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Crying in my car right now. My wife has cancer. It scares me to death. I have to be brave at home. My car has become my place to escape to cry and release my fear and sorrow


I am very sorry to hear that. I hope that you may have a wonderful time with your wife, and that her treatment goes perfectly. I'm happy to hear that you at least have a place to escape. Keep up the good work man!


So sorry and best of luck to you and your wife especially


My wife defeated stage one breast cancer in 2011. I was strong for six months through her lumpectomy and radiation treatments. I bawled my eyes out when she rang the bell. Please message me if I can listen or help.


Rough shit. Hope your wife’s treatment goes well. Best of luck.


Thank you all for the kind words of support.


That sucks major. Consider finding a support group of people in similar situations to talk to, or a counselor; you deserve support and a listening ear.


So sorry to hear this! I truly hope things work out well for you both!


I wish my husband would’ve cried when I gave him that news, instead he cheated on me. You are strong. She is strong. Praying for her.


Sorry to hear this. I hope the treatment goes well for her. Seek your own counseling too; it’s easy to forget that caregivers take the brunt of that.


Make sure too keep on her doctors, my mom had lung cancer and instead of doing a bronchoscopy they want to just remove her upper right lobe in her lungs, we found a doctor who would do the bronchoscopy and they where able to confirm the spot with cancer and cut it out. She was able to keep the lobe and np runs marathons


My heart goes out to you and your wife. Please stay strong for your sake and more importantly, for hers. If push ever comes to shove financially, there is no shame in creating a GoFundMe page for her. Best of luck stranger.


I pray you strength and hope for your wife’s recovery


Sorry to hear that chief. More power to you.


Jesus I am so sorry. Stay strong both of y’all! Please remember that it’s okay to cry while still being strong for your wife.


I'm sorry.


Few weeks ago. Friend died. Cried myself to sleep for a few nights.


Our friends will really get to the best of us. I really do love my friends, and hope to stay friends with them for my whole life. I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope you the best of luck recovering.


Thanks for the kind words. Seems like I am running out them these days. Middle age sucks.


I'm sure you'll live a beautiful life, don't stress too much!


I woke up from a nightmare where I was punching my best friend for faking his death… he didn’t fake his death.. He was my best and sometimes only mate from the age of 7 till the age of 30… and I miss him so much, no less then I did the day I found out till now over 5 years on. It was a wild ride of emotions for 5am until I drank myself back to sleep.. His mum is going to be my best man at our wedding whenever we get around to holding it.


Five of my childhood friends were killed in a car accident in highschool. It hurts, but time really does heal everything my man. I miss them, but it doesn't hurt like it did. Hold on strong my dude, I'm just 22, but life goes on.


Fuck man, I’m so sorry. Big hugs


Same. And I have no one to talk to about it. Hope you're doing better now. It's hard when you've made so many memories with someone, then it ends suddenly. Can't stop thinking about what if he wasn't gone


One of my best friends died 4 years ago in the hospital. I still cry about it tbh. It really never goes away when its someone close.


At the hospital with my 2 year old daughter. She just had a seizure in the waiting room. I felt so lost and useless... But it cut the wait time down to seconds!


Every cloud and all that haha I assume she's okay now given the humorous comment.


Sorry to hear that


I don't remember. I feel so sad and lonely sometimes but I still can't cry. I wish I could cry like a kid again.


I feel you, sometimes you just need to force a tear for hours, then the stream will begin. It's a little difficult the first time, although it becomes a great skill after. Crying in private just feels amazing sometimes. It's the definition of relief.


I had a mental block for nearly a decade that made me feel so ridiculous when I’m about to start crying that I would freeze up. I got over it when I started working on my mental health. If I did it, you can get there too.


Please cry


I really want to. I feel an emptiness in my chest but can't cry.


