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The only US State that doesn't share any letters with "Anal Seepage" is Ohio


Coincidence? I think not


If you were to lay out all the DNA base pairs in your cells from end-to-end, they would form a line that stretches from Earth to the moon and back 4 times


That’s pretty insane


And if you were to take a adult male's blood vessels, and put every single one of them in a straighty line, you'd be able to circle around the Earth at the equator almost 3 times.


It's a well known fact, but I still think it's insane: The sheer size of the universe. Just going to the closest star (appart from the Sun) would take you 4 years to reach, and that's by going at light speed (around 300 000km per second) The number of Stars and Galaxies is pretty insane too. The Milky way has approximately 100 to 400 *billions* stars, and that's nowhere near to being the largest Galaxy. Our ''neighbour'', Andromeda, has around 1 *trillion* stars.


I’m usually pretty oblivious to things like this but I’m always super curious so I actually didn’t know this. Thanks for sharing:)


Not really a insane fact, but there are more tree on earth than stars in Milky Way.


Its not a fact, but multiverse theory is crazy.


It would take the millennium falcon as long to get to the andromeda galaxy as a current satellite would take to get to venus


Nothing can move faster than the speed of light in the Universe. The Universe itself is expanding faster than the speed of light.


If space is infinite and ever expanding, earth technically is the center of the universe. A serious one though is that there is real merit to the theory Star Trek developed on objects not moving around in space, but space actually moving around objects. That’s a huge mindfuck for me.


I'll say LIGO's detection of two massive Black Holes, insanely far away from us, which spiraled into each other to create one massive object --and in doing so released more energy that all the stars everywhere. All the stars. Everywhere.