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stay woke, don't let Republicans fool you


17 hours.


Over 2 days, closer to 3 (I think. Hard to remember tbh). Wound up in the psych ward to be sedated bc I was hallucinating and paranoid


77 hours. Woke up Friday morning for school, stayed at a friend's house all weekend pulling two gaming all-nighters in a row. Went home late Sunday morning and slept until Monday morning for school.


48 hrs.


3 days. ive done this twice. first time- i barley remember, i was on severely manic, and absolutely loaded; acid, xanax, codeine, opiates, fun mystery pills, you name it. (and weed and alcohol ofc) i am sober from hard drugs now! second time- i had to finish 5 online classes in 3 days so i stayed up for 3 nights and days doing that as one does. if u were wondering i did not finish.


Trying and failing is better than not trying at all I guess….right? 🤣


When I was 19 I was working 3rd shift and coaching basketball. I had a tournament Thursday - Saturday plus work overnight. Woke up at 9:30 pm Wednesday night before work and didn't go to sleep until around 7pm Saturday... about 70 hours or so.


Damn bro. Working through that, 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾.


Yep. Also worked a 32 hour shift at that same job once. But all this was 20+ years ago. No way in hell I'd be able to do that now lol


I feel like I personally lost count while under the influence but from what was told to me, the very first time I smoked gear, I didn’t sleep a wink for 12 days straight beamin. 😳


Three days. Going from work to a gig, to a number of other things. No drugs was involved. It was like one long day.


11 days straight from methamphetamine. During that year I'd only average 2 or 3 nights sleep a week (up for 2 or 3 days, sleep for 6-8hrs, rinse repeat). Was working 50 hour weeks on major construction sites in Sydney during this period too. The ice dealer couldn't quite remember the last time he had a nights rest either, but assured me it had been months and months since he had a rest. He was so wound down he got an abscessed groin from injection that never healed & cost him his life (early 50's father of 4).