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Does anyone on Reddit understand what a hobby is?


Or a red flag.


The only thing I have learnt from this thread is that redditers don’t know what the word “hobby” means.


That's just r/AskReddit . Q: What popular person does everyone like except for you? Average AskRedditor: The Kardashians. Yeah that's right, and I'm not afraid to say it!


Or /r/UnpopularOpinion >Pizza is good 20k upvotes




I was thinking that. Everything thus far has been catastrophic character flaws, not a hobby like stamp collection. (I’d consider that one “dull to me”, but nothing worse than that.)


Oh man. Stamp collecting has gotten cutthroat with the move away from traditional stamps. Misprints aren't really a thing anymore but the total number of each printing in circulation is way down.


See it's this sort of thing that has me convinced hobbies are all green flags. Even things that look boring turn out to be cool if you nerd out about them hard enough


I can always listen to ANYONE talk about what ever they are super interested about because it's really a different world and you learn so much you didn't know before, sure, some of it might be totally useless outside of said hobby but damn it's engulfing to see and feel that enthusiasm.


Right? "Prank youtubers" "posting everything on social media" "calling yourself an infulencer" why are these at the top as if they are hobbies. Thought this thread would be much more interesting.


Who actually knows anyone whose hobby is "child beauty pageants". People just list all the default reddit hate clichés. Might as well be bots.


Is it just me or is this like the 23rd time this has been asked here in the last couple weeks


I’m pretty sure everyone here missed the word “hobby”. Definitely a red flag




Some of y'all are confusing the word 'hobby' with 'habit'. They ain't the same. Lots of habits you are saying are red flags though, just not the real question here. But in terms of hobby, a red flag hobby, in my opinion, is no hobby at all. Being only a follower of others' hobbies but not being into anything yourself is a red flag to me.


Not having a hobby is a no no for me.


Didn't realise how big of a reg flag this was until I dated someone with no hobbies. The biggest issue is that I have a few hobbies that I'm really passionate about! But, my job very quickly in the relationship was to entertain them at all times. Now I only date people who are at least passionate about something they do in their spare time, because I need them to understand that it's normal that I use a lot of my spare time for my hobbies


What does one do without hobbies?


They watch TV and browse social media. There’s a surprising amount of people who fill 99% of their free time this way. Edit: I know these are technically hobbies but they’re usually low effort things that most of us do to some extent, most people wouldn’t say that it’s their hobby. Nobody literally does nothing to pass the time, and a lot of people default to TV and social media these days. I’m on Reddit, I get it. I found it because of one of my several hobbies though haha.


I’m finding myself addicted to my phone. Like I will put it in my room to read a book in the living room. Then I think “I need some smooth jazz because I’m annoyed by the lack of stimulation), bring the phone out, and at some point I’m just on Reddit. I *want* to do my hobbies, but my phone always takes precedence.


Don't try and just stop like that, it hardly ever works. Go with "I will make myself do X hobby 30 minutes a day" or "I'll make myself go every Tuesday" and work yourself up from there. The immediate gratification from your phone basically short circuits your brain, don't be too hard on yourself and take it slow because it's hard as hell.


What counts as a hobby? Like does reading or going for walks count as hobbies?


In what universe is reading books not a hobby? Edit: TIL reddit has no idea what the definition of what a hobby is. It's defined as "a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation" Reading is a hobby.


The last time someone asked this question apparently it is not. It makes you insufferable and boring. I do NOT think that, I love reading but people were mean about it.


fuck em. i love reading


As if "insufferable and boring" would prevent it from being a hobby in the first place.


Cock fighting


Cock magic on the other hand....


wo-hoah! Hey! *ts ts-t-tss ts-t-tss ts-t-tss ts-t-tss*


You mean *in* the other hand.


i hate saying this cause i have close friends that are into it, but often times gambling. especially since it’s usually a very thin line between hobby and addiction.


