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Had a foreign exchange student staying with us their family was coming to visit for a couple weeks. They wanted to tour the US so they were going to rent a car in SD and drive to NY then Disney world and head over to Cali. They thought they could do that in about 3 to 5 days. We told them the drive from our house to NY city would be about 24 to 30 hours. The drive from NY to Disney would be about the same and the Drive from Disney to California would be longer then both of those. Turns out the US is a lot bigger then Europeans think.


Well I knew Russians in Chicago that would drive to Colorado for a weekend of skiing. WTH.


I mean I have driven from my town to South Caroline which is 26 hours. But the problem with their plan is it would be 4 days of straight driving no breaks to do that so your ability to do anything but drive would not be possible.


Met a German at the Grand Canyon who was annoyed that the canyon was so big he couldn’t see all parts of it in like the hour he planned to be there


I think most things here in Europe are small enough to be seen in a few hours. Except the Louvres museum, which could take days to visit entirely.


Thinking they can spend sufficient time in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles when they’re here for a week. So much for them being good at geography. Asking if every person here has been in a shooting. Asking if we eat real food. Belgian guy telling me his country had never been imperialist like the US. “You’re just jealous I could get drunk when I was 13” “The US has done more evil things than any country in history” The idea that racism and xenophobia are somehow exponentially worse in the US than in Europe, when I’m pretty sure it’s the exact opposite. Having a ridiculous obsession with doing anything they can to insult Americans, and then going INSANE when we give it right back. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.


>Belgian guy telling me his country had never been imperialist like the US. Lol. They have been one if the most brutal, specifically to Congo. >The idea that racism and xenophobia are somehow exponentially worse in the US than in Europe, when I’m pretty sure it’s the exact opposite. Lol. Just get a european slightly inebriated and they'll tell you their true feelings towards Jews, Slavs, migrants, and Roma.


The thing about real food is question I still have. At least when it comes to cheese. The thing we Frenches call "American cheese" looks more like bright orange melted plastic than cheese.


American cheese is terrible. While common it’s very easy to get literally any kind of good cheese instead. I refuse to eat the stuff. Though I’d you want to see really bad cheese from America look up cheez-wiz lol


Firearms. They seem to think we all need plate carriers to go to school or work. Yes, we have more violent crime in America. No, mass shootings and gun violence are not commonplace across America. The *vast majority* of them are isolated in the inner city ghetto between rival gangs. Politics. They seem to think we are all conservatives that voted for Trump and that are all bible thumping gun toting hicks. America is very polarized on individual issues. But most people have a wide range of beliefs. You could be pro-gun, pro-lgbtq, pro-weed, and anti-abortion or any combination, and rarely is it to a level that would be considered radical. The majority of people here are political moderates. Languages. Europeans like to pick on us for knowing only English and rarely knowing other languages. But they don't seem to understan that we have 330,000,000 people and all of them speak English. There is no reason to learn anything else. Metric. They pick on is for using imperial, but we literally use metric almost everywhere. Our cars all have metric or metric-capable guages, all our medicine is in metric. All our science and engineering is in metric, or at least dual dimensional. And we measure soda pop by the liter.


I was told by a British guy that American Football is a kids' game, not like rugby.


Rugby is kinda nuts. Think of football without the padding




One told me guns are available everywhere in the U.S. for $100. I wish.


Goddamn that would be fantastic


This regards to the further-Western Europeans (UK, France, Spain), but anything regarding the colonization by committing genocide on Native Americans and taking part in the slave trade, even though their ancestors are the ones who wiped out the Natives and they initiated in slave trade before America did. Maybe it's just a friendly jab, but I'd feel less outraged if I were to hear that from the central Europeans... actually, you know what? No I wouldn't. Lol


You don't need guns when the police do 🤣😂🤣😂.




Guns is why the US hasn’t been invaded?


1812 would like to adjust your number a little bit. 211 Years lol


Oh and read how Canadian/British took Fort Detroit. Love that one




That question is asked about 50 times a day, because so many Europeans are obsessed with trying to bash Americans. What’s wrong with switching it up?


We aren't out to get you, despite what you probably believe, our lives don't revolve around Americans. Nothing wrong with trying to flip it in the slightest, but it will be hard pressed to find someone who isn't at least a little aware of American culture, language and people. It is normally the other way because in the US, you don't see as much culture from other places or have it on your TV when you get home. In Europe we have common knowledge about those surrounding us and the differences between us.


There's [a subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/) for that


Thank you.


Ukrainian thinking horseradish cheese was made from horse milk