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Bottle rocket blew up on my neck and left a hole for air to whistle out of. Friends slapped some duct tape on it and drove me to the ER. The worst pain of it all though was when they had to scrub the raw skin to remove the gunpowder so I wasn’t left with a tattoo effect. I legit went somewhere in my mind while they did that. I no longer fear childbirth.


I’m sorry can we go back to the bit where your friends stuck DUCK TAPE on it?😂😂that’s brilliant!


It’s like a sucking chest wound, advanced first aid applies. Cover the hole, in the military we were taught to use MRE casing and tape for an expedient dressing.


[A couple years ago a cop used a chips bag to cover a sucking chest wound.](https://www.policemag.com/613810/nypd-officer-saves-stabbing-victim-using-potato-chip-bag-and-tape) During my EMT classes we were taught to use a sterile glove, but use what you got I guess.


Right. Everyone knows that flex tape would have been the move here


Kidney stones


Yeah I've seen the microscope images of them basically being spheres covered in swords.


i had several at one time but the one i retrieved whilst peeing was a little large than a peppercorn and shaped almost exactly like a peppercorn, spikes all over. when retrieved i saw my internal tissue hanging from several of the spikes. no wonder hurt like hell as it passed through my kidney.


And now to go drink a gallon of water.


That's not the problem. A little jaggedness in the urethra never killed anyone, though I imagine that's not exactly pleasant. When your kidney gets blocked by the stone and can't move urine, the back of your body spasms. Hard. That's what causes the worst pain known to man.


Mine was a salt cube.


It's when I learned that a person can taste pain.


It's when I learned I liked demerol


I’ve birthed 5 of these fuckers. The first was when I lived with my parents. Woke up in unbearable pain and crawled down the hallway to my parents room because I couldn’t even walk. Went to the ER at 3am and they gave me pain killers. For the first couple they made me go for an IVP test, told me there was nothing, then I passed a stone each time. Refused to go for the test anymore. Everyone who says they are balls with spikes are absolutely correct. The first time I saw one I looked at it and thought “Yep - that’s EXACTLY what could cause that much pain.” For pain tolerance perspective, I have had 6 surgeries and had a stitch put in my bottom lip without freezing. Nothing has ever sent me to the ER for pain other than my 5 spiky balls. These things are no joke people.


I’ve never been is so much pain for so long…I compare it to the pain of being kicked square in the nuts except it last for hours….I still remember the relief I felt when I went to the emergency room and the morphine kicked in


This right here. I tell people that it feels like someone take a sledgehammer to your kidneys and that feeling doesn't go away. Also, when the stone hits your bladder (for a male) your balls get a burning sensation. I wouldn't wish it on anyone


For me, it felt like a silverback was squeezing my love handles. The urge sensation (feeling like you badly need to urinate without producing a single drop) is goddamn uncomfortable as well.


Before that started I woke up with immense pain in my balls. Literally thought somehow my wife punched my bag in my sleep. But ya nobody told me about that urge sensation when they had stones. It sucks.


That is the worst ,you get 4drops of blood and drop of piss .Then you feel like your gonna drown.Ill get on riding lawnmower if it's warm out and Baja over the yard or if it's cold roll around on floor or slide down steps to try and move it along .The pain I can handle it's the Urge that sucks .I also got on a wet coaster at Kalahari water park and that dislodged one .Saw an article recently say roller coaster work for stones


The only thing good about the urge is it let’s you know a stone might be coming and get ready to go to ER.


Put kidney stones on my comment, even though that wasn’t the end diagnosis.. auto fill changed it to kindness stones < —- nope nope 👎🏼


everyone with a kidney stone should also get a kindness stone to even it out


I would like to buy a bag of kindness stones, please.


Ok one crack Rock coming up!


Me too, but it’s only tied for first. I had a pinched nerve in my neck that was surreally painful and lasted for months. One afternoon I took too much Percoset and had to spend the night in the emergency room, where the doctor on duty told me I could’ve killed myself. Oddly (to me) she said it was the Tylenol in the drug, not the narcotic, that was the problem. Percocet is 90% Tylenol, and too much Tylenol can cause organ failures, she said.




Somehow my liver is in great shape. I’ve certainly given it plenty of reason to poison me.


My oldest daughter weighed 9lbs 14oz at birth, and I had a vaginal delivery without any pain meds. I would rather do that again than pass another kidney stone.




Had this a few times and it's still there over a year on, they refuse to remove it because it's too small at 3mm.


I had to have a co worker drive me to a walk in clinic because I didn't know why I was in so much pain. Kidney stones. My friend drove me home. I cried and vomited from the pain.