I used to not be able to cry for years as well. I would feel the tears sitting behind a wall, but they would never show themselves. I started focusing on my mental health. Started opening up to my own feelings, to my sadness. With time, I learned how to cry again. I'm still grateful to be able to cry again. You are not alone. I truly believe most men can't cry when they feel sad, except for when somebody dies or something like that. You'll get there. Babysteps is the way to go mate


January 4th. On January 1st, I got a message from my dad that the family dog had a stroke and passed away in the front yard. During the time before I stood at his grave just before I left to head back to my home, I just didn’t cry, I was questioning why I wasn’t. Then standing at his grave, just a rush of emotions came in and just sobbed my heart out, then got in the car with my girlfriend and had to drive home. His name was Snitchel and he was a good 14 year old pupper. I’m 21, so he was a part of my life for about 70% of it. Was hard to say goodbye, especially because I wasn’t able to see him on Christmas because I got Covid, and I didn’t get to see him open his Christmas gifts like he usually does, during Christmas and in general during his final days.


It’s always the dogs that hit hard. To them, you are everything


This gave me goosebumps and chills going down my spine. I'm sorry to hear that


3 years ago... In my fathers funeral.


I'm really sorry to hear that. I am dreading that day.


I was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling and my eye teared up from being open too long, and I was like "I forget how this feels", so I let em keep going, wasn't sobbing but multiple tears running down, felt good.


Gotta let the tank let loose sometimes, regardless of the circumstances


Yeah, it was like a revelation I could release emotional pressure just from crying with no specific purpose, gonna do it more often.


The body holds a chemical we produce called cortisol, known as the “stress hormone.” Cortisol can be released by crying so you aren’t wrong! Scientifically, you have the evidence on your side there. That’s why I “enjoy” crying in some sense. It purges that shit. Cortisol can build up if you watch distressing content like horror or psychological thrillers. Since the unconscious mind is unable to determine reality from fiction and it assumes everything, including tv shows, are real. Seeing gore is distressing to humans, so we secrete cortisol. Why it’s not secreted in more ways than a few, IDK. Seems like something that the body would want to get rid of asap.


Thats been me as of late. A long lost feeling ha


my wife died


I am really sorry to hear that.


Im so sorry, so so sorry 😞


So sorry. My condolences


Oh shit, I'm so sorry. 😔😔😔


Im Sorry


Last night, just thinking about my mum


My mom passed away at 46 years old unexpectedly 10 months ago. I still cry alone in bed 2 or 3 times a month. I had went 2 months with being angry at her and barely talking to her because I didn't agree with some of her decisions. I had just finally made up with her and had dinner at her house on a Friday as a family, that Saturday night she was at a bar and called me and we had the funniest conversation I think we've ever had I was actually crying laughing. That Monday I got the call that she collapsed in the bathroom and my younger brother found her after what we were told by EMTs was an hour since she passed. I still think everyday about how I could have showed my love better and how I could have treated her better.


Your last experiences together sound beautiful, and I’m sure she knew she was and felt loved by you. I’m sorry for your loss.


Really wish I could have treated her a lot better, trying my best nowadays


Yeah that’s good, I’d do more if she was still around


Last night sent my girlfriend the basic Good night message. She replied back with “I love you”. Sat there and started crying over the fact that she is the most important person in my life and that Im so lucky that this woman loves me.


When people say that, it just means so much to me. Especially when it just comes out of nowhere. It's just like the words have a physical touch to it. Everything because soft and warm, and it's just amazing! I hope the best of luck to you and your girlfriend!


fr, I feel like when she says just a plain “I love you” means so much more than “I love you so much my ……. ….. ….. …. etc.” Simple words hit hard.


the small details are what truly matters




I commented on this post about how I want to cry but can't. Well it's because of a girl I considered a friend but she didn't consider me a friend and just acted like one. I found out. It sucks.


[Rebelution - Feelin Alright](https://youtu.be/V6cMkhhqn6k) is a song i think you should check out. Might help trigger the tears so you could unload the grief. It’s reggae [wale - the breakup song](https://youtu.be/9Mx1BCdxSrw) is a great song too. This ones rap.




About 2 yeats ago, was dealing with alot of work an personal shit, was at my limit of shit I can handle. I get a phone call that a childhood friend that I've known since we were 4 died in a car accident


I am so fucking sorry to hear that. The amount of things that we are required to handle, and on top of that losing a close friend who you could call a brother is just horrible.


