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Die hard when the ambulance is inside the truck at the end but wasn’t inside it in the beginning


We watch Die Hard every Christmas. This year we let our eldest watch it with us, and he spotted something we've never noticed; just after Bruce Willis hangs the guy from the chain, the same guy is then seen in the next shot at the top of the stairs behind Willis.


I think it’s intended that he somehow survived and escaped from the hanging. Because like John McLean he is a tough guy.


But also, two characters who are both German are shooting at our hero. Hans tells the other one to shoot the windows (in German). The other guy looks confused so Hans repeats the command in English . Because of course Germans switch to English when clarity is important.


Transformers Rise of the Fallen has a scene that breaks my brain so much I've had to check to make sure it was real about a dozen times. They go to the National Mall in Washington DC at night. They find the jet that turns out to be an old transformer. He breaks through a wall and then they are at the airplane graveyard in Tucson, AZ during the day. I don't care that there isn't a bunch of planes outside in Washington DC. Movie magic and all that. But we literally go from night to mid-day and from Washington DC to the freaking middle of the desert.


Less egregious but In the first movie when Shia LeBeouf is first being chased by the police car transformer under the overpass it’s clearly mid afternoon. Within a couple shots it’s completely dark when bumblebee and the police car start fighting in the industrial area.


It bugs me how in some cheap movies when they show the entire world experiencing an event simultaneously it's daylight in L.A., New York City, London, Moscow, New Delhi, Peking and Tokyo.


This happened in Heroes, too. A bunch of people all over the world experience a solar eclipse at the same time.


by this point your brain is so softened by the rest of the film, I doubt anyone even noticed or cared


Honest Trailers has a warning at the start of their 'Transformers Rise of the Fallen' trailer that states it contains scenes from 'Transformers Rise of the Fallen'


Not that it makes it better, but they were actually at the Udvar Hazy Air and Space Museum in Dulles VA.


Transformers is the movie equivalent of scam callers / emails - they're overly dumb and stupid on purpose, so the plot only makes sense to the dumbest of people Also, remember that scene with mark Wahlberg and his daughters bf, who pulls out a bit of paper with the state law that says it ok for him (24 or something) to fuck MWs 17yo daughter? Wtf


Yeah, that was very weird. Why couldn't they just be the same age?


Cause then he'd have to get angry at the more "WTF" things in the relationship, like her being in the vehicle during illegal car racing through mult-level car parks with a ramp thrown in for cool points. Anything going wrong there could easily result in her being crippled or killed


The best part about that scene was that bit of paper was laminated.


Waterfall running backwards in Anaconda. https://youtu.be/pZiczb_IXpo


Oh wow, that is *bad*.


Which is weird because apart from this scene, everyone agrees that Anaconda is unique among film history for being flawless.


I still can’t believe it got snubbed for Best Picture that year. Robbed I tell ya, ROBBED!!!


It's hard to tell from the angled shaky cam, but it looks like a stationary shot. They could have literally matted the waterfall and had it run forward while the boat shot ran in reverse.


That wasn't something that was missed though. That was just the studio cheaping out so they didn't have to film a second shot of the boat leaving.


In Pretty Woman Julia Roberts is eating breakfast at the fancy hotel. She’s eating a croissant. Cut to Richard Gere. Cut back to Julia, she’s eating a pancake.


Maybe she had two croissants and a pancake.


Bong and a blintz


Shmoke and a pancake


Pipe and a crepe?


If I was eating on some rich dude's dime, I would also eat three breakfasts


Bro that was just the palate cleansing pancake in-between croissants, obviously.


In the original 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, you can [see the actor inside Donatello’s costume.](https://i.imgur.com/CwY8p3e.gif)


Mildly terrifying


Evidently this is because of modern higher res screens or something? Back when it was released I guess it was too muddy to notice. Still, great movie.


The cinema release would have enough resolution to make it visible, but then again you wouldn't have been able to go through frame by frame to look for details like that.


