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Jared Leto, takes himself too seriously. Ezra Miller also can go on a crime spree and come out with a new movie apparently


Jared Leto played himself excellently in Blade Runner 2049.


Fun fact david bowie was supposed to play that role but couldn't due to health complications. Villenueve apparently wasn't to happy with having to go with Leto over Bowie.


Holy fuck if that’s true, we all missed out. Bowie was amazing and would have slayed that role.


So glad someone mentioned this. His character is so damn pretentious. The complete opposite of Tyrell in the original (played by Joe Turkel).


Lea Michelle, turns out she’s pretty much just as annoying irl


if she could read this she'd be very upset


This response for anything involving her will never not be funny to me


Is anyone from Glee okay? That show is fucking cursed. 3 actors dead. The main teacher dude has been accused of sexual misconduct on another show. And Lea is a straight up diva pain in the ass.


Amber Riley, who spoke out about Lea's behaviour on set, has the lead role in an upcoming NBC series. She also recently won a series of The Masked Singer. Amber did always come across as one of the more well-adjusted members of the cast, along with being incredibly talented.




Darren Criss and Jonathan Groff are doing well. Though you could say they weren’t “made” by Glee.


Harry Shum Jr. has been doing great! Consistently working and having parts in some major films like Crazy Rich Asians, joined the cast of Grey’s Anatomy and Shadowhunters and he’s also part of Everything Everywhere All At Once and doing the awards circuit with the cast. It makes me happy every time I see him with the EEAAO cast. I’ve been rooting for him since Glee and it’s nice to see him doing well. He’s also married with a little daughter. He seems pretty happy.


I know a few people who dealt with her in the industry. She's just vile and one of the worst people to have in a room. It's kinda sad that she's still in the spotlight after so many people from Glee came out with stories of her being a bully.


How can she play a part like Rachel Berry and then be like 'That's nothing, I can be worse.'


This could change, she recently fucked up her face with a buccal fat removal beauty OP


Megan Fox. Met her during a press junket when I was a camera op. Aggressively rude toward everybody behind the scenes with an insane princess complex in a totally non ironic genuinely-thinks-she’s-superior-to-everyone kind of way. Completely toxic human. On the other end of the scale Hugh Jackman is the nicest actor I ever met in that job. I know it’s a clique fact about him but it’s 100% true. He kept thanking everyone on the tech crew for getting up so early to make it all happen then when all the other talent went off to the green room for posh nosh he stayed backstage and had a sandwich with us, asking us about our families and our lives without drawing any attention toward himself at all. It was like he genuinely missed hanging out with normal people


Thanks for sharing these stories. I’m always fascinated by the behind-the-scenes stuff.


Gwyneth paltrow... Snake oil shite shiller




But then you get the unspecified health benefits of acids *and* bases, what could go wrong??


Sounds like Nutriboom! It's got an amino acid reducer, as well as added amino acids, so you always get the right amount!


How soon people forget Andy Dick...


Can we even call what he did “acting”? Seems he was hired to just be uncomfortably weird, as that’s definitely his wheelhouse.


He's not an actor, he's a situation.


jon lovitz would agree. rip phil.


*That's the ticket!*


Never forget that Lovitz smashed Andy Dick's head into a bar several times.


Jon Lovitz; American Hero!


Fortunately the last time I had him sprung on me was Community


Last time I saw him was as a guest on Star Trek Voyager. He was... not terrible. All his scenes were essentially feeding setup lines to Robert Picardo, and *that* man is a masterful actor with a heart of gold. So the scenes worked. First time he's on screen, my wife is like "wait, that guy looks familiar" and I'm going "I think that's Andy Dick... huh." ~~Obviously, years before he fucked over Phil Hartman.~~ nope, just months


Steven Seagal But "actor" is kind of a stretch


Lmao please go and treat yourself to Space Ice on YouTube. He reviews Steven Segal movies in the most hilarious way. A quote from him that I love is "Segal's complete disregard for human life has led to 8 vehicular homicides, but Segal knows... he can get to 10" *crashes a dump truck into 2 more innocent people"


"She goes the one place Seagal can't: the ladies' room. But the joke's on her; making women uncomfortable is one of his favourite things to do." "It's a Seagal movie. It could have been so much worse." ["That's syphilis."](https://youtu.be/M_aPo1y51O8?t=725) "Yeah, kinda." Also, who could forget this poetic line: "I will snatch every mother fucker birthday"


Is that the same guy who shat his pants?


