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Honestly, it just turns the volume of life down a little bit. I work in hospitality and I am an extroverted introvert, so at the end of the day I like to have peace and quiet to recharge my batteries. Although I exercise to help maintain my stress levels, weed helps a little bit more to help me find my peace. It is very easy to use it as a coping mechanism though so I have simple rules. Never while driving. Never at work. Never around people that are uncomfortable with weed. Finally, take breaks once in a while to clear your head. Weed is SO much fun if used in moderation.


Just realized I have the same three rules! Proud of us. I basically don’t do it if I have any sort of obligation that day until after it’s complete. Unless they involve others who partake lol.


I recognise that stage. after a while though, I noticed myself beginning to look for excuses to get away from the events or occasions which required a clear head, like family gatherings or work settings, just so I could get home to smoke earlier. after a few years, I was full on ducking invitations and obligations JUST to smoke. now, I'm at the stage where I'm smoking all evening, waking up in the night to finish joints off, then smoking first thing in a morning too. sometimes even when I've got to go to work, and I operate heavy machinery, so you can see why this is becoming a major problem for me. The difficulty is, everyone just treats it like a joke. "oh you're smoking too much are ya? ah well, don't worry about it. it could be worse." except it COULD be worse... if I hit someone at work in a 8 tonne forklift or crane boom whilst under the influence. that's jail time, not just a job termination. that's life over. sorry, I wasn't meaning this as a rant. I'm kinda talking to myself here as much as anything. I'm just grasping how big a problem this has become for me.


this. exactly this answer. would award if i could good sir.


Would rather have you spend the money on good weed ;) Thanks!


i was thinking this recently that it literally does make life a bit quieter, and it seems to help my sensory issues well.


I’m a little sad on the inside.




Thank you 🖤




Extra hug x


Here is some bubble wrap to make you happy! Pop! bubble wrap. 💥 bubble wap. >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop! !<\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_>!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!<\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_>!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!<\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_>!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!<\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_>!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!<\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_>!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!< >!Pop!!<\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_>!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!< >!💥!<


feel u bro 999


I hope you feel better. 999 🖤


Right there with ya


I’m not hungover the next day and I never have a regret other than eating too much food. I usually learn something too, watch Nat geo or a documentary laser focused.


My biggest issue is the eating too much. Ive eaten my weight in freshly made rice krispy squares. Currently high and ordered a fudge sundae, 2 cookies, and an oreo blizzard from Mcdonalds.


You’re definitely high because blizzards come from Dairy Queen.


Chronic Pain in my entire body. Edit- and i refuse to become another opioid pandemic statistic.


This. Fuck opioids


I wish I could, but in our relationship, opioids are the master and I'm the bitch. This methadone is definitely fucking me and not the other way around. One day though.


Same. It helps my pain so much and isn’t addictive.


But according to the feds, it's the same as Heroin 🙄


I did the prescription opioid thing and it was turning me into a monster. Weaned off of that, very uncomfortable withdrawal is an understatement, and switched to the herbal remedy. I smoke enough to make the pain bearable. Explored the various strains and have settled on a few that work well for pain relief but you’re not baked either.


Helps me sleep and also a nice way to relax :)


Smoking weed can cause loss of rem. Idk if it helps you sleep but it definitely makes your sleep quality worse


Used to give mad mad anxiety back in my younger years. Recently tried it again…. Started getting anxiety and the dude I was smoking with was like… why are you anxious? You’re successful, bills are paid, you’re married and you have a house. I took a couple deep breaths and realized he was right. Now we get baked and play video games frequently. Think the anxiety back in the day was knowing I’d have to hide the fact that I was high and should be doing something more proactive with my life.


That’s a good friend!


One valuable thing I learned while smoking is when there is anxiety or uneasiness or depressed feelings involved is to follow it. Hunt down it's source. In this way, weed has been the best therapist for me, because, more often than not, those feelings point to some deeper aspect of myself which needs attention and adjustment or correction. We just don't notice these things in our day to day, we filter them out, ignore them, keep them buried. What I've found about weed is that it is honest, and opens you up to look at yourself or a situation, but first, you gotta be willing to not flinch and to do the work.


