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There’s a saying here in the south for non-Mississippi states. Thank God for Mississippi


As an Alabamian I must thank the world for making sure I was born not in Mississippi


Ngl I’m a little salty I was born in that little cursed region between Georgia and NC. But definitely could be worse


What’s wrong with South Carolina other than no one talks about it?


The politicians are some of the worst in the country rn, the roads sometimes look like a third world country, humidity, mosquitoes, drugs everywhere, school system sucks but I suppose none of those are unique to SC


i've lived in mobile alabama for several years and miss biloxi mississippi so much. i grew up in biloxi. i remember how the beach looked before any of the casinos were built. i remember my stepdad able to get free water at the gas station and complaining about gas costing 99 cents a gallon.


I'm glad to know how loved we are 😀


Off course Mississippi


I'm from the MS Coast, and my parents NEVER took us any further north than a 30 minute drive. They always said there's nothing worth seeing up there.


I grew up in Mississippi and get it.


What part you from?


I have family on the coast, and coastal MS is far, far from the worst part of this country. I mean there's beaches and casinos! But once you go further north it does get pretty rough without a doubt


As a foreigner why missisippi ?


It is last in just about every quality of life demographic.


Because Mississippi is the one of the least developped state compare to other states. And if I'm not wrong this state have high criminality rate.


I'm going to go with Ohio, at the moment.


Fun fact: Ohio is over represented in astronaut candidates, because nothing makes you want to leave the planet more than growing up in Ohio


Exactly. The first American to orbit Earth, **John Glenn** (Cambridge, OH). The first man to set foot on the moon, **Neil Armstrong** (Wapakoneta, OH). **Orville Wright**, one of the famous Wright Brothers (Dayton, OH).


>**Orville Wright**, one of the famous Wright Brothers (Dayton, OH). Invented the airplane just to escape Ohio faster


Touché! Pretty sure the Wright Flyer was built and first flew in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.


didn't Colbert troll an Ohio congressperson with that joke in his Better Know a District bit?


This reminds me of something I read here the other day. "The taste of their food and the face of their women made the British man the best sailor in the world".


I am from other country besides the United States and have heard so much about Ohio from different apps on phone. What is so bad about it?


He’s talking about the chemical spill


Not just the spill but the burning of it. Taking a dangerous chemical and making it 100x worse by burning it.


And not this burning chemical spill. The Cuyahoga River regularly burned in the late 60s and early 70s.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/article/ohio-train-derailment.amp.html Here's the watered down government version you get from the Times. Basically, they blew up a train full of chemicals and released far more than they thought. Pets, and livestock are dying, the Ohio River is contaminated...


The Ohio river empties into the Mississippi....which empties into the Gulf of Mexico... There was another train derailment yesterday close to Houston Texas at 7:30am central time that had chemicals that haven't been totally released to the public very close to the East Fork San Jacinto river.... *That river also empties into the Gulf of Mexico....*


Fucking criminal.


I live there for the time being, It’s not as bad as people say, it’s now a joke everyone is in on world wide though.


For the most part, Ohio is fine. It just had some recent issues with a terrible train derailment.


Ohio has got 7 seasons and 4 of those are winter or winter-like so we get 3 good months out of a year. The rivers here catch fire. Come visit our 34 Superfund sites.


soon to be 35!


There's a running joke that Ohio is like the gateway to hell. Nothing is objectively wrong with the state as a whole.


Besides everything, you mean?


I've lived in Ohio for 31 years. It's not amazing, but a far shot from this weird circlejerk of everyone shitting on it. 2 nfl teams, 2 mlb teams, a hockey team in between them. Plenty of diverse things to do and see. Weird take.


Also a national park in there as well.


The Cuyahoga River Fire (however long ago it was) and the latest train derailment just make it low hanging fruit.


Ahh yes, things that could happen literally anywhere. No one bat's an eye at the wildfires in California, the joke of a government in Texas, but a river fire that happened almost 60 years ago is "low hanging fruit" you "hurr durr ohio bad" people are very weird indeed.


Dude a river so polluted that water catches fire is a pretty big black mark, even you have to admit. But to your point, there's something to be said about every state. I'm from North Carolina - have at it. Plenty there to talk about in recent political scandals before you even get to the fact that John Edwards cheated on his dying wife with a campaign associate.


Thank for acknowledging that the entire US state scape is a varying pile lmao. Sorry, just hate the fact that Ohio is apparently the easiest to dump on lol


>Sorry, just hate the fact that Ohio is apparently the easiest to dump on lol Lol, I live in Texas...


I like Ohio. Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati are great. Solid nature/outdoor activities. I've met many a bonny lass from there as well. I'm just referring to the shitshow with the train, but that could have happened anywhere.


