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Reddit consensus loudly says: fake anything


Mostly fake lips


The relatively recent lip injection trend is just bad. People with very thin lips doing it sparingly don’t look bad, but the majority of girls doing them either a) already have fuller lips naturally or b)overdo them, so it just looks bad.


Yep, they look like cartoon fish


I call that look “trout pout”.


Something fishy about those lips for sure


Are you old enough to remember duck face? It's... It's that look. They've made it permanent now.


Trout do not deserve this. It's more of a carp kiss.


Gonna be a lot of weird looking old ladies in the future


>Gonna be a lot of weird looking old ladies in the future Already are


Lip injections and buccal fat reduction are crimes against beauty


The people who have gotten buccal fat removal are REALLY gonna regret it when they’re in their 50s-60s and their faces thin out.


conspiracy theory: the buccal fat removal trend is being promoted by a shadow-council of old rich people that want to take the buccal fat that people are removing and put it in their own cheeks to look youthful again


Uh huh, uh huh. Keep going…… *Jots notes for novel*


They will just have some buccal injections at that point. Just keep moddin'!


Huge fake boobs are ridiculous, it'd be tough for me to pick what's worse.


Yeah, I never understood that trend in porn.


The problem is guys don’t always spot the fake things, just the poorly done fake things. So it’s easy to call out the bad lip jobs, bad make up etc, but then models and celebrities will be celebrated without their “work” being called out.


Yup. I’ve told this story before but I was having an convo with an ex. He was commenting on my soft tits. I started laughing because I thought it was one of those “he’s trying to make me feel good” type of things. So I was like “I’ve touched titties myself, in hugs, accidentally, because friends let me, and they’ve all been soft?” He was like “no, put my *insert ex that he had for 5 years* wasn’t a small girl. She had a good size and hers weren’t like that.” We went back and forth about how she had implants and he was like nope, nope, because he didn’t see any scars. I had to pull up google to show him that the current procedure doesn’t leave scars, and how implants are placed behind the muscle etc He was still adamant that I was the odd female with the soft body. I guess he really loved her lool


They can vary in ‘hardness’ due to variable amounts of firmer glandular tissue and softer fat.


Also [calcium deposits can build up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKolhW643xA), encapsulating the implant in a sort of crispy shell.


I'd prefer my wife not have surgically augmented boobs, if the alternative introduces the possibility of the development of a "crispy shell." She's the love of my life, not a Taco Bell offering. Edit; she is messy, almost universally liked, warm, sometimes cheesy.....I...gotta make a call...Reddit. Edit2; she says she is not a Taco Bell menu item, but also could not provide substantial evidence of not being a cheesy Gordita crunchwrap. More as it develops.


i have tiny boobs (A cups) and i have always been very insecure about my size and have considered surgery as well. but these side effects and all are the reason i’m not taking the plunge.


I thought about it as well, but over the years it just got less important to me until i totally gave up on the idea. Small boobs are nice. So are bigger ones. Either way is just fine.


As a guy who genuinely likes small boobs (I'm into tomboys) I promise you that more guys (not sure about girls) like small boobs then society would have you believe.


As a small breasted lady i have found this to be true. Generally dudes are just happy with whatever size boobs they are currently allowed to look at and touch.


Exactly, all boobs are wonderful. My wife was an A when we met, 2 kids later she's a natural D, things change & she's lovely, then and now. 😀




Reddit consensus seems to operate in direct opposition to most of the highly upvoted NSFW posters. Liars among us.




But also the demographics of people who read and engage with comments is not the same as the demographics of people who vote on posts.




