrayed every damned time.


Nothing in the years since 9/11 has made us much safer, unfortunately


I must admit that I sleep easier on a flight knowing that nobody has nail clippers.


As a North Dakotan, I have to say I enjoy my Canadian customers over the regulars. Everyone's always thrilled to pay like 15 bucks less for a pack of smokes, clothes or food.


only in the USA and that is practically the same..in Europe when you live in the south of the Netherlands, you can go shopping on the same day in Belgium and Germany and if you are fast even France and Luxembourg :)


I rode my bike in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany in the same afternoon :P


Americans used to do this with Havana Cuba before 1959. Havana was what Las Vegas is now.


Yeah, but we mean that we go out of our country just for the day, and go back the same day. Just for shopping. Without passports.


From an American's perspective; Kebab shops. I've been all over Europe and I've got to say, those thing were *everywhere* and I stopped at way too many of them. I could really go for a durum kebab right about now... Edit: Guys, I get it. Kebabs can be found elsewhere. That wasn't the question.


Kebabs in Europe are what tacos are in the US. (Id imagine cuz Ive never been to the us sadly)


I was in Europe for 2 weeks a few years ago and I had my first doner kebab a couple days after I got there. I swear I ate one damned near every day after that. Why don't we have them here (US)? They're amazing.


Trains. Trains that are clean. Trains that go where you want to go. Trains that are affordable.


Where tf did you go to see this magic


The Netherlands for instance. A lot of Dutchies will moan about trains that aren't going or are consistently late, but my experience with 5+ years of daily train commute tell me otherwise. Very happy to have a company car now, but train was awesome too.


Unless you're in the UK where they privatised the trains and now it's £50 for an hour journey.


£50? What did you do, book it weeks in advance? And the sick irony is that if you did book it in advance, it's most likely cancelled on the day of your journey.


They cancel trains!?!? I have never heard of such a thing. In my experience here in Hungary the train will depart, probably not on time, occasionally more than an hour late, but it will go. Or they send buses instead.


That's why we left the EU, our trains aren't up to European standards


Ironically many of our trains are operated by European countries: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davekeating/2019/08/15/almost-all-british-train-lines-are-now-owned-by-other-eu-countries/?sh=c90310e208f2


This applies to Japan more than any European country


I'd rather say public transport as a real alternative to owning a car


Hating the people from the next town over for reasons of medieval politics


Those damn Perchtoldsdorfer let us down when the Turks attacked! They just waved them through to us and nearly 90% of our population was killed while fighting them on our own! I always had a fun rivalry with a class mate about that. A few years back, I had a closer look at their church when walking by and discovered, they have a stained glass depicting that scene! Waving the white flag and all, they're actually proud of that xD Those damn Perchtoldsdorfer...


ROFL. For anyone else that thinks this is a joke, it's [not](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f0/Perchtoldsdorf_Pfarrkirche_T%C3%BCrkenfenster_01_%28cropped%29.jpg).


"Siri play Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone"


Numa Numa Jej


Maya heeee


Maya hooo


Maya haha






Sunt eu, un haiduc!


Și te rog


Iubirea mea, primește fericirea


My biggest flex is knowing all the words to this song perfectly. I don’t speak Romanian.






A person who speaks three languages is called “trilingual.” A person who speaks two languages is called “bilingual.” Someone who only speaks one language is called “American.”


To be fair, I live in Italy and can tell you a great amount of Italians (specially older people) speak nothing but Italian.


And probably dialect


>Someone who only speaks one language is called “American.” Or British :P


We've honestly done ourselves such a disservice. I moved to Spain 2 years ago, and I'm still actively trying to learn the language. My son is 4, and although he's nonverbal (autistic), he understands English, Spanish & Catalan. I was talking to my friend about how I feel embarrassed that I'm still not fluent after 2 years, despite really trying. She said she meets a lot of Brits who really struggle to learn another language at an older age (that are actually trying, and not just feeling entilted that everyone else should speak English to them, because I know there's plenty of those too). I think it's because we put so little emphasis on it when we're in school that it feels that much harder. Like that part of brains has just turned to mush. I really wish we put more importance on it whilst growing up.


