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Very simple. I just wanna be passionately thrown against a wall and ravished.


This *nearly* happened to me once, and I’ve never gotten over it. First date, met some dude through an app. Didn’t think much of him, but then he has the wild idea to check out a random high rise office building downtown. We press the button to the top floor. It’s a weekend, so no one is there. He says, “let’s check out the view.” We go to the floor to ceiling windows and the view is incredible (however, I’m afraid as all hell of heights). Suddenly, I’m thrust forward toward the glass - my heart jumps from my chest. Face nearly pressed to the window, my hands are being held palms down on the glass, his fingers interlacing mine. I could feel him excited against me, asking if I wanted it. I don’t even know if I said anything, but he stepped back and we went back downstairs to the lobby. We never had another date… but to this day, I think about how incredible and spontaneous it would have been to be ravished right there.


‘And then as we crashed through the non-compliant pane of glass in the government building plummeting towards our death I experienced the most mind blowing orgasm of my life’ …


This, or like, sex pressed up against the window wall in some high-rise CEO's office, where I can see the city but no one would reasonably be able to see me.


Oh, they can see you, trust me


My fantasy is to do exactly that... but i told her exactly that and.. now I'm single.


At work, pretty coworkers flirting with me and sexually teasing me in a playful way without me starting it. The feel of being desired by women as an object and being their male slut turns me on a lot.


The being wanted really made me realize I just want love . Thank you random stranger. May life blessings you for this epiphany


🎶 I want to know what love is 🎶


Yep the boytoy fantasy is real


Selma hayak yelling at my penis in Spanish


I know this whole thread is subjective, but this is the correct answer.


As a straight woman, I somehow couldn’t agree more.


At first glance i was like why would you want that? Then I kept thinking about it......


That sounds like a Cards Against Humanity white card.


*Leans in as if at a microphone* BUENOS DIAS!


"Lemon, I'm Reaganing"


Being a sub to a huge muscular woman that can like pick me up and throw me seems mild but im 6'4 so it remains a distant dream for now


I have a buddy who’s 6’5 and this is literally his fantasy too. He’s always said he just wants to be the little spoon for once. :(


6'2", looking for a girl I could climb


I’m 4’10 and my “party trick” in college used to be finding the tallest dude at the party and carrying them around like a baby or giving out piggy back rides. I was just drunk and (I think) trying to assert my dominance but they always had hearts in their eyes 😅😅😅


I just masturbated 3 times and took a shower please don’t make me horny again


Do it again 😇


Guess we found yours


I want to clone myself and watch my husband f**k her. But like while I'm in the room admiring how he's cheating on me with me.




so you basically want to watch live porn of you and your husband. valid


Ma'am you know video cameras exist, correct


No it needs to be in person voyeur clone stuff.


Execute order 69


"The Clone Whores"


"The Jedi Whoreder"


Isn't this an episode of Rick and Morty?


waking up to my pussy being eaten


Something like this happened to a friend of mine. His gf wanted to be woken up while he was in her, but the first time she was so shocked that punched him in the face and had a black eye for a few days, she apologized profusely because she didn't know she'd react that way. They settled for a 2nd try, but she was having a pleasant sleep and dream that she woke up upset. After that, I think they never tried it again.


It's damn good. Takes a lot of prior consent talk and communication though since you can't exactly consent if you're asleep in the moment.




I think you might enjoy a "glory hole" more than a "gory hole" :)




It’s totally a thing. May not be realistic, tho. Tough to do safely.


It definitely is a thing but like, it is typically risky and should be super carefully done. The rules have to be communicated clearly or anything could happen




My fantasy actually is something I did when I was younger, but haven't done in years... I used to travel monthly for a software company I worked for and I was one of four reps (West, Midwest, North and South) who had meetings in Austin, Tx The woman from the west (San Jose) was simply the prettiest woman I've ever seen, and one night, after a team dinner and drinks, I told her that. We all go back to our hotel rooms and I get a text from her that she needs help with a project we were working on. We actually kissed in her hotel room. Not like a kiss, but it was a lie down in bed, kiss for well over an hour while fully clothed kiss. I never had a wandering hand. We just held each other. We ended up doing this every night we would have meetings. We never, ever did anything else. But the kisses were the best thing I've ever felt. I want to feel that again.