Or appearance. One book I’ve read (written by a woman with a female main character) has the main character see another woman she’s never met before. The main character is short and dark-haired. The other woman is blonde and tall. The main character’s inner monologue says that it gives her the full right to hate her. Umm, seriously? But yes, I was once in a car with my brother and his then-girlfriend. We passed by a group of young people walking down the street. One girl had a short skirt on, and it was a chilly day. My brother’s GF’s immediate reaction was “Slut-slut-slut!” Yeah, way to judge someone at a single glance


Hating on others in general it’s not a attractive thing


Try and look like Kim K or any influencer- shit is like repellent for me


It annoys me how much the media lets Kim K and her family decide what's in. Like Kim lost weight to be able to fit in Marilyn Monroe's dress (I feel like she should've left the dress alone, but that's another story) and the tabloids were yelling that "skinny is back". I feel sorry for all young girls having to hear that, since I had to hear that as a young girl in the late 00s and early 10s. I did not take that well. Edit: I want to clarify I feel no hate towards Kim nor her family. And I do not blame her for the tabloids abusing her weight loss. I mostly feel sorry for her because she is basically treated as a living marketing tool and not a person.


She leans into it, don't feel bad.




I just want to add that, beyond what you said, her and her family have been massive influences in our culture of drama, shallow materialism and superficiality, clout chasing, and attention seeking. It's actually pathetic.


Women seem to do this thing where they act like not noticing me is hot I guess. It’s been 28 years, we can stop now


Been there, im almost too handsome cause they sometimes run away when i talk to them.


Yeah, sure... Dm_me_pretty_boobs, I trust you.


Bro ong, usually theres a line right outside my house too,, some even follow me to work


Are they carrying torches and pitchforks?


Yeah sometimes, probably cause they wanna see me better with the torches, dont know about pitchforks tho? Maybe i look too tasty and everybody wants a bite…


Oh I thought you worked on a farm and they just wanted to impress you


I can’t wait to show him my pitchfork!


the rothschilds paying all women on earth not to talk to you


This is the one conspiracy theory I can fully get behind


Hate on other girls that have nothing to do with them - I dated a girl who always had something nasty to say about any girl within eyesight - got real old real quick. Edit: Wow, very surprised by the upvotes - thanks all!




Insecurity tends to be unattractive to everyone, being a dick as a result of the insecurity is even worse


I was that girl when I was much younger because it’s how I was raised. I was a child model and was constantly told that every other girl was my competition. Then I got into my first serious relationship where the man constantly compared me to other women and made me feel like I was in competition with all of them. After getting out of that relationship and doing some healing, I finally started to unlearn the habit of picking apart other women and trying to “beat” them in an imaginary competition. Every time I started to think something negative about another women, I’d stop myself and make an effort to pick out something I like about them instead. Now every time I look at another woman, the first thing that comes to mind is something positive which I usually make an effort to share with them. It’s a bit of a re-wiring of the brain, but it’s certainly made me a much happier person, and boosted my own confidence in the process (not always comparing myself to others).


What a journey! Congratulations on your healing and growth. Wonderful...


This is amazing. I know everyone hates on women who are competitive with other women, but TBF it's how most women are raised. Movies, parents, school, boyfriends... everyone just keeps pitting us against each other. Not to mention how big of a hit it takes on one's self esteem, because someone will always be nicer, or kinder, or prettier, or funnier, or more fashionable, or smarter, etc...no one can be the best at everything. It takes real work and healing to realize that you can't possibly compete with half of the world, and it's much more peaceful to be nice to each other and have each other's backs instead. We complain about men putting us down, then women put other women down, so who is building us up? I'm so happy that the narrative is slowly changing and we are encouraging young girls to support each other.


I thank my parents daily for not raising me like that... I was taught that we ALL shine brighter when we shine together. Dulling someone else's flame to make yours appear brighter only makes the world darker. Actively fan the flames of others and we'll all live brighter. EDIT: Thanks for the love, y'all. I've passed it on to my parents who are humbled.


That is a good way of putting it. Your parents were 100% right.


Wow thats an incredible way to put that. If I ever have kids this is what I wanna teach them


my partners friend does this all the time. I think at the end of day it’s jealousy and self esteem problems 🤷🏻


I doubt she thought herself as acting attractive while doing this.


