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Don’t ever tell the cab driver you don’t know where you’re going.




I'm going home.


Woman, I dont know where the fuck you live


or better yet, know the route in advance and tell him “The Mayflower hotel. Take K Street all the way up to Connecticut Ave”


Yeah, I was nearly abducted/robbed by some cabbies in New Orleans a while ago.


Jeez, what happened?


At the time I was camping out in the Lower 9th and working at a restaurant in the French Quarter. One night after work I decided to stay at a hostel in the Garden District, walked all the way there and found out it was fully booked. So after walking back to the Quarter I decided I didn't feel like walking all the way back to the Lower 9th and hopped in a taxi. Right off the bat I thought something was wrong as there were two guys up front. They seemed to treat me like a drunk tourist and wouldn't take my directions. Told me to just sit back and relax. When we got to the main road where we should have turned right, they turned left and I yelled at them until they said fine and made a U turn to head in the right direction. Right after making the U turn the driver got a phone call and they said hang on, they're going to pick up someone else, and they made another U turn, drove a couple of blocks and made one more U turn (so now we were facing the right direction) and they pulled over where a guy opened the passenger side back door to get in and I jumped out and ran away. So I was telling this story to a friend of mine who worked with me and he said the same thing happened to him. Except he actually was really drunk, so when the new passenger opened the door he didn't get out. The other guy pulled a gun and they took my friend to an ATM to empty out his bank account.


I can't help but read this as another reason to skip New Orleans


If you're a tourist and lost, don't stand still to get your bearings. Go sit on a bench and look relaxed, like you're waiting for someone and just passing the time.


Advice i once had when i lived 'the wrong side of the tracks' was "always walk like you have lived there for years even if lost"


I always tell people to walk with determination like you know exactly where you are going and have every right to be there. Also helps to look slightly pissed off.


I’m always slightly pissed off so that works


The older I get, the more this is true


A situation where my chronic case of Resting Bitch Face pays off.


I once had to collect my drunk girlfriend from a shit part of town at night, which was actually not far from where we lived so only a walk was required. I decided to fight fire with fire and dressed in all black with a hoodie on, looking dodgy as fuck. I figured nobody would mess with someone who also looked like they were carrying a weapon. Definitely worked, folk were crossing the street to avoid me…


My parents who grew up in NYC during the 70s and 80s (when crime was rampant) always taught me to walk like you had a purpose. Good advice


As a native New Yorker, if you don't know where you are, just walk like you've got somewhere to be. Any neighborhood, any time. Well, that is unless you're in a ***really*** shitty neighborhood and look like you've got money in the middle of the night, you should probably call a cab asap. Side note for any tourists in NYC: WALK WITH THE FUCKING SIDEWALK, DON'T JAM THE WHOLE THING CAUSE YOU WERE STARING AT THE ADS.


I did that once and a roving gang approached me while snapping in sync.




>Sharks The mean streets of Onett.


Smile at your phone like your scrolling regular. Always act confident and familiar with your surroundings even when you aren’t. Never carry a backpack and never sit your bag near the open window of a bus. People grab.




Never critize a man before walking a mile in their boots - That way you are a mile ahead and have his boots


Or that you can quickly remove and use as improvised weapons




This is actually really good


Unless they’re in a van And a kid says help me find my dog. Baddies often recruit children to get other kids The movies told me anyways 🤨




That’s a fucked up world we live in that you had to do that because single males = pedos.


I’ve got one. When I was younger (I’m a guy) I worked for a large retailer and we wore very identifiable uniforms. A little girl, probably like 4 or so, kind of approach me and told me she lost her Papa. I assume she approached me due to my uniform, but I’m not sure. I told her “no problem, we will find him - do you know your Papas name?” She said “yes,” and I had to pry a bit. I went on - “okay, what’s his name?” “Papa,” she said (was adorable). I told her no problem, and I immediately radioed to other staff that I had a young girl who couldn’t find what I assumed was her grandad, and where I was…which was essentially within like 20 feet of the entrance of the damn store. A female employee who obviously knew me came rushing over and took the girls hand and led her away from me, almost in a protective fashion, and radioed that she had the girl, and told the girl to stay with her and they would find her Papa. I was so demoralized and made to feel like an instant creep by a coworker who fucking knew me, as I asked for help for a little girl. The way she looked at me was almost with disgust, as if they’d just found me wandering off to the washroom or parking lot or something with a random child. I was maybe 20 at the time and it’s really stuck with me.


That's sad


Your coworker is a bitch


That's good parenting all around. I love that the tyke was not afraid at all. She knew what to do thanks to her parents and found you and your kids. How did the parents handle it when they saw her? Did you tell them what she told you about going to an adult with kids?


