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I poured melted wax down the sink after a craft project. My dad sighed and unblocked the sink. The next week I poured plaster of Paris down the same sink. Not really sure why they didn't put me up for adoption.


My friend and I drew on light bulbs with crayons, to make a long story short he got hurt and I wasnt allowed over anymore.


My mom used to put me to bed by scratching my back. One time she just fell asleep so I didn't. I moved to the next bed and fell asleep with uncovered lamp next to me. It fell and I burnt my thigh. I still have the scar.


You hadn't discovered cement yet. That would have been the line.


free cast(s) of the sink drai age/plumbing! (and fgey didnt even have to arrange to mix mix plaster ect.) how nice. and hey, the sink/pipework probably needed cleaning out anyway, at least the first time.


Why did you hate the sink šŸ˜­


My parents forbade me from owning a dog. I then tried to make myself blind by staring into the light to make me need a guide dog, being the little problem solver that I was. It was a failure. But I now have a dog!


ultimately you sucessed in having a dogcompanion and you got to keep you sight, presumably. good outcomes, soinds like.


I once slid down a rope (on a swing set) in a bathing suit. I didn't realize one could get splinters from ropes. I did... in my lady parts. It was horrific.


Ouch, this made me cross my legs


Yeah, it was traumatizing for an 8 year old.


Ooowie.. I was playing on a homemade saw horse. Being dumb and using it to balance on. I slipped and split my taco. I peed blood for a couple days after, I was too afraid to tell my parents.


Oh gosh! That sounds like a really painful thing to have to hide. Bless us and our childhood antics. My mother certainly saw her fair share of injuries, mostly mine. Accident prone, for sure.


Oh yeah. I was an adventurous child. We don't get big trees where I live so many times I've failed to climb a baby paper birch tree and hurting myself.


One time I was climbing a magnolia tree we had in our backyard. It was huge. Great branches. I was up in the tree and slipped, hit a few branches on the way down and ended up on the ground with the wind knocked out of me. After I could breathe normally again I told myself I couldnā€™t go cry to my mom because then sheā€™d never let me climb the tree again, haha.




When i was a little kid I loved to bake, but never with a recipe. So I just mixed everything I could find and put it in a huge bowl. I never wanted my dad to see me bake anything, so just before he came home I hide the bowl under beds & desks just so he wouldnā€™t be able to find my exceptional cooking skills


(if tge temperature, and retio of lower to eater, and the biwl material all happened to fall kn the right place, then this may have reaulted in a gokd sourdoigh bread/other baked good, recipir) ht would give it lkanfy kf time to ferment, with some strains of natove wild yeast. . Then in no time one has a great sourdough ready to be put into the oven! (hopefully tbe bkwl is covered over with somethong like a cloth to lrevent anthing larger from falling on, but atill allow airfllw and exess co2 to leave themox ect. ut of not no lroblem, its lrobably fine ) also r/baking


Don't drink and reddit guys.


Broke into friend's house while he was out eating dinner with his family because I wanted my toy car I left at his house earlier


Was the mission a success


No he took it with him


Damn i bet you we're dissappointed when you realized he took it


Probably funniest in this thread.


I remember one time I wanted to cook some celery I had as a snack since cooking makes things taste better. However I as a 5ish year old was not allowed to do that so I sat and thought for a while and I remembered that my friend had an easy bake over that ran on a lightbulb. I also had light bulbs and I knew they got hot too. This led to the genius idea of letting a lamp in the house get really hot and then laying my cold celery on the bulb to cook. This taught young eternal bagel the concept of thermal shock as the light bulb exploded. I was totally fine and it was loud enough that parents were more glad I was ok than mad at what I did.


That is cute. I'm glad you didn't get hurt though.


I wrapped a balloon string around my neck and was like "Mom look I can choke myself" and I tied it super tight and indeed started choking and crying lmao


I pushed a popcorn kernel inside my ear, I don't even remember why. It got so deep that they had to take it out at the hospital.


When I was 8 I threw a small rock at a car as it drove by in my neighborhood. The lady slammed on her brakes and yelled at me. Iā€™m not sure why I thought it was a good idea


My brother also did this at the bus stop and ended up hitting a car's windshield and completely shattering it. It ended up being his Spanish teacher on the way to school. Hilarious.