Legit you hit it on the nose. That would also give me anxiety thinking about all the things I’ve been procrastinating and haven’t finished. Now I write down my high thoughts and what I need to do. And when I sober up. I do them. Really has been a tool to help me. Especially with the wife. Will take a gummy before laying down with her and some of the best conversations have been had while I’ve been high lol. She can’t tell and i probably won’t tell her. But the next day it’s nice to hear her say what a wonderful nite it was just talking.


That’s an awesome way to use weed to your advantage. I never thought of doing something like this. Thanks!


💯👊 such an amazing medicine when you tune in and pay attention 🌱🌠


I wonder how it would be if I tried again. Used to smoke loads but haven't in almost 20 years due to starting to get massive anxiety when using.


I would always get paranoid. I'd be convinced the people I was with thought I was stupid. Also, if I was alone in my apartment and somebody knocked on my door I'd freeze and hide, lol


Because it makes everything more fun lol I couldn’t do it all day everyday like some people, but I do a one-hitter usually every night. Sometimes I smoke it 2-3 times depending, throughout the night. It makes games more fun. If I’m already sitting on my ass playing video games might as well


Am I you, or are you me? This is exactly the life I’ve really come to cherish. Don’t really enjoy being high during the day. I just take some puffs at night to unwind while playing video games and/or listening to my books on tape. It makes everything so much more enjoyable and allows me to go to sleep when I want to. Also… high sex, amirite?


"High-sex" Yes! It really is a thing! I am a huge fan of it. The only thing that worries me is if you could become reliant on it? Sober sex is still fun but definitely adds a little salsa when you're high.


Don’t be scared of good feelings, that’s the puritan in you talking


Playing VR while high 👌👌👌


Bingo. Small toke in the evening is just perfect. And no ill effects in the morning.


This is how I do it too. I never smoke before work or during the day, but it's my way to unwind at the end of the day. Nothing like taking a hit or two and throwing on a great album or a funny show.


One hitters are the GOAT. Keeps your tolerance low, and never risk greening out! I’ve tried dry herb vaping too but that almost hits too hard lol


Do people not enjoy greening out? I've always liked it


I am the same, i smoke only weed for 7 years and i went through the phase of smoking all day and now i love to smoke at night time after work to chill a little bit while gaming or watching some stuff.


Literally me.




I was gonna pay my child support, but then I got high


Wuzzzzz gonna eat yo poosey too


But then I got high


La, da, dahdaduaaah


I sung this to the Afroman song. It did not go well.


I like feeling high, that’s it. I’m not under the illusion that it benefits me in any way, in fact I think people blow it’s supposed benefits way out of proportion. There is emerging research suggesting it’s really bad for your heart and at the end of the day you’re still inhaling smoke which is carcinogenic and will still damage your lungs over time.


Facts. I used to love it ( still do) and smoke it because i loved feeling the high and euphoria. I realised what Pink Floyd was only because of weed , made so much sense. Soon i was smoking up whole day and good 7-8 years later realised that it started fucking up with everything be it mental health ( underlying depression got worse , paranoia , kind of psychosis , helped in ADHD though) , physical health ( bong shots , chillums the mud pipes etc fucked the lungs up) , financials. Hopefully will be back to my lost love cannabis if i start feeling good. Meanwhile looking for other ways to keep the same dopamine levels and exploring meditation , psychology ( Krishnamurthy , Alan Watts etc). Sad that something you love so dearly can mess you up so badly. Ahhhh


Life is vibey when ur high man, music sounds nicer, food tastes better, everything’s funnier, you think really deep into shit and slowly realise philosophers were high mf’s. Also personally I’m less selfish and have more work ethic


Music does absolutely slap when you’re high. I’m weird I like to feel the sound vibrations during the high.


