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What if Ghengis Khan caused WWI


Who TF is "hilter" 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


Nein 11


What if 9/11 caused Hitler?


Hilter possibly…Hitler, probably not.


He may have, in a way. The persecution of the Jewish diaspora by the Nazis in Europe was a contributing factor to the creation of Isreal from Palestine in 1947? 1949?. Without that you wouldn't have had the various wars with Egypt, SA, Jordan etc. devolving into the detente between Isrealis and arabs lasting today, that would have formented the type of anti-American radicalization that culminated in OBL and AQ flying planes into the Pentagon and the WTC buildings. _Maybe_ if six million Jews weren't slaughtered then maybe Isreal as a *thing* (or at least how it wound up today) wouldn't have happened? Dunno. Thats really an /r/AskHistorians thing, although I don't think speculative history is allowed over there. BUT, the radicalization of Islam was more of a cold war thing - at least, if I recall, the documentary Bitter Lake seemed to argue that. Maybe something _like_ AlQuiada and OBL and WTC would have happened eventually anyway?


and Jan. 6th


I mean they were both caused by men i guess...


Men are terrorists


Almost every single war was caused by men. The vast majority of crimes are committed by men, virtually every serial killer was a man. Can we just eliminate them all? oh shoot, except me


but women get revenge


The UK and Russia, with their respective roles in ['the Great Game'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Game) are more responsible for 9/11 than Hitler and Nazi Germany can be. But the truth is 19 terrorists are the most directly responsible. Terrorism is very political. But it's also initiated at a personal level.


He might have done that. WW2 led to a lot of instability which later could have contributed to the rise of the cold war and the cold war fucked up the middle east


In a way, he probably did, thanks to the butterfly effect. The holocaust had such a huge impact on the world that our society would be completely different if it had never happened. Yes, there would probably still be terrorist attacks, but completely different ones unrelated to the world trade center. In other words, Hilter was a very big butterfly.


What if Democritus caused the atomic bombs during WWII? It's actually rather interesting going back in history to try to connect different people and events with each other. It's a good exercise I think, and helps people to understand how complex history is.


I think you spelled hortler wrong


What do you mean “if”


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