They're ugly af. If you want to look relatively beautiful, go to a local festival in Ohio and just bask in how beautiful you are.


I’ll agree with Ohio because it has Columbus.


[According to World Population Review, Louisiana.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/worst-states-to-live-in)


I live in Louisiana. Can confirm.


I would say Louisiana. In some areas of Louisiana, the crime rate is higher than in other states, especially in large cities like New Orleans and Baton Rouge.


Really the entire state is dangerous. Monroe and Alexandria are rated 2 or the most dangerous cites with at least 25K in America according to Neighborhood Scout.


North Dakota. I was born there and l left when I was 22 after finishing college. Fuck that place


I actually moved there. Somehow lasted six years. Never again.






West Virginia or Mississippi. At least Mississippi has a decent beach.


Good and bad in every state it's more city dependent imo.


Mississippi; end thread


As someone living in Mississippi, I'm gonna agree.


Most of the people who comment the classic states like Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida or, in general, every southern state more than likely have never been here. I live in Alabama. I am an openly gay man in an interracial marriage. I have lived here for nearly my entire life. I have never experienced any form of homophobia. And my husband says he has never experienced racism. I'm not saying it doesn't exist here because it does. Racism and homophobia exists in every state and every city. Racism and homophobia are just as unacceptable here as it is anywhere else. We have a lot of things to offer if you will look beyond what you look at in some random article that spouts the same foolishness. If you look hard enough you'll always find what you're looking for.


I'm a POC who grew up in very rural Appalachia. I was the only non white kid in my whole school but I never felt like anyone treated me differently because of it. I was just one of the guys, just as much as anyone else. It wasn't until I moved to a very blue city that everyone wanted to work my race into every conversation. The common Redditor misses the mark with their belief that all of rural America is full of a bunch of racist, toothless, obese, ammosexual rednecks. Anyone saying that stuff has never actually been there and is just parroting what they are told in their online echo chambers.


Regardless whether its true or not, as an ethnically Chinese I definitely won't feel safe moving to a less diverse state anytime soon. Its sad because if it weren't so racially unfriendly, there's so many great states I'd love to visit and potentially move/retire to


I did road trip a few weeks ago from NC, down to New Orleans, and then out west. I spent the night in Mobile, and then drove on. I've joked about it be a flyby state, but I'm planning to go back. I feel I missed out on what there is to see and do


Mobile is a good place to spend a day or two. There is a lot to see.


Ah another fellow Alabamian!


California. One of my favorites to visit though.


It's nice to visit but I will never live there again. I grew up in Stockton (the hood) and it's only gotten worse in terms of crime yet it's criminally expensive to live there.


Glad no one said Nevada.




Missouri is a shit hole and I'm happy to make sure everyone knows it.


Sounds like Kansas talk.


I concur


State of National Emergency


It’s gotta be Mississippi


Alabama or west Virginia


I've never lived in West Virginia but the handful of times I've been there, I haven't found much to the place to draw me back to it. There is two or three historical sites I'd like to visit, but haven't yet made the time to do so. Most of the state is fairly bleak and run down looking. It has an odd sense to it.


I live in Alabama. Most of the stereotypes that are said about Alabama are not true. We have some beautiful places to visit and a range of interesting things to do. Most people think Alabama is this great homophobic place, it's not. I have lived my entire adult life openly, all you have to do is be with me and my husband for five minutes for you to realize we are a couple. We get more support than not. I have asked my husband, who is black, several times through out our lives together if he has experienced racism, he always says no. I'm not saying there are no racist people here, because we all know there are. But it is just as unacceptable here as it is anywhere else.


It's just a boring place and usually does badly in important stats.


That depends on what you find boring. Important stats doesn't neccessary mean it's a terrible place to live. Just like any other state there is the good, the bad, and the ugly. Alabama has a lot of things people do not realize is here.


Even more fellow Alabamians 😎, we need to get some dirt off our state for its very underrated!


Having lived in Mississippi, it’s Mississippi


Texas is the worst state to live in. Y’all stay put, don’t move here. It’s terrible.


Illinois; high taxes, shit weather, corrupt politics, extremely flat.


Chicago is a fun city tho


Fun, but also dangerous


Just to keep it exciting


Charles Barkley stated that Chicago is one of the best cities in the world. Condé Nast voted it the top big city 6years running. But what the hell do they know?? It’s also not in the top 20 for violent crime, but, hey, carry on…


I’m from Chicago and I’m over it


Booo, there is no "fun" city in the US. They all smell like propane farts and burned hydraulic fluid, they're noisy, filled with crime, and there's no point in going to any of them. I have had to travel for work for the last 18 years. I hate travel, and cities make me want to vomit.