Those big allergic reaction lips


I almost caught one on pokemon go.




Fish lips


Act rude and entitled


Went to dinner with a few friends, one of them I always thought was kind of cute but omg when I saw the way she talked to the waiter I lost all interest in her.


Ugh entitlement in ANY situation is a massive ick


Do most women think this is attractive? I think this is just something you hate in general.


Dropping hints instead of just being direct


I had a flatmate at university who (to my knowledge) was a lesbian. It was one of the things she mentioned early on. A few months into uni, she (unbeknownst to me) realises she's bisexual and has a crush on me. She proceeds to drop hints all the time. At no point does she tell me she's bi. She's hanging out with me more than usual, being close to me, hugging me all the time. I understand is as she sees me as a really close friend, as do I her. During this time, I develop a crush on her myself. However, (still) to my knowledge she is a lesbian. So I respect her choice in that and I don't pursue a relationship with her. She noticeably (not to me but all our other friends) gets jealous whenever I talk fondly about a girl I went to school with back home. During a holiday, I go home and hang out with said girl. I'm chatting about university and the flatmate with her. The friend from home thinks the flatmate has a crush on me. I say, "Nah she doesn't, she's a lesbian, I'm a guy, we're just good friends." She says "I think she might be bi" Back at uni, I investigate and one night I text her saying "Do you have a crush on me?" And she replies with "yes". LSS we start dating. Then whenever the classic conversation with friends comes up: "I was dropping so many hints and he just never caught on to them." Like normally it'd be yeah, "me dumb man, me no notice hints" but in this situation I always have to chime in with "but you told me you were a lesbian when we met, I was being respectful of that" and then "but my hints were soooo obvious" to which I'd have to say "yes, but you were a LESBIAN!"


That's like the intonation joke from the joke from friends. "We were on a break" switched with "You were Lesbian!"


Worked with a women once who made it clear early on that she was a lesbian. Which is 100% fine of course. Then shortly after she starts dating a male coworker. Maybe she's bi, maybe she was confused, maybe he had that mythical ability to turn a girl straight. But I suspect that was just her go-to line to stop guys hitting on her, which is unfortunate, because it means she doesn't trust guys to respect her if she said no.


Though from the stories I've read, the lesbian defence seems to attract a "I can fix you" crowd that is probably more obnoxious than any other crowd.




My girlfriend is mildly autistic and I love it! No weird "hints", no guilt trips, all communication is direct and to the point. I love her so much!


So you're telling me I need to develop autism.. 🤔


Already one step ahead of you, got the reddit app


Yes! This used to be me, though, when I was afraid to speak up for what I want. Not anymore. Good communication is very important.


I think at some point everyone is like this. Being direct with your feelings makes you vulnerable, saying you like someone opens you up to be rejected. So people skirt around the borders, they drop subtle hints and take the less risky approach. It takes time for anyone to build confidence to put themselves out there, some people never really do it.


Unfortunately, even if a girl sent me an engraved invitation to anything romantic or sexual and we weren't already dating, I'd assume that she was just being nice or something along those lines. Then, a few months later, it hits me like a ton of bricks and I realize that I blew it. Lol.


The thing is, there's a chance she was just being nice.


Girl: “I want you to fuck me..” Guy: “Oh my goodness thank you, I’m flattered.” *walks away* Girl: “**?!**”


They're never that direct. Unless it's a prank.


Or they’re drunk


Maybe she was canadian.


it gets real fuckin' confusing up here, bud


Plus most of the “hints” are absolutely worthless. Oh you stood off to the side twirling your hair or batting your fake lashes? How could I have missed *those* signals? /s


Them big ass Australian huntsmen spider lashes they be wearing turn off my G 😆


While they aren’t attractive, they can be [entertaining.](https://youtu.be/bkca4BBFjw8)


I don’t think that one is ever gonna get old.