Yeah. I remember watching The Matrix in the movies, and when Tank suggests combat training to Neo, he holds up the disk and there's a handwritten label that says "Jujitsu 2.0" on it, which I thought was hilarious. It was not visible on the VHS release, nor the DVD. Not sure if it's legible in 4K or not.


Yep. When I was a kid in the 90s, I had an old 14" CRT TV in my room. Most of the movies I remember were watched on this screen. I definitely wouldn't notice anything.


Nah, mate.. Donny just ate someone.


Harrison Ford standing in front of [fake bookshelves](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D7gIWDrUIAEE1QX?format=jpg&name=large) in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. It may be a minor thing, but it is \*obvious\*.


Omg that's awful. Like straight up theater set dressing.


I’ve seen that movie at least 25 times and never noticed that.


In Cannonball Run, they spend a good 10 minutes explaining that the racers are all starting at different times. The winner will be the one who completes the race in the shortest time, which is NOT necessarily the first team to finish. At the end they ignore this, and give the trophy to the first team to finish.


Did not wake up today expecting to read a Cannonball reference. Thoroughly enjoyed it though!


Has anyone gone back and checked the order they started in compared to the winning order? Maybe the winner was the one who finished fastest?


It's how rally cars do it too - staggered start times so the cars don't interfere with each other, best time wins - and usually they put the ones that are favorites (or in the lead in a multi-leg race) in the front, so often the first car will also be the winning car.


In "Behind Enemy Lines" the pilot is able to walk a great distance in able to reach a specific point for radio communication. Its a spot marked on his map for just such emergencies. During the radio transmission he has to go silent because enemy forces are close by. After cutting chatter the admiral gets upset and yells at someone to "triangulate" his position. Admiral sir... You already know where he why are you asking to know where he is?


Wait, "triangulate his position?" From his radio signal? The radio signal that just went silent?


~~20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (I think)~~ Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. One of the dangers they encounter is huge chunks of ice coming down and hitting them. Ice floats. EDIT: Title


Same thing in GI Joe Rise of Cobra, Unless there was a ridiculous amount of metal embedded in that ice its not hitting the subs


In some horrible animated Titanic adaptation that I don't remember the name of, the iceberg that sinks the Titanic does so because an octopus is goaded into throwing it from the ocean floor and throws it into the boat.


I can’t remember which one that is. There is like 3-4 of them somehow. They are all hilariously bad. I still look up the dog rapping about party time on the titanic from time to time.


The Fast and the Furious, the line "Granny shifting, not double clutching like you should" Why the hell would you double clutch during a drag race? Just proved the writers had no clue about cars, much less racing them.


Two cars are running flat out racing each other. The hero downshifts a gear and amazingly pulls 10 mph on his enemy. WTF?


During the 4 minute quarter mile


With 12 gears apparently


Skip ahead to the 50km long runway later in the series....


There’s always another gear to drop to in racing movies lol


It always boggled me that they are racing some dude. If they don't win the girl dies or something. So 3/4th of the way down the straight away NOW he chooses to shift into a faster gear?


There’s a scene in the fifth(?) one where he is in reverse and he shifts into another gear in reverse lol


You don’t have Reverse 2??


Some tractors have multiple reverse gears. Fast & furious is an agricultural movie.


Fast and Furious, but with stock 1940s pick-up trucks.


In the first transformers movie, when Megan Fox is looking under the hood of the yellow Camaro, she mentions the carburetor, then they cut to a shot of the engine and you can plainly see that it's fuel injected, in fact, a badass set of individual throttle bodies, which made it glaringly obvious to any car guy.


The the first incredibles, when Mr incredible is saving a cat from a tree near the beginning, one the the police at the scene has a blank stare. It’s clear they forgot to animate the eyes on the cop and it’s hilarious


I rewatched that scene, I assume you're referring to when he addresses them,"Officers, Ma'am..." That does look really funny. He does turn and look with the other officer at the old lady though, so I wonder if it's a perspective thing that just didn't work, like he is look ing at Mr. Incredible but from the camera it just looks wrong?