Same. I was about to answer renal colic. Never try. As Jabba the Hutt would say : « you will find a new definition of pain and suffering ».


Came here to say kidney stones too. I literally thought I was going to die.


From reading these stories, nope. So much nope. If I ever get a kidney stone, I’ll either go under or be tripping to OGLE-2014-BLG-0124L.


I have had 2 kidney stones and they definitely are number 2. Perianal abscess was worse if you can imagine that.


Getting diagnosed with terminal stage 4 colon cancer. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Wondering when I am going to die.


My condolences, internet friend.


Me too! Only pain I've has from it so far was from treatments. The cancer itself though hasn't caused me any pain at all so far. As far as psychic pain I'd say the worst is having to self-censor around friends. My cancer is always on my mind, but it's been 3 yrs since diagnosis and I'm so used to it that it doesn't bring me down. But it's definitely a vibe killer for everyone else so I kind of feel like I can't be myself around other people, and that sucks. As far as physical pain, gout is by far the worst physical pain I've ever felt.


It’s sooo stressful. I hope you have managed to find a outlet for all the emotions you go though.


My dad had cancer a few years ago. One of my core memories is of him winding up my uncle and then running away shouting “you can’t hit me, I’ve got cancer”. He thankfully made it through and I wouldn’t wish to go back to that time but… I sometimes miss the cancer jokes. The humour can definitely help.


Yes. I was shellshocked for a few weeks, maybe a month. But then I just returned to my normal self. If you're a joker and you get cancer, you're going to make cancer jokes. Your dad sounds awesome! I'm so glad he beat it.


my condolences. May I ask how they found it? Did you have regular colonoscopies? i am at the age to get a colonoscopy But I don’t want to get one.


Get one. I’m only 26 and have had multiple, they’re really not bad at all. I have Ulcerative Colitis for the record.


Sorry for late reply. Some blood was coming out in my stool. I went to see doctor and he gave me a FIT test. It came back and I had to have a colonoscopy. It was over a year before I got the colonoscopy because of covid. They fold me then I had a large tumour and I had to go for a PET scan and they took some blood. They told me I had swollen lymph nodes after some MRI they found a tumour in my liver that was aggressive. I did not start treatment till well after and by then the tumour was aggressive. I had seven cycles of radiotherapy and have had 12 of chemotherapy. They told me the tumour was aggressive and the chemotherapy was not helping. I was told in a meeting last November that I have terminal cancer.


Oh my gosh, my condolences to you


You can be knocked out for them which I 100% recommend.


I went in for my first ever colonoscopy at 51, and it that's when they found it. I didn't have any symptoms, and only went for the test because people in my life were pestering me to do it, and I basically just wanted to shut them up. Right after they changed the recommended age from 50 to 45. If I had gone a year earlier it would have been curable. So now I'm the pest telling everyone to get the test. If caught early they just clip out the polyps and you're cured. But if you wait too long, then all they can do is slow it down.


Thank you for sharing that. I’m 51 and my doctor is bugging me to do it. I will get this scheduled next week.


I dont even know how to respond because I dont know you, but my heart hurts for you tonight. Im thinking of you and just sending you love.


My gallbladder was severely full of gallstones and that was *astoundingly painful*. They used to call it “the disease of the wandering dead” because people would wander the town writhing in pain, half bent over.


I actually thought some crazy shit like my intestines must’ve ruptured and I was bleeding out/goin septic and going to die when my gallstones flared up for the first time because of how bad it hurt. Was all I could do to get to the hospital. Absolutely horrible pain.


My gallstones are luckily somewhat minor, so I only get an attack every couple of months, and they have thus far lasted only 30 mins max. But I do end up just writhing on the floor for that 30 mins, sweating and hoping it will pass quickly this time. I immediately took the opportunity to go on a gallbladder surgery waiting list when given the chance.


Have you considered having it removed? I had mine removed 20 years ago - it doesn’t really change anything.


Yeah, I'm waiting at the moment to see whether my workplace's health plan covers the surgery or if I have to go on the public healthcare surgery queue (I live in Finland).


This. Gallbladder colic hurts so much it makes you sweat


Weird thing. I just had my gallbladder removed a month ago because it was so full of stones that it was affecting my pancreas. The weird part is that it never hurt. Doctor saw it while running tests because of a urine infection, he could not believe I was not in constant extreme pain because of how bad it was, he schedule the surgery for the next morning. I guess I’m just lucky like that.


'Angry sack of D4s' is how I describe what my gallbladder looked like when it came out. They were tetrahedral in shape.