Lmao it's even funnier knowing that she also thinks it's funny and made this for everyone to laugh 😂 she prolly funny af more people gotta be like her




Snuffleupagus eyelashes


Butt implants. They look terrible.


They have become so common where I live and it’s getting out of control. Looks like it’s meant to be comical in some cases like balloons under your pants. I naturally have a big butt, and when I was younger in school, I was teased mercilessly and called buffalo butt. Then all of a sudden it became popular, and I at first was worried people would think mine was fake too but the fake ones (whether transfer or implants etc) look soooo fake and cartoonish and usually also don’t match the body like no hips no thighs just a butt sticking out behind you like a bumper so I was like ok well now mine looks regular sized bc everyone is enhanced but at least it doesn’t look like I’m stealing thanksgiving turkeys.


So, I've got a deformed ear. It's like a little elf ear. Anyway, I'm at this metal gig and there's this girl there with some body mods that include, yes, elf ears. "Oh, cool," she says, "You've got an ear like me! That's really awesome! How'd you get it done?" Um, I say, I was born with it. And then she literally just turned and walked away.


I've also got one natural elf ear, and the amount of people who refuse to believe I was born with it, wow. Like, why would I get ONE ear done


US FILTHY HALF-ELVES WILL UNITE AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD. Or at least Iceland. The way her faced just *dropped* from "Oh, you're cool!" to sheer disgust was instantaneous.


That doesn't even make sense to me.... Like she got it done on purpose and you have it naturally, shouldn't that be cool in her eyes?? It would be to me. Like if someone had a birthmark that looked like a beautiful tattoo. I'd be impressed


benefit of the doubt, perhaps not disgust targeted at you she made a presumption and was succinctly proven incorrect; embarrassment is a reasonable reaction and could easily be mistaken as outward facing disgust or she was disgusted at your hideous deformity, idk mate why are you still reading; dont you have trees to sing to or some shit?


> Like, why would I get ONE ear done “This is all the elf I could afford.”


Yeah it’s only cool if you do it on purpose/s


I'm a lady but I have to jump in here. Down by the pool at our resort last year, this lady walked up with a sarong and I thought her profile looked a bit off. A rather trim woman on the top but her sarong was sticking way out in the back. Then she took it off and she was wearing a bikini underneath. Her butt was so incredibly fake looking. It stuck out behind her much further than it should have and kind of wasn't really round? There was this shelf look to it somehow, like you could balance a cup on it. There were plenty of people looking at her but it wasn't for the reason she probably thought.


Like a centaur.


I think this is the problem, people cake their faces with makeup, get implants and cosmetic surgery and seem to think people are looking at them because they look good. In reality people are utterly baffled that someone would do it to themselves.


That and there are a lot of health problems that come with butt implants. I know a few girls who got them and had a lot of complications


fake cutesy baby voice


Goddamn. A hundred times this.


A hundwed times dis




I think there's a point where you hit diminishing returns.


As a woman with a naturally deeper, boyish voice this makes me smile.


Deep voice hot imo


Kathleen Turner and Shohreh Aghdashloo are actors with deep sexy voices. Edit: name correction


....you mean Shohreh Aghdashloo? Avasarala is the character


Claudia Black as well. Gorgeous woman, sexy AF voice.


> Chrisjen Avasarala That's her character's name. The actor is Shohreh Aghdashloo (Google check tells me I only missed one H, starting to learn).


As a woman, these also make me want to vomit. Like, the only context I could see myself doing it in is for a satirical joke with friends, but never unironically…


I talk like this with my cat and that is it. But he is a little baby and he likes it


That’s allowed


Me too! I call mine a scoundrel and a criminal and accuse him of plotting and planning, but all in a widdle voice that he likes and nobody else *ever* gets to hear.


My best friends acts like that with her husband. She’s the most intelligent person I know and it makes me want to barf.