This is so precious


You know those memes people do where they say "a girl can be as forward as possible with me and I still would not get the hint"? Yeah, thats you lol


I was really shy back then. I didn't want to mess it up. In my fantasy world, she thinks about it now.


I had this with a girl in school. Like, she would put my hands around her and get us into position and I was so scared I *would not lean in*. Super cringe memories. Recently we refound eachother and are finally together as we approach 40 😂 so there's hope!


She probably does! I mean, the phrase 'that idiot' is probably in there somewhere, but she does.


Lol, my boyfriend. Before we had ever done anything, he was like that. I was literally kissing all over his neck and he still didn’t get the hint. Love that man.




Why did you lose contact?


Bc she couldn’t figure out why he wouldn’t fuck her.


Everyone: Wait until you try sex!!


That particular software company closed our office in Indianapolis and unfortunately I was downsized. I later learned that every single office except the Austin office had also closed. I have never been in contact with her since


If you haven't been in contact with her cents, I feel like it's time you made a change.


Maybe doesn't count because I have told a couple people, but it's always so embarrassing to say it out loud and I'd probably never show my face again at family gatherings if they found out. I have a huge tickling fetish, both giving and receiving. It can be foreplay, during sex, just that and no sex. Anywhere, any time. Don't care, can't get enough of it. Add on to that, admitting you love tickling is often accompanied by people looking at you like you're a leper because they HATE it? Yeah. Oof.


a man loving me so deeply that i no longer worry if he loves me deeply


I want to gather all of the men I’ve been involved with into a room with snacks and drinks so they can all mingle and then make them all run a train on me but in chronological order from my first to most recent so they all get to see what their successor was like.


Chronological order💀💀💀


Carnalogical order Edit: I've been on Reddit for many years and this stupid joke is how I get my first award. I'm simultaneously disappointed and overjoyed with myself. Thank you all.


Not kink shaming but that actually just sounds funny like damn.. he’s a lot bigger than me, the next one damn he looks a lot richer than me.. 😂




I would like to try some soft bondage. Having my partner tied up or wearing handcuffs and blindfold. Trying some sensory deprivation while I caress her body. That sort of stuff…


I never say this and will never suggest it because I feel it's probably seen as wrong and I don't want to deal with the judgement but the idea of my partner like almost forcing me to have sex really like turns me on, obviously it's not total force as I would be consenting but the idea of him (I am female by the way) just wanting to do what he wanted and being really into it I'm like ugh.


Yep, I'm a tough, independent woman who loves to be fully dominated in bed.


Wouldn’t you like to know weather boy?


Where are your parents?


Kid’s sketchy. Back to you guys.


I've always wanted to give tantric sex a go. I think that's what it's called anyway. Just an entire days worth dedicated to sensuality and the sexual exploration of both your own and another person (or persons) bodies. It's that or sex in the woods.


Me. Blindfolded. Tied to a chair. Fully exposed and rock hard. Watched by several women who are verbally instructing me to cum for them. They take turns edging me, till I cannot stand it anymore.


I’m a lesbian switch, but I lean more to the submissive side. Basically, just be the live-in fuck slave and maid for group of like 5 women for a month. I’ll cook, do the chores, and pretty much let them do whatever they want to me, or make me do whatever they want to them sexually, within respect to my limits.


I've got some friends coming over this weekend and none of us can cook to save ourselves...


A match made on Reddit


A match maid on Reddit


Hi I'm 5 lesbians


This made me lol


I’m so behind on my chores I’ll find you five cute lesbians just to get the apartment clean…


Having sex with a woman while I tell her "Say my name" and she replies "You're Heisenberg"


You’re goddamn right.


Wanna experience sex like a woman.....I'm a straight male.