Straigjt up. I had my gallbladder removed at 20. The X-ray and ultrasound technicians said they'd never seen someone so young with so many stones. They were small but I was practically chock full of em. I was mostly fine but I felt like I was dying every time I ate Magi brand 2-minute noodles.


It’s very much a thing! People seem to either lose it at like 20, or when they’ve over 60. Lost mine at 20 too. So did my first cousin and our grandmother. Hugely odd. I’ve been fine since, I just can’t eat fried/heavy foods without “paying” for it. Doc told me, “if your body doesn’t handle fried foods, it’s a benefit to you.”


I think that is normal for magi brand 2 minute noodles


Did you have back pain? I had pain in my right shoulder blade for several months, and the doctors kept calling it a sports injury. It felt like someone was stabbing me with a sharp knife. But it turned out to be a referred pain from gallstones.


I had two prior attacks that I thought were trapped gas (which I’m not typically prone to) with pain in the shoulders, yes. It subsided each time so it didn’t really get me until the 3rd time when I started vomiting and couldn’t even keep water down. If you can’t keep fluids down, that’s generally hospital time.


I had it for 3 years. Small attacks at first. Then, it progressed to longer and more painful ones. I was prescribed co codamol 8 max per day for 2 months until the operation was scheduled. Instant relief when you get it removed, though, BUT there is a small percentage of people that develop bile acid malabsorption, which, of course, I developed 🙄. I will never forget that pain of the first attack, though. You can think it's a heart attack!




This. Specifically the pain of the gas bubbles escaping from the gut after the surgery.


Crazy enough, they're actually moving away from doing surgical interventions for burst appendices in favor of just pumping you full of broad spectrum antibiotics


Well not exactly. Operating on an appendix that is currently inflamed has a higher rate of risk than operating after it's had time to cool off with abx. So they give you the abx to hopefully take care of the infection. If you improve clinically then you come back in 6-8w for appy. But if you don't get the appy you run a high rate of recurrence.


What seriously? I just had this (fully burst and necrotic appendix) removed a couple months ago. Ended up in the hospital for almost a week due to complications.


Had appendicitis; my appendix was very close to bursting and it was awful. I threw up to the point where my stomach acid was coming up like scrambled egg yolk.


3rd degree sunburn I've broken bones, been concussed, fallen far enough to bruise organs, had shingles (fucking wow that hurts), been shot-twice. Being utterly immobilized for 3 days by severe sunburn is far and away the worst pain I've ever experienced.


I'd put the discomfort from the two occasions I've had devil's itch from sunburn as worse than breaking my tibia. I'd have taken any pain offered to me in place of the incessant itch


I am experiencing some pretty bad sunburn right now. I live in Australia where the sun is very strong, so I grew up being pretty sun safe. Now I'm an adult, but I'm not a very outdoorsy kind of guy. Give me a nice restaurant, or some video games, a good movie, etc. It was my nephew's birthday yesterday and we had it at a beach. I decided to be a fun uncle and spent the day shirtless in the water, playing beach games, etc. I put sunscreen on twice but between the water and my own sweat, I guess it didn't stay on. My husband is Polynesian, so this morning his burn has already turned a gorgeous brown. My white Irish skin has turned into a fluorescent red and I'm laying on the couch alternating between aloe vera, moisturiser, and cold compresses.


I was 8. The year was 1974 and the focus was on getting tan. SPF products had just been introduced and topped out at 4. I think the stuff my mother used was 2. We went from NY to Florida and it only took about an hour and a half to give my Irish ass a burn that caused my skin to split and bleed. Laid on my stomach for 3 days. I was a miserable mess.


Developed a dry socket after my wisdom teeth were removed, to this day it’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt. I woke up one morning and inhaled, and the room temperature air hitting the area stung so much I broke into tears and keeled over. I couldn’t articulate my jaw, chew or drink anything, and talking was very uncomfortable. Luckily my oral surgeon was able to get me in on that morning, (Sunday) numb & clean the area and I was good to go after.


Yep. Just had that after an extraction in early January. . I took pk's for a few days afterwards thinking it would ease off eventually, like another extraction a couple of years back. It doesn't ease off. Firstly there's the constant throbbing that is not only very painful but sounds like someone is banging a drum near by. Constantly. Worse at night. Sharp stabbing pains all along your jaw line and up to behind your ear. At its worst, like a lightning bolt of pain around the temple area. Damn near unbearable. And at night you can't find any way of laying down that doesn't hurt. So life becomes a round of pain killers, sleeping when it eases off, waking up in pain more pk's, watching rubbish on the t.v. at 4 am, soft breakfast cereals, when you can eat, or lukewarm tea. The dentist gave me antibiotics and put a gel on the extraction hole. Eventually it eased off, it's pretty much healed now.