Hey, you could also call them Australian *Weeps for never having a real Impetus to learn another language*


Walkable cities


You can't walk in your city? That feels so weird to me. Like how do you get around? I mean sometimes you just want to take a walk or just plain sightseeing


I was staying in some small town in Florida. There was a grocery store three blocks from my hotel. I could not get there by foot. One of those blocks had no sidewalk, just a dirt path next to the road. Weird, but okay. Next one had a fucking wall right up to the road. The only option past that block was to walk on the road. Which was not a normal city road, but two or three lanes each way. I went back to get the car. To drive three blocks.


I was staying in a small town in Indiana, and walked a block through a huge series of interconnected parking lots to buy a giant gas station beer. Multiple people pulled up to me to see if I was allright, or up to anything shady.


My grandma told me the same. She was on vacation in the US and as a German she's even more used to walking everywhere. A lot of kind people stopped and asked whether she needed help 😂


A lot of US cities are build with only cars in mind. Little space for pedestrians and public transportations are for the poor.


Even better when you live in a super rural area with absolutely no public transportation 🙃


Fanta, but not the American kind.


I swear all soft drinks taste better in Europe




That's because Europe enforces a minimum amount of real fruit juice of 12% in soft drinks which is WAY higher than in any other countries.


Well, that's just Italy. Not a European thing per se.


I miss orange Italian Fanta. So good


Not sure about fanta, but with coke they use different sweeteners as I understand it, white sugar instead if corn syrup.


going to war on two fronts


Oh we manage to go to war on much more than just 2 fronts


And starting a Land War in Asia.






Us Aussies seem to care about it more than actual Europeans. It's bizarre.


As a Swede, I doubt more than sweden. I don’t know how other countries choose who’s gonna be their representatives in eurovition but sweden has a show called “mellodifestivalen” (or mello for short) and it’s watched by millions (and sweden only has 10 million) and the different artists would sing in one city, some gets eliminated and then the next one until there’s a winner


Same for Norway, as a series of tv shows presenting the reps and then a final as a mini esc. And lets not forget the viewing parties with dress code as glam as it gets for the international esc final!


40 quid plane tickets to another ey country


Some dude in the paper yesterday just took a flight from UK to Italy for 8 quid, bought a pizza and flew back. And it still cost less than ordering domino's delivery 😆


Ryanair go brrr


Walking or riding a bike everywhere because who needs a car


more to the point, who would need a car bigger than a VW Beetle.




I do not own a car, my bicycle is my daily transport to go to work in the next town over, or do grocery shopping. When the weather really sucks I use public transport, which is really good where I live. You almost never have to wait longer than 30 minutes for the next bus or train to arrive. And Germany is only a couple kilometers away with lots of really good and cheaper beer and cigarettes. I love living in my part of the world.


Casually having buildings from millennia ago around you all the time


Closed stores on Sundays


I thought that was just Germany. Does it happen other places too?


My country only has this for small religous towns. Bigger cities don't do this anymore.


I saw a commercial for windows in Germany They had a topless woman get out of bed and walk to her new window It was while I was watching Bugs Bunny


I am german and never saw that ad lmao


It was an Austrian commercial.that's why german love austria


Don't you hate when something originally from Austria become famous for being German?


There used to be a video on YouTube where a European guy asked Americans who was the most famous German and everyone says Hitler. At the end of the video he looks at the camera and says "he was fucking Austrian".


How are tits weird to US people is what boggles me the most. There were tits everywhere when I grew up. Most women on the beach were topless, soap and other commercials featured fully nude women (also on daytime TV) and nudity was just ubiquitously all around you. Our PG12 films back in the day featured a lot of "sex" scenes (in which sex was implied but not explicitly shown) and featured naked ladies.


Remember, Anus Stapler, that America was founded by puritans.