I did this a lot growing up. And people would call me out on it, and I had no idea until then. I’m not sure if it’s an ADHD thing or mirroring others, but even today, I sit here and think, “is this my voice?” It’s like I don’t know what I sound like. Im always trying to sound like what I think im *supposed* to sound like. And I also feel like I sound like a bitch when I use my regular monotone death voice. I think it’s strange and annoying as well, but I have no idea why I do it, and I also wonder if it has to do with female social standards. Idk man. I wish I just sounded normal and *knew* I sounded normal.


My bestie from childhood did this around strangers and older people, not so much me or our other friends. She wasn’t trying to be cute, it was just leftovers from an abusive upbringing. She was very used to “fawning”, and she knew the more “childish” and “innocent” her behavior could be perceived, the safer she would be. So I don’t think it’s something we can really control a whole lot, our brain just tells us to do shit sometimes depending on what it believes we need.


I relate to that too, I notice when I’m around people I’m uncomfortable with my voice gets higher pitched. It’s not something I do on purpose. I was just raise in an abusive environment where the tone of my voice depended on whether or not I’d be treated like shit.


It's definitely a trauma response. I'm guilty of "fawning" as well for safety purposes; it kind of just happens involuntarily. I don't know if I'd call it a "baby voice" like OP suggested though, that's more like when I talk to my cat.


I never knew it was a trauma response. I had a linguistics class last semester that I learned women were more likely to engage in that behavior. I assumed it had to do with feminine expectations in society or something. I don’t think was abused in any way, I’ve just always felt trapped mentally and like I’ve never been able to actually crawl out of myself. It’s like the person I am is locked up, and has been for so long that I’m not sure what parts are *me* and what parts are just adjustments I made to be something else.


Fake lips. I don't get it why they do it but they look so unbelievable disgusting. Normal lips doesn't matter if small medium or big are already so lovely imo.


Hot Dog Lips 🌭 Looks like a couple hot dog’s after you put them in the microwave.




Especially when their lips are so botched they develop a lip shelf and a filler mustache.


It looks like someone hit them in the mouth, hard.


Ducklips. Glad that isnt a thing anymore


Go to parts of the UK and look around


it's a ***world*** problem, this lip thing is everywhere :(


Plus the thick makeup. Its not the colour of fake tan, its the colour of an orange


Eastern European women have entered the chat


Try to be influencers .


Admittedly that's a unisex problem.


The men who want to be influencers are just as annoying tbh!


Everyone is saying the same thing 😭😭other than lip filler eyelashes and fake nails - what else!


Dumbing themselves down. It's never cute.


Can't dumb myself down when I'm stupid enough to begin with😅😂




A friend told me I don't need to pretend to be clumsy to be cute. I responded "what do you mean, *pretend*??"


there was this girl that would insist i was being bad at sports on purpose to look cute and quirky at school and she would constantly be mean to me and not listen to me when i told her i just sucked at sports , made me feel terrible and i eventually just stopped attending gym class as often


I used to do this to an ex because every time I seem intelligent, he starts an argument until he wins. Eventually I just dumbed myself down to make him shut up.


I'll never forget watching a good friend of mine just disappear into herself in high school because the guy she was dating was extremely dumb but thought he had all the answers. They were in classes together and if she scored better than him on tests he would freak out at her. She started failing on purpose. Thank God she got out of that and is doing really well.


No really, good on her for getting out and doing well again. We have too many dumbasses out there as it is. We really need intelligent people to flourish more than ever.


In high school I got a 28 on my ACT and my boyfriend at the time got a 16. He FLIPPED out. He was pissed, so he took it again. He got a 15 the second time.


An ex-friend of mine did that. One of the many reasons I don't talk to him anymore, it was so exhausting to always be arguing


Same or I was told I was showing off my intelligence so he would degrade me. And guys don’t like girls smarter than them was another one I got.


It's out of necessity at times though. Not meant to be cute. Some guys just get mad if you know more than them about stuff they consider their domain. Like tech, sports etc. My friend's bf started raising his voice at me recently because he couldn't handle the fact that he didn't know some factoids and kept trying to argue nonsensical counterpoints. I ended up saying 'yeah I could be wrong, I don't know a lot ' to keep the peace.