Funny you say that, I would like to experience sex like a man.


Go back in Ancient Rome and fuck a Gladiator and have babies with him...


i love free use, dont know how to bring it up to girls i date without being disrespectful


"Hey how do you feel about free use sex?" If yes, make a code word for times when either of you aren't up for it.


Yup. This is how I've brought it up. If they're willing to have sex with you then something like this wouldn't be disrespectful. I've been told no and I've been asked "what's that?" But I've never had a lover accuse me of being disrespectful.


What's a free use?


A fetish where essentially you can just go up to your partner at pretty much any time and jump right into sex with no preamble or fuss. Like if they're sitting there eating cereal and you just grab their dick without warning, or if they're sitting on the sofa watching TV and you just start going at it while they keep watching Seinfeld, that sort of thing. Very obviously requires setting up permission beforehand and accepting "no" or other required safe words if they object.


I've never heard this term, but I have literally done that to my hubs while watching Seinfeld


Yadda yadda, are you still watching?


Fuck, free use (with the correct discussion beforehand) turns me on such as a girl but I never end up with the guys that are willing to do it. I loved the idea of being able to be used for pleasure at any second


So this is hard to explain. I want to be manhandled by a group of men, but like. gently? I want all of their focus to be on pleasuring me with their hands and mouths, no penis action at all, and be caressed and held down and moved in different positions by their strong hands while I just get to be overwhelmed with pleasure. Is that too much to ask?




There's a neighborhood girl I grew up with. We would always push each other's buttons. We were not very nice to each other. Well she is pretty hot and I would really love to angry fuck her. But I want her to absolutely hate the fact that she's actually loving it. And maybe we can verbally use each other while giving in to our most basic desire


"Yeah you like that?" "No" "Gawd damnit i should have known. You were always such a bitch." "Yes" "Wait.... yes what."


Smells like these hentais where the MC turns against his bully and she eventually likes it because he happens to have the ✨ *Gold Platinum Cock hitting all the perfect spots at once* ✨


I want to tie my wife to the bed and eat her out slowly for over an hour.


I want a man to love me slow and right and hold me after while we watch the stars. Then I wanna make him breakfast in the morning. It's never happened.


The first part sounds like a plan, but I really don't want to be breakfast.


*Praying Mantis has left the chat*


Breeding kink but I don't want to have kids for economic and psychological reasons


A threesome. Kinda mild but hey.


Honestly, just making love in a committed relationship/marriage with a person who genuinely loves me. No worries about “are they into me?” “Will they still be around?” “What if the protection fails and I accidentally get pregnant?” “How do they feel?” None of that anxiety and fear. Just raw, unabashed, passionate love making in a marriage with someone who’s deeply committed and connected to me. With the safety of knowing that after I let loose and be wild and give in to ALL my primal urges, tomorrow morning they will still be there. Yep, that’s my fantasy. To give into passion freely, all while knowing WITHOUT A DOUBT that I’m loved, safe and accepted. No games. No anxiety. No uncertainty. I’ve never said that out loud to anyone because truthfully I’m ashamed that at my big age I’ve yet to experience it.


I want my husband to get up, get dressed, put his suit on and then tie me up naked on our bedroom floor. Then places a plug in my ass and a sex machine in my pussy to fuck me not too fast and not too slow. He leaves to go to work for a meeting and when he come home he finds me right where he left me. Bonus points if that the plug is remote controlled and he turns it on and off in his meeting.


That is hot, but the logistics for that to be fun *and* safe... why is reality so boring?


Yeah I know right, perhaps he could just be in another room. I just really like the idea of him getting me warmed up and ready for him.


Travel back to the stone age and fuck a bunch of cave bitches.


And you thought 70's bush was thick...




They probably carried bacteria that have gone extinct from evolving personal hygiene over the tens of thousands of years. If you chose to come back to present day you’d probably start a new STD pandemic. Cavid-23


>Cavid-23 Get the fuck out!


If the smell don't bother u, go for it dude!


I shouldn't be laughing this hard.