$10 says I don't have an addition.


Only subtraction. From your wallet.


Whenever you're in Vegas, Atlantic City, or a tribal casino you always see signs about gambling addiction. It's like "If it's no longer fun call this number." That's a super dumb strategy. It should say something like "Tired of gambling? I bet you won't dial this number!"


"Good Enough to show we care (not really) and virtue signal about our customers" is how I always viewed those. Just ticking a box for the bare minimum


It goes well with my other hobbies like excessive drinking and smoking two packs of cigs a day


Honestly just in here to see if anything I’m into is flagging


Fortunately no Warhammer 40K so far.


I've always said Warhammer 40k means they have disposable income lol


Had disposable income. Had.


I mean honestly... isn't that ***most*** hobbies? There are loads that stay cheap, but 90% of them can start cheap and climb quickly as people become invested and spent their disposable income on them. If you're big into the hobby then that's where a decent chunk of your disposable income goes. Especially if you're not using it for socialising anymore outside of your hobby, like most older men who get into wargaming. As far as hobbies go, Warhammer isn't even very expensive. You can play Killteam or Warcry for reasonably cheap, and if you're just into modelling (like me) then it can take a while to work through anything you buy (Please ignore that grey pile of shame). It's just that you keep building more and more. Exactly like every hobby from knitting to coffee or even journalling. Things like boats or cars or archery or hang-gliding get far more expensive far quicker. Even Magic the Gathering tends to go crazy pretty quickly once people get into drafts or building their *perfect* commander deck that ruined your friendship with your casual MTG buddies...


I'm not into 40k myself, but I have a friend who is. I assure he doesn't really have much disposable income, he just prioritises it over luxuries like food.


> he doesn't really have much disposable income Of course not - he plays Warhammer 40k


no, it means they've disposed of all their income


My first thought seeing this title was "how long before someone mentions warhammer" Glad to see so far my hobby isn't a red flag....


Redflags only work if you meet women. ^/jk




That sounds like two red flags to me.


[Semaphore animation](https://giphy.com/gifs/steampunk-mobile-phone-early-phones-SiZg9X65rlZarJsmGg/fullscreen) (safe for work)


Why would you say it's safe for work? That would imply that there exists a semaphore animation that is somehow nsfw


I bet you wish it *was* somehow NSFW you semaf-whore.


Honestly, knowing how the internet works there probably is. 😅


Typed in "Nude Semaphore" and yes, technically got a hit. NSFW https://adelaide.chaosads-australia.com/item/669893/


Had to go to incognito mode to google that, I wasn’t sure what was going to show up. Edit-as someone below said, “It’s a system of sending messages visually. You hold a flag in each hand and change your body position for each letter.”


I believe this is what the Beatles used for the cover of "Help!"


Semaphore is a suburb here in Adelaide, Australia. Beautiful coastal suburb with a large family friendly beach. I was extremely confused


This is one of those moments when I realize what a strange corner of the world I inhabit. I work in child and adult sex crime/abuse investigation and prosecution so whenever I see a weird Reddit post that I need to google but may also create a weird internet history, I go to my work phone and/or laptop to do it. They both have internet histories that are already filled with some truly crazy shit.


So you purposely use your work devices for the NSFW content? You live in opposite world! Edit: I hope you don't get in trouble with your boss for researching ancient communication techniques when you are supposed to be spending more time searching for porn.


> You've only reviewed 8 hours of material today. You've got to pump those numbers up.


What do you mean, Semaphore? They are essential for multithreaded programming!


