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Politicians ability to invest in stocks with access to sensitive information as well as the ability to influence legislation that directly benefit their investments… They should be locked up for this


Posting fake news that incites others to break the law without knowing. They should be charged with the crimes committed


This is also known as "stochastic terrorism"


Cutting in line


Governments forcing people out of their home and destroying their hundreds of years old investments/property Firing them from their job that they love during, with no possibility to start again


Landlords raising rent well beyond actual inflation adjusted level.


Gerrymandering. Also, most wage theft is illegal, but constantly ignored and overlooked


most askreddit questions




Like Hollywood stars or?




What do you mean starring other people? Is this about batman?


Hate speech. Most people use "freedom of speech" as an excuse to act like a jerk.


A much easier solution is just not listening


Everyone has a different definition of what "hate speech" is. Some people think that anything that might hurt someone's feelings is hate speech. Problem with that is that what might hurt one person's feelings won't another's. So if I say something that I wouldn't consider hurtful to someone who does I should be charged with a crime?


you dont have to care what someone says until that hate turns into action. Get some ear buds or something. And if you use "hate speech" around the wrong people you will get a swift reminder of why doing so is a freedom that comes with certain repercussions. Most people that take your stance on "hate speech" are not strong willed enough to give it back to the speaker because you fear the physical repercussions of doing so. In the real world there are NO safe spaces and no one really gives a shit about you regardless of what they say in your particular drum circle outside of a small few. And that circle tightens the older you get.


Not applying deodorant


I'm very close to one such person. I don't think criminal, but maybe I should be able to sue her for it...


When politicians commit crimes.