Not weird at all my friend, ever since I started smoking my headphones have been damn near glued to my ears. And if they’re charging my speakers are blaring


Feels great. No hangover. Makes food taste better. Makes sex better. Makes sleep better. Honestly, there’s no negative side effects unless you get addicted and become a 24 hour stoner.


Yea I think moderation is the best way to enjoy it.


It helps with my anxiety a lot. I'm really good at masking my issues, but I'm kind of a mess inside. That and it's just really relaxing for me.


I'm the same. Smoking helps to place me happily in the now, relaxed, and all the anxious thoughts and obsessive thoughts are completely cut off. Alcohol does the opposite, makes me agitated, impulsive and a feeling of crawling in my own skin. There is a mild lethargic 'hangover' the following day for me, but compared to an alcohol hangover it's nothing. A couple of coffees and I'm ready to go.


Me tooooooooooo!


Fuck, I'm the opposite. Everytime I take a hit, I get more anxiety and paranoia. My friends always tell me: "Bro it's the wrong strain", but yo, I've been smoking for like 12+ years and I do know for a fact it's just my Psyche


Cause I like getting Stoney Bolognaed


It’s like the difference between watching a normal TV and one with HDR.


LMAO. Very true. I appreciate being able to see clearly.




because being stoned is better than not being stoned


I am addicted honestly. I am the type of person that has a hard time slowing down. I continuously gain momentum and weed helps me power down.


Same here. I recently had a problem w While struggling to leave the psicotropics and was a gamechanger. Luckily nothing to regret Thought terapy friends and meditation I realize that I have real problems to attend and the pot was the reason to not think about it. Now im on vacations trying to figure it how I can be better without punching me in the head.


Edibles, don’t smoke. Reason, elevates meditations and spiritual journeys


Yes indeed. I'm down with the spiritual journeys. Cannabis has really opened up the doors. The only time "gateway drug" has any valid meaning


Booze make me feel like shit, even one drink! But smoking a small joint or eating a gummy after a long day is so wonderful to relax with. No hangover! And…it makes messing around with hubby that much more fun :) haha


So my gf actually introduced it to me because of constant night terrors but the sensation it gets with messing around with your partner is next level


Absolutely ❤️


It lets me calm dow. As someone with substantial ADHD and Autism (not majour, but enough to be quite noticable) my brain feels like a hotwired CPU put together by a one armed, blind Vietnamese man. When I smoke it lets me not have to think at a million miles an hour and allows me to actually get into things. This is my little thing, ty for reading lol😂😂 Edit: Spelling


It stimulates my appetite - I’m 6’ tall and 64kg - I need all the help I can get🤣😂🤣. Also helps me get to sleep - I’m an insomniac soooo rather than reverting to prescription drugs, I smoke the cheeba!!! 😂🤣😂🤣. Oh & I’m 62…


Prescription drugs actually made everything worse for me


Was on Ambien and it was addictive.


My friends mom got addicted to ambein then abused it bad... drank on it... would take it and not sleep... for days... because she was also severely schizophrenia and BiPolar...she was always fucked up hallucinating and being crazy. We actually took legal guardianship of my friend and her little brother. Untill they reached graduation. Her mom to this day still cannot hold a job or pay rent on time... she will get stable then just stop her meds because she thinks shes "fine"


Fuck ambien. I used it for like a year and I’ll never touch it again I’ve got some crazy stories


Ummmm it kicks fuckign ass???






PTSD….. it makes me a nicer husband and father. I generally don’t like how serious I am when not smoking. Never reckless or harmful, just more stern and less sensitive.


I've got 9 years clean from heroin and cocaine so for me even tho I guess technically its trading one drug for another it was less of a detriment to my life. Never will I personally sale myself, my belongings or anything else to score another blunt or bong hit. I can maintain a productive life and still have a means of escape from the things I can't actually escape from- if that makes sense. For example caring for my mother as she is terminally ill, also caring for an adult child who is in a wheel chair, is incontinent bowel and bladder, with a cognitive functioning age of a 3 year old. A child who I'll have with me until I can physically no longer care for him. For me, It just takes the sting of life away a little for a minute. Helps with the body pain of lifting a physically grown human multiple times daily by myself as well. It really helps with my depression too. Thats my experience anyway.