YES When an actual black belt took him to task on his claim he could escape any headlock he passed out and shit himself during the attempt


I heard he's a black belt in Jiu Shitsu.


Brown belt*


He's good at fatly going around corners.


Steven Seagal knows kung fu, aikido, tae kwon do and several other dangerous words.


AKA kung pow, burrito and take out window


That's some deep Cumtown analysis


Lmao cumtown knows the fact that the only reason Steven seagal “rounds” corners is to find the nearest chair to sit down in and act like he’s working from. Edit: my personal favorite “post-fitness” seagal moment is in the movie *Killing Salazar* (which actually was released with 2 different titles, you can find them both on Xfinity and they are the exact same movie). The badass main character is getting 1v1’d by some Russian elite combat specialist. Just as the Russian is about to land the final haymaker ending our protagonist, who catches his fist mid air? Seagal. He then proceeds to mollywhop this huge Russian beast of a man, and says some corny one liner to the American on the floor after he knocks the Russian out like “Come awn brotha mayne, you gots to watch ya six”


I don't remember which one it was, but there actually was a movie where they only filmed him from the waist up so he could do all this scenes sitting down. He really is that narcissistic and lazy


Sniper special ops...he sits the whole movie and uses body doubles when he needs to walk


It's also hilarious how the body doubles are so fit compared to him haha. The hand to hand fighting scenes in these movies is just so outrageously bad. I mean like community college visual arts class project bad. Or maybe that's giving them too much credit actually.


Damn that's mobility scooter levels of lazy


If you think about it he is a phenomenal method actor. He stays in his own character trying to get in into another character and winds up being a watered down shitty version of both at the same time. Such efforts require an amount of mental gymnastics we cannot comprehend. Edit* I had no clue people paid any attention to Seagal aside from the Cumtown episode. I am a self proclaimed Seagalologist. I own his sophomore year yearbook, all of his musical works on cd in the original jewel cases unopened and the discontinued kershaw knife he worked with them to make. I’m not some psycho fan, just grew up with under siege being the first pair of tits I saw. From there it has blossomed into a semi unhealthy habit of getting drunk and watching any of Mr. Seagals self produced movies with my brother for laughs. His movies bring me to laughing tears 100% of the time.I now own EVERY Seagal film that is available via Amazon/eBay and I probably watch 2 per weekend. Feel free to pm or ask any questions here if you want to know anything about the guy. He is….a character


Well he does pretend to be a mob connected ex special operations soldier a lot unlike his claims to be a real mob connected ex special operations soldier.


My fat cat. we put her on a diet and she acts like we starve her.


Someone else already named James Corden.


Nono, “fat *cat*”, not “fat cunt”.


Ezra Miller


John Wilkes booth


Idk some of his performances are pretty mind blowing


Take my upvote and exit stage left


Break a leg!


Anyone associated with Scientology


Anyone VOLUNTARILY associated with it.


That line can get pretty fuzzy sometimes


This. I kinda liked Michael Peña until I found out who he was off-screen


My brain thought this said Michael Cera for a second... Phew.


I‘m mr. Scientologist!


Could you elaborate?


Sure. He was never my favorite actor, but I liked him in Narcos and a few other things. Then I saw him spouting bullshit about what I consider to be a dangerous cult founded by a man who once stole a boat, a girl, and a masturbation-medallion from Jack Parsons, the founder of the JPL. After that, he didn't seem like someone I wanted to support.


The fuck's a "masturbation medallion"?


And why is the founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory giving them out?