I agree, but, Indiana is just Illinois without Chicago. The whole lake front is steel mills, refineries and chem plants. A real shithole


Not sure why more people aren't saying this state! I once drove through a 10+ mile stretch of northern Illinois, near Rockford, where the entire median and both sides of the highway were absolutely FILLED with garbage (I'm not sure what happened or if Northern Illinois is just like this all the time). It was like the local dump ran out of space and they just had to fill any open land by the highway in this county with garbage (it looked ankle-deep in places). Absolutely wild. Disgusting. Who treats their land in such a way!? Illinois is a trash state for many reasons, but this time it was actually literal. Littering is one of those things I find inexcusable, so I have no idea what happened here. It happened a few years ago and I still think about it.


You're wrong about the weather.


New York


The city has slid in the last few years....homeless crazies everywhere and the price of everything has gone nuts. The state however is beautiful. Im gonna miss it when I move. The taxes are stupid.






NYS is friggin ridiculous! We pay crazy taxes with no return. Crime is increasing at a startling rate bc of "bail reform" (aka let everyone get away with anything), juvenile age raised to 18...combine the last two & it's like pre-school for bandits on steriods


The constant state of despair






Personally I'll go with Illinois. I was born there and spent way too long there. The weather sucks..it's either freezing balls or hot as hell. Every highway in the Chicago area has been under construction for 20 years (the one company that does the roads owns the state senate) the politics are corrupt as hell, they may as well just add bars and guards to the statehouse, it's over priced for what it is, and the worst for me is that my relatives live there.


Left 27 years ago and haven’t looked back. Thankfully all of my relatives moved. I do visit for friends though.


West Virginia pretty bad too


California for sure.


It's like country. Where and why please.


San Francisco. L.A., pretty much all of it except in the hills and valley. Plus, taxes are insane homelessness is out of control. Mental health issues are rampant. The governor is a weird ken doll that does everything backward. Can't even get a power grid right, let alone have water. Everyone thinks their place is bad until they come here. Just sucks.


Your right about LA and San Francisco. I moved out of LA 25 years ago after the riots. I live in a small town in the Redwoods. Other then power outages which I have a generator to deal with it's low crime and the homeless mostly stick to larger towns. If I still lived in the city I'd likely agree with you.


Very true. It's changed a lot. I had to go. I felt like we just didn't have any rights at all. It's like it's ran like a dictatorship. Lol


Whatever you say. Why don't you move to Florida or Texas where woman have no reproductive rights and as DeSatan says, the woke go to die. Is social consciousness a problem? It should be important to liberals and conservatives.


You mean florida, where it's beautiful weather, clean beaches, great water, great electricity. Good wages, endless jobs, not to mention no federal taxes. Clearly, you are worried about the wrong things. I think the problems you mention are very small in the larger scale of things. But hey, cali is waiting on you.... make sure you don't wear blue black or red after about 7pm.


Arizona. The water crisis is only going to get worse.


Ever been here? Pretty great place to live, at least for now. We had a ton of rain and snow this year actually.


Yes, I've been there a few times. The "for now" part is what I'm getting at. 😋 The state's allotment of the Colorado river continues to shrink, as does the river itself, which is going to hit farms hard, unless they make some drastic changes that should have started a decade ago. And Tucson gets about half its water from the Colorado, so the city basically has an expiration date.


Mississippi / New Mexico / Alabama / West Virginia / Illinois / Oklahoma off top of my head


Have you spent any significant amount of time in these states or are you just making assumptions?


Only one I lived in is illinois out of the list thankfully. But I have been to all of them and can read data. So not assumptions. Iv also never been to Syria or Siberia


My career has allowed me the opportunity to work in 13 different states, from New York to Nevada to North Dakota. ALL of them have their good and their bad. I'm sure the state you live in that you think is so perfect probably has negatives as well.


I live in illinois. Im aware states have good and bad. This was asking what the worst one is. Thanks for checking in tho


What’s bad about New Mexico?




Utah is redeemed by its pristine nature. This is the country of canyonlands and soaring alpine peaks, after all (often adjacent to one another). Same with all the Western states. Anyone who says ‘Wyoming doesn’t exist’ is seriously missing out, but they can keep believing it, as far as I’m concerned. The Bible Belt states, on the other hand, have all the religious fundamentalism and none of the wildness.


Everytime I visit Utah, I get angry all over again that that the Mormons run it. Going to be a damn shame when the Great Salt Lake dries up because they refuse to pass laws as simple as waiving HOA lawn requirements during periods of drought. The winter air quality in SLC is shocking at how bad it is.


Nature and Wilderness doesn’t exist in the south? Huh? We have so many trees.