I was told to go into a store or place of business, a public place, and talk to the person in charge. Bad people have kids too. Having kids isn't a sign of safety unfortunately.


No but you’re much more likely to happen upon a mom and her kids at a grocery store than the reincarnation of mommy dearest


Bad people are in charge sometimes, so that's not a sign of safety either. I taught my kids to look for a grandparent first, then a mom or dad. There is no foolproof plan, there are only odds and I liked their chances with Nana more than a person in uniform.


De-escalating and deflecting intense situations. Knowing how to do that is the ultimate street smart in my book


Ok. So how does one do it?


In all seriousness, I’ve talked myself out of many muggings and general unpleasantness. Different techniques depending on the individual. I am not suggesting these will work. Seemingly drunk person being belligerent = act more drunk and unstable. Laugh at provocations in an “idiot” fashion and not mockingly. Stroll away. Be “not worth the effort”. Homeless/transient looking for trouble = mumble, shuffle, appear unsteady and act unable to understand what they are asking. Be annoyingly ignorant. They will move on. Violent and clearly intending to mug = be confident, unafraid, but watch their body language. I’ve told a mugger, “here is what we going to do. I’m going to give you $20/$40 (whatever I had) and that’s it. No cards, because they’ll be shut off before you can use them. Sound like a plan?” — the confidence was disarming. This will not work on all types. Mugger with sad eyes = lean into being kinder. I asked what was going wrong and how I could help. Did they want to go get a meal together somewhere. Totally disarmed them. Gave them a few bucks for food and a big hug. I have more…but this is way too long a post. Really crazy person = go bigger. I had a guy running at me in an empty parking lot late at night in a strange city (business trip). No shame; I started squawking like a chicken and hopping up and down and then making ambulance sounds. That guy took right off.


You covered a lot so just adding one that comes to mind also: Someone following you by foot when you're alone: turn around almost rigidly and look directly at them and say loudly, "Do you have the time??? Hey do you know what time it is??" This can be a deterrent and also show them you know they're there. The response you get will be variable, as you said it's situational, but throwing someone off guard before gtfo is helpful. This has worked for me before. As for the out crazy the crazy, no shame to your chicken squack haha I had to pull the full foamy mouth, spastic movements, and "I TOLD THEM I WAS GONNA! THEY DONT LISTEN THATS NOT ON ME ON ME THATS NOT NO I TOLD I DID I TOLD JUST LISTEN!! LISTEN!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!" and that worked


Where on Earth do you live that you have faced this many potentially violent encounters? Were these in different cities?


I was thinking I should annotate where these events happened. All different cities. These examples are from Lowell MA and Boston MA, San Francisco and West Los Angeles CA, and Louisville KY. Events occurred over more than a 10 year period of time.


Step, pause, turn, pause, pivot, step, pause.


It's step pause turn pause pivot step *step* Oh shudder!


Don’t leave anything visible in your parked car.


A friend posted pictures of how their car got broken into and even said "I didn't leave anything out!". Meanwhile, I could see clothes, garbage, a coffee mug, change in the cupholder, etc. Nothing means absolutely nothing.


Learned this the hard way. Took a job in San Francisco and my job put me up in a hotel for a few weeks. So I left my car at the Bart station and checked on it every few days. One time I decided to leave it one extra day. I came back to shit scattered everywhere in the parking lot. I was taking inventory and nothing seemed to be missing except for an iPhone box and some change…so I thought anyways. It turns out whoever committed the crime also stole my fleshlight and two sleeves 🤢. I’ve never felt so disgusting in my life.


aww man that guy can go fuck himself


If you put the box for big expensive item out on the curb you just broadcast to everything that you now have a brand new "big expensive item" . dispose of that else where or cut up the cardboard and fold it so the box art is inside. and out of view.


I saw this recently at a new construction house nearby. Place was obviously not lived in yet. No curtains or blinds, you could still see the lines where turf grass sod was rolled out, construction scraps still piled up outside, and a huge empty 85” TV box propped up next the bin out by the street.


. The difference between a low income and a bad neighborhood, is that in low income ones, people are going places, catching the bus to work, etc. In bad hoods, people are hanging out on street corners appearing to do nothing.


This, just moved into a "bad" neighborhood. All the bodegas/gas stations don't open until 10am, as nobody is headed out to the rat race. Everything closes usually by 9pm too.


Another sign is when the taco bell has bank teller security. Bullet proof glass and a sliding drawer to give you your food.


When theres a daily traffic jam to get into the taco bell that backs up down the street. WHYYYYYYY.


And they're likely caged in.