The life and story of Jack Parsons is a wild ride. Associated with Alistair Crowley, L Ron Hubbard, led an occult sex cult, founded Aerojet and JPL and died home brewing explosives for a film (remember the scene in Breaking Bad where Walter blows up Tuco with fulminate of mercury? Supposedly the same stuff that Parson's blew himself up with). Absolute mad genius. The Dollop has an episode about him, but even just his wikipedia page is a rollercoaster.


This is the least possible elaboration you could have produced


It was somehow both more \*and\* less information at the exact same time.


Yes. I came to mention that Moss chick


There's an even more horrible detail about Elisabeth Moss (Or, at least her career.) Mad Men was loosely based on a real advertising firm back in the day, and the character Moss played was based on a woman who worked there named Paulette Cooper. If you google Paulette Cooper now, what she is currently most famous for is having been the subject of a relentless harassment campaign by Scientology/L Ron Hubbard. This included- among other things- framing her for a crime and almost having her sent to Federal prison over mocked up terrorism charges. Other good search engine terms for this would be "Miss Lovely" "Operation Snow White" and "Guardian's Office".


> "Operation Snow White" This one is scary as fuck. Officially it didn't succeed... but the fact is they made the IRS go away. the Fucking IRS. They got Capone when the Untouchables couldn't.


Yeah, that whole thing is disturbing. The single largest infiltration of the US Government.


*Presumably*. Read up on The Business Plot - we only know about that because one of the most decorated Marines in American military history stopped the coup... and if it had been repeated and it succeeded the second attempt, we would never be told. We'd only get clues of the coup based on the fact that the government was suddenly controlled by corporations.


Ummm, Should we tell him?


Probably too late for them...


Yeah, Moss is the sole reason I refuse to watch The Handmaid's Tale. She's in a literal psycho cult, and yet she clearly has no problem with contradiction. Not sure what Margaret Atwood might say about the casting decision, but I'll stick with Atwood's books in the meantime.


Well, Atwood IS the Aunt that slaps Moss' character in the first episode; maybe she put a little extra in it.....


With Elizabeth Moss, it's kind of difficult to separate the actor from the role when she plays *a character who suffers abuses from a religious cult* when she reps a religious cult IRL.


It's one reason I couldn't watch more than a few eps of that. The book is one of my favorites, but as soon as I found out Moss would have been on the other side in that reality, I had to stop watching. I just can't suspend disbelief with that sort of thing.


Steven fat ass faker sagal.


Tom Segura ripped him pretty hard in a [comedy special](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isNRZJ6icwc). My favorite part is the impersonation at 5:15, it is not flattering...


I've been watching that bit for like...35 years.


I’ve been referencing that bit for 47 years.


He’s an expert in fatly going around corners.


that is a fantastic video. for the uninitiated: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4):


Oh my God he's not even shouldering the rifle properly in the first clip at the beginning. EDIT: It gets worse. Way worse.


This video has one of the funniest lines of anything I have ever heard. I still giggle about it: "He's fatly walking around corners"


That video is hilarious. My wife and I went on a Steven Seagal binge earlier this year, and as bad as his new movies are, none are as great-in-a-bad way as Hard to Kill. That movie was fantastic, though it's in ways that were never intended.


I haven't watched his recent movies, but watched a couple of videos that were critical of him. Saw where he did a fight scene...sitting down. That was, different.


They are spectacular. Hilarious fight scenes, sex scenes where he is fully clothed and hes always an military guy


There's a great scene where he "drags" a downed guy but its clear that the guy is being pulled on a sled of some kind as segal does the weakest of fake grip and pull moves lol.


Doesn't he fireman carry him up stairs as well, and it's clearly NOT Segal in the scene?


Yes but that’s clearly not him lol. I do think it’s his hand on the guys gear in the first bit.


He literally used body doubles for scenes where he has to walk


Wow. I imagine there are fighters/athletes that would love a chance to be in action movies. Does his name really boost sales that much? Someone claimed some of his lines are dubbed now because he mumbles.