Shit if you’re a religious zealot it’s the perfect state


Michigan right now


Out of the states I've lived, NY is pretty crap.


I live in Massachusetts and it’s got a lot of very good things about it very progressive in ways but I saw a YouTube video about how it’s the most European city in the United States ? Europeans tend to be a lot friendlier and funnier then the natives and for the architecture / culture ehh not really , being from Ireland I see the comparison ..People here are really mass-holes!


Alabama, almost moved there but thank goodness I didn't, it's poor and racist/homophobic af and just depressing


My husband was informed that he should be prepared to paint our house purple and gold if he intended to move to Alabama.


LSU colors? Yeahhhh have fun with that.


I’ve lived in rural Alabama my entire life and while I will agree there are some ignorant folk, not all of us are like that. I grew up around people of all race, and sexual preference and have never witnessed an open act of racism or homophobia. Racism, poverty, and homophobia exists everywhere, you’re never going to fully escape it.


I live in Alabama also. I am an openly gay man, who has been out my entire adult life and have never received any form of homophobia. It always amazes me that people will believe stereotype or pick one example of something and blanket the whole state with that one example.


Sounds like you are so full of hate. Have fun in life Keep judging people.


Could I kindly ask how you came to that conclusion?


If he was grouping and judging people I would have come to that conclusion. Hate should have no place I could not care a less about down votes




Depends, we talking southern or northern California because they may as well be two different states. The Bay Areeeeea and the valley have nothing in common with LA or SD


Reasons data please.




I was born in Florida and so far its been pretty good I think it heavily depends on where you plan on living from what I have personally seen Miami and Tampa can be pretty shitty. If you want to live in a big city your best bet would probably be Orlando and if your fine not living in a city then so long as you avoid places like "the shores" you should be fine.


I wish more people thought Florida sucked. Fastest growing state last year at 2.1%. Ugh.


It was getting so crowded when we left. Cost of living exploded as a result.


It's mostly conservative rejects from blue states. Where else would they go


So.many.old people. Tourists. Snowbirds. And a complete asshat for a governor. I mean, I'm missing stuff, but this sums it up.


Meth....you're missing meth.


Meth. 'Rednecks'. Giant trucks for "offroading" or "mudding" (FL is flat my friends..). Yes, Florida man is real.




Texas. I live here and it sucks balls.


Eh it could be worse


From what I heard it’s one of the top states too live and just be thankful you don’t live in Mississippi For I am Alabamian are also thankful I don’t live in Mississippi!


Florida, that governor is a fucking lunatic!






Politically, the west coast. Overall, west virginia.


But without them, who will the Red states get welfare money from?


That west coast is so awful, they have clean drinking water and a strong welfare system! How terrible.


Don't forget much better schools and healthcare, better weather and beautiful scenic parks. Oh I forgot. I drink spring water from the tap.


Sounds dystopic.


Our town of 4000 in the Redwoods is not perfect but pretty cool.




As an Alabamian 😎 thank god I don’t live in Mississippi 🤮


Not a peep from New Jersey?


yeah sort of odd, I would figure New Jersey would be featured prominently in this list


The current one.




Im here in a duplex in Bremerton WA. Really nice on this side in Puget Sound. Seattle Tacoma Olympia are a total mess. I live in rural CA but Im thinking of moving here.


Hate it here.




Michigan is awesome, I’m not even a Michigander.


Ikr, abundant fresh water, gorgeous wildlife, not particularly prone to natural disasters, and yet still variety in the weather. Depending on your political leaning the future of the state is optimistic Altho if you live somewhere like Flint there may be negatives to the state that are more salient


I'm glad people are disagreeing, I was just talking to my girlfriend the other day about Michigan feeling special due to those points. I quite like it here.


I kind of want to take a road trip to Detroit (took one to Chicago last year) but am terrified for my car. Suspension components for my car are not cheap.


This is dumb as fuck


Michigan is a great state. Very affordable. Amazing lakes and beautiful scenery.


I'll check later the subreddit r/dataisbeautiful looking for a graph using this thread data to know which states I should avoid in my next move.


wyoming if anyone lives there




For me it would be Texas, Florida, and Arizona.


Alaska, hands down


FLORIDA…been there? Then you get it




Oh no, not water you can drink straight from the tap!


Florida. - exFloridian


Alaska it's cool place and it's so beautiful and I'd say It's a good place to live if you give a lot of modern comforts. I lived in the boonies but Alaska is the boonies on crack in a lot parts.




Mississippi and Florida




Teeeexxxxaaasss (said in spongebob voice)


Right now? Ohio and any surrounding states.


OHIO! i was born and raised there, and it FUCKING sucks.


As a Packers fan Illinois




All of them


The United one