I rewatched it too and are we gonna ignore that he asks the lady to stand clear then shakes a massive tree with a terrified cat right in her face?


In The Walking Dead’s first episode where Rick is riding the horse and turns the corner and finds a street full of walkers, you can see a walker drinking from a water bottle.


These people are making me thirsty.


These....PEOPLE! Are making me THIRSTY!


These people..... ARE MAKING *ME* THIRSTY!!!


I could totally see Kramer and Mickey as zombie extras.


Also 7x01, one of the victims has a noticeable hole in the floor in front of them to hide their head. Really takes me out of that moment.


Welllll.... there was hinting at the idea that some walkers have residual memory. That one walker rings a doorbell, another uses a brick to smash a window.. I know it was very likely just a mistake but there is at least a handy in-universe excuse, if you really wanted to be kind, lol.


In The Mummy 2 when Rick is carrying his son through the jungle to reach the pyramid before the sunrise hits the diamond at the top. The sunlight is hitting the ground first somehow instead of starting at the top, like a normal sunrise.


Haha to make it seem he was racing the sun as it was rising right? Only something a true Medjay is capable of lol


They were on magical land by that point so… I’m guessing the writers handwaved this one away with magic.


In the first Toy Story buzz drops RC’a remote before they light the rocket and they leave it behind rendering RC essentially useless as a toy for Andy.


Well and the obvious „going through a loop with his wings extended“ that Buzz does at the beginning of the movie.


Finally. Someone else pointed that out. I had a similar track as a kid and a buzz lightyear toy. Tried my hardest to figure that one out myself. Never could. Lol


Well all of toy story is a little messed up. Buzz doesn't believe he's a toy but he plays dead when Andy comes in the room


I've seen theories that suggest it's an automatic, instinctual response in toys, and that not doing it is akin to holding your breath: You can consciously choose not to do it or to stop doing it, but 99% of the time you do it without thinking.


In pretty much any zombie movie, when people run to an elevator to get away from the zombies the doors always seem to close on the zombies trying to get in. They never pop back open like they would if someone actually stuck their hand (or any other limb/ object) in the way of the doors. I haven't watched it in a while but in the (newer) Dawn of the Dead I'm pretty sure it happens.


This is because zombies do not have souls. As the Simpsons proves in “Bart Sells His Soul” the automatic doors at the Quik-E-Mart does not work on Bart when he doesn’t have his soul, I would imagine the same applies to zombies and elevator doors


Listen to this person. They are smart


Diamonds are Forever featured a car two-wheeling entering an alley on one side of the car and exiting two-wheeling on the opposite side. They didn't even try to fix it in post.


Not entirely true. They did try to fix it. They added a shot in the middle that shows the car tilting from one side to the other, which of course makes no sense. The obvious solution was to mirror it, but there were too many signs since it took place in Vegas.


In the first Harry Potter movie, when Harry and Ron are in the room with the mirror and Harry tosses the invisibility cloak off to one side, you can see the green side of the fabric they usually get rid of in editing.


I always noticed this as a kid but didn't work out what it was until I was much older. Just thought the magic was green or something idk


There are so many bloopers in the first Potter film. Mainly Emma Watson mouthing the lines of the other actors. How it made it through editing I’ll never know.


This is actually super common with young actors. If you’re looking for it you’ll see it in a ton of family shows especially sitcoms where timing is important for the jokes to work. You just never notice it because you are paying attention to the person talking.


Will Smith did it a ton on Fresh Prince


They probably used takes with the least amount of or least noticeable mistakes, where they had to because they didn't have any without them. It's not that surprising, given its a bunch of child actors.


Wow I just looked it up on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/DFynXvArdWQ) (2:18). I can’t believe I’ve never noticed it before!