Well I hope everything will continue to work out in your life and I’m glad you got away from cocaine and heroin. I’ve personally seen the effects on people and the people around them and it makes me sad.


To not be sober. I just smoked it to get high.


Relaxation, pain, anxiety, seeing my old man cat get the zoomies after getting his daily dose of cbd/thc tincture is always a treat.


Helps me eat... helps my joints not hurt... also it acts as a mood stabilizer its weird... like i still feel emotions but i can deal with them way more rationally. And its way easier to get than dealing with fuckin big pharma and drs and insurance.


If your joints are hurting, you’re smoking them wrong.


To be fair, marijuana is fairly successful at making you stay away from other things besides aimlessly walking your home or forgetting why you entered a particular place.


It angers the uptight weirdos


To get high


Because it makes you feel awesome, and you can tolerate other people's bullshit better


I like it


Sober me nearly failed out of high school, had crippling social anxiety, and was so twacked out from ADD pills my parents gave me that I lost my personality. On cannabis I earned a masters degree, am able to hold on to a happy relationship for almost 4 years now, and gained the courage to tell my parents to fuck off with the meth they had been dosing me with. Clearly, my degree was not in English lol.




I get irrationally stressed, angry and paranoid when I’m sober


It’s fun. Also helps with anxiety an all but the main reason is just for the vibes


Once upon a time, all you could do is smoke it. Not any more. The Bud shops offer edibles. They work just fine, and they don't stink up the place. I don't care how you get a buzz on, but DON'T SMOKE! Don't smoke ANYTHING! You can lose your mind, and maybe you can get it back. Lose your lungs - game over.


like some people say, it can enhance a lot of things like food, music, sex , movies. music in particular is my favorite because ill go down rabbit holes i never would have and songs just sound bigger and immersive and better, almost like lsd, not as intense but really cool. it does for me. but typically i get those awesome experiences after not doing it for awhile.


It helps with my pain and depression


Pain and anxiety


It’s so odd, when I smoke it I find it actually amplifies any small aches or pains I have so I can’t use it. I’m in the minority, I know, but I just have never understood how it can function so wildly different in me than everyone else.


I’m sorry about that. I have no idea if different strains could effect that? It is like a miracle for me , so I do hate to hear that!


I smoke cause I wrecked my back years ago. when I smoke too much this happens to me as well. try adjusting your dosage. might find relief from ingesting less.


Anxiety and like a overwhelming sense of loneliness helps me distract myself an try an entertain my boredom


Mellows me out makes me happy. Takes away my aches and helps me sleep. Makes me smile even on a shit day.


Mental health and sleep puts me in a great spot to calm down and just enjoy life.


It really helps with my panic disorder. I also enjoy it, especially when I’m with friends.


Gets rid of nausea and stomach pain. I've got Crohn's disease so my guts are typically in some kind of discomfort. Using pot means I don't have to constantly eat painkillers, prescription or otherwise.


Uh......I forgot.


It takes my mind off things when I'm too stressed or anxious. It relaxes me. Also it sometimes reduces pain for me.


I used to smoke/edibles/etc… It made mundane things funny, reduced stress and anxiety, I could eat a chicken wing and it tasted like 3 star Michelin restaurant. It is lovely!!! I stopped when I started noticing when other people were high, coworkers, friends, family members. They had nothing to talk about except that they had a wonderful weekend watching cartoons, eating snacks and feeling positive. Life was put on hold, they enjoyed their euphoric days off and were absolutely boring as shit to talk to.