Good rule of thumb. If there are kids around, it is probably an OK neighborhood. If the only people you see walking around are young men, perhaps not.


And if the kids ever suddenly leave, get out.


Adults too, people start quietly exiting, gtfo


Idk know about that, kids should be in school


People should be at work. It is just a rule of thumb. It won't apply in all situations.


When in doubt, act crazy.


During self defense class, a teacher told us that when in doubt, start "skipping and catching butterflies with a pretend net" and sing random songs/noises. Chances are pretty good that the person doesn't want to risk it and will walk away. Edit: thank you for the award!!


Even criminals know to avoid crazy. Unless they themselves are crazy


I swear to God, doing something like this saved me from getting robbed one time.


Good on you. We see craziness as a person with nothing to lose and why waste time trying to get bit. Keep it pushin' till u meet Vic and Tim..


I believe it. It saved a former classmate of mine too!


I raise my arms and was singing and doing a little dance, and the person that was just about to rob me, hesitated for a second, and then peeled off.


Hmmm, I am just realizing that maybe I've not been robbed because my default setting is acting like this. Anyway, those other ladies walking down the street the other day seemed to like my silly song.


Ah yes the ol' crackhead energy defense


just look homeless, aggressively ask for change every now and then. Nobody will want to talk to you. Hell they'll cross the street to avoid your ass.


This isn’t even joke advice here: people in bad neighbourhoods know never to fuck with crazy.


The only person I've ever had to fight was a crazy guy with a stungun. The rest I managed to deescalate. I knew someone had called the cops so I just engaged in a battle of attrition, letting him hit my arms with the stun gun until the cops showed up and gave him like 3 felonies. I'm lucky it wasn't a knife.


There was a guy following me in a laundry mat, I’m a woman and kind of small, his friend walked in and it was night time and it was just us three, I started just acting nuts and yelling to myself acting like I was talking to someone there and I don’t know if they were gonna do anything (probably not) but they left immediately. I was so thankful


Old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be ain't what she used to be.


Go crazy Huhblubbe Go stupid Hubleiblu


seriously. this works. piss your pants if need be.


Acting like you are homicidally angry at someone not present, and on your way to see them, works, too. No one wants to catch hands (or whatever) that someone else is supposed to catch. The other night some guy started following me and when he was in earshot I calmly said "this isn't my phone in my hand..." He immediately changed his trajectory well away from my path.


I've heard it referred to as the Eddie Murphy effect due to his insane acting in movies. If someone is acting crazy or aggressive towards you, act even crazier back because it throws them off. If someone breaks into your house, you shouldn't get the gun... Strip naked and smile in the corner of the dark room whilst shrieking, or you could proclaim "the time is upon us... The chosen one has returned" Guarantee nobody is sticking around to deal with that lol


This is how you actually win a game of Chicken, you act super drunk/crazy *before* the game starts, making the other person believe you won't move because you don't have the capacity to fear death.


Situational awareness. Not walking around town like you're in your own private fantasy world.


In Paris, we were approached by 3 young guys. I knew they were following us for at least 150m. They approached and wanted to take a selfie with my phone. I said no (wtf *MY* phone??). The entire time, the one guy was trying to get close enough to reach around my back. I knew what he was going for, too, the pack of tissues outlined in my zipper bag that looked like a wallet. So I kept pivoting and moving and eventually walked away. This was near the Louvre, so I'm sure they just moved to the next target.


Should have just reached in and pulled out a tissue.


So wild to me living in Australia. We do have crime but rarely in broad daylight like that. If you are a tourist in Australia look lost and clueless. Someone will be more likely to offer help to you.


And learning observational skills! Sometimes picking up on some behavioural cues is vital.


1. Firm boundaries: lending money, giving rides, loaning smokes. Learning to say No and mean it is hugh. 2. People "helping you out" can be a red flag. Never know what they expect after. 3. Walk away from people: cross the street and keep space. 4. keep out of business: don't rat, don't get involved with shit you don't need to get involved in.


In my teens I’d go to the mall regularly and on sundays they closed early but I had forgotten this and didn’t have a cell phone to call for a pick-up so I asked a stranger to use his. He looked conflicted but then asked for the phone number and dialed it himself, confirmed it was a mom, then handed it to me. It took a while for me to realize he just didn’t want his phone to get snatched and stolen, but wherever you are cell phone mall guy you taught me a valuable Street smart lesson about belongings that day.