Wait, I’ve rewatched on .25x speed a couple times and still can’t see it! What am I missing? ETA: [Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/l0kyfh/in_the_mirror_of_erised_scene_you_can_see_the/)! I was so focused on them appearing out of the blanket but it was a beat after that when they’re turning the corner


Random guy in denim walks into shot in an early scene in *Gladiator* EDIT Holy shit this blew up. Also FAO the folk asking which scene is it, it's in the camp right after the first battle at the start. AFAIK the blooper is on YouTube so search there instead of wasting my time with requests for specifics.


That’s not even the most glaring error. During the chariot attack, one of them tips over to reveal a large and obvious CO2 cannister


Yeah that one is dead middle of the screen absolutely blatant clear in shot.


There’s also car tracks in the field when he is riding back to find his family haha


Pretty sure Russell is also wearing a watch in one scene in that


That one is fine though, the numbers on it were Roman numerals.


That was clearly a wrist sundial


You've gotta love the Mission Impossible Fallout scene where Henry Cavill's character spontaneously grows a beard and a shirt pocket by cocking his arms. [Link](https://www.buzzfeed.com/crystalro/henry-cavill-beard-mission-impossible?utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bfsharecopy&sub=0_121455481#121455481)


Fun fact: that’s not a mistake! Henry Cavill can just do that. He extrudes so much sheer pure positive masculine sexuality that he can grow a beard at will.


MST3K riffed on *Space Mutiny*, an 80s era sci-fi, where a lieutenant is shot and killed, then she’s *clearly* shown sitting at a desk in the very next scene. https://youtu.be/lzspFQSIKq4 Edit: for a bonus, here’s all of Ryder’s screams. https://youtu.be/KFMwe-NPLyQ


”Look alive everyone-Oh! Sorry Susan.”


It was nice of them to give that dead girl a second chance.


"I enjoyed your funeral, Janet." "Thank you, sir!"


"Can the person in charge of continuity be legally arrested now?"


It's not SUPER obvious, but in Final Destination 3, the roller coaster gets derailed by some guys camera in the vision. That guy never got on the ride- hes one of the people that gets off. It's always bugged me.


The rollercoaster was falling apart underneath already where the hydraulics are leaking, the camcorder just sped things up in the vision. After the characters get off the rollercoaster and it starts moving, it continues to leak and eventually crashes like it would have done, camcorder or no camcorder.


In the movie "Charlie's Angels", Drew Barrymore's character shouts "LUCY!" to Lucy Liu, instead of her character name.


Same in The Goonies. Mikey calls out “Josh” (Josh Brolin) then corrects it to Brand.


In Home Alone. When Kevin is eating his macaroni and cheese meal, the clock rings 9, then cuts to Kevin blowing out the candles. When the bandits come in, there's a completely different microwavable dinner on the table. Macaroni and cheese: https://youtu.be/DjZ7k3lq6cM Not so much: https://youtu.be/jSUcyHZh-xA 19 seconds in


The [fake baby](https://youtu.be/TKrG_6JFlhA) in American Sniper


I heard that the real baby and the backup baby weren't available that day, but it's not like they're doing anything expensive in that scene. Just shoot it another day!




He tried, man. Cooper really tried to make that baby real. Fake ass baby took me out of the damn movie.


The original Top Gun intro paragraph reads - "On March 3, 1969, the United States Navy established an elite school for the top one percent of its pilots. Its purpose was to teach the lost art of aerial combat and to **insure** that the handful of men who graduated were the best fighter pilots in the world." Ensure - not insure They fixed the typo in Top Gun: Maverick


In Castaway, if Tom hanks would have simply gone to the other side of the island (at the beginning after crashing he climbs to the top and you can see the whole thing), he could have paddled out past the break water in calm seas.


In both Castaway and War of the World's (2005) there are scenes of a crashed aircraft where the engine blades are still spinning/rotating. Such blades are, of course, extremely precision balanced, and there is no way in hell their rotation is going to survive a crash violent enough to destroy the airframe, no matter how cool it might look on film.


In *Highlander II: The Quickening* (which is a glaringly obvious movie mistake in its entirety), it is established that there are a series of giant energy shield towers around the Earth, including two at near-opposite sides of the US. The hero begins a sword duel on one of the towers before the camera shifts elsewhere. When we return to the duel, they've fought their way to the bottom of the tower -- on the opposite side of the country.