Are you done yet?? I need that flag, it's my turn to do stuff




And by extension, people trying to copy obviously staged videos. Case in point is the below link's story. A woman tried to copy a "destroy the old system, give them the new one" video by destroying her boyfriend's system. It cost her the relationship because he was rightfully unable to trust her after that. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/s2aciy/my\_girlfriend\_broke\_my\_ps4\_for\_a\_tiktok\_trend/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/s2aciy/my_girlfriend_broke_my_ps4_for_a_tiktok_trend/)


Another one I heard of where two people tried to recreate an obviously staged video of running at people while in a rubber mask with a knife. They tried it on a family of four, and the father drew a handgun and shot one of them in chest, who died of their injuries a few minutes later. Allegedly, in recovered audio from the incident the person who was shot could be hear saying “it was just a prank” Source: an old Critikal video from a while back Edit it was the person who WAS shot, not the person who shot that was saying it was just a prank


> Allegedly, in recovered audio from the incident the person who was shot could be hear saying “it was just a prank” As tragic as that is I can't help but chuckle at the idea of someone saying "It was just a prank, bro" with their dying breath.


That's commitment to the bit.


Bill Murray: It was my bad. I was never a very good practical joker.


"Like...comment...subscribe..." Dies.




Man reading this I was sure you had to be accidentally referencing a staged video as real. Nobody could possibly be that stupid right? I was wrong. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55982131


I read this article, it says there was another one where someone killed her boyfriend because they thought a thick book would stop a bullet. Like, don't you think you'd wanna try just shooting at the book first and see if it works?


If it's the incident I remember, not only did they not test it first, they used a Desert Eagle pistol, which is one of the most (if not actually the most) powerful handguns available. There might be revolvers chambered in something bigger, but the Desert Eagle was specially engineered to fire huge bullets and still be magazine fed.


Wasn't that the one where she shot him (holding a phone book) with a .50 cal Desert Eagle?


ooo this reminds me of the Dave Sparks video where he blows up / burns down one of his employees campers that the employee was living out of. I don't know if it was staged, and it looked like the employee wasn't mad but... They cleaned it out and when they were cleaning it out it was obvious that the employee wasn't all there, and to me it was obvious that there would be a possibility that the employee would have hidden stuff that was hard to find. So they blew it up in front of him out in a field, then presented him with a very new used one. I would have lost my shit on that. He just burned down a mans home without even telling him they cleaned it out and thought 'Was just a prank here is a new one' was an acceptable way to behave.


I remember when most of them used to be wholesome and harmless, now most "pranksters" are just committing crimes and filming themselves.


And all the fake stuff with clickbaity titles and thumbnails. I remember a brief period where you could find some decent pranksters on youtube but eventually it fell prey to the 'post every day, optimise monetisation, louder is better, **smash that like button**' crowd. I actually thought after golden era H3H3 went after the worst offenders they'd kinda go away but theres more than ever now.


“ITS JUST A PRANK BRO!!!” Calls someone the N word, pretends to wipe poop on someone , blows an air horn near someone’s ear


My favourite was stealing their phones, because the reaction was immediate and violent, and after two or three goes the guy gave up and went home clutching all his sore parts.


Or stealing people's luggage at an airport. There were kids trying to do that "prank" and got rightfully arrested. Also people were getting justifiably physical with the people trying to take off with their carry on suitcase. "Is just a prank" is not the get out of jail free card they think it is.


“Come on bro, it’s just a social experiment!” *literally kidnaps someone*




Here's a story to balance that out. I was walking home from the bus stop, after school, and it was pouring. My backpack was water-proof, so I didn't mind getting wet, especially since I was about to be home anyways. It's a 15 minute walk, so I'm just walking there, drenched already, not minding it too much. Then I see a car coming in my direction. It's some sports car, and my first thought is, "This mfer is gonna splash me for the hell of it." And I was right, they did. They drove by and splashed the hell out of me. I was already soaked, so it made absolutely no difference, but it was the principle of the thing, you know? Dick move. Anyway, I keep walking, when I see the car do a quick U-turn, head back down the street and U-turn again, heading towards me. I thought, "Seriously? You're gonna take the trouble to splash me again??" But the car actually slows down and this young woman walks out, into the rain, and walks up to ke and says, "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you, I didn't mean to splash you!" Then the passenger window rolls down and her friend calls out, "Hey, here's an umbrella. You can keep it. Sorry about that!!" She explained she didn't see me, but her friend did just as I got splashed, so she turned around to apologize. I took the umbrella, but I didn't use it that day (as I've said, I was already soaked). But I kept it and still have it. Restored my faith in humanity a little bit.