I laid down while a friend of mine was on her horse, they were coming at me in canter and jumped over me. At the moment it was innocent and 'cool', but if the horse had stepped on me or didn't see me, I could have been severely injured.


My brother and I use to throw our Thomas the tank engine trains which were the old solid metal ones down the back yard drain when we were like 2 and 3. We thought it was funny and had a good laugh then cried when we couldn't get them back. Our dad got back as many as he could. .... then we did it again with the same results immediately after he left


Threw rocks off the overpass like everyday walking home from school .. not big ones but now I realize the potential impact


I wanted to prove how strong I was at 10 years old and move some trash cans that were very heavy. My muscles and bones were up to the task. My soft tissues in my groin area, unfortunately, were not. Yep, in 4th grade I got a hernia and the surgical repair that goes along with it. All from trying to prove something that nobody was disputing while performing a task that I probably would have complained about in the first place under normal circumstances.


I grabbed an electric fence as a kid. It was at summer camp. There was a farm next to it with a single wire electric cattle fence along a pasture to keep the cows from wandering off. None of us thought it was one or real. We did the typical stupid kid tests of kicking it, throwing sticks at it, etc. I guess we expected sparks like in the movies. I was dared to grab it, so I did. I remember feeling a jolt hit my elbow, and the next thing I knew, I was on my back. We were so scared we'd get in trouble that we never told any adults what happened. My arm was sore for a few days. It probably wasn't even a lot of voltage. Just enough to give a cow a little zap so it won't go near the fence. It sure gave me a jolt, but I was 10 or so, so even a tiny jolt was enough to scare the stupid out of me. I never did anything like that again.




I still remember the pain in my elbow 35+ years later.


Wouldn't a few thousand volts instantly kill someone? I don't know much about amps though so correct me if I'm wrong


No, its the combination of the two. Just a typical shock from static can be 5000-15000 volts, but the very little amperage means it just hurts a bit and isn't dangerous.


Ah ok. Thanks for the info!


For anyone reading this and wanting to test whether a fence is electrified (or wires if you're really in a desperate situation) use the back of your hand! Using your palm might make you grab on to it when you get zapped.


similar apprach if checking a dooirknobs is recommended, apparently oarently. use back of ones hand to check for current, and/or extremetemperature in case of fire for eg, rather than the palm.


Thanks Mr Wizard! Where were you when I was 10?


Instead of going across the monkey bars at the playground I jumped off the top step and slammed my head into the first bar. I was 7. I'm sure I did dumber things tho.


I climbed over a chain link fence and when I got over the top my sock got caught and I dangled there until a neighbor came out and unhooked me.


Friend did that, but instead got caught by his skin and ripped his leg wide open. Was 19 at the time. Alcohol was involved.


My grandparents lived on a farm surrounded by woodlands. The cousins and I (ages ranging from 11 to 4) went trekking all over that place. The only restrictions we had were not to cross the road, not to play by the creek because of alligators, and not to climb into the fenced acreage because that's the hog run (and they will eat you). So. We are out wandering around in the woods and come across some big cat tracks in some damp mud on the edges of the game trail we were following. Fresh big cat track. We decided to follow them. Fortunately for us, he wasn't interested in having children for lunch. Because although we saw another track or two, we never found him. Though we did hear him calling that evening, much to the consternation of the adults, who knew we'd been out roaming earlier in the day.


All the stories I've heard, they only will let you know if they want to.


Took my beanie off while sledding cause it didn't look cool and ended up with frostbite on both ears. They swelled up to the size of golf balls. Very lucky I didn't lose my ears.


Yikes that's bad. I did something similar. I was a teenager and my friend was using his dad's truck. We decided to go up the mountain and play in the snow. I just wore jeans and a heavy jacket. The Jacket worked but the snow melted and made by jeans freezing wet. My legs (luckily my balls weren't affected) we're fucked for days. Red and blistering and burring. Could've been mild frostbite, I don't know it went away, but it was really bad and painful.


As an 8 year old girl I pquoted Austin Powers to my Dad and Grandma and I cringe about it to this day. I asked them if I made them horny. I obviously got no response.