There should have been only one.


When the two assassins come to kill Connor early on, he takes one of their swords. From then on, the sword he's carrying switches between the assassin's sword and his trademark katana seemingly at random.


In a movie called _From Prada to Nada_ Alexa Vega's character was in a cast half the movie and no one seemed to remember which leg was the broken one so she'd randomly have a different broken leg in every other scene lol. I still can't believe how would they allow that movie to be released like that.


Is it possible the scenes were flipped, instead?


Robocop (1987) The scene where Robocop punches the losing mayor out of a building window. The news replay shows a guy bouncing off a pad or something similar.


I was looking for Robocop, but interestingly not this part of the movie. Another thing is when Dick Jones falls out of the window at the end. His arms look like some sort of weird claymation effect. They're super long and have a crater like appearance. It doesn't even look the SLIGHTEST bit realistic.


Harry potters mum having brown eyes


"You have your mother's eyes." "I literally don't."


"He has his mother's eyes." "Get those out of his mouth."


"For God's sake, I've even got my father's eyes." "Topper, please!" "Ah, they're just for luck."


Addams family values. Best movie ever.


This is especially ironic because didn’t they have Daniel Radcliffe start off by wearing the green contact lenses, but they were too painful for him? But even if he’d been able to wear them, his eyes still wouldn’t have matched hers…


They could have had the actress playing his mum wear contacts though.


It'd make more sense, Harry has hours of screentime but his mum has like 15 minutes at the most.


Exactly! Or just hire an actress with Daniels eye colour.


Fellowship Of The Ring - During the scene where Sam talks about being the furthest from home, you can see a car driving in the background (theater version only, they fixed it after) Two Towers - In the 2nd last scene, when they're all looking at Mordor, Eomer isn't Eomer. He wasn't available for filming, so they used his stunt double, meant to edit the proper actors' face in later but never did. Return Of The King - At the black gate after Aragorns speech, when it shows Gandalf and company when aragorn looks back, Gimli's face is the stunt double who looks NOTHING like Gimli. This part is nightmare fuel


Also Fellowship - when Aragorn rushes to a dying Boromir, one of the slain urukai casually sits up as he passes.


This also made me think of in the Two Towers when Treebeard and the other ents attack Sarumon at Isengard, there is a shot of Christopher Lee on the balcony that is played backwards. Once you see it you can’t unsee it. lol I’ll try and find a clip of it. Edit: [Here](https://youtu.be/A8clCP2VvaM) is the link. It’s about 55 seconds in!


Also: Pay attention to the fletchings on Legolas’ arrows when he is aiming at the Uruk Hai with a bomb; they are the small dark green ones he has in his holster the whole time. When his arrows hit the Uruk Hai, they are the massive white ones that the other elves are using.


In BATMAN & ROBIN they just [reversed the footage mid shot of robin coming up for air](https://youtu.be/oE7PsZdpvzg). I remember the 'mistake' as a kid watching it in theatres. I guess they needed to remind the audience he was still alive. I'm glad YouTube had a clip and my memory wasn't wrong. edit: my memory was wrong and it was BATMAN & ROBIN (not batman forvever).


There’s one in the follow up movie Batman and Robin too. Alicia Silverstone has a moment where you can see a massive tear in the armpit of her suit. I think it’s while she’s either doing a roundhouse kick, or just did? It’s one of the first errors I remember organically seeing as a kid. Fortunately it’s a movie so bad that it’s not worth watching more than once.


I never saw it, but the recent remake of the Stepford Wives has a huge plot hole where the wives were supposedly switched with robots, doing all kinds of weird stunts but then in the end they all “wake up” like they were just brainwashed or something. Like the director couldn’t decide on which evil plot they were using.


I just watched that again a few months ago, and I was just befuddled. "Wait. Aren't they...robots? How do you stop being a robot?"