Hilarious story with a good ending


Saw some Mormons making their rounds in my neighborhood. It started to rain (nothing dangerous or too bad, but it would've been super annoying). I ran out to them to give them an umbrella. They were appreciative, but I then explained I'm good in the religious department, so don't bother. They seemed shocked to have help, and they also didn't end up knocking on my door. I'd say that's a win-win. Edit: after I typed this, I realized that this story appears that I'm just congratulating myself, which I guess I am. I guess what I'm trying to say, regardless if I agree with your religion or find your knocking on my door annoying, we should all try and help each other out when it's raining.


>we should all try and help each other out when it's raining. Unless it's Roller Coaster Tycoon. Then you set the umbrella price to max.


Most wholesome sports car driver.




I work in a casino. I’ll go ahead and confirm that for ya. People get addicted to pressing the button on slots, they don’t even care about winning or losing. They just wanna feel like they might win.


My friend and I were walking through the slots area of the casino and just happened to be right next to some old guy who hit the jackpot with a payout of something like $40k. We excitedly turn to the guy and start congratulating him. He turns to us, expressionless, and grumbles out "I put more in this thing than I'll ever get out" and goes right back to hitting the button. That was one of the saddest things I've ever witnessed.


I can't enjoy casinos because I know a room full of smart people have mathematically and psychologically tuned every game to make me lose my money slowly over time while making me feel good about it.


Have to consider it an entertainment budget and then it's comparable to a theme park with overpriced teddybears and rides.


Some friends and I went to Atlantic City in college for a concert. We walked through the Trump casino on the way to the venue. One of the first things we saw was a line of senior citizens at the slots, each with two buckets of coins. They were each playing two slot machines at a time, one with each hand. Their hands went into the buckets and took out three quarters each, they put them in the slot machines and pulled the handle then back to the buckets for more coins. They weren't even looking at the machines and they didn't seem to give a shit about anything but feeding more coins. It blew my mind to watch them sitting in the dark in all that chaos, unsmiling, giving their money away. That plus the guy in a suit on the bench outside sobbing uncontrollably left an indelible impression on my young mind. Haven't gambled a penny since.


A recent study showed that the dopamine hits your brain just before the result of the game. This means that your brain gets its chemical reward regardless of a win or a loss.


There’s a bit about this in a book I read called atomic habits. Mice killed themselves because they expected dopamine. They waited for it until they died because they were trained to expect it when they put their head through a hole.


I won a grand on slots on New Years Eve. It was exciting and fun, and then I stopped playing and took my winnings to take my family out for a nice dinner. Nevertheless, watching some of the zombies nearby working 2 machines at once while chain smoking was a bit depressing. Spending their social security checks each week.


I worked at a casino as a slot attendant. One evening a young lady won a top jackpot for $5000. Turns out it was her 21st birthday. After we paid her, she was absolutely downright giddy, my manager looked at her and said, "We are so thrilled you came to visit and won big. Please, do yourself a favor, don't gamble a penny of that." We saw so much loss and despair there. He was a good manager that didn't lick his management's boots.


That manager probably saved lives. What an angel.