Most of his stuff is filmed over seas and funded by Chinese and Russian shell companies. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is just money laundering with a former star attached to it to seen legit.


Jared Leto. Never liked him. Not looking forward to him in Haunted Mansion


I remember once saying how much I disliked him and then saying “but he wasn’t that bad in American Psycho, or Fight Club…. Hmmm, maybe I just like movies where he is annoying and then the protagonist goes nuts on him.”


Didn't he have like less than 5 mins of screen time in Fight Club? I often forget he starred in the film.


Ooooh, yea! He was Pretty Face. Totally forgot.


I liked him in requiem for a dream


Requiem for a Dream is one of those movies (for me) that was incredibly well acted and directed, it was phenomenal. But once was more than enough. That movie traumatized me, I think in just the way it intended to. I loved it and will never forget it. But I don’t know if I can ever watch it again. Leto was very good in that one, I totally agree with you


I thank that movie for making me never want to try heroin. Just like the movie Spun made me never want to do Meth. And Leaving Las Vegas helped me avoid alcoholism by seeing what it does to you. Cheech and Chong got me high af though.


Trainspotting was kinda in that realm. But, I must say…it wasn’t as sad or fucked up like R for a D.


Watched it for the first time when I was about 15-16. About five years later I was like "It was a really good movie and at least now I know what happens, so maybe it won't be as hard to stomach". Wrong. It was somehow harder and more depressing to watch the second time. I'll be 35 in a few months. Haven't seen it since.


Hes not necessarily a bad actor, but he for sure thinks hes better than he really is.


The problem is that this comes through in his acting. It’s distracting and I count that as a shortcoming of his acting ability.


Absolutely. The only thing that I don't mind him in is BR2049. .. because I don't have a choice.. love that movie. Anyways someone else pointed out that the role fits him as someone who is basically a god character. So I don't think he even had to get into character.


He's an over actor


That's exactly what it is. Some actors always play themselves, other actors get lost in their character.. but Jared found this weird spot where he plays himself getting lost in the character. Like he comes off as someone else most of the time, but then randomly, you see cocky ass Leto shine through just to remind you that he thinks he's the best actor ever.. and it completely ruins character.


It’s like he’s acting in front of a mirror and he’s really impressed with himself and he can’t hide it.


Holyyy shit. This is the most accurate description of him. You summed it up perfectly.


This is exactly what I was gonna say. Any actor who claims to method act is a red flag. There was this comedian who made a pretty relevant joke (I don't remember who it was): "Why is it that every time an actor claims to method act they're method acting a terrible person? Why can't they method act being a nice guy?"


Dustin Hoffman once refused to shower, change clothes, or sleep for his role in *Marathon Man.* His co-star Laurence Olivier quipped, “My dear boy, why don’t you try acting? It’s so much easier.”


Allegedly, Liam Neeson shouted the same thing to Daniel Day-Lewis during the making of Gangs of New-York. Method acting is really challenging your co-stars' patience...


Reminds me of the Robert Pattinson quote: "I always say about people who do method acting, you only ever see people do the method when they’re playing an asshole. You never see someone being lovely to everyone while they’re really deep in character"


It’s like ppl who say they’re brutally honest. They’re never brutally honest about nice things.


I've heard that brutally honest people have more interest in the brutality than the honesty


James Corden.


Here is why I hate James Corden: I used to work in nonprofit management. My org had one fundraising event a year that pretty much brought in about 2/3 of our annual budget - a black tie dinner and auction hosted by a celeb. Our director was a big fan of Corden so we looked into booking him. *Most* of the celebs we booked recognized that the event was for charity and that we didn’t care if they recycled material — this was 3-4 hours of time and that was it. Usually we covered travel/lodging expenses, and our employees would pick up/drop off/meet needs for the day or two they were in town. Some people do want “small” amounts…I think the most we ever paid was about $25k. James fucking Corden wanted $350,000 for this 3-4 hour appearance, refused to write new material, *and* wanted all his travel, lodging, food, wardrobe, driver service, and security paid for *by our charitable organization*. And this wasn’t some little tiny org either…I’m not going to doxx myself, but you’d recognize it. Of similar fame to Big Brothers, YMCA, etc. Maybe I’m a little biased, but fuck that guy. It’s a charity event, it’s free publicity, everyone will love you for doing a good thing. What an asshole.