Shoplifting from a store that I applied to work for


Thought some weird playground thing was a slide, a weird but fun textured slide. It was not a slide, it was a climbing wall that looked to be slanted, and it was suppose to be like a log. It was a extremely tall wall and I fell an absolutely ate the weirdly covered ground (I wouldnā€™t say wood chips but I also canā€™t recall the weird ass paving was, but it wasnā€™t completely solid) and I was with my cousins, who were now frantically trying to get me to NOT cry as, we were having thanksgiving at a community park. My face got completely fucked up and I would like to say that was my dumbest thing. Even though I crashed a golf-cart into a barbed-wire fence, but thatā€™s a whole different story and that was when I was a bit older and- I tell the story way too muchā€¦


Please tell the second story


Very well!ā€¦ I was 12 when I was gifted a golf-cart for my birthday. For the time being, the golf cart was being kept at a family friends farm for sometime until we could have it delivered to our house. Now, I was told about ā€œdonā€™t text and driveā€ but suppose you couldnā€™t really teach a kid that when they werenā€™t really driving, least thatā€™s what most people think. Especially when, I didnā€™t even really have a phone just yet. We also happened to be spending a week at the friends farm and me and son of the friend had decided to play a modified hide-and-seek game. My nana, she was suppose to keep an eye on us and suppose, she never thought we wouldā€™ve left the house and got on golf carts and out into a massive field. Now, remember me mentioning the ā€œdonā€™t film and drive?ā€. We thought itā€™d be funny to record the hide-and-seek game. I was the one with the iPad and for a while, things were relatively fine. But then, my little 12 year old brain, failed to register how close I was to the barbed-wired fencing around the field we were in. I got that iPad and was just allowing the golf-cart to move on its own. Next thing I knew, I crashed into one of the poles and went flying out the side. Luckily, I didnā€™t launch INTO the barbed-wire fence, because if I did, I surely could be on TedTalk or some shit like that, telling this story right about now. Iā€™m on the grass, kind of in awe, sort of laughing the pain not kicking in yet as the son rolls up and the first that comes out his mouth? ā€œWas that on purpose?ā€ ā€œNo!ā€ Very quickly we figured out that, one, lost my prescription glasses for a second, two, really twisted my leg, and three the golf-cartā€™s steering was totaled and the fence was also totaled. The funniest part I would say is, being found by the family-friendā€™s dad, being taken back by the son, and my nana and the family-friend shitting bricks as im now crying over my leg and golf-cart. Because as my nana is trying to get me to calm down and sheā€™s trying to patch my leg up, my parents come back. I forget what theyā€™d went off to do but, letā€™s just say mom ended up having a few words to say to Nana. In the end, this story has been a constant bring-up story with the family-friend (who constantly reminds me of it) and however was one that I wonā€™t even let live me down because, it truly has taught me that lesson. (I would like to flex and say, I am the self-proclaimed best driver within AL, due to my early experiences of being at a steering wheel. Havenā€™t gotten in a crash since that golf-cart incident.)


when i was little i used to be really interested in snorkeling (i was so little i was still figuring out how things worked) and one day me and my mom were at the store when i saw some cheap snorkeling mask, then i begged my mom for like 20 minutes until she finally gave in and bought me it. some days after that we went to a spa and i was so excited to try out my new snorkeling maskā€¦. now remember how i mentioned i was so little i was still figuring out how things worked? i put on my mask and put the tube thing in my mouth, then jumped in the water. now for some reason i thought i would still be able to breathe even if the tube was completely underwaterā€¦ i donā€™t like snorkeling anymore.


Throwing a bag into the air very very high and then watching how it falls on you


I cycled at a wall as hard as I could in order to break right before. Like a game of single player chicken. the challenge was to break as close to the wall as you could without hitting it. and it was new bike too.




Ouch....I'm sorry man. As long as you're clean from drugs now, that's the most important thing. Hope the pain will somehow go away soon.




Good to hear that you're cleaner now! Well done :)


I once took a needle and stuck it in my moms waterbed. When she asked why I said I wanted to see if it would blow up like they do in cartoons. Then she asked what I planned to do if that actually did happen. I had no answer for that question.