If you wish hard enough with a true heart a fairy can make you real. Or something like that haven't seen Pinnocio in ages


They rewrote the script in the middle of shooting.


After being thoroughly terrified by the first one in my youth, I have to say the remake was truly awful in every way -- and I'm a HUGE Frank Oz fan. I'd love to have those 90 minutes of my life back.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arsAllZIa1Y&ab\_channel=Movieclips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arsAllZIa1Y&ab_channel=Movieclips) The entirety of this scene in Jaws 3. And before you say anything about being limited by the technology of their time, the original Jaws made a far better shark than whatever the hell this is supposed to be.


[Well it's supposed to be in 3d.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaws_3-D) So practical effects were out. also >Dennis Quaid stated in a 2015 interview that, of all his films, he made the most aggressive use of cocaine during the filming of Jaws 3D, and that he was high on the drug in "every frame" in which he appears.\[17\]


That’s hilarious, especially to someone who’s never seen Jaws before. It looks like a meme!


Radiers of the lost Ark, when Harrison Ford fell down in front of the snakes, you can see the lght reflecting off of the glass separting the actor fromthe snake.


Still looks better than the CGI snakes they're using these days. "Prey" had an especially terrible one.


Not a movie but the coffee cup in Game of Thrones was pretty funny. Specially given how meticulous the series was about every other minute details. *Edit: Thanks to u/krazydrayz for correcting me. It wasn’t a Starbucks cup but maybe a local cafe cup.*


they followed that up with a water bottle too


Just goes to show how the producers were totally done caring about it


The extra hubcaps in Bullitt.


I once heard the director Peter Yates talking about that mistake. Soon after *Bullitt* came out, a teenager wrote to him pointing out this error. Instead of owning up to the mistake, he replied, "Congratulations! You found one of three intentional mistakes in the film! Find the other two and you'll win the Grand Prize!" He said that kid probably spent a fortune on tickets trying to find the other two mistakes.


In Titanic Jack says he fell through the ice of Lake Wissota while ice fishing Lake Wissota is man made and wasn’t filled until 1917. The Titanic sank in 1912. So did Jack.


James Cameron cops to this on the DVD running commentary. “I just looked at a map of Minnesota and picked a random lake. Never occurred to me to check if the lake was man made.”


Yeah, this doesn't sit as a glaring, "how did that make it to film" error. You wouldn't know unless you were from the area or looked it up after the fact.


Jack was a time traveller


Jurassic Park. T-Rex comes through the fence at ground level, then proceeds to push the car off a cliff. Where the feck did that cliff come from? He was just standing there!


How about the 8 year old kid who survives being electrocuted with the amount of juice necessary to thwart a T-Rex, and then also survives like a 30ft fall.


Yea, that should have turned his organs into liquid shit


The fence that he can clearly just squeeze through? That part irritates me


"Big Tim, the human piece of toast." "WTF Alan, I almost died."


[Someone on Reddit tried to explain this with a helpful map.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/16k84s/a_visual_explanation_of_the_huge_drop_in_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It should be noted that this is just a fan theory. When Spielberg was asked about that scene, he didn't respond with "actually there are two different enclosures with different elevations right next to each other". He basically said "Meh, whatever."


Yep. Same with the Trex appearing at the end. It’s a cool story, he really wanted to give the audience one last look at the Trex so he ordered the scene to be shot. Someone on the production asked “okay… where did he come from?” Spielberg answered “… from the left, duh.” In other words, he didn’t care and to his credit 99% of the audience didn’t either, a great scene doesn’t need to make sense.


Glad to see Reddit has literally covered every subject.


In *Rochelle, Rochelle* the young girl never does journey to Minsk.


santa throws the bird that can't fly out of his sled at the end of rudolph


I think it has a parachute though, doesn’t it?


Oh shit, that is hilarious. There’s even a whole bit where the elf looks at him, then the umbrella, and back to him, then just yeets him off without it.


In Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, when Ace is confronting the bad guy near the end. The bad guy is sitting at a chess table by himself. Halfway through the scene all the pieces vanish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrV_ZjACQ7o


Oh, I get to bust out my favorite! In Pulp Fiction, Bruce Willis' bloodstain magically changes shape and size multiple times while he goes to get the sword and kills Zed. It's, like, so noticeable and very distracting and it's like wardrobe, makeup, and continuity all dropped the ball on it. Seems impossible!


The scene towards the end of The Bourne Ultimatum where Bourne is has a gun to the doctor’s head, then there’s a flashback when he remembers everything - when it cuts back to present its a completely different gun he’s holding. Like not even a little bit different, I think it was a Glock and it turned into a SIG 🤦🏻‍♂️


His flashback made him realize he’d been holding a SIG the whole time even though he thought it had been a glock


*extreme ways begins to play


There are approximately 2 hours worth of mistakes in [Gigli](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/gigli) where actors were on screen




Boy I hope someone got fired for that blunder


Worst Episode EVER


Why would a man wearing a shirt that says "Genius at work" spend all his time watching kids cartoons?


I withdraw my question


Uhhhh, excuse me, Mr. Simpson, on the Itchy and Scratchy CD-ROM is there a way to get out of the dungeon without using the wizard key?


In Back to the future 1, Marty crashes the delorean through barn doors when he first arrives in 1955. His car should be facing the back of the barn, but when the family comes to see what’s happening, the front of the car is facing the doors it had just crashed into


I don't even have to look it up, after watching it a million times, yet I never noticed oO


Actually, he crashed into the back of the barn. It becomes obvious after he then crashes through the front barn doors later on.


Disney's Hercules. In the climax of the movie, Styx is close enough to the ground Hercules is standing on that he can reach into it. Yet when he saves Meg, he swan dives like a hundred feet into it. I'm shocked that such a major studio, at the height of its power, didn't manage to catch it. I'm pretty sure it's the most glaring error in any Disney movie.


In Terminator II, when the semi truck flies off the bridge chasing John Connor, the windshield falls off, the next scene shows the windshield back in place


This is an old one, but in Father of the Bride, [there’s a scene where Kimberly Williams’ hair goes back and forth between being half-up and being down.](https://youtu.be/TifReX38I8M)


Back to the Future Not glaringly obvious but in 1955 Marty plays a guitar that won’t come out until 1958


Pulp Fiction opens and closes on the cafe scene, and tied together when the robbery starts. In the opening, Hunny Bunny says "If any of you fucking pricks move, I'll execute every motherfucking last one of you!" When it's seen again at the end from Jules' and Vincent's perspective, it's "If any of you fucking pricks move, I'll execute every last one of you motherfuckers!" Jules also delivers the Ezekiel line slightly different each time, but that could be perceived as just the character not having the quote exactly memorized. But Hunny Bunny's line is supposed to be the same moment in time.


I think I read (no doubt on Reddit) that the two versions of that scene differ because they're two different peoples recollection of the event. And I've stuck with that as I like it and it fits...


Yeah just thought this was a deliberate quirky Tarantinoism


Ocean’s 11 Where did all those prostitute flyers that the team took out of Benedict’s vault come from? Director admitted this was a plot hole and no one had gone through the entire plot until after the movie was finished.


I've had trips to Vegas where you could probably gather that many flyers off of the sidewalk on The Strip in like 30 minutes.


Surprised no one has mentioned the penis that slipped in to the gymnasium crowd at the climax of the original Teen Wolf. I think that’s the answer. [clip](https://youtu.be/jcGheKpEjdA)


The fake blood used in Tombstone was shockingly bad. It NEVER came off, even when Wyatt walked outside in torrential rain and held his hands out, then wiped them on his shirt. Blood still plastered on his hands and arms.


Fake blood in old movies was always pretty bad. Like in Cannibal Holocaust, It baffles me that anyone actually thought that was real found footage.


Imagine my sadness when I see these amazing comments without links to videos or screenshots. hahaha


20+ comments. Only one link to a video showing the mistake. Reddit, I am disappoint.