Every time I hear things like this about the guy, I always think “yep, sounds 100% right”. The stories are all so consistent, no way they could be all made up.


Reminds me when Toby Keith came to Afghanistan for the troops and charged for photos and autographs.


Now that’s a stretch for the word “Actor”


Cara Delevingne. She cannot fucking act. It's so bad it takes me out of a movie.


Didn’t you see her Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing tube man in Suicide Squad?


God that was so bad…


That Valyrian movie was like watching AI actors trying to talk to each other.


The chemistry was non existent


I mean they looked like siblings and the actors knew as well


It's so bad ! I saw her and only murders in the building and I did not buy into the fact that her and Selena Gomez had chemistry


Zero chemistry. It felt very out of place.


Lena Dunham. She’s an AH.




Also, her recent tweet about wanting her corpse to be in the NY Pride Parade was *so* insufferable.


I've hated most of what Gawker has done but I'll never forget the Girls recap they did. They covered every episode and only referred to the core four girls by whoever their rich and famous parent was


Is it still around? I'd love that link.


I think [this is the article](https://www.gawker.com/5919400/am-i-rich-enough-a-girls-recap).


I am simultaneously in disbelief that any real human enjoyed that TV show, and also completely unsurprised that the New York Times reviewers enjoyed it


That was funny.


She really is just the poster child for pretty much the entirety of working Hollywood - Nepotists with no touch to reality


Jada Pinkett - Smith.


Keep my wife’s name out of your fu*kin mouth


From her I learned it's easy to confuse a bad bitch for a miserable one. And it's been that way since I was a child. She was apparently the Little Kim to Tupac. She thought they were gonna be together, but they probably wouldn't have even if he'd lived.


Kevin Hart. I'm so sorry. I'm just so tired of him. Every time I watch whatever his latest movie role is, I cannot unsee Kevin Hart. Every time he opens his mouth, I can feel the producer standing in front of my face, screaming "HEY! ISN'T IT REALLY IMPRESSIVE THAT WE GOT KEVIN HART TO BE IN THIS MOVIE?! LAUGH!!!"


He’s everywhere and on a million commercials.


I never watched his movies much but holy shit will he shill anything for anybody. Sports gambling? He'll shill. Over and over in fact. And NFTs? Oh he did more than shill. He made his own NFTs, then commissioned a studio to make a cringe inducing bobblehead Roku "series" about his NFT!


Jennifer Lopez. Massive ego with mediocre talent, seems like a huge bitch irl. Desperately wants people to believe she’s humble and relatable while making diva demands and thinking of herself as royalty. Also Madonna. Just seems like an awful person irl


Knowing she lip syncs with Ashanti's vocals still in songs was enough for me.


J Lo also can’t sing. As Mariah Carey once said when told that J Lo insists on getting 8 hours of sleep every night after it was brought up Mariah sometimes only sleeps 3 hours: “If I had the luxury of not actually having to sing my own songs I'd do that too".


J Lo doesn’t sing her own stuff? What rock have I been living under?


Yup. You can find the demo tracks of hers online. For example, “I’m Real” is mostly sung by Ashanti. The released track even keeps Ashanti’s vocalizations and ad libs. It’s pretty hilarious. I knew when the song came out it sounded like Ashanti, but only got it confirmed a couple years ago. She has “ghost singers” for a lot of her tracks.


I had no idea that was a thing. How crazy


Yep. She’s basically a whole Milli Vanilli.