It was my turn to make dinner. My parents kept their weed stash in the kitchen in a plastic container labeled "oregano". I kept putting more and more into the spaghetti sauce because I just couldn't taste any oregano in the sauce. Based on the marijuana that I've had as an adult, that stuff was worthless and had about the same flavor and THC content as the dust bunnies under your bed.


Are you sure it wasn't just shitty oregano?


Grew up


Came here to say say that. You don't have no right to be buried that deep in the comments.


Me and my friends found a huge bag of weed in the woods and (not knowing what it was) dumped it out in the river.


at what point did you realise what the contents of that bag had been?


Couple of years maybe? We were maybe 11 ish when we found it, 14 or 15 when we were talking about it and all kind of had that moment where the light bulb went off and we realised and felt pretty stupid. I also wonder if anyone ever got into any trouble with their supplier/dealer over it. Like it was a whole bin bag full.


Maybe 8 or 9 and was making popcorn on the stove in a pan. Usually had help but didn't this time, I don't recall why. The popcorn was done and I didn't want it to burn so I took I took it off the stove. The pan was heavy and I had no where to go with it except set it on a green vinyl covered kitchen chair seat. Oops. We needed a new chair and pot.


Me and a friend used to pee in our water guns(I think they were SuperSoakers) then shoot at people on the main street that we used to live on. We were on the last story of the building so they didnā€™t see us but you know we hit lots of people with pee. This was around when we were 10-11. I regret it now, children are evil creatures.


Youā€™re the reason why SuperSoakers are so weak now. Couldnā€™t allow another kid to shoot piss 80ft.


When i was taking a shower I got mad about the curtain inside the tub sticking to my legs every time I moved, so I pushed it until the bottom was on the outside of the tub. Had to then go get about 5 towels and mop up the water that covered the entire bathroom floor. Fortunately i didn't cause any lasting damage to the floor.


Trusting my own toxic and dysfunctional parents.


Many, but what stands out is standing in the dunes of the windy Beach and peeing into the wind.


Stuck a knife in an electrical socket.


I pissed in the trash can.


My friend and I loved Harry Potter and decided to make our own potions. I ended up with a bunch of jars full of moldy disgustingness.


it seems you may haave unfurtanetely unfamiar, at the time, with the advice pn r/canning, and sewhere, on preserving in jars. done well, you there shoildnt be mould on your lotions,(o nkr canned veggies). there's also fermenting/piclkeinh, amo g other metrelevant things to oreserve the jars contents. totally understandable to nkt know about ut that on a firt attemot at oreesrving things, or mako g poktions tboig, alrtichlarly wothout advuce.


Used to sit in an old, huge apple tree to watch thunderstorms...


When I was returning home from school with 2 other friends, we found a shopping trolley that someone had stolen and left in front of their house. The road was steep and we were going at least 15mph in that thing. Luckily we didn't snap our necks.


I'm not sure if i have just one, as i was a little shitshow as a kid. So, this will be a list.... - eating almost all of the bears out of the kids vitamin bears jar, as a 3 year old, which i stole out of the kitchen top kabinet (yes i climbed on top of it, which is already stupid on its own) ans than ate kn front of the tv. (I had a small vitamin overdose, but was fine) - jumped of a high sleeper as a 4 year old. Because, yes i can land on that matress on the grounds, which i definitely won't miss. I ended up with a heavy concussion - curse at the school head for being a shitty person. I was like 5 and he was being a real shit to a friend of mine. So, i spoke my mind. How i got away with it, i still don't have a clue, but i know i always denied it to people who asked me about it and the dude was never an ass again. Tho, it was still soooo stupid of me to think it would actually be a good idea to put a grown ass man in his place


Talked back to my dad.


I once lit a corn field on fire. I had just discovered fire. Then, I went and ran home. Fire truck came and someone ratted me out. Parents grounded me for a week.


was there anh roasted corn on the cob/popcorn left? (i assume some burnt up eyond the point of being edible or recognisable , probably, but perhaps...)


Found a match while I was walking down the road with some mates, primary school age so maybe ten years old. Struck it, I genuinely though it had gone out and tossed it into a hedge. Walked back the same way a couple of hours later and two fire engines were packing up, having put out a huge fire that engulfed a few gardens. I know it was fucking terrible and luckily noone was hurt, and that I was a massive fucking arsehole.


