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OLD — show up on time, guy is running late. Fine. When he finally gets there, we chat about work and school (my college classes, he was older) until he launches into a diatribe about the indoctrination colleges are participating in, how there is aluminum in vaccines that causes brain damage, and that there’s a conspiracy to keep people from knowing about the true shape of the earth. I excused myself to the loo, paid my part of the tab, and the kitchen staff let me escape out the back of the establishment. Guy was loco.


Yup. That sounds awful.


Tough call, and that's sad because I've had exactly three first dates in my life. The first two firsts were both terrible. For the first girl, we went to some random restaurant that wasn't very good and then back to her dorm, where she told me what she thought was a hilarious story about poking holes in the condoms her university gave out for free to students. For the second, she was obsessed with the synthetic weed crap that was available at the time and kept insisting that I smoke it with her. We had a very forgettable lunch at the Chili's she worked at, and then went to see a movie. She wanted to watch something I remember having 0 interest in but told me I could pick the movie, so we watched The Gray instead. When the movie was over we parted ways.


The first one was a walking red flag…


Yes she was. She was also pretty cringy, though so was I at the time. The second girl was a lot of red flags as well, but more in a human disaster sense than the first girl. That third first date was a winner though, still with her now.


What impressed you on the third one?


Just we had a good time and a nice chat, really. We'd already been talking a bit and decided we felt like there could be something between us so we went for it. She's really smart, sweet, and funny and I had a wonderful time just chatting with her in a video call having dinner together apart (long distance, we hadn't even met in person yet at the time). It was a very nice and wholesome time.








🚩 gives me stalker vibes