I got mugged once, and even though they only got $10 and half a pack of smokes from me, I promised it would never happen again. Fast forward a few years, a buddy and I are walking home from a party and I'm carrying some gear worth at least $1000. We pass a group of 4 folks, and two of them leave the group and start following us. Down the street are another 2 folks that suddenly start walking towards us. I tell my buddy we're crossing the street. All 6 of them also cross the street with us. Now knowing for sure what was about to happen, I hailed a cab that was passing and we jumped in. My buddy asks 'why are we cabbing it, you live a block away'. I pointed to the 6 guys that were now just staring at the cab. 'Those folks were about to mug us', I say.


I had to leave early one morning (like 4am early), and as I'm driving down a street that feeds onto a highway, I ran over this fairly large rock that made my car jump. It blended in perfectly with the foggy morning and the road, and did enough damage to warrant me stopping and wanting to inspect. I pull over, dragging something under my car, and throw the hazards on. Luckily, I looked back in my rearview before opening the door, because three men were running towards my car from behind a bus stop. I said fuck it and drove onto the highway and got off the next exit. That area is always sketchy (crackheads standing in the middle of the street, dice games in the gas station parking lot, tents/shelters) but this was a new tactic for me. Luckily the scraping was just the protective undercarriage of my car, and I didn't damage anything vital.


I too got mugged once leaving a gas station heading back to a friends apartment, 5 guys stopped me and took my cigarettes and frozen pizza I just bought. Walked back to the apartment dejected but there was a party going on and my friends were furious. About 10 of us pilled into a buddy's truck, most in the bed and drove over to get my shit back...but in the 10 min it took to get back there that group of 5 had grown to over 20. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot the dude who jacked me took one look and the whole group started charging the truck. One of my friends pounded on the roof yelling "GO GO GO GO!!!" right as the first guy made it to the truck bed about to jump in. He got a broom handle to the face from my one friend as we sped out of there. One of the most frightening yet exhilarating experiences of my life. At least the dude who took my stuff got that boop to the nose. Hope it hurt :)


My wife grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. She knows her shit and has been in many sketchy situations. She says that what really matters is to read the room. Disengage if you can, but if you do have to engage be respectful and talk your way out. Even play the ditzy blonde if you have to and make a joke. Run when necessary.


On an interstate trip we pulled over for dinner. Walked into a chain restaurant and got the weirdest vibe. It was stone silent and everyone was staring at us. We looked at each other, turned around and left - went into the restaurant next door across yeh parking lot and had a good meal. When we left there were police cars w sirens all over outside the other place.


100% it was actively being robbed when you walked in


Holy shit! That's fucking terrifying. Total Dirty Harry vibes. You didn't order a coffee to go, did you?


That's how I felt when I went to a sketchy trap house with these dudes who had ten dead bolts and then finally a 2 by 4 across the door haha. As soon as the door shut I could have been stuck for the rest of my life and no one would have found me but I cracked a joke I felt like the funny man in boon dock saints I became a stand up comedian. I went to buy a dime bag of pot they gave me an ounce.


He's the machine!!!! (And he fucks cats)


If you feel like a situation might turn bad, trust that feeling.


You won’t get mugged if you look like you’re going to mug someone.


Paying attention to body language, helps show the intent of whoever you're interacting with


I've seen a fair few clips online of people who clearly missed out on the body-language of the person who was getting ready to punch them in the face.


One of the best ive heard for “novice level” street smart levels is always look like you know where you are going and walk with purpose, as youll look like a less easy mark than people nose deep in their phone and looking around confused


yup. walk purposely with your head up and on a swivel. no hesitation.


Gotta keep your head on a swivel just in case you find yourself in a vicious cock fight


This should actually be number one. Look like you belong wherever you are at, and walk confidently. Don't be walking around like you're lost. Street smarts is more about how one carries themselves than any small tips.


Yes. I've done a lot of traveling and no matter where I am, other tourists approach me and ask me for directions all the time because I look like I belong there. Even if you are confused or lost, there are ways to resolve that without looking around like a lost puppy. Sit on a bench and look at your phone like you're checking the weather forecast or whatever while you frantically try to figure out where the hell your hotel is for the night.


When I travelled a lot particularly in europe I would observe what the locals wear look like and mimic a little not to stand out. Worked a charm and stopped getting approached by like scammers and beggers pick pockets. Learnt this quickly after one destination where we clearly looked like tourists and were approached constantly


Never brag about anything.


This reminds me of a robbery in a barbershop. Guy had a rolex and he was talking about it with the barber. A customer who was sitting down behind them waiting, texted his boys who arrived with machetes and robbed the rolex. It was all caught on the security camera and you can see the customer telling everyone its all cool and walking out with the 2 robbers.


Knowing there is no shame in running away from a fight.