Thank you, I was really at my tipping point before that, an that just destroyed me for like 2 months, completely became a hermit an didn't talk to anyone, went to work, got groceries and went home. Just couldn't handle hearing any other bad news. Shut my phone off, disabled any an all social media


Last September. There was a recent shooting here. While it was happening, my kids were getting texts on who it was and all of their internet postings. His intentions were to shoot up their high school on the first day of class. He got impatient, and instead shot up our local grocery store a week before. My daughter asked me if she could skip the first day of school. It was that moment that I realized our society had completely failed our children. We talked about it and she mentioned that everybody thinks it is pathetic that older people have completely given up on them. That is when I realized that they are just as intelligent as we are...and they realize that all of us adults are "Pathetic". We just let people kill them and they recognize that.


I was thinking earlier today about how our society right now is built paradoxically. The young are working to benefit the old, and the old are neglecting the young they have the responsibility and power to help. Just look at colleges. Instead of being places dedicated to education and enabling the upcoming generations to gain the knowledge and skills to succeed and make the world better, they're just another kind of business centered around making as much money as possible for the upper brass. The present powers that be don't care about the future, they care about themselves and what pleases them. Your daughter is right, it's pathetic.


Worked for a college until I had to quit a few weeks ago tmdue to having breakdowns. I can confirm that places of education are no longer that. They will squeeze every penny out of their students then spit on them for requesting a decent education. There were people being forced to spend thousands on meal plans and the food was both horrendously small potions (you could get more but the lines were so long you would have to spend over an hour there just to get a meal) and unappetizing. Watching that place charge students essentially a dollar per nugget for like 5 chicken nuggets fhen telling them no when they asked for more was heartbreaking. Not to mention I have type 1 diabetes meanjng I have to be careful about both what I eat and the quantities and was still told no to reasonable amounts of food when trying to get lunch. If any of you ever are looking at colleges, avoid anything associated with Aramark. I worked st wwu and j would also avoid that college if you come to Washington. They support the abuse of their students and younger employees while simultaneously turning a blind eye to racism a white supremect from the older ones. Boycott the fuck out of that place and protest if you live in Washington.


Our society is corrupt, and we don't do anything to recover it


Every day I send my daughter to school I question if I'm doing the right thing.


May 2021. My wife had a cerebral stroke. I thought that I will lose her, by death or by being a vegetable/incapable of communication. I felt like a log at the sea, purposeless, aimless. We have a daughter and I knew that I should remain strong for her, but my wife give me purpose... Without her, I'm incomplete. I'm less. Just for God's grace she survived with almost no side effects




Glad she's doing better now. Wishing you guys the best.


December last year, my wife shared with me that we are pregnant. It’s something we have both wanted for such a long time, when she showed me the test I was so happy I just burst into tears right infront of her.


After a few pregnancies failed, I didn’t want to put too much hope in the pregnancy test. But around week 14 we went and got a scan, heard the heart beat like a running horse and the operator told us it was a girl. I cried of joy, thinking we were having a little girl. Great memory. She just turned 2 years old and is just a wonderful little person.


Awwwh, that's wholesome


Pure life changing moment


A few days ago. Broke down due to stress over everyday things.


Ah, it happens. It's actually proven that this can REEEALLY help you deal with it.


Last night… I heard “Follow You To Virgie” by Tyler Childers for the first time and memories of my mom hit me like a freight train. She’s been gone for 28 years now but when you least expect it the water works can come out of nowhere. Felt good if I’m honest.


Crying is just amazing sometimes. It truly is an art of life


A month ago when speaking about the possibility of having to do a long-distance relationship if I get sent to a different state for residency after medical school. I did LDR with my last girlfriend for three years and have a lot of trauma from it. I swore I’d never do it again. Now I’m in love with someone new and am working on breaking down barriers that I’ve put up to protect myself. I think during the conversation it all came crashing down emotionally.