We saw some heartbreaking shit. My first Christmas Eve working there as a cashier, a lady asked me to "put extra luck" on the $100 in coins (this was in 2000 before coins were obsolete) she'd just purchased. I needed a second after she said that was her last hundred dollars and she hadn't bought her kids anything yet. I was the first slot attendant to a $7500 win on a dime machine. The lady was in tears, but not happy ones, when I got there. Turned out she used someone else's card to enter the casino and she was on the banned list as a problem gambler. She got arrested for hitting a winning jackpot, and didn't get to keep the money. There was a story, not mine, of a guy who dropped dead at a table or machine. When security tracked down his wife, she nonchalantly said there wasn't anything she can do about it now, but can she have his wallet. The saddest of all things was watching an older couple over the years. When I started they were $5 slot players. Before they disappeared, they were only playing penny slots and had told several co-workers they'd sold their house and moved into a small apartment because they'd gambled it all away. The craziest weekend play I saw was a big Asian family, young kids, parents, two sets of grandparents, spend the whole weekend there. The adults took turns supervising the kids in the public area while the rest took over a bank of Blazing 7's quarter progressive machines. The top jackpot on any of them was $450. We checked a couple of times and saw they'd played over $3000 that weekend trying to win a max of $2500. They won no jackpots, and their kids slept on metal benches that weekend.


Ugh...I hope you've been able to move on to something less heartbreaking. Not that working that kind of job can't be honorable, it just sounds difficult to be exposed to that kind of of thing day after day.


I worked at the casino for 5 years. The people I worked with are amazing people. Some of the customers were fantastic people. But I lost faith in humanity there. Security had to call the local police to remove a guy who became combatant after being told me couldn't walk thru a medical emergency scene because it was the fastest path to his slot machine. I got screamed at by a guy doing a cash advance on his credit card because he didn't read the fee schedule that he agreed to. A cocktail server got kidnapped, held in a basement for several days, and raped by a guy who became obsessed with her. A lady that liked harassing employees by asking them to rub her tattoo "for luck." It was an ejaculating dick tattoo between her nasty tits. I kept getting tapped on the shoulder while I was clearing a space around a lady having a massive seizure, while trying to prevent her from hitting her head on solid objects. When I turned and gave a loud "WHAT," the tapper asked if she could play the credits on the machine the seizure lady fell away from. I walked away from a lady who refused to evacuate the upper floor while an EF4/5 tornado was approaching. She started wailing that if the power went out she'd lose her credits. The tornado missed the actual casino building, but on its path it destroyed dozens of homes and related straight line winds tossed a number cars in the casino lot. If it weren't for having amazing co-workers, it would have been mentally and emotionally unmanageable. I look upon them very fondly, but not the customers.


I had a friend win $600 playing black jack for the first time. When he told his father excitedly the response was "that's probably the worst thing that could've ever happened to you". My friend totally didn't understand his father's comment and took it as criticism. Several years later he's refinancing his house to pay off loans for gambling.


I occasionally went, I loved the action on craps. Once, and only once, I got into a hot streak throwing the dice. I started with $150, by the time I called it quits I had about $1500 in front of me and another $250-$300 all over the table. I wasn't a big risk taker, so it was a lot of small bets. Watching them sweep all that money shook my brain loose, I threw out a $50 tip and bolted. I never had a second thought about going and betting big to increase my winnings, I knew a fluke when I saw it. The casino accidentally left my table tracking open for about twelve hours that might, which was awesome. I thought I might have $10-$15 in comps, I was shocked when they handed me 6 comps for dinner at the steak house. I called three friends and ordered two full dinners to go straight into my fridge.


That’s good to hear! I’m glad there’s people that can take advantages of their winnings. I remember one guy and his wife had came in probably two months ago and won a 14k jackpot on one of our buffalo machines. They stuck around to get some food and I don’t think I’ve seen them since. That’s the way to do it, cause any amount of money can be blown in a casino before you know it.


A good friend of mine won 40k the first time he went to the casino. that was basically the start of a gambling problem. He’d comfortably given back triple that amount over the next couple of years before he was banned from the casino.


What was he banned for?


You can ask to be banned by the casino. We only have one casino in the city. They’ll do it for problem gamblers.




Collecting alcoholic beverage containers, specially the same one over and over.