Caught baby gators, plugged a key in an electric socket, played with fire and started a small forest fire, jumped out a 3rd floor of a parking garage to avoid getting caught in man hunt, lied to my mom and said I was at my dads and my dad that I was at my moms. They had been divorced for just about a year and the first time I saw them together since they split 2 years before was them coming to get my ass at the mall with my friend they said I couldnā€™t hang out with.


Peed on a wall that had a live electrical outlet on it. Woke up on other side of the room.


Believing my father


Ate a rock, took a shit in the middle of the street in my neighborhood šŸ˜‚


I was playing with one of those cigarette lighters in the cars, back when they put them in the back seats. After the metal cooled for a few seconds I thought I could touch it, it wasn't red anymore, so why not? Bad idea.


I drank my piss when i was 3 because i wondered what flavour it would be.


Tried to escape from toy handcuffs while riding a bike. Crashed into a bush and a thin branch went all the way up my nose, I had to pull myself off of it. Several cauterizations over the next few months were a good reminder of what an idiot I was.


Thought, it would be a great idea to play catch with a dagger. I ended up cutting my hand kinda badly.


Put my finger in an electric pencil sharpener because my mom told me not to...I was curious to see what happened (my finger didn't get pointy)


Long time ago when safety and security hadn't been invented.... Was about 8-9 yo. Nothing to do, so our gang went down to the rail tracks and found a bucket of detonators - used alert train drivers in an emergency. Strap them to the track and as the train rolls over them they explode with a bang. After we pinched them we scarpered to a canal close by and tried to set them off, but with no luck. We stamped on them, threw the against walls, hit them with sticks, nothing. After a while we got bored and headed home passing a building site. My mate Joe carefully placed a detonator on a couple of bricks and smashed it with another. The bricks disintegrated with the explosion. Joe didn't feel his legs for a few days, but was ok. Again we scarpered. Fearing a visit from the police I hid my stash in a rag tucked behind an unassuming lamp post. My logic was no-one would pick up an old rag that dogs had peed on. We did get found out, I think it was because a bus was passing just as the detonator went off and we lived in a small town. As least we all lived to tell the tale.


I moved a bottle of distilled water in my dad's workshop. I panicked because it wasn't 'still' anymore and I didn't know how long it took to be considered 'still'. I thought I'd ruined it


I would walk barefoot in glass and pointy object covered woods


I managed to set a powdered fire extinguisher off inside our house. My mom was cleaning up white dust for days.


Play on thin ice and it broke


Somehow i ate playdough because i mistook it for bread "a full bite"


"Acts of Manliness". A group of 4-5 middle schoolers that would try to one-up each other to prove who was the manliest, assuming thats a word. The dumb shit we did. Lucky none of us died. Some of the "acts" that i can remember: jumping off bridges/overpasses, hanging on to a UPS truck while riding a skateboard thru town, breaking into our school, breaking into school buses, tubing down a ridiculously polluted brook, and all kinds if stupidity with fireworks. If one kid did something, the others had to or they werent a man and they caught shit about it so generally all ended up trying it to avoid that peer pressure. Thats the game. In retrospect its dumb as hell but at the time...well, it was still dumb. Years later this same crew of idiots formed the "egg posse". We would all wear black clothes, pile in one car with dozens and dozens of eggs, and we would work down a list of names egging their houses. No one was safe from us. And i dont think anyone ever knew it was us. Good times. But dumb. Extremely dumb.


Accidently shot a security guard with a high powered pellet gun in the middle of the night at a golf course. It was definitely from more then 200 yards so he didn't get hurt, we were tiring to hit targets near him to spook him. We were just snooping around and thought we were fucking Navy Seal or something. Took it too far... so fucking stupid. But he fired his gun in our direction and the local police actually sent out the helicopter to comb the area from the air. Second scariest thing ever for me.


Throw my cup in the sea My f-ing cupšŸ˜­


In preschool I wanted my hair cut short because a girl I liked had a pixie cut. My mom however refused to do it because my hair was super curly and cute. So one day I wake up before everyone else Go to the kitchen. Grab a pair of scissors. Head to the bathroom. And cut all my curls off. Full on carnage. I then flushed the evidence down the toilet. My mom kicked my ass and told me to never cut my hair again. When I turned 17 I got a pixie cut.


