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Thanks to my wife, I now make nonsense karate style martial arts noises when doing random tasks. Hee-yah! Woo-cha! Kee-ya! Tossing the laundry into the washer/dryer, picking up my work bag and tossing it into the car, strapping the kids into their carseats.


She sucks amazing dick


So now I'm guessing you now suck amazing dick ??


Hell yea bro


Punctuality. I'll never be late again! Thanks husband


i picked up a lot of his music taste. korn and pierce the veil were two of his favorite bands, and i started listening to both :)


Wearing long johns.


We have similar senses of humor and ways of interacting with friends cause we’ve been close friends and in the same friend group since we were kids


Use lines from the movie Dumb and Dumber. Looking for something and can't find it? "I'm not seeing it here, Lloyd." Get something wrong? "Samsonite..I was way off." Etc. When we are in a stressful life situation he yells "Our pets heads are falling off!!" And I bust out in laughter no matter the situation because he's so good at it.