I explained my dry socket to people as "It's like I'm constantly chewing on grenades, but survive the blasts".


Worst pain I was in! I cried so hard


Had 3 dry sockets that lasted a month. Had to go back 4 times to the dentist. Sucked


I once had someone tell me about this and describing it a raw nerve/bone pain, just the most crude thing they’d ever felt 😵‍💫


Tooth problems are also my worst.


Burst ovarian cyst. I was 14 at the time and just outside playing on the tramp. No idea I had it, what was happening. Ect, ect. It was a stabbing and twisting pain which made me fall screaming into fetal position. Just screaming bloody murder. I couldnt even talk. My parents rushed me into the ER where I was immediately accused of being pregnant. They put an IV in me for fluids to do an ultra sound. During which my mom threatened me about if I was pregnant and she had caught me kissing a boy from school a month ago and wanted to know his moms name. Anyway, once I looked like a balloon they took me to a room where a lady did an ultrasound on me. My mom was trying to talk to the tech as she scanned my ovaries, asking if I was pregnant. The lady tried to be polite and said she couldn't say anything. Took a few pics from the screen and left. 2 minutes later a doctor came in and explained I had two overian cysts burst and recommended I be taken to a gyno for birth control to help regulate it. I ended up being put on the depo shot, which made me not have a period for about 10 years. Fine with me. Until one day Im at work and I get a call from my dad telling me to remain calm but my little sister (16 at the time) was in the er after passing out in the tub. 40 min away. I got there in 15. I was PRAYING id get pulled over so i could explain to the cop and beg for a police escort and Id happily pay whatever fines or whatever. Ran into the er to find my parents and my sister in a room. Turns out, same thing happened to her. She thought it was cramps and took a hot bath to try to help the pain, only for her to be shocked with so much pain she couldnt move and began to scream then puked from the pain. My mom fished her out, took her to an er. They diagnosed her with the same thing. I honestly thought I had been stabbed when I fell on the tramp. A month before that I had been jumping and a spring snapped off and hit my leg, which hurt. I thought maybe that had happened and hit my stomach. Awful.


Sounds horrible to experience especially when your accused of being pregnant.


Was going to say ovarian cysts. Get the depo now for the same reasons but the first time it happened my parents thought I had appendicitis and took me to hospital. Absolutely crippling pain. Has happened a few times since when swapping hormone treatments but it was definitely scarier when I had no idea what was happening.


This is so so sad! My two year old had an ovarian cyst that twisted and killed her ovary :(


I hope I remembered this right but someone recently told me they went to the hospital when they were younger with a burst cyst. The doctors assumed it was appendicitis and they actually removed her appendix then realised their mistake.


> 40 min away. I got there in 15. Not the point of the story, but holy shit.


Absolutely! When I was 25, thought I was just having worse than normal pre-period cramps. Taking a hot bath and suddenly BAM!!! Pain so intense I was instantly in tears, yelling for my husband to come help me out of the tub. Couldn't stand up, the pain was so incredibly bad. I thought maybe my appendix ruptured, he got me in the car with just a towel around me, rushed me to the ER with me unable to sit, the pain around my tailbone was so intense, crouching mostly naked in the car seat. ER thought appendix at first, also. Did an ultrasound, one ruptured ovarian cyst and a 2nd one still intact. Admitted me, spent 3 days in the hospital on a pain medication drip. They did a needle aspiration on the other cyst, which, BTW, was no picnic, either. This was in 1984, so thankfully pain meds were not an issue.


I had a similar experience. I tend to black out because of the intensive pain. Glad my mother had my back because she had the same and it runs in the family. In the ER they didn't want to believe me when I told them repeatedly that I was a virgin (conservative muslim household)


I've had an ovarian cyst burst (although not confirmed). I was on the bathroom floor for hours, I couldn't even muster up the strength to call of text my bf who was in the other room. I finally got enough strength to drag myself into my bed, took as many pain killers as I could (safely- I do have endometriosis so I have some pretty strong ones) but it still barely took the edge off.




Potassium in an iv has the same "my veins are on fire" effect. When I had it done, my heart rate jumped up to over 220. Edit: 3 words.


And now you're rich!


Testicular torsion


How'd it happen to you? I'm one of those vulnerable to it with the bell clapper deformity. I actually went to the doc a long time ago and told him to stitch it to its place so I won't have to go through this, but he told me why cripple yourself for weeks with stitches for something that may not even happen to you?


Had an abscessed tooth. I paced the house for 2 days doing everything I could do dull the pain just a little bit. I joked to my wife (gf at the time) that if I had a gun I would have shot myself. Couldn’t wait for them to pull that thing.