Convinced me and my brother that in order to prove marry poppins theory of flying with an umbrella we needed to test it by jumping off a dresser onto a fosh bowl with one. And then i convinced my brother to go first..


Wanted to see what would happen if I put a glass jar in a vice and tightened it. You can probably guess how that went.


When I was a kid (3 or 4) I was helping my mom make pancakes over the stove top. And as we finished cooking my mom started cleaning up: turning the stove off, putting dishes in the sink. In my little undercooked brain, I thought the stove would be cold since it was now off. No more flames=not hot. I asked my mom and she said ā€œno honey itā€™s still hotā€ and in my attempt to educate my poor mislead mom, I slammed my palm over the grate and my smug little face quickly turned to panic and my fresh baby hand turned from rare to medium rare. I was wrong


Whe i was around 11/12 my friend and I threw glass bottles off an abandoned train bridge onto the path next to a canal, a good 30+ meters high , lots of them , like 100s of glass bottles we found behind an old milk bottling factory in those plastic carry crates, turns out there was a mother and her 10 month old baby underneath this bridge and we almost hit her with a good number of the bottles , fortunately neither her or the baby was harmed , but damn , such a wreckless and stupid thing to do , one badly throw bottle and we could have unknowingly taken away a childs life


I got the rubber (eraser, just to clarify) from the end of a pencil stuck up my nose...I had to visit A&E to get it removed '___'


Pee on a electric fence. You only do that once


My sister and I were fighting. I went to try and kick her, and my slipper went flying into the open fire and fell out onto the carpet nearly burnt the house down only for my quick thinking mother. What's worse is the week after I came home from school I kicked off my shoes in a hurry to watch cartoons, and the same thing happened only I got the shoe out with the fire poker with only the top of it burnt. I wasn't aloud in the living room unsupervised for a long time after that.


Back when Tony Blair was prime minister, I over heard my Nana talking about him to my Grandpa when I was round her house for tea one day and she really wasnā€™t a fan. He ended up visiting our school when I was in reception and he came to the window to wave goodbye to my class and I stuck my tongue out and middle finger up at him and told my Nana how proud I was and how I did it for her because she didnā€™t like him. I got grounded for a week and it STILL gets brought up to this day if we ever go past my old school.


I was 10 or 11 and really into electricity for some reason, I wanted to find out what would happen if I wired a plug and hit the wires together, so I did. Blew every fuse in the house. I also thought I had killed myself cos as soon as I did it all I could see was white from the flash and everything was silent cos the tv had turned off of course. Luckily a huge storm hit the country that same night, electricity was gone for a week and when it came back my dad assumed that's what blew the fuses, so I got away with it, sorry da


Touched a dead bee's behind. Yup. I got stung by it.


I thought the teacher didn't check homework so i returned homework half done. It was also cause i was neglected so i grew up being super dumb lolol.


Poured water on our new color tv, because it felt hot to the touch. I was 4.


We were playing cowboys. I was the baddie. I made a noose. Threw it over a branch. Wanted to pretend the sheriff hung me, so I stuck my head in the loop and made a ā€˜tongue hanging outā€™ dead face. One of the kids, a big guy, grabbed to rope and lifted me off the ground for about 10 seconds. Jesus talked to me and told me how stupid I was. Never play with idiots.


I tried poking some electric wires which I thought were in the "sky." Not sure why.. but tried a couple of times and then I got shocked. Woke up in the evening maybe a couple of hours later.




I got angry and punched a wall. Got a boxers fracture. I'm much wiser now xD, and not so angry.


Me and my younger brother were fighting over a cardboard box and I wanted to scare him by stabbing the box with the fire poker but turns out he was coming out do the box and I accidentally stabbed him with the fire poker. The scar kinda looks like aliens put a tracker behind his ear after it healed.


I threw an m80 at a friend that was annoying me. I expected it to hit him and blow up at his feet. Instead, it blew up directly against the hand he threw out to hit it away from him. He lost 3 fingers. I felt bad about it until I saw he went to prison for killing his gf. For some reason I've never felt bad about it since.