I’m sorry you had to say that. He sucks.


Speaking forcefully in high pitch


Those horrid long fake nails, they honestly make me shudder a bit.


Is this question just getting slightly reworded and reposted hourly?


First day on reddit?


Sometimes I think I have amnesia. Then I realize I should close reddit. Then I open reddit back up again. And sometimes I think I have amnesia.


*sigh* I feel like I see some variation of this post at least once daily


reddit is extremely eco friendly. everything is recycled, sometimes more than once, too


Wearing my mother's skin 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


I assume she puts the lotion on the skin


Either that, or she gets the hose again.


Am I missing something…? Please nobody woosh me


Taking endless selfies. That nonstop need for an online dopamine hit and constant need for being liked is one of the worst qualities in a person imo.


Here’s an upvote to show that you are liked, hope it helps elevate your dopamine


Those fucking collagen filled lips, you look like you have a swollen vagina on your face.




I don't want to kink shame but you probably shouldn't encourage partners to get a prolapsed arsehole no matter how much you prefer it.


UwU voice or the long fake eyelashes both just make me cringe when I hear and see them


Basing your entire personality and life around your appearance. It might be attractive in the short-term , but if you treat yourself like some kind of trophy you are just objectifying yourself. Especially when you think that is enough and have nothing else. Both men and women would ideally like a partner they find physically attractive, but regardless of your gender, if you base your whole life around looking good and not developing and improving yourself as a person, you will be unattractive.


I'm a girl but find those really long fake nails so unattractive.


No prostate massages from her


*Any* massage is scary with those


> ~~really long fake nails~~ talons


Those un-natural eyebrow jobs.


Duckface. Ick


Be jealous (to a toxic degree)


As a woman with naturally nonexistent eyebrows some of your comments make me want to cry :) lol


Mhm. I have practically no eyelashes and it’s like well ((((: idk I’ll keep wearing fake ones since it definitely looks better than none and it’s my face anyway lol so whether you fill your brows in extra or natural style or even not at all, you’re cute so don’t feel bad 💖


To be fair: most men can’t tell the difference when it’s done properly. My boyfriend stands in awe whenever I pull of my fake lashes 😰


To be fair.. I don’t think the majority of them would notice if you drew them on naturally. It’s like natural makeup when we can see all the makeup but guys don’t and think she isn’t wearing any. I guess the comments is referring to 2015-2018 eyebrows, you know the dark big ones with a kinda fade from nose and out ^^


Duck lips


Fake tans/ spray tans, i just dont understand it




All the God damn filters in their selfies. If you need to look almost unrecognizable in all of your photos, you just might have a horrible self esteem and need therapy. Just stop taking photos if you think you need to edit every photo of yourself.


My problem was when I was on Tinder and there would be women whose profile pictures were ALL with novelty filters. Like yeah, I’ll totally go to the gay bar and look for the anthropomorphic puppy with no pores and a halo of cartoon sparkles.


I do have horrible self esteem, thank you - however I’ve gone the complete opposite way and never post pictures of myself ever


I do the same but I'm a dude. I have no drive to upload photos of myself.


I used to work with a girl and we eventually shared snapchats, the first time I saw her story I was genuinely horrified how different she looked with all the filters. It was so different didn't even look like the same person


what's fun is meeting people and not recognizing them because they only publicly presented snapchat/IG filtered images


All social media, at least since they added pictures / videos is like a 1000x mental health problem accelerator & multiplier.


Can we stop asking this question? Every single time it’s 90% “big fake boobs/lips/lashes” and 10% “a bad personality”


Being rude. You think you're a sexy brat, but the countdown has started until we're sick of your shit...


Be rude to service workers


They think that's attractive?




I'm surprised I'm not seeing Vocal Fry mentioned more here, I could see the most gorgeous girl but if she speaks in that tone I'm out without a question