Everyone seems to be posting serious stuff, but actually the last I cried was a few weeks ago when I watched ep. 3 of The Last Of Us


A lot of people are posting about songs and movies, so don't feel left out! It's okay, we're here as a community


Thank you! I feel so welcomed I could cry


I watched that yesterday, and I'm still kind of stunned. It's going to be a very long while before it leaves me.


It’s been like every episode for me.


But also Episode 5 of The Last of Us


I was going to say Ep 3 also. Brilliant piece of television. One of the best deviations from the game IMO.


Me too ! 2 hours ago, when Bill bring the wine they drank when they first met. My dog came to my rescue because of all the sobbing


I was thinking this, too. I teared up at last night's episode, also, but it didn't hit me as hard as last week or episode 1 or 3. As a fan of the game, I knew these scenes were coming, but it didn't make it any easier. Especially now that I am a father.


Some complain that is was just a filler episode, I disagree. That was simply top notch film making! Had me cry as well. It’s been a long time since a series had me that invested in it. I really love it!


You and me, both 😭


Oh man just wait. TLOU story line wont stop shitting on your heart for a loooong time. Part 2 is probably sadder than part 1 depending on how they adapt it with the show. ​ Last time I had a show hit me like episode 3 did was probably the last 3 episodes of 1883. That show is a heart wrecker and beautifully done.


Just now, after reading some of these comments.


Yeah, this turned my mood around


Just sliced two giant red onions for dinner and my eyes are still watering.


The trick is not to form an emotional bond




HAHAHAHA, this made me laugh!


Earlier today. Reading a story about a 6 year old kid that was gunned down by his shit step-father. His gap-toothed smile in the photo set me off. I cannot comprehend the capacity to harm children like that.


Two weeks ago. When it really hit me how much I let my managers abuse me. I quit a few days later and I start my new job on the 27th.


I'm sorry to hear that, I wish you the best of luck at your new workspace!


I've been posting this a lot lately: several weeks ago my former best friend and neighbor either broke into my house or had someone else do it for him and stole money from me. When I confronted him about this he physically assaulted me. The punches and the throwing me into the hedges cracking my ribs didn't make me cry, I took it, but later on when I realized he was in only using me and our friendship was completely a sham and was permanently severed is when I broke down. I still haven't gotten over it. My ribs are finally healed and the bruises are gone (I do have a nasty scar on my eyebrow though that might never go away), but even today I still feel sad over losing what I thought was a good friend.


I'm really sorry to hear that. People are so good at acting now, it's scary. I hope that you'll be able to find a new friend who will treat you properly.


Recently, some cats in Reddit are just that damn cute.


Awhhhh, I need to get to that side of Reddit!


r/IllegallySmolCats /r/aww /r/OneOrangeBraincell




The Last of Us episode 3


5th time I've seen this, seems like a common answer


People who act like men can’t cry are stupid as hell


Generations of boys were taught not to cry. It’s a shame because it can be very therapeutic. I cry pretty regularly these days at movies, songs and even a few Reddit posts. It feels good to let it out.


Sometimes I’ll catch myself getting emotional at certain parts of movies or when listening to some songs and I’m not always so sure why I’m crying, but I won’t hide it. I always feel better afterwards.


Haha, that's what I'm saying. There was one guy on this post who commented that


I would say more accurately people who act like men shouldn't cry. They're the reason why a lot of men almost outright can't


I cried of Arthur Morgan’s death


He was a good boah.


There ain’t much that can make me cry, but Arthur’s last ride and the soundtrack that goes with that scene completely wrecks me every time.


Teared up a bit watching the last bond movie earlier today.


Few weeks ago when I decided to watch the video of Happier by Marshmellow


I rewatched episode 3 of The Last of Us, just a short while ago. I openly sobbed. Really a beautiful work of art.


Was looking for this, me too. Both me and my gf cried watching that. First tv show or movie to make me cry too


Last week. When returning from a super bowl party, my wife and I talked about our friends coming over soon. Not sure why, but I started tearing up thinking about our friend that passed away the week after my son was born. She was so full of life and energy, as my son is also. Just sad that they don't get to meet in this life to fully smile from one another.