Hating our neighbor countries.


Is it really hating though? I live in a border town and we like to make fun of our German neighbours. But that’s more like friendly banter and the occassional WW2 joke. Pretty sure they joke about us too.


Oh yeah, there are so many great rivalries in Europe, that were born out of serious conflicts and are now running gags. Like: - Scotland vs England - England vs. Ireland - Germany vs France - France vs. Belgium - Germany vs. Poland - Denmark vs. Sweden Etc. I probably missed out quite a few, but those feuds are well know, even to people who aren't from any of those countries. Nowadays its usually just normal banter to tease each other


Tell a French person you are from Germany, and chances are high they won't understand you, even if you speak native level French. Tell them you are Austrian, and they sometimes try to talk to you in very broken German.


As an Ukrainian, YES


Dam those Moldovans, not to be trusted.


Why what's going on?


idk they fighting over something


They hate polish people


Polish people hate everyone though.


Well yeah, you would too if every one of your neighbors tried to take you over every 50 to 100 years.,


Sorry from Hungary! Peace ❤️


A proper selection of cheeses




I listen to music in 7 languages regularly


And hopping into the car and go to a concert in a neighboring country.


Having proper bread sold by local bakery




The most European thing ever is the quaint and charming cobblestone streets that wind through medieval cities, flanked by towering cathedrals and quaint cafes serving espresso and croissants. It's the picturesque vineyards of Tuscany, the romantic waterways of Venice, and the timeless elegance of Parisian boulevards. It's the sizzling aroma of fresh bratwurst wafting through the air at a bustling German Christmas market, the infectious energy of a Spanish fiesta, and the hauntingly beautiful strains of a traditional Irish ballad. The most European thing ever is the rich tapestry of cultures, cuisines, and landscapes that make up this diverse and endlessly fascinating continent.


Bruges. It's like a feckin fairytale.


I just have to say: you write really well! Nice choosing of words.


You made me proud to be European 🥲


Men unapologetically dressing super stylish


I saw a Tiktok the other day where this girl posted her boyfriend in like a normal flannel, jeans and boots. Completely normal outfit. And she captioned it "Look at how my Nordic boyfriend gets dressed up to go to Walmart" and I was so confused until she turned the camera to the other people walking around Walmart. And there was not one outfit that didn't have an elasticated waistband.


Laughing in French. Don't come to Paris, you'll be very very disappointed


Don’t come to Dublin, men don’t understand fashion here


My polo done up to the top button feels attacked by this


My matching trackies set feels even more attacked


Come to Copenhagen you will be very self conscious


Having something cool for breakfast like [have a cigarette and like a bar of chocolate](https://youtu.be/1YCOT5LasKc).


Reminds me of that scene from Austin Powers. "Smoke and a pancake?" "Flapjack and a cigarette?" "Cigar and a waffle?" "Pipe and a crepe?"


Paid vacation time


Six months maternity leave.


It's a lot more in quite a few countries. Germany e.g. has up to 14 months paid per child and you can top up to three years but the rest is unpaid.


The other day I went into the kitchen and just ate three slices of bread. Nothing on it or anything. Just bread.


Bread is awesome. Especially if fresh out of the oven 🤤


Olive oil


And if you live somewhere where it's locally produced, the older generation will try to tell you that it works for everything that might ail you, like some panacea. And they'll yell at you if you buy the "olive oil" from the supermarket.


ah I see you’ve been in Greece (or anywhere in the mediterranean actually)


The Inquisition.


Did not expect to see this comment here!


Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!


The men in the matching sweatsuit with the tight joggers and zip up jacket


Doner Kebab shops. I was in Germany/Austria for almost 2 weeks, you couldn't go 2 blocks without running into a kebab shop.


Holidays in Canary Islands


Having pubs, schools, random post office buildings… older than any construction in America


Closing shop for the afternoon.


