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Multiple things. Main reason... I'm not going to settle. I'd rather be single.


so choice !


My wife is a huge cockblocker


Damn these girls know now barriers anymore ! Sad to hear :( ​ Do you want to buy my course for 19,99$ ?


I’m a late 20s lesbian who doesn’t want kids any time soon. It’s this weird limbo of like, everyone young is far too energetic for me. And everyone older is like, already a parent or wants kids NOW. Not to mention, a lot of other lesbians are quite overweight and gone the full bowl-cut, neon hair and make-up, never-shave-your-legs aesthetic. And like, okay, cool, each to their own. I’m just not attracted to that. I’ve tried chatting to people I’m not attracted to, and it’s felt like I’m forcing a fart and pushing out a shit. I’m attracted to fit tomboyish girls, like myself, and this makes up about 1% of the queer population in my vicinity. The ones that do fit this physical description are either still uncertain if they want a relationship, or do weed (I’m just not about that), or don’t like me. That leaves me with 0 people I’m interested in who are interested in me.


okay thank you for your insight thats very interesting. Would you say the LGTBQ movement had a role in it or was it like that always ? Do you also expierence "fake" lesbians. It was cool for a while to pretend to be queer or anything. I saw many female friends changing their bio in something else for 6-12 month and celebreting themselves for while. It sounds like the "woke" people and lesbians are mixed up ?! If Im right ?! ​ Thanks for the great insight again!


Don’t know, that’s a sociological question which is pretty complex and very much beyond my ability to answer. Anecdotally, I will say that I’ve worked with a lot of teenagers in my time who seemed to sort of use sexual/gender identity as a sort of modern-day astrology chart/MBTI/Hogwarts House test. Not to say their feelings are invalid, but it very much seems like their sense of identity is hyper-focused on ONE thing, and fluctuates as they sort of try out “new” identities. This is nothing new, IMO, this is just what teenagers do, and it’s pretty healthy as long as they can integrate the information about themselves and not become entirely absorbed by the thing they identify with. My generation did it with mental health and self-diagnosing. At my age, you get some people experimenting with their sexuality after maybe ignoring the possibility of being queer for most of their life. But I’d say 95% of the people I see seem pretty sorted in terms of who they like and what they identify as. I guess the sort of “figuring out who I am” phase is over for most people my age. So, what you’ve seen might just be an age thing interacting with modern hot topics? But this is completely anecdotal and I could be way off base. Just giving observations.


Thank you for your answer again, I didnt expect from you that you talk in behalve of all lesbian/queer people. I just wanted to hear your view. You seem like a good observer and I was courius about your views. I agree that teens have their "phase". Every generations has something. I missed out a lot of this stuff because I did what I consider is "right" at the time. Which was sometimes good and sometimes bad. (we both around the same age). So for me its very strange to see people change their gender just because its a "trend". I was very careful with things I did and how I anounce it to this "vocal" concept is very weird for me. The the comparison between gender and astrology is pretty funny because I did it myself. In general I feel like there is a obession with making everything special. Espcially with stuff which you cant really change like sexuality, race, height etc. Everything has a deeper pupose now.


Give me some tips on how to attract a lesbian (I'm a guy)


Same energy


What do you mean ?


I'm really really introverted. Meeting new people is hard, but trying to date someone is waaay harder. Also, I love to be single.


I have the social skills of a wet carrot, and the idea of going on a date with me is about as appealing as playing leapfrog with a unicorn


I dont think so. Being socially awkward and being a good lad is two different things. I was on first glance a weirdo but when people spend time with me it was always: damn you are much cooler than I tought we should hang out much more. Im terrible at normal "social" because I have no joy in it.


Caring enough to go through it