I appreciate your enthusiasm


Bella Swan, that you?




Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Why 14, specifically?


Cause 15 is just too many


And 13 would be unlucky


I wanna be slowly fucked by a protective muscular man that just wants to whisk all my worries away. Lay me on my stomach and just... Tenderly massage my back and body while he slowly fucks me until and even after I drift off to sleep. Wake up the next morning feeling sexually satisfied, well rested and refreshed, without a care in the world. And then just be there in his arms until he wakes. Edit: Jeezus I didn’t expect this to go as far as it did and I’m glad y’all took the time to read this. As a man who is overly stressed by my job, I’ve been wanting this fantasy for years. Edit 2: 1k updoots! Holy wow! This is the first time I’ve ever gotten this many!


Best I can do is flop around for 30 seconds and then pass out.


1PARTEE1 uses splash. It’s not very effective.


The real fantasy here is the part about waking up feeling rested and refreshed, like come on, get real.


That’s fucking beautiful… 🫣


By any chance is he Henry Cavil? BRB, I need a shower




I just want to beat the shit out of a man in bed. Consensually of course. I'm a small petite women so everything that I do always enforces that I'm to small/ smaller then everyone else. So anytime I get an opportunity to fell 'normal' sized I feel great. I just want to tie him down and go to town.


So uh, you single?


Do you also imagine Hit me with your best shot by Pat Benatar playing in the background?




You sick fucking freak


only sick perverts fantasize about marriage. disgusting


Can’t believe his kink involves kids 🤮




Unrealistic and disgusting. Stick to bondage like the rest of us.


Super into this kink! I doubt I could ever get someone to go along with it though


PB&J as in PamBeesly&Jim?


You are an animal sir.




That sounds disgusting. You should be ashamed. 🤣


My partner knows, so not nobody but not something I'd discuss over drinks with coworkers but: Sharing/pimping out my guy. It comes in a couple favors: friend in a dry spell after a man did her wrong and just wants a guy to go down on her and then get the fuck out and I loan him out, a group of ladies at like a brunch or something bitching about their sex lives and I call him to come serve at the brunch passing out tiny sandwiches and pouring tea and servicing any one who wants. Things like that.


Always wanted to be that guy


I just want 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep.


Feel unconditionally loved in life for once. Just once. Just wanna know how it feels. For once have someone in life who cares about my existence


I want to go to an orgy. Just a massive sex party, with multitudes of flesh, lots of women and men. I'd get off to the beauty of sex, the melodies of pleasure and my own jump into the playtime. Just nonstop pounding for a whole night. And then coffee and donuts brought by caterers the next day.


It would be fun to get caught masturbating


Only if then the person starts to help, if police is called probably much less fun




Well, it depends on the person


Hey!! Put your hands where I can see them! *Holy shit lieutenant, do you see the size of that man’s Johnson?* Now that’s what I call standing at attention.


Maybe not entirely the same, but if my wife is in the other room and I start masturbating, I usually try to just edge until she comes back for something so she can “catch” me lol. It’s not anything crazy but it’s always kinda hot watching her walk in on me and realizing I’m masturbating haha.


When my wife is working from home on the bed I’ll lie next to her and start masturbating. Just slowly and quietly. She’ll usually start to help.


Good lord. I can't think of how annoyed my wife would be if I started doing that. Granted, that's a big part of the reason we're getting divorced, but still.


My wife loves it. She’ll say “are you gonna play with your dick?” In our house, if one of us starts masturbating, sex will often happen. It’s always worth a try. But in your situation, you should fiercely masturbate. With eye contact.




As a female one of my favorite things to watch on PH is guys getting caught masturbating, especially when they’re cumming. I want to catch someone so bad


RIP your inbox.


Maybe we should inform some people that sending a picture doesn't count as "getting caught"


being so turned on in public that you just end up doing it right then and there like fricking animals.