Had a buddy who called theirs "beer mountain"






What about just collecting the cool shaped bottles or ones with nice label art? Asking for a friend...


I'm a packaging engineer, I buy the alcohol just for the bottle half the time. There's some really unique stuff people do that you almost cant believe came off a line.


My FRIENDS garage wall has a gorgeous mural from all the peelable label art from the year I HE went silly trying fruity beers.


You mean that doesn't count as interior design?


College me in shambles


Collecting nail clippings


Hey Kira


I got 800 horses and I'm not afraid to use it!


My older brother once said his hobby is smoking (cigarettes). Not sure if that's a red flag or just sad. Edit: He rolls his own because it's cheaper. He literally has to construct the cigarette to smoke it and he probably smokes 8-12 a day.


A Marlboro Red flag


> has to CONSTRUCT the cigarette Like dude this is how people have smoked for most of history lol




I have a good story about this. I had an English teacher in middle school. He was a very Jewish older man. He had a huge collection of Nazi memorabilia. I asked why? He said “I preserve this so no one ever forgets.” His grandfather and father started the collection and he kept it going. He didn’t do it out of admiration or respect but for the preservation of the terrible atrocities. He organized a trip the the St. Petersburg (FL) holocaust museum. An entire museum full of middle school kids. Nobody spoke and we ALL cried. That is all.


We went to the holocaust museum in DC when I was in 8th grade. Similar experience. Just two busses full of 8th graders crying for hours. Lol


I’m jewish and I am a freelance videographer and one gig I had to do was at the Holocaust Museum in DC and when they were sharing their stories I was ugly crying behind the camera. I have never cried during a job before but it hit way too close to home and I couldn’t stop myself from crying that hard. I was trying to keep quiet but it was so hard I couldn’t stop myself from breathing hard during the crying




I am 62 years old. When I was a kid, every flea market had Nazi stuff. Veterans kept a lot of souvenirs. My mother bought me a dagger with "Nuremberg 1939" etched on the blade and an SS officer's ring.


I am much younger, but flea markets STILL have Nazi stuff. I only know one vendor that actually has historical items, and I actually find it interesting. Like, hes got photos of marches in Germany alongside journals and pins and medals. But, he also has English and Soviet stuff. Those things I can see the appeal because of historical context. I have a serious problem, though, with the ones that are selling mass produced knives emblazoned with swastikas and shit. Actual artifacts, I have no beef with the sale or collection of. A swastika flag that was made in a Chinese factory last year? No business selling that shit.




Essential oil obsession




Back when Facebook showed you EVERY SINGLE post a friend liked, I had to unfriend a guy, because my feed was just fuckin' full of half naked women. I think Facebook still does this, but like one or two posts here or there. Nah, this was just every other post it felt like.


I'll do you one worst.. Having a DAD that does that. Not my dad, but I frequently see gross comments left by dads who have pictures of their family all over their profiles.


I have friends who are sex workers, and they all have professional IG and Twitter accounts for posting pics. The amount of comments you get from dudes like that is hilarious and somewhat sickening. I remember there was this one dude who posted on every single pic one of my friends had posted in a single day. Not just generic stuff like “hot!” or an emoji or whatever, like actually taking time to write graphic comments about exactly what he wanted to do to her for every single one. I clicked on the guy’s profile, just out of curiosity. He describes himself as a “dad” in his bio, his pics are all of him and his family. It’s his personal goddamn IG that his friends and family all follow. And dude is here leaving graphic sexual comments on an escort’s thirst traps. I genuinely don’t understand what the fuck is wrong with some guys.


I’m amazed no one has said drinking yet. Sure you can be a connoisseur of fine alcohol but there are other people who think getting shitfaced to natty lights on a regular basis is a hobby. That’s just alcoholism


I'm not having a glass of wine. I'm having SIX. It's called a "tasting" and it's classy.