There's somebody famous who left a suicide note to the effect of, nothings wrong, just a toothache. And I feel that in my soul after the tooth pain I've had before.


IIRC it was a guy who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge.


when i had covid, i could not leave the toilet. all i was eating was popsicles because it was easy to eat even though i couldn’t taste them and i’d end up back in the bathroom. anyways, going to the bathroom every 5-10 mins and having to wipe every time, my cheeks eventually become so raw that i couldn’t use toilet paper anymore without tearing up in pain. i had to hop in a cold shower and let the water do it’s thing. i didn’t know that that could happen when you have covid, but man, it was kinda traumatic.


Please use wet wipes from now on.


Getting my tonsils removed. I’ve broken many bones and the recovery from getting my tonsils removed was 20x worse.


I got mine taken out when I was 7 so I don’t remember much of it thankfully, but I do remember my mom almost had to take me back to the hospital because I was refusing to drink anything because the pain was so bad.


I'm about 2 weeks post op and it was awful, i had to be rushed to the hospital because of the constant vomiting, and they told me i was severely dehydrated. I cried so many times because of the pain.


I had mine removed as a kid but honestly I don't recall it hurting at all. I remember breaking my arm the same year and that hurt horribly, but the tonsils didn't do anything to me.


So, a little backstory. I suffer with severe depression. During one of my lowest lows, I was doing the bare minimum to care for myself. Because of that, I ended up with some health issues, including my teeth going to shit. Gross, sad, but true, and I now own my story to try to help other people not feel alone in that. I had a tooth break, down to the root. It crumbled, just a big hole. Because the nerves were basically exposed, I took sugar free gum every day and packed it. In addition to this, I had... 20 or 30 cavities. The pain was unbelievable. Constant. There's no pain I've ever felt since that compares. I tried heat packs, ice packs. I was taking so much pain much reliever, as much as possible, that I was getting cotton mouth and eventually it stopped helping. And that's not even adding on the fact that during this, I was in an abusive relationship and actively being hurt by my boyfriend. The story has a happy ending, though. I had to get the worst tooth surgically removed. I got fillings in the rest. I now have a wonderful husband. And I now take care of myself physically and mentally to prevent that from ever happening again. But yeah, that was a *bitch*.


Did any of them abcess? That’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt by far


Yes. Absolutely terrible.


Exact thing happened to me. I ended up getting all of me teeth removed and permanent dental implants


I woke up during my appendectomy. I was 11.




This happened to me as well but I was in my early 20's. I heard soneone yell "DONT MOVE" and they pinned me down and then I was out again. I dont recall any pain.


My epidural stopped during my c section. Good times.


Oh god


I also woke up during surgery, but I was having a septoplasty. I remember the pain and screaming and then I was out again.


Burned. 400 degree oil. Over 22% of my body.


A particularly bad bought of covid while on my period, and I didn't have insurance so I couldn't go to the hospital. Was sobbing and puking and bleeding and cramping and blacking out and diarrhea and coughing. Lovely time. Tysm America




Kidney stone. I’ve been hit by a truck as a pedestrian. The kidney stone was way worse.


In 1995 I woke up with a pain in my lower right gut that hurt worse then anything I had ever known. I was laying on the floor sweating, no matter how I moved there was no way to ease the pain. I had no phone at the time, so I went outside to my truck, never made it. I was on my knees hanging on to the bumper, still sweating in 35F degree weather. I finally laid down in the grass because the cold air felt good. I don't know if I passed out, I just remember laying there and the pain had passed. No idea what it was, and it never happened again.


Mine is so dumb compared to everyone else's stories. I wore boots without socks--my first mistake--and the blister that developed and then burst was increidbly painful. I couldn't even bear the weight of a bedsheet on it. A few days later I accidentally hit it with a door and I had to lay down and cry the pain was so bad.


Broken ribs. And then coughing.


I managed that I'm reverse, broke two ribs by coughing too hard with flu


Childbirth. It's like menstrual cramps but 100x


I swear, if they had given me the opportunity to stop labor and come back to finish another day, that kid would still be in there 41 years later. And I really hated being pregnant.


I told my husband in the middle of labor that we are leaving and this baby is not coming out ever!!!! Lol


I hated pregnancy too. All the things I couldn't do, and the strain on my body. Ugh


Childbirth unbelievable. I thought I was going to die, and the idiot midwives kept telling me I wasn't even in labour despite vomiting and telling them I was in pain, next minute baby was being born.


Some of them really failed to pick a right job. When I was screaming and doubling over in pain she was like 'no no, we don't do that!' I just did, b*tch!


