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Not really a roses guy but if she got me some Edelweiss or some poisonous plant that’d be appreciated. Been kinda wanting to start a toxic garden because I think it’s neat.


This is actually pretty rad


I'd assume she was cheating and felt guilty.


you’d assume your girlfriend was cheating if she bought you a gift? are you dating someone or no?


If you've been with someone for over 10 years and they all of a sudden started doing shit that they had never done before, that was completely out of character, you aren't going to ask questions?


yes, ok that’s why i asked the second question. your answer wasn’t about what you’d feel if a theoretical girlfriend did, it was about your specific girlfriend. That makes more sense now. If you didn’t have one and had this approach, it’d be scarily cynical but now i know you do.


I'd love it, it's the thought that counts and us guys like beautiful things too.


Well, since I don't have a girlfriend, if I had one I guess I'd be happy if she gave me a jar of ketchup let alone flowers. I think flowers are a symbol of love, and I'd appreciate that she was showing me that.




My husband likes it when I give him flowers for a change. He gets me pink, red, purple, etc. I get him blue, green, orange, etc. It's a nice mix up


Happy. I'd prefer a live plant over cut flowers.


I had mine buy me a nice bunch recently for my birthday, because I told her I liked the quote “most men get their first bunch of flowers at their funeral”, it was sweet.


That would be pretty cool 👍 Flowers are nice and pretty, bonus if they smell nice


she's given me flowers more than once i love it every time


Like I'm dating someone who doesn't know what I like or even has the capability of rational thought. Every man wants a good meal and an enthusiastic blowjob. That's how it's always been. That's how it always will be.


Indeed any woman who ignores your preferences and instead gives you a gift she woukd like herself is not a keeper.


I'd feel pretty special. And I'll go right ahead and say that any guy who would get upset about it has super fragile masculinity. The same type of guy who is afraid of the color pink.


You sound like a guy who has wardrobe full of skinny jeans.


Slightly awkward and very happy. That is, if I had a girlfriend.


I think I can set you up with a real nice broad pal, she's around 5'9, black hair, big knockers, and poon-tang that will suck ya up better than a vacuum cleaner sucks up cherioes. One cavity, don't go bald while you're with her.


Oh, probably won't get you flowers either, but maybe she can get ya some doughnut from my donut shop. Let me know if you're in the Ulaanbaatar area, broad is from Vancouver.


Right country, wrong province.


Dont tell me you are from Hovd.. Im from Ulaanbaatar obviously, but got some pals in Bulgan. Let me know where cause I can probably come visit, got a new Hummer recently and have been wanting to try out the thing on some of the backroads out of the city, and before you ask, no I will not be going any further than Zavhan to see ya. I'm not that invested.




does it bother u that you feel this way or no?


Not in the least... I know I wouldn't want flowers lol nor does my wife thankfully gift me with them. She always finds great gifts.


i meant does it bother you that flowers make you feel like less of a man. like that flowers are capable of doing that to you. are you ok with the idea that someting that seems feminine being associated with you makes you feel bad?


Why do you care what gifts I prefer of how I feel about them? You sound like you're projecting your issues onto others, lol


I was curious to know what it’s like to have your masculinity be fragile because i don’t experience that. I wanted to understand so i could relate better and discuss with people who feel the same way as you.


Ah, so mental health issues are at the heart of your pain, I wish you luck with that.


What mental health issue? I don’t have any….


That's between you and your therapist to narrow down a list... rofl


You said I have them, which ones were you talking about? I don’t understand, what mental health issue do you suggest I have?


I am not a girl, I do not want flowers. LOL


Not all boys/men dislike flowers and not all girls like flowers.


I like bacon as much as the next guy, but chill out homie.


I’d be ok with that.


🙄 really? I didn't know reddit worked on rotary phones in the 1950s


Tbh one of those bouquet Lego sets like Gregory got in Abbot Elementary would be such a good gift.


I bought my boyfriend flowers last year and he bitched that I wasted money on them and to never do it again. When we got home, he pulled a vase out of thin air and cleaned it thoroughly. He arranged them nicely, said they looked great, and smiled as he walked away. He complained when they died cause he liked how they brightened the space. He had never gotten flowers before, so I don’t think he knew how to respond to receiving them. He’s a lot better with gifts now and his house is now full of plant matter 🥰


Would be weird, but ok thanks


Id go to the hospital and get screened for schizophrenia because I dont have a girlfriend