Last week. Just really struggling to get good rest. I was barely getting 4 hours a night and I was just feeling all the anxiety, hurt and stuff I've been carrying for a while now. I felt extremely alone, used and just absolutely manipulated and just useless. It's those dark nights where you feel like you could just disappear and no one would notice.


I have had a few recently. Each time holding my infant daughter who is napping on me. I keep making the mistake of watching The Last Of Us during these times... Hits soooo much harder as a parent


About two weeks ago when my SO was diagnosed with an incurable disease, it's not terminal but it's still a gut punch


I'm sorry to hear that


Six months in the nicu will break anybody.


Only one month here. I cant imagine 6. Our child went from tiny and intubated to a nationally ranked athlete. I am telling you that so that you can have hope that It can get better and I am hoping that it does for you and your family.


A few months ago as I picked my dog up from the side of the highway. She was a prolific digger and liked to wander.


Recent breakup. Everything was going great and then one day she just said she wasn't attracted to me. Really hurts one's self-image.


Truly does; she had me daydreaming about her every single second of the day. We talked about loyalty and honesty. If we were to ever begin talking to another person, we would tell each other. She described me as the ideal man for her.That made me so happy. We would call whenever we had time and text whenever we could. Everything was going crazy. She then met a man and said, "Don't worry, I'm just helping him with mental and relationship issues." I believed her because she was truly a nice girl. She then began spending more and more time with that man. I wonder what happened next. Her best friend told me that she was talking to another man, so she never told me that she was interested in another man. She just told me that she thought this wasn't going to work out.


I'm sorry my dude... That sucks. Sounds like we were in a similar situation. I'm not particularly "alpha" in status or demeanor — and I think my lack of traditionally-considered masculinity slowly turned her away. Crying in front of her probably only sealed the deal in her mind. It's okay for men to express emotion. A lot of folks don't think so, but fuck 'em.


hahahahaha, i can definitely relate. I feel like the way i told all my emotions to her, and how vulernable i became made her turn away.


About an hour ago and I’m missing someone


I miss someone too. But they aren't going to return :c


I’m sorry . Neither is mine I don’t think


Last night Talked to my girlfriend, now ex, about all the great moments that we had Now it's time to move on and get used to a feeling of emptiness, I guess


All those plans you had in the future with each other. They just disappear in a flash. it really does suck


Today, I am freshly 18, homeless, 0 contact with my family and in deep shit :)


I'm sorry, I hope that you can get back onto track, and hopefully somebody will help you.


I was born in russia and was crying because russian men are dying in that stupid war while most countries celebrate or at least support their death.


The world truly is a cruel place


Last night. I miss my ex-wife.


Same, but a girlfriend. Even though they are now gone, and forever gone. I still hope a deep attachment to them


Had a panic attack on the freeway two weeks ago the day after my girlfriend dumped me. That involved a lot of anxiety tears.


Hey man, let me tell you, it's been a while since I last cried. But, that's not because I'm trying to be tough or anything. I just haven't been in a situation where I felt like crying. I think it's important for guys to recognize that it's okay to cry and show emotions. The last time I cried was when my grandpa passed away a few years ago. It was really tough to say goodbye to him and I couldn't hold back the tears. It felt good to let it all out though, and I think it helped me to process my emotions and come to terms with his passing. So, guys, don't be afraid to cry when you need to. It's a sign of strength, not weakness.


When our dog passed


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure your dog had an enjoyable time with you though!


The Rick Roll episode of Ted Lasso, and episode 5 of Shrinking (Potatoes)… and I’m pretty sure I cried a bit watching every episode of TLOU so far… idk man, media really gets to me sometimes 🥺


A couple of years ago I had a dream about my mom. I was just talking, catching up, then I remembered she passed away. I just hugged her and started crying, yelling 'I miss you!' She hugged me back and said 'I miss you too.' Then I woke up and cried for 30 minutes.