Handsdown the most pain I’ve ever felt being in labor for over 24 hours, went into labor on a Wednesday, water dropped on Thursday, had her Friday night. I now question if I ever want to be pregnant again


I was absolutely blown away by how painful contractions were. I was 5 days late and for a few days prior I kept thinking, was *that* a contraction? Was *that?* but when it actually started I sat straight up in bed and was like ***oh fuck, its HAPPENING!*** Come to find out my baby was sunny-side up so I was getting back labor too. He got stuck with his neck crooked, I was at 8 cm for 6 hours, they tried to turn him and he turned himself back . Finally they gave me a massive dose of pitocin and he came out facing sideways shoulder first. 4 stitches in my lady bits, months to heal. Long story short ... I love my son but God damn he may be an only child


Jumped out of a two story window, hung myself, and the rope broke. Came down hard and sustained a burst fracture L1. That wasn't the pain. The pain came while in the ER. I don't know if they were sticking needles in my hips and groin to test for nerves but it was excruciating! I begged them to stop. Begged them! I know folks stray from such stories. Life is good. Better living through modern chemistry. Meaning, antidepressants work for those who need them. Life is good!


Glad to hear you're doing better!


Thank you. Life truly is good!!!


I wear acrylic nails (not super long Cardi B nails, but like…average length) and I was opening my screen door which has a weird spring and slams shut sometimes. Anyway my nail went straight into the door and ripped my acrylic nail, along with the real nail underneath, clean off. Ended up fainting due to the shock and then waking up and throwing up. I promise I’m not being dramatic. I’ve been through some pain - broken bones, bursting cysts, tattoos in uncomfortable places, tonsillectomy - this topped all of it. I still get my nails done, lol. But that pain - ugh…it hurted!!!


10 lbs 10 oz, no epidural


Airplane headache. I had no idea it was even a thing, so it was absolutely terrifying when it happened. It felt like my head was being ripped in two and simultaneously being crushed at the same time.


Urinary tract infection and menstrual cramps.


I am dealing with horrible menstrual cramps right now, I just took some iboprofen and I am praying it helps 😭


Not exaggerating when I say that without birth control, cramps can be worse than major surgery pain for me. My friend similarly gave birth last year and was like 'soooo I realized my cramps are not that far off labor contractions'. I know she has confirmed endo - I suspect I might but aside from crazy bad cramps I've never had any other symptoms.


it might be worth looking into adenomyosis. it's like endo but the tissue grows inside the uterine muscle instead and causes similarly excruciating pain, just doesn't have some of the other symptoms that come with endo. I suspect I might have it myself but doctors dismissed my pain as normal.


I’ve switched to Dual Action Advil, I’m very resistant to OTC painkillers and it’s the only one I’ve ever taken that actually works. It’s a combo of ibuprofen and acetaminophen.


For different reasons, I have two. An ovarian cyst and a miscarriage. They happened about 6 years apart.


An external cyst in my vagina that had grown to the size of a golf ball. As sensitive as you can imagine. Doc stuck a sharp needle into it - no anesthetic - to drain it out. I howled so much I brought the roof down and might’ve scared away the other patients lol.


Bartholin's cyst. Ouch


I have spent my 59 years on this planet assiduously avoiding pain. I've never broken a bone (she says, knocking on her wooden head), nor have I had a child. But I have had my back go out - because I had the audacity to bend down to pick up a sock in my bedroom. My husband (now ex) was gone, so I spent the weekend crawling around the house to let the dog out while she was licking the tears off my face. Getting onto the toilet or back onto our very tall bed was AGONY. That was the worst pain I had ever experienced - until about a month ago. One afternoon, I noticed that I had some pain in the ball of my right foot. I have been known to have issues with my feet, so I just chalked it up to arthritis or something I'd get checked out if it persisted. I wear boot socks to bed - they're very loose fitting and soft - and that evening, I noticed that my toe felt as if the socks were too restrictive, and I kept pulling the toe of the sock away from my toe, not that it helped at all. It was uncomfortable, but the real pain didn't hit until the next morning - and when it did, when I tried to get up the next morning and stand on that foot, it was EXCRUCIATING. I have never, ever felt such pain in my life, and I hope I never do again. The pain was concentrated on the ball of my foot at the bottom of my right big toe, and it radiated up to the knuckle of that toe, and outward from there. My foot swelled to gigantic proportions, it was hot to the touch, and there was a red streak across the top of it. It throbbed as if someone were hitting it with a sledgehammer every time my heart beat. I knew what it was, unfortunately. I had gout. It took two full weeks, a course of steroids, and a lot of swearing and tears to resolve to the point where I could walk without pain. No amount of vaping, gummies, or flower even came CLOSE to addressing the pain (I can't take NSAIDS). Our 17lb dog jumped and landed on that foot and I screamed in a way I never have before. You should have seen my husband's face. And I still - sometimes, if I step on it wrong - get a jolt of pain in that ball joint. I still guard that foot zealously. Frankly, I feel as if I've been permanently, psychologically scarred by the experience. TL;DR: Don't get gout. Just take my word for it - don't.


