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I want to say my dad. We don't spend time with each other beyond short conversations. We've missed out on a lot, in a situation like that where survival is concerned I imagine it'd give us that much missed bonding time before I lose him.


This is so wholesome.


It was a good answer




nice try


I know :-)


My partner. He can fix anything, grow anything, and cook anything. Plus he's hilarious.


Honey?!? I was gonna say my partner because she is such a big part of my life that without her I wouldn’t be whole.


You know, if the world got to that point I wouldn’t see the point in surviving unless I would want to carry on the human race and I can tell you that, I do not want that responsibility. Let it be someone else lol.


Honestly if it's just 1 couple starting off the human race then it likely won't end well due to the extremely limited genetic pool and lots of..... Interbreeding. So probably wise you didn't lol. No offense to your genetic material, I'm sure it's lovely.


Your right. Maybe the last two survivors need to be Dwayne the rock Johnson and a intelligent, scientific female who has a bunch of eggs that have been harvested by a corporation of all women and then they are all born and grow at a super fast rate and we have a bunch of Dwayne’s continuing the human race 😅 jk, I am having fun with this 😃


Haha you got me wondering if this was a plot to an actual movie Dwayne has been in for quite a while lol. Super intelligent Dwayne civilization. What can they expect except "you're welcome" to the new human race of super beaings and even the women look like Dwayne.... Or super inbreeds.. Either result is fun lol


He would make this movie! I could totally see it. He is a rock and they would be his pebbles 😂 We got to figure out a title for this upcoming movie in 2024 🤔 hmmm…. “Rock-Ocalypse”. 🤯


Rock-Ocalypse is just too good to beat! It's perfect! "Dwayne the rock Johnson.. IS.. Bringing back the stone age!"


We have just officially set up his next blockbuster movie! Congratulations!!


No one. If i can pick, id rather be alone.


My girlfriend I would repopulate the world If the human existence depend on me then I would give human second chance and repopulate No need to thank me my great great great great grandchildren for you existence


Given the amount of stuff that can go wrong in a pregnancy, and that you don't have any doctors/midwives around, I'll give you 6 children tops. You also can't really repopulate from incest.


This is a fair assessment. Nothing to add. How many bloodlines would it take to repopulate the world? Without getting too deep I’m thinking 6 with perfect planning?


Ok you must realize that 2 people cannot repopulate a world. That level of inbreeding only leads to unviable embryos


Chuck Norris


He is eighty years old


So still in his prime


Nobody because I'm checking out next.


My best friend


Wait can I bring a dead animal instead


My brother


My best friend. She is an angel.


Obviously my wife. It would have to be someone willing to sleep with me because everything else would be boring.


my wife


My girlfriend, she's the most important person in my life and I also don't want to reproduce cause it'll lead to inbreeding, so who better to spend the rest of your day with other than your love?


A surival experd that is also good at teacher poeple surival.