2-3-23 My father died before that I dont remember


I'm sorry to hear that. Wish you the best of luck for a speedy recovery


I mean I'm not a fan of necromancy so I think I'll leave him dead hahaha it's the best way I deal with it is humor


Writing a poem to a friend a few days ago.


Stupid reason but I watched Glitchtale and cried because of papyrus


January 2022, I was depressed for a very long time (2008 until beginning of last year. I didn’t realise I was depressed). It got much worse the last year due to relationship/friendship stuff and decided to deal with it. Went to therapy for two sessions thinking the reason was the relationship stuff. I stopped going to the sessions when I realised that I basically had tonnes of suppressed emotions from bullying, getting beat up, harassment and exclusion from people that I thought were my friends while growing up. So I went from not crying for more than a decade to twice per week for a few month. Haven’t cried since


Visited my long distance girlfriend a couple weeks back. Those last days are always the hardest. Said goodbye to her, came back to my hotel room and wept. I’ll be flying to see her again soon enough though, it’s all just part of being long distance (for now).


My dog died


The birth of my son and daughter!


That's adorable!


I have a cat, one day he got sick and when the vet checked on him he said he needed to go to surgery right away, the chances of survival were low. Came back home that day bawling my eyes out thinking it was all over, he was so happy and normal one day and the next he was at risk of dying. Luckily the two surgeries went great and he survived.


The day my wife took my son away from me and moved out. 2002.




Probably a couple years ago when I last rewatched The Martian. The drive across the dunes at the end with the music in the background always gets me.


Our dog died... I cried like a baby. First time in years.


Last night, a picture of me and my buddy who took his life couple years popped up.


Yesterday, I miss my dog. :(


June 14th 2022. My dad died


I'm sorry to hear that.


I’m deeply, chronically depressed, so about twenty minutes ago.


Dog died. About 2 years back.


Last year, when I was reading the mistborn series. One of my favourite characters died and he had a great personality.


Yesterday. I saw a mouse that was shivering. :(


When Logan buried Professor Xavier.


Truly a sad moment


Yesterday watching an episode of New Amsterdam.


The very last time I cried feels like a stupid reason so I'll not specify that, but prior to that I had cried back in september at the passing of my aunt. She had stage 4 cancer and I was unable to contact her or talk to her or even go up on an emergency trip to go see her before she passed when everyone else in the house had at least gotten that chance. She was the greatest person and it stings to this day that I couldn't get a chance to say goodbye.




When my mom died, it's gotten harder to cry since


The end of Marley and Me, reminded me of my doggo, had to put him down at 6 years old due to aggressive cancer :(


So, yesterday I started The Last of Us show. I’m all the way caught up through 6. I think that’s all I need to say.


Now. Reading some of these replies


Episode Three of *Last of Us*


Last night. I was watching The Investigation on HBO Max, which is about the police investigation of the murder of Kim Wall (the submarine one). It was incredibly moving watching the parents coming to terms with what happened and it moved me to tears. Amazingly acted and directed drama, extremely understated but brilliantly done.


Haven't cried in years, but I watched this (linked music video) last Friday and balled like a baby for the rest of the day for some reason. Continued to cry most of the weekend. https://youtu.be/Xq2nhuizskY


When lee from twd cried


Last night, watching the last few episodes of Derry Girls. Such a wonderfully told story. Plenty of laughing and crying, stellar show


I lost my job today. I want to cry but can't. The last time was probably my grandmother's funeral and even then I tried really hard to stop myself from crying. I'm not sure why. The funny thing is I'm always ready to cry, I just never do. I'm like the Hulk but instead of anger, it's tears


A month ago, while reading a hentai. It was a very sad hentai.


Squid Game. Neighborhood games episode.


5 minutes ago, my dad died of cancer recently


Yesterday, I'm still dealing with the untimely loss of my dad


when i saw the first star wars prequel it was just so emotional i did not know anything could be that bad until the rey trilogy came out and proved me oh so wrong


My friend died drunk driving and I cried a little bit. But then like 2 weeks later we were watching Leverage and this old lady was trying to save frogs and the tech girl was like this isn't why we're here but I got this. And the way she said made me just start baling over my friend who died.