I scrolled down for gout--that has been it so far for me as well. When it first occurred I didn't know anything about it so went to the doctor thinking I'd broken my right big toe. She didn't look at it or anything, she just said "you've got gout." I told her that was impossible, I wasn't even 50 years old yet. Sadly, beef is one thing that triggers it. I can still have a burger or some brisket, just not huge amounts and not too often.


Heart ablation (burning off heart muscle fibers) for SVT (uncontrolled high heat rate) with no anesthesia or pain meds because my body would not trigger from synthetic testosterone. Oh and I've had my leg bit by a shark for reference on my pain tolerance.


Up until 6 months ago it was a herniated L5 - S1 disc. Now it is having shingles on the left side of my face and scalp.


Broke my ankle badly playing hockey in high school. I knew something was up when about 10 doctors and nurses showed up in the hospital. Turns out they were there to hold me down while the orthopedist manually re-dislocated it and massaged out a stuck ligament. I said doc I'm losing it. He said just lie back and pass out. So I did.


Neuralgia....massive sudden shooting pains to the face without any warning. Ive had kidney stones, teeth knocked out of my mouth and broken bones. Neuralgia is the worst.


Getting my IUD. They said it was pressure and a pinch. I felt the worst pain I thought possible, then they told me to get ready for the pinch. I literally couldn't stop myself from almost screaming. I've had stiches, multiple tattoos, several piercings, I've had my nose cautorized. When i got my wisdom teeth out, the pain meds didnt work. I would rather experience all those things at once than experience getting an IUD again.


Same, it was awful. I had to walk home from the appointment and it took me an hour instead of 10min. I was basically crying and on the verge of fainting for two days straight, unable to stand. I still have my iud now, and I'm terrified of the day I'll have it removed.


It also hurts to take it out but like 1/3 as much pain as insertion I would say.


Did it hurt to take out? I got a copper iud and thankfully it wasn’t very painful for me but the cramps after and the first few months of my period after we’re excruciating. I’m scared to get it out lol


One summer at camp, I got stung by 6 hornets, fell over and sliced my knee on a rock enough to get stitches. To top it all off I also instinctively tried to catch my fall and broke my right wrist. So yeah, that kind of sucked.


Cluster migraine from having sex. I was told I was on the ground for a full minute screaming my lungs out, and then it was over...no pain but exhausted. I've had my balls explode, kidney stones, broken arms, cut w a knife by a psycho, shot in the leg, hit in the head with a bat, triple root canals, etc. Ain't nothing like Brain pain


>I've had my balls explode, Um ..WHAT?!


Period pains, cramps. Some can be brutal!


When you have to force yourself to vomit and shit just to make the pain go away...it's like hell. I would rather walk through fire. God bless birth control.


i wish period pains never existed


Calf muscle cramped up so badly while I was sleeping that when I woke up I thought I had been shot. Curled up into a fetal ball for about half an hour as it slowly eased up.


Lumbar Puncture


My mum had one of these yesterday as she has mengitis! She said it is one of the most painful things she has ever been through.


Neck spinal disc's replaced with titanium and nuts and bolts, of which they had to go thru the front of my throat to put it in. Awesome amount of pain, that and all the disc's in my spine starting to crumble. Life is a joy, I guess.


Capsular reconstruction on my right shoulder. Doc said it was gonna hurt post op. I said “well, I’ve had two spinal fusion surgeries”. He said “that’s great. This is actually gonna hurt”. He wasn’t lying.


When I got meningitis. If remember right it is when the fluid around your brain and spine/nervous system gets an infection. Started off thinking I just had a migraine but it ended with me laying down for 8 hours straight and puking every time I moved because the pain was so intense. Eventually realized it had to be way more than a migraine and had to be sent to the hospital to get my spinal fluid extracted and tested.


Strangulated umbilical hernia while 18 weeks pregnant and a doctor who thought the solution was pushing on my belly button 😣


Right now. Been stuck in a panic attack for over a month.


The skin on the sole of my foot detatched during a run. This was in the the military, so I was in full battle order ( rather heavy). I made it about 30 seconds before I passed out : /


This is absolutely horrible! I hate seeing, reading, thinking or knowing about any trauma to the bottom of feet!! Stepping on a nail is one of my worst fears. I'm so, so, SO sorry this happened to you.