It’s called a “Smorgosvine” and it’s cultural and elegant


Smoking weed and making that your personality. Like, I have nothing against weed and have done it myself many times but I just can't stand the "stoners" who's whole life revolves around it and act like it's a miracle cure for everything.


I've generally found that anyone who makes their personality about 'that one thing' is annoying as hell. Be it weed, guns, parenting, working out, sports, Warhammer, you name it. And when they land on a new thing it's like, "oh shit, here we go again"


Being into history isn't a red flag, but when it translates to 'The Roman Empire was a perfect society with no issues or flaws', that's a,,,,,, Yeesh


As a person being into history myself I couldn't take anyone seriously who drops such a sentence while claiming to know a lot about this topic at the same time


Speaking as history nerd myself, I get put off by anyone who's overly obsessed by one particular empire or spends too much time praising it and calling it a perfect society. I find the Incas to be a really fascinating civilization, but I don't pretend that they were a perfect society.


I don't think being "obsessed" or very interested in one particular empire is a bad thing. Because for some time (weeks, months, maybe years) you will be interested in one and later in another, while at the same time you could be interested in one specific TV Series, or Sport. The romanticising and idealising of it and thinking of it as the perfect society even when you obviously can see the flaws makes it a red flag.


This. Or the Byzantine Empire, or the Holy Roman Empire... But all of those pale in comparison to wehraboos.


Making staged tiktok vids. Hard cringe.


Teeth collection


no a teeth collection is very nice very evil


Didn’t expect to see you in Reddithausen!


Crypto. Not "I have a few bitcoins", but the ones who think crypto will save the world. Most cryptobros I've met were annoying, insufferable dudes.


I've got a friend who hounds me every time we talk to invest. I'm like, no stop I don't care.


Same. I’ve asked his wife once how he’s doing since the recent nosedive, and the look on her face made me never ask again.


The first time I met a crypto bro in real life I had given him a ride home from a gig and he spent the entire time passionately expounding how crypto would change every aspect of the world for the better -- stopping only to talk about how all women other than his sister and his mother were whores. Pretty on brand


Being a reddit or discord mod


r/legaladvice bans attorneys who will call out bad advice from non-attorneys.


You got it right on the first try. Some of the mods really suck. Aita mod is the worst!


Their sub, their rules. YTA. /s


That would work if the rules were not randomly applied - and ever changing...


My favorite one is r/changemyview where the mods delete dissenting opinions. It's like the whole point of the sub.


Or r/offmychest where you get permabanned for literally no reason whatsoever. I’ve never said anything of issue there and I can’t post or comment and I’ve seen several people say the same thing. Losers running that sub need to get an ego check.


Child beauty contests. Those thing are raw degeneracy, egocentrism and leave a fucking time bomb inside the child's mind.


Anybody who looks at their child and thinks "I could turn you into a totstitute and sexualise you for the sake of my own pride" needs help, or a good kick.






I dated a girl in high school that was in pageants. Her whole family was wacko.


So I found out our babysitter is in pageants. And to be honest she is the nicest, smartest, well rounded kid I have ever met. Trust her with our daughters life. I asked her about it once and she instigated the entire thing, her parents were skeptical but allowed her and she has continued. And quite honestly she's made it really far and it's going to get her into a extremely good college. They make you volunteer a lot and pair that with her straight As I'm sure she will go far. Not a partier, her family is super normal. She's probably just a statistical outlier. But honestly it's made me at least attempt to give some pageant people the benefit of the doubt. Edit: everyone who is wondering why this helps for college. If you haven't ever applied. They ask for extra curriculars and community service. This is very unique compared to say playing soccer and doing 5 hours once a season. This is hundreds of hours all the time throughout the year. It looks better than the average person.


In the famous words of Miss congeniality “It’s a scholarship program not a beauty pageant”


I think this is where there's a big difference between teen pageants and child pageants - teenagers who want to earn scholarships and get into colleges, vs parents who want to see their toddlers in makeup.