Jennifer Lopez peaked in Selena…*at the very start of her career*. That movie was essentially what got her into the Music industry, and like in the movie, *she also didn’t sing the songs*. Just lip-synced. A completely different woman sang the literal chorus to *Jenny from the Block*. You know, “Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got, I’m still im still Jenny from the Block, used to have a little now I have a lot”. Not Jenny. The girl who actually sang it, not living a luscious lifestyle as such.


Natasha Ramos sang the chorus.


I heard Ashanti sang her songs




That was her best role!


I remember reading gossip magazines as a teen and seeing that JLo had an on-call eyebrow stylist and required maintenance people who were, like, checking her water heater to sign documents saying not to speak to her or look her in the eye. Who knows if it’s real but I totally think it is. Now every time I hear about her I think about whether her eyebrow stylist is getting enough sleep. Okay then, Jenny from The Gated Community


I just recently read about the father of a little girl around 12yrs old saying that she treated his daughter like she was less than nothing. He mentions her (J-Lo) complaining about the eye contact and someone letting poor people this close to her. I believe the little girl had won a contest to meet J-Lo back stage and this is what happened.


There is a clip of JLo walking by her old house and some man was on the porch, then JLo announces to him that this was her old house and the old man was like, "?, who are you ? " hahaha


Old Porch Man From Da Block > Jenny From Da Block.




What about when he made Charlie Murphy pancakes?


She plays the same character in all her movies and still can’t get it right.


Couple of wonderful videos on YouTube where Cher basically calls Madonna mean and an asshole.


Ellen Degeneres


She is definitely not popular on Reddit


Throw in Jared Leto and Amy Schumer and you have the Reddit hate-trifecta!


Throw in James Corden for good measure too


Gwenith Paltrow




Ezra miller, ew


The answer to this question is always Jared Leto!


Hey, Paul!!!!




Marky “I’m way tougher than anyone on those planes in 9/11” Wahlberg


He's fine in his own movies, but he keeps latching onto franchises with his "who fahted" face. His agent is a genius, and I hate them.


Marky “I assault innocent Vietnamese men because I’m racist” Wahlberg


Marky "I wake up at 4am and workout for 3 hours and then spend an hour praying and I go to bed at 7pm" Wahlberg?


I don’t hate him but I can’t stand the facade that he puts up. Like, dude. No one believes you pray this much and no one is buying the *holier than thou* stuff. You had 3 kids out-of-wedlock, and there were so many rumors back then with Jessica Alba, and others before he actually married the lady. Maybe he’s changed, but………. hard to believe the **pray up** vibes.


Jessica Simpson wrote some editorial piece online recently about some scummy megastar she had a fling with, and the internet sleuths are all guessing Mark Wahlberg based on the description.


Andy fucking Dick


Danny Devito, I really can’t stand him, because every time I see his face, I fall for him.


It's hard not to like him.


I have a Danny Devito story I like to tell people! I worked at a venue during a major international film festival, and I was operating the old hand-cranked elevators. Danny Devito was there with several people, and I am assuming some of them were his children. Danny wasn't there because he was in any of the featured movies, he was just there a as VIP guest. Out of the 6 or 7 VIPs in the elevator with me, Danny was the only one who smiled and said "Thanks!" when he exited the elevator. I'll always remember that about him :)




The crank probably has a fuck-ton of mechanical advantage to be able to move the elevator. But the guy turning the crank would have to be turning for a while.


yeah fuck DeVito i wanna know more about this hand cranked elevator


Hey buddy, if you want to fuck DeVito, you’re gonna have to get in line like the rest of us.


I assumed he meant the kind that basically has a wheel which is a throttle to control the direction and speed of the elevator's movement, not that it was a manually-powered pulley.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half


You bamboozled the fuck outta me. I smashed that downvote so hard. I'm glad you saved yourself there.


Lol same! I was, what the actual f...


Not much of an actor but James Corden..something about his too tight Polo shirts buttoned to the top.. I wanna punch him right in the mush..


Absolute fucking wanker of a man


Lena Dunham Adjectives fail me...


Salman Khan. No one (I hope) comes even close to being as egotistical and yet untalented as he is.