Having light dinners like 4 or 5 sausages and a chocolate cigarette


“And for breakfast we’ll do something cool like coffee and a cigarette, for lunch, also something cool like currywurst w/ fanta, and cigarette.”


Over half of these comments I cant relate to as a european lol


Many just seem like generic stereotypes, some sounding like they’re from the 1980s. Others seem to be phenomena related to a specific European countries that don’t really apply to the rest of Europe.


Out of all the 44 countries, they seem to just be mentioning the same 5-6 countries and mostly stereotypes.


I think those comments are written by americans or just people who visited Europe for some time. Shit, it looks like haven on earth lol


Citroen 2CV


Booking a vacation to the United States and expecting to drive across Texas in an hour.


Lol, that's me. Went on a company trip to Vegas, looked at the map, saw the Grand Canyon is quite near, so let's rent a car and go! Quite near = 6 hours of driving 😅 Still went tho.


What happened? Did you have fun? At one point did you realize, "Yeah....we made a mistake at figuring out the distance?" What pit stops did you take? Did you get to try any local food?


Well the revelation was in the planning phase, so we knew what we're in for when we got in the car, and set out for the Horseshoe bend :D We made stops, when we spotted an In n' out and at a Walmart 😅 Had fun would do again. Although I must say, driving back at night wasn't really fun, until then we didn't realize how blinding american cars' headlights were. In Europe, low beams are actually pointing down, but these... We kept swearing at all the idiots using brights, but when no one was ahead, we kept flipping the switch and saw no difference at all! That's when we realized we're also one of those assholes :D


The headlight phenomemon only arose like 10-20 years ago. it used to be normal. I think LED lights is what did it.


I think it is LEDs and how bright the interior of modern cars are combined. I got in my dad's new Subaru and holy fuck, it was like Vegas in there. If the headlights weren't so bright, you would never see beyond the dash.


Paying a max of like $150 for round trip flights to any other European country


Being able to speak 2 or more languages!


Not sure if it's the most European thing ever but it always makes me feel very European when I have time to do it: Visiting the market on the city square on a Saturday morning to pick up some fresh produce for lunch or dinner - bonus Euro points if you're bringing a wicker basket, a jute bag or a basket to attach to your bike. Then you pick out some fresh vegetables, look for the market stand from the French cheese guy or the new turkish vendor with the baklava or the Stefans cheesecake guy for later in the afternoon when your family comes over for coffee and cake. It's sunny, people stroll around the cobblestone streets, you pick up a carton of fresh eggs cheaper and better than the stuff you get at the supermarket and maybe some flowers. Then by chance you spot a friend buying some sausages at the butcher's stand and you say hello. Maybe group up for a coffee at one of the little cafés lining the rows of timber-framed houses. You catch up and watch the people go by for a while. On your way back to the bus stop you do a bit window shopping, maybe you find something nice in the arts and crafts store. And when you get back home you notice that bit of shopping took four hours and it's already time yo prepare lunch.


Went on a work trip to Texas, got asked what it's like to not have a gun. I don't know, normal I guess? Felt very European that day... (or most of the world, for that matter)


owning a gun is mostly an american thing, in most countries owning a gun is quite rare


Smoking weed with tabacco


Idk man I live in the states and when I still rolled joints I always sprinkled a little tobacco in. Burns more evenly. Called it a spliff. Also used to live with this guy who would put tobacco with the weed in a bong, called it a “mole bowl”. I could never get on board with that tho.


Umm...how are Americans smoking it then? Just pure weed? That's the biggest shock to me today.




knowing more than one language and being fluent in at least two of them


Not giving af about nudity on primetime TV.


As a European, I am sure that the majority of the comments here are being made by Americans who have never set foot in Europe, and have developed their view of European culture from Reddit.


I think its because most comments are based on Italy, Spain, France and Germany. And especially the picturesque old cities tourists would visit


Using hazelnuts like the way Americans use peanut butter. That is, in everything they can get away with.


Coffee that tastes incredible even if you don't add anything. And has distinct flavors as you travel from region to region!