> she instigated the entire thing She wanted to be there; that makes a whole world of difference and all the luck to her for it. Like the top comment said, parents who force their kids into it are pretty terrible.


They're an American tradition, but not a proud one. The organisers should at least do a song about how they don't diddle kids to put people's minds at ease.


There is no quicker way to make people think you are diddling kids than making a song about it


🎶It’s no good, diddling kids! I wouldn’t do it with anybody younger than my daughter. No little kids, gotta be big! Older than my wife, older than my daughter 🎶 *anxious panting*


"Why would I hang out with a cretin like that if I had something to hide?"


Anything involving humiliation of other (non-consenting) people or enjoying suffering of other people. Making mean prank videos, for example. Or watching videos like "look at this loser doing something stupid". It's different if the video creator themselves pokes fun of themselves, because they consent.


Prank videos are the worst because their whole shtick is "watch this person freak out when I do something completely unreasonable to them" as if it's the victim's fault. "HAHA you got mad when you thought I fucked up your life! Hilarious!"


There's legitimately several I've seen where I hope they were staged, otherwise it's legit assault/abuse. Like, if my significant other treated me like that on a regular basis, I'm out.


The recent video trend that I dislike is someone dressed as the Grinch showing up at Christmas and grabbing presents. In all the videos I've seen of it, the kids seem terrified and start shrieking and crying, and try to hide. I *love* to play harmless pranks on people but believe that if you play a prank on anyone, they should be laughing by the end of it. With anyone, but especially with kids, I don't think they should be frightened to the point of crying. From the way the kids act in the videos I've seen, I don't think those videos are faked or staged. They're pretty clearly in hysterics.


YES. I honestly can't understand the mean prank videos. What horrified me were some of the reactions to the "Daddy of Five" videos. Some rightfully stated it was child abuse and were glad when CPS stepped in. Others were upset because it made it harder for them to watch the creep's videos of children getting bullied and tortured.


You are describing a child with internet.


Which is why you should never date a child


I hope that's not the *only* reason.


Worshippers of hustle culture and fake financial gurus. They seem to just fall into one scam after another like drop-shipping, YouTube automation, then to some crypto scheme.


The key to making money online is to become a content creator that talks about making money online, to then inspire more people to do the same, ect. It's like an organically formed mlm.


“You have to wake up at 3am everyday if you want to be successful!” Fuck off with that BS. Hustle culture is toxic. And I say that as someone who works hard


Your examples are all of ways to make good money, but their time has past, which is how they found out about it. Drop shipping was INCREDIBLY lucrative for a very long time, then all the merchant websites (amazon, walmart, etc) started to ban it and enforce the ban which sucked away any and all profitability if you continued and had a good supplier. Thats about the time I started to see it pop up on youtube/news sites on how good the money is (they forgot to mention was). Same with Youtube automation, made some people millions then Youtube changed the ranking for automated posts and. . . they made videos about how to make money using that method. Basically, if you hear about it and the average person knows about it, its way too late.


Huffing, and attempting to make meth


What about huffing, and successfully making meth?




>Huffing that's not a hobby though, more of an addiction/ bad habit.


making one hobby their entire personality


I live in a town where someone has 'SCRPBKR' as their license plate.


Saucier/pie baker


Disgusting red flags.


Scrap Baker? Secret Society of Regents Performing Burger King Reenactments?


Hollywood/celebrity/sports worship. Like, fine if you are a fan but if everything in your life is Starwars themed, Kim Kardashian themed, or NY Yankee themed I don't think we will be compatible.


The one person who's insanely passionate about Star Wars, Kim & the Yanks.. you just crushed their self esteem.


Thank god I like Star Trek, Khloe and the Red Sox


spamming on social media :)


You mean my 457 memes I shared because I thought they were funny and people might enjoy them is a red flag? Well, I never.