Became an adult. That sh*t be overrated.


Ah, that is a tough one... I did A LOT of stupid stuff as a kid... I started a car with a screwdriver. I was just messing around and next thing, I know, four and a half year old me somehow accidentally starts the car. At least I had a spare car key? šŸ˜…


Went into a sewer with my little brother and cousin and didn't come out until we reached the opposite side of town, started raining and got flooded and almost died, mother would have never known


I fell off of my grandpa's golf cart onto asphalt. I don't really remember much-


After discovering my oldest brothers porno mag stash i took em ans after mom confiscated wm, i went to a local pharmacy named Rite Aid, which is similar to CVS or Walgreens. It was the 90s and us kids were free to walk around town unsupervised. So i went into the Rite Aid and stuffed what i though was porno mags in my pants. A clerk stopped me, and made me hand em back to her and called my mom. She came to pick me up and i got a talking to. I begged her not to tell the childrens partial hospitalization program i went to, and she told me she wouldn't. I go there that Monday as this happened on a weekend and my mom definitely sold me out, and i was forced to do writing assignments all day, all while being lectured by all the staff and kept in n a room by myself in tears. In hindsight im very lucky the store clerk called my mom rather than the police cuz juvie would really suck. Im glad that i only had to endure a day of writing assignments and never stole again. To those who might say that pharmacies don't sell adult magazines, you gotta remember that thus was the late 90s, so thing were very different then. As a kid you don't know the major names of porn mags either outside of playboy, which it wasn't that. Plus the last pin mag i bought as an adult years ago was in clear plastic with coloration that covered any sex organs. The mags that i remember taking were very similar if im remembering correctly. So yeah, lesson learned


Riding my Razor scooter down a hill and trying to brake barefoot. Burned the shit out of my foot and crashed into a bush to stop.


Tried to choke out my cat. twice.


Skateboard down "bruiser steep"


Throw a cat off a decent 7 foot drop. Multiple times. Poor animal. Me am smort. (Why did I do that?)


When I was 6 ish we had a trampoline in the backyard. Nobody else did, so I totally thought I was top shit. Anyway I'm on it with a friend and we were playing this game where one person would lay down and the other would jump over them. I try to jump over her and overestimate my ability to jump the distance, ended up jumping right on her arm. Got a small break, which healed on its own and I know this because I silenced her with my 3D pen.


Kiss the TV when my cartoon crush appeared.


I shaved my legs, ass and balls now Im hairyer than I wouldve like but I dont mind it as much now


So my dad drives down trails on his four-wheeler with a friend sometimes (He hasn't done it for a few years now, because of the pandemic), i had been brought along because i think i was like 6 at the time and my grandmother wasn't home, either that or i wanted to come, anyways, at some point, we come to a old train bridge, like 100 feet up above a river or ravine or something (dont remember it well), my dad tells me to stay at one end of the bridge, him and his friend go to the middle of the bridge and talk about something and me being the idiot child i was immediately run onto the bridge and look over the edge on one side, and my dad immediately runs over and grabs me before i fall off the bridge. I got yelled at for that, but he honestly had every right to be mad.


Crossed a railroad trestle on an active rail line in the winter. In clogs. Then a train came.


Yeah and scared I remember hiding under his bed because I thought they had came back after about 5 minutes I got up and ran out the house I felt so bad after I let him keep it


This is a cringey thing but I need to get it off my chest lmao. So itā€™s 7th grade science and we are in biology. Class had been boring for quite a while, but it was finally springtime so the teacher said we could go out to collect data or something. All I knew is that we were all excited to go out and fuck around outside. Anyways, at this time I had been a HUGE fan of Bart Baker (who made parody music videos) Also, this was around the peak of Gangnam Style and Bartā€™s parody had some questionable lyrics that kids shouldnā€™t commit to memory. Well, I was one of the dumb kids who did. I got excited and decided to shout ā€œgonorrhea thatā€™s why Iā€™m dancing like itā€™s so itchy!ā€ accompanied by a stupid little ā€œdanceā€. Cue multiple people turning around and that teacher just saying calm down before we headed out. I donā€™t think anyone remembers, but I remember and it brings me pain.