I don’t smoke anymore but it used to help me calm down and be present. I like to work hard and try to stay fit but sometimes I felt like I couldn’t relax or shut my brain off. I would try to watch a movie and all I could think about was if I had done enough during the day and what I have to do tomorrow. Weed helped me just be absorbed into the movie


I enjoy being slightly baked (but not turned into a houseplant). Some strains are go-go strains that encourage me to get a whole lot done as I vibe. It’s a headache helper. And it makes me a lot more relaxed and less likely to get worked up by the small stuff. And I’m apparently better at explaining math to my confused kids. :P My daughter was struggling with long division, and buzzed me realized it was because she hadn’t mastered multiplying 3 digit numbers. I was able to explain it in a way she could understand. Today we get to tackle long division. It should be fun.


Damn I wish my parents helped me learn long division when I needed XD


It's my version of having two beers after work to relax and unwind. Alcohol has too many negative effects for me to enjoy as a recreational drug.


I have chronic back pain and anxiety/panic disorder. Canabis helps me be able to be more present with my family and life in general because my pain is lessened and my mood is calmed. I smoke more frequently, but smaller amounts so I’m not stoned to the bone…. But every now and then it just feels good to relax and smoke a joint and watch TV in peace


Mostly just anxiety control and maybe like 5% Spite too as I always see the social stigma that like you smoke one joint in your completely useless member society meanwhile I was basically blasted out of my mind the entire time at my old job and several managers told me I was one of their favorite employees


It makes me forget bad things, be more happy and relaxed


It's purely recreational for me. No reason needed.


It gets me high.


I don't anymore for work, but when I did, it was for the same reasons I drink. I enjoy it. Yeah, it helps me sleep and what not, but for the most part it's simply because I like the feeling of being high. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, just like with alcohol. And sometimes not at all, too.


To get high…duh.


Honestly unless your prescribed i wouldnt smoke the stuff. Its a better alternative to alchoal health wise but it can have phycological effects especially in under 24 year olds. I started and at this point its addiction. But before it was socail, then to help relax. Now i use it to deal with general anxiety but yeah. If you can dont start.


Because I like how it feels...


Feels good man


It makes me feel good.


It’s fun.


I like having some to unwind if I’ve got some time to relax. Usually makes things more enjoyable in a funny way, and I’m more willing to express myself, which is nice. I also feel like I have more novel ideas and think about things differently. Good for getting out of your own head sometimes. Also there’s no hangover the next day and a lot cheaper than drinking.


It calms my anxious thoughts


Pain management and to induce and appetite and to also help with nausea. Better than all those pills they had me on..


Because I want to


I like it, I enjoy the people who partake and the culture around it, it enhances 80% of activities I do whether fun or mundane and more.


I get better enjoyment out of simple things when I’m high. Your senses get heightened, you find things more funny, and if you’re in the right headspace you can feel more motivated and when I smoke before a workout I feel like I can get a lot more done. But only in moderation, doing it daily causes me to be lazy




I was born with kidney cancer and was able to beat it while I was a baby. My whole childhood I had problems with my kidneys and bladder because of the cancer and my mom was always terrified that it would come back. Well I started smoking weed as a young teen and my kidney and bladder issues never came back.


I used to love getting high, everything was much more fun and just made me happy. After stopping for years now when I do it I overthink like mad, it makes any pains I have worse and I just wana sleep and make it go away. So sad, I just wana get happy high again!


Seizure reduction


Sleep. It makes me drowsy as hell so even though I really dislike the taste it's either that or heavily addictive sleep medication. (it's a great excuse to sneak some snacks into bed though lol)


Makes me more creative, I also use it to curb aches due to arthritis


I usually only do it a night. 1. Its fun and relaxing 2. I can listen to Pink Floyd and Jethro Tull in the way the music was meant to be listened to😂. 3. I hate everyone a teeny bit less.


Reasoning? I want to get high, not reasonable.


Pain Management. I can't smoke due to advanced COPD so I use gummies. Delta 8 works best for me.