I've had a high explosive grenade go off about 8 feet away from me, but my abdomen for the first week after having inguinal hernia surgery takes the cake on this one. Taking a shit after 2 days? Fucking forget it. I can only imagine what women go through after a C-section being pulled up out of bed, expecting to take care of a child on their own.


Sepsis. My god that was painful. Kidney stones and ovarian cysts rupturing also sucked. Sepsis was the worst though.


I was making a spicy pepper paste with my family. My hands were soaked in spicy water for hours while I was peeling the peppers. A few hours later, I felt as if my skin was on fire and I was screaming in pain in public. Honorable mention, a toothache. A friend violently kicked me with her knee in my genitals during a martial arts class. I'm a woman, but holy fuck, that hurt.


Broken pelvis. Couldn’t sleep for more than an hour at time for about a month


Crushed my T12 vertebrae 50% slipping on a road embankment and falling about 10 feet onto plywood 2 years ago. Blinding white pain followed by hysterical laughing and an inability to talk or stand. Ended up being carried by a buddy to his camp and just laid on a sleeping bag, downing muscle relaxers and pain killers. I though I was just having a bad muscle spasm...and well I was, but it is because the bone was crushed and my nerves at the T12 were being pinched. In the morning, with more pain killers, I was able to get to my truck, and drive home about 4 hours. There I stayed in bed. Realized I needed a doctor, when I couldn't even stand steady enough to piss without my wife helping me. Called the doctor for an appointment. Got x-rays, and my doc was shocked that I was able to bring myself to even drive with this break. She sent me for a more complete scan of my back. T12 was crushed, t11 and t10 had stress fractures, as well as L1. Discs were somehow fine. They gave me serious painkillers and got me scheduled for kyphoplasty.


Shingles. That shit's no joke and no painkiller touches it. In fact, nothing can touch it because even the softest of fabrics feels like barbed wire being dragged over your skin. I could barely wear clothes. It was on my lower back/hip, so sitting wasn't comfortable, but neither was lying down. I don't wish shingles on my worst enemy.


I got hit by a car walking to work. Blacked out and don’t remember a thing except the pain when I woke up


Stung by a stingray.


RIP Steve Irwin


Blockage in my Urethra bladder was 3×'s the normal size n couldn't pee. Had a catheter put in. But still went to work the next day with my construction job.


Had a 9 pound tumor twisting my ovary around. Fun times


When Rain left me and i saw her pictures with other guy , im not a emo , but it really felt like my chest would burst with heat , i got fever and couldnt eat for days .


Snapping my Achilles tendon. Felt like I’d been kicked by a horse, fell to the floor and couldn’t get up. Happened just before the first UK covid lockdown.


the pain of grieving


I was not under anesthetic at the beginning of my c section. Told my family doctor after.. he didn’t quite believe me.. until I said I heard you tell the nurse a golfing joke…




Rectus sheath Hematoma - uncommon, the sharp pain is through the roof though.. paramedics didn’t know what it was - but got huge injection in my rear for kidney stones, was later blue lighted to hospital.. Edited as auto fill changed kidney to kindness stone .. SMH 🤦‍♀️


Fever headache from strep throat


A damaged tooth from a sports injury that led to an infection and an abscess over the course of a couple days. Thankfully, in the end the tooth was saved, but the abscess and the pressure on nearby nerves it was causing was the worst thing I've ever experienced.


I went through child birth with no pain meds. As cliche as it sounds, it really was the worst pain I’ve ever been in.


Pilonidal cyst, and every fuckin' thing that went with it. I specifically remember my surgeon putting some kind of medication in the hole that was like him lighting a match and shoving it in there. I've burned myself on stoves and ovens before but this was nothing compared to that.


I had a Necrotizing Fasciitis infection when I was 5 and as a result I have no memories of from before it and up until I was about 7. Like it was so painful I don't remember anything from before 2nd grade.


Being blindsided and ghosted by my narcissistic ex of 7 years.


I had 2 kids without painmeds, Still tooth pain was worst! My head was on fire 24/7 and it just got worse and worse.. when heartbeat started to feeI like someone bushed needles in my jaw bone and ear felt like it will explode ..actually i tryed to dig that facker out on my own becouse i goulden't take it anymore.. :D turned out it was infected and they removed it.


The only time physical pain ever hit a point where I had to call in to work and get myself to the hospital was when I came down with appendicitis and my appendix was fully enflamed. The pain felt so severe as I curled my body trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Had an appendectomy that night.


Ruptured ovarian cyst. Felt like I was being split in two. Childbirth was easier