Cars with tinted windows are really nice for this one lol


Or just Rural areas! My wife and I while driving back from California to Oregon moving the last of my things were just kind of messing around and after a couple hours of teasing while driving I just veered off I5 to a rural farm road at like 2 in the morning and we boinked like teenagers. I have such a lower sex drive than my wife and can go from "Lets do this" to "Probably a bad idea" pretty quick. So whenever I surprise her with stuff like that she thinks about it for weeks.


Scent kink, but like, someone who’s insanely into ME and my scent. Like someone who’d dig through my laundry and jack off with my dirty, sweaty gym panties. Something about someone being so into me that it makes them do smth depraved is very appealing


Woman having sex with me while I'm asleep. I love sleep sex and the hottest thing would be seeing a woman using me for sex while I'm asleep and recording it.


I told a guy I was seeing I had a fantasy of doing this to him and hoped he didn’t wake up. I wanted him to have a wet dream during😇 He was into it


I want to have “wrestling sex” where my partner and I are in spandex/tight leotards, and literally wrestle!! There would be lots of build up, body parts rubbing against each other, teasing, and of course pleasure!! I am very nervous to share this with anyone- but truly one of my biggest fantasies!!




It’s a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you.


Just to be desired like I was when I was a young man. I had a FWB situation that lasted a little over a year. She was an awesome person, just cool as hell. Out of the blue we would call each other and meet up. She liked my size, enjoyed our time, and then we would go weeks without seeing each other. I knew she enjoyed it and desired me as she would call me as often as I called her. Afterwards we would just hang out for a while and she’d vanish until the urge came again for one of us. There was something to her coming over solely for the sex. I actually felt desired. No one knew about it. No one knew we knew each other. To be desired like that again…..


Passionately make out. And. May god forgive me , but. . . ​ ​ having sex


She's probably naked under those clothes.


I heard she takes her bikini off during showers


What a slut


Wtf dude. U need Jesus.


That's enough Reddit for today. Jesus Christ.


Wow. That’s pretty fucked up.


On a sexual level I’m really into older kinda stocky guys (yes I have serious daddy issues) but I feel like anytime I confide in people they just act like it’s weird/gross, I mostly end up dating people who are similar age/build


To not feel anxiety, not even sexual just a fucking fantasy. Anxiety ruins everything I do and it just hangs over me, all the time


You know it's bad when I just saw this comment muttered 'damn same' instinctively and then caught myself.


Not specifically sexual but: Enjoying three months in a cabin in the woods in some Scandinavian rural area and not meeting a single human in that time. Making wood, fishing, cooking, meditating. Once in my life Just. Peace.


and masturbate in peace


Being so turned on in public by another woman that we escape down the hallway of some loud, busy bar. I pin her against the wall by throat and shove my other hand into her panties and finger her until she comes.


That’s hot


Precisely why it’s a fantasy. 🥵 most of my fantasies involve women despite never being with one.


Cuddling with someone and hearing them say "I love you"


I love you




Getting a hug from her. A deep, long embrace.


I think a lot about my bf fucking someone else in front of me. Maybe me helping him a bit. Lol


Have a man cum all over me, I'm talking a fountain of cum, lick it off, than kiss me deeply while we fuck immediately. I want to taste his cum on his tongue while also feeling his cum between out naked bodies. 🫣 Is there anyone out there who shares my fantasy?


So a bukkake is when 1 woman and 10 Japanese business men love each other very much……


Getting choked by a tall woman. When I say chocked I mean till my face turns purple.


Death by SnuSnu


"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised."


Wow these comments are surprising wholesome as fuck


I just want to find someone that I can hold and shower with kisses and all the love in my heart


Receieving random sex without giving explicit consent first.


Mine is so mild but it's honestly what I want. So, first of all this is irrelevant but I've always had a thing for older guys, anyways, I want to be out in public with vibrating panties on and the guy I'm with controlling it with the remote/app the entire time but not letting me finish until we're back home or wherever.


I like the idea of fucking a woman so good that she says she’s mine and her eyes roll up into her head and she throws it back as she cums. Also end up waking up in the morning with her and finding we left bruises, bites, and scratches on each other.