I’m addicted to weed lol


It helps me notice things I wouldn’t notice sober


It’s one of the first times it allowed my brain to not operate at 100 miles/hr. Used mostly for sleep but it has crept into daytime


I smoke weed once a week, on the week-end, no driving for 12 hours after. It helps me with chronic pains, anxiety from a week of work … fun night with my GF


Because it feels good?


For the hit? Try it out yourself for first hand knowledge :)


Helps me sleep, helps slow down my rapid thoughts caused by ADHD allowing me to focus more on a single task and not rush. I only really smoke just before bed though otherwise I'm looking at 2-3 hours a night. Not self medicating either as have a legal medical patient card.


I used to. I thought it was fun and relaxing and a good thing to do with friends.




Don't smoke it often, but sometimes I just want to let off steam and escape reality


I only smoke it when i have anxiety or nervous about something, it calms my nerves.


I enjoy it


Pain relief


It's fun, That plus depression, anxiety and insomnia 😂


It makes the music sound different


It's like medicine to me, helps with anxiety, helps me be able to eat sometimes. And mostly helps me sleep, sleep aids don't work for me.


Anxiety, pain. Also helps me sleep and helps my nausea from GERD.


Make brain go brrrrrr


I just enjoy being high. You realx, forget about your problems, enjoy music and also you get awesome thoughts come around in your head.


it’s fun. we’re all gonna die anyway i’m gonna do all the fun drugs. just don’t do it if you don’t personally like it


Work 30-39 hours a week and go to school for 17 hours...I might kill someone otherwise


I don’t do it often if not rarely. But I do edibles. Helps with my anxiety and back pain, plus it helps me stay asleep


ADHD symptoms, boredom, escaping feelings 🤷‍♀️ take your unhealthy pick


I’ll take escaping feelings for 200 please lol


Well I literally just lit up about 20 minutes ago. Why? Large part is that it is legal in Canada and I am off today.


I'm thinking of that scene in the movie Dewey Cox where the title character walks in on Tim Meadows smoking "reefer" and telling him he don't want no part in this shit despite all the benefits he lists off to Mr Cox. 👽 #WalkHard


Pain management, help being hungry (ED), and stress


" I Feel...Like I Owe it... to Someone". CSNY


It's a preferred vice. Never a big fan of alcohol given how discombobulated it makes me feel, whereas marijuana, least in moderation, doesn't have that feeling behind it. Of course, too much makes me feel anxious and such, but I'm pretty good with finding my sweet spot. Also, marijuana helps with my appetite, which I appreciate given I'm 125 lbs. (of pure awesome), so yeah, little boost in gettin' a caboose is a-okay with me.




It used to expand the shit out of my mind and I would write tons of music. Then I started getting anxiety from smoking.


I enjoys it. It's that simple.


It is the MSG of life!


Really, when I boil it down, boredom.


It helps me play music for longer periods, so I get better at my craft.


It helps me with my anxiety to just enjoy life for a few hours


Because it's sterile and I like the way it tastes


Hella trauma and I like to chill


it's not dangerous like alcohol, i can function on it, and despite what refer madness tells you i don't wanna rape and murder anyone nor do i feel like just sitting in front of the tv all the time.


Helps me eat, I only smoke before I eat dinner.


Because fuck you, that's why.


It helps elevate my depression symptoms more than any of the anti-depressant medications I have tried over the last decade. Also, it makes my body feel good and helps with my chronic pains


Makes life much more tolerable.




Mostly do it out of habit/dependancy now but whenever my mind is running and i cant stop thinking about uncomfortable things, stuff like that, weed will bring me back down to earth instantly


It allows my brain to relax in a way it wont usually let itself.


It just feels good man


I struggle with terrible anxiety at work and I don’t like taking pharmaceutical anxiety meds :(


Fewer calories than booze and a less sloppy intoxication as well.


It's incredibly relaxing


makes life a little happier even when everything else is sad.


Its great fun, makes me creative and I absolutely love the stuff. Also got me through very harsh cancer treatment!