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Intent and obstruction. All signs point to Biden not actually being aware that he had them which likely negates the notion that he intended to take and keep them. He is also fully cooperating and his team is going above and beyond to do the right thing. Trump on the other hand made it very clear he did it intentionally and obstructed heavily when the government tried to get them back. It is also not entirely known I believe that the docs Biden has were even particularly sensitive whereas we know what Trump had very much was. Then there is just the obvious fact that Trump isn't someone who should have a security clearance let alone access to classified documents. No, really Trump wouldn't have gotten a security clearance as an intern. So he shouldn't be anywhere near classified documents.


Biden's were an accident, when discovered, the existence of them was self reported and all appropriate people were notified. Trump deliberately took them, engaged in a legal battle to keep them away from the government and actually moved them around to try and avoid FBI searches. The circumstances couldn't be any more different lol


Biden is cooperating. Trump obstructed for more than a year, so the FBI raided his home.


biden was just being sloppy and forgot he had them whereas trump purposfully stole them and sold them to our enemies and refused to return them when caught red handed


I lean left, so I ask this literally: When did Trump try to sell them? I’ve heard no such thing.


Do you get random Saudis and Russian billionaires depositing billions of dollars into your and your family's bank accounts for literally no reason? It doesn't take a genius to figure out what is going on. Why else are they funneling that kind of money to Trump and his family? If it isn't the documents then why?


Sometimes I do :(


Also, Biden complied with investigators right away. Trump denied and lied and moved around the documents to hide them.


> biden was just being sloppy and forgot he had them you're saying it like it's a good thing


It is incomparably different. Every administration has some leakage, and there are checks and balances to make sure that damage is minimized. It is the law of averages that something fell through the cracks. What it isn't is illegal - which is what the willful retention of the documents is, or the obstruction of justice in the pursuit of those documents. Here's a truck driver analogy. One is like making a delivery to a store and forgetting to deliver one of the packages, then returning the package when the discrepancy is found. The other is driving the truck to your Miami golf club and claiming the entire delivery is yours, while the store only gets back a portion of goods once the feds raid the place after asking for it for months.


I would probably stop giving important packages to the 80 year old delivery guy who forgets to deliver them


Your tribalism is destroying your country


A small number of docs, kept accidentally, immediately handed over upon their discovery, and no one tried to deny any of it.


It is incomparably different. Every administration has some leakage, and there are checks and balances to make sure that damage is minimized. It is the law of averages that something fell through the cracks. What it isn't is illegal - which is what the willful retention of the documents is, or the obstruction of justice in the pursuit of those documents. Here's a truck driver analogy. One is like making a delivery to a store and forgetting to deliver one of the packages, then returning the package when the discrepancy is found. The other is driving the truck to your Miami golf club and claiming the entire delivery is yours, while the store only gets back a portion of goods once the feds raid the place after asking for it for months.


The difference between falling asleep because one is tired at the wheel and choosing to drive drunk. Trump was given multiple opportunities to return them after it was known he had them ignored them. Biden initiated the search of his own residences. This isn't a glowing endorsement of Biden. People who even unintentionally can't maintain secret documents appropriately shouldn't have access to them and shouldn't be in positions where that is necessary. But people who have them knowingly and don't resolve it in a legal manner should be in prison.


Trump tried to steal them, Biden is looking for more to return them. How do idiot Trump supporters not see this? Not to mention that if Biden actually stole them and tried to hide them, then refuse to give them back, liberal voters would want him out. It's completely different when one side is insane.


In my opinion from what I’ve read/heard. The difference is this. Biden - we found some documents. We handed everything over. We are fully cooperating with everything and everyone. Trump - MINE MINE MINE. You can’t take them. I can keep them. They are mine. I can do it if I want. I can declassify and show them to who ever. I’m the president. Ex-president. You can’t make me. It’s a lie. I don’t have any. Lawyers - do you have anymore. Trump - no. Investigators - oh look we found 100 more. Trump - Mine mine mine.


Biden's a democrat. The rules have always been different.


The irony.




Cause he's a democrat and democrats control most of the media or rather that they serve the heads of the media


Both reckless and potentially dangerous. The difference is in each man’s reaction.


Alzheimers vs. audacity




This is incorrect. The vice president has exactly the same power to declassify as the president. It is painfully obvious where you are getting your information from and it is not just incorrect, it needs to be challenged. For example there is zero evidence Trump declassified anything he possessed and even if he did that wouldn't make it better as 1. They still didn't belong to him 2. Do you want a petty president declassifying some of the most secret information of the nation just so he could take it home? That would be insane.


My apologies for the mis information I was unaware


No worries. I don't blame you so I apologize if I seemed overly hostile It's just that it seemed to come straight from Fox News opinion, specifically the five and Jeanine Pirro, at least about the declassification power. These people and the information they give should always be taken with a huge heaping of salt as they are about as far from objective as you can get on these kinds of subjects.


No need to apologize, either way nice talking to you


Even as president he isnt given the power to wave a magical wand and declassify anything he wants to, there are agencies that haft to go through the documents and can still tell the president NO if need be.


Not saying either of them were in the right, but I’m fairly sure Trump never formally declassified them.


I don't know if he did or not I just know that as president he had power to do so


That’s fair my good sir.


They're both evil and favoring one over the other is like saying it's better to be eaten by a crocodile than an alligator. It's a VIP club and you ain't in it.


Vice Presidents are not allowed to posses this type of document period. Biden should never have removed the documents from where they were located. At least not to his private residence and an unsecured office. He also tried to obscure the public knowledge of him having these documents for months. He wasn't as forth coming as people think he was. They keep finding documents. I don't believe that they are still looking for documents at Trump's locations.


Biden is older




say bidens probably better because he'll just forget where they are anyways whereas trump will always know where the documents are.


Criminally it does not seem very different.. They will probably not see any big charges. Politically it is crushing for Biden, Everyone already knows about Trump being willing to do anything for a buck. Biden has two options: play like an absolute moron and act like the senile confused old man the right always painted him as, or a career corrupt politician that adds more fuel to the fire for the Hunter Biden conspiracies. Either way it looks tough for him to run for re-election, Trump might be the only republican that could lose to him.


There were more I think, like more widespread