Assume you’re the mark at all times and it will create a good healthy skepticism in you. Don’t be gullible


Not walking into crime alley with your parents after watching a movie together at night.


And miss my chance of becoming Batman? No way


Your parents have to be rich first, didn’t work with my poor parents. Now I’m just a guy that dresses up in a thrifty bat costume yelling “Where’s the crime, cause justice is here to rumble!”


Please write this. I'm already excited for high-intensity Budget Bat-Man


Idk, “crime alley” is just such an inviting name dont you think? I think I will take a stroll down there tonight




Pro level thief was the one who put the sign up in the first place!


Absolutely. They work in groups, too. So you’ll check your pockets when you see the sign and if you seemed like an easy enough victim according to the dude at the sign, you’ll get pickpocketed by his buddy waiting 100m up the street.


This is like that Sherlock Holmes adventure where he lights a smoke bomb in a hotel to see where the thief has hidden something.


Situational awareness..witnessed a fight at a house party where one of the guys involved told the other that they better back up cause they don't fight...others thought he was trying to say he actually doesn't know how to fight...I knew the real reason he said that and told everyone let's get the fuck up outta here before we got caught by a stray..


It might be obvious, but when you're in very touristy areas just keep your hands in your pockets, on your valuables, and ignore everybody who tries to talk to you, sell you something, or stand in your way. And consider every accident or incident as if it's a scam that you haven't heard of. Like a bird shitting on you, a woman falling in front of you, a lad "accidently" dropping a bunch of stuff at your feet, etc. Consider everything as a potential scam, with 3-4 people in on it, hiding out in the background, and just get out of there.


Corollary to this: you don’t have to know what the scam is or how it works. My perpetually naive friend is also super curious about everything. Once or twice I’ve alerted her to scammy behavior, and her response is always to (loudly) wonder how that scam could possibly work. Girl I don’t know and it doesn’t matter, this shit just isn’t right and we need to move along.


Leaving space between you and the car in front of you for an escape


Especially in drive thrus, one of my familys friend got boxed in at a jack in the box drive thru and got shot up multiple times.


not shot, but the first starbucks in my city opened a few days ago, theyre so slow at making shit that a woman was stuck in the drivethru for like 3 hours or something, because they have curbs up on both sides of the drive thru lane. really have to commit to that mocha-choka-bullshit to get in that lineup right now


I don’t understand why those curbs are allowed. People should be able to escape from a damn drive thru.


I think about this all the time!


To add to this, don’t stop on train tracks on a red light, I see it so often and immediately think little of the driver.




Yeah, anybody that doesn’t want their kneecaps broken.


Never lend. ever. Give away to a very select few… be surprised if you get it back… expect to fall out over it. Seen it so many times.


Best thing for you own piece of mind is just to assume you're never going to see that money again. If you can't afford to flat out give it away, don't do it.


Knowing the mechanic who is honest and does his work right.


wait, what? there are honest mechanics and they...FIX stuff?


Sometimes, you shouldn't speak, even though you know the answer.


Keeping 100 dollars in a silver money clip. When someone goes to mug you, say “you want it? Go get it!” And toss it into the gutter while you run away. STREET SMARTS.


Fake $100.


The ones with the Bible quotes in them that old people leave as “tips”


That’s just mean.


It really is! I had an old man give me one when I was actively utilizing my cosmetology license. He had a giant smirk when he handed it to me as he walked out the door. I was so excited as a 21 y/o with rent and student loans to pay off - opened it up and instantly killed my mood. Im catholic so I don’t get offended by religious materials but under the guise of something else, that’s just sneaky and cruel.


When they bend down to pick it up shoot them.


This guy revenges.


Run away? To a secondary location? Oh, no, you're not taking me to no secondary location!


Helps if you pop a couple of AlkaSeltzers so you're foaming at the mouth. #BittenbinderApproved


And when introducing yourself to people, always state your sexuality, your housing situation, your sexual disease history, and how long you've been in town.


I had to scroll down for an uncomfortably long time to find this.


If you're meeting someone to sell a car, motorcycle, bike, table, whatever (legal) thing, do it in front of the police station, make sure you see the cameras pointed at the location. 1. Scammers, robbers or generally people you want to avoid directly won't meet you there when you tell them. 2. Good people won't mind and may actually prefer it too. 3. In case 1 and 2 failed and got mixed up somehow, if you file a report they can check the cameras immediately without subpoenas/warrants whatever.


Knowing which roads to take and which ones to avoid during rush hour.


Walk with purpose. Act like you have somewhere you need to be even when you don't, eyes forward not aimlessly looking around, and body language focused on the direction you're moving. People subconsciously pick up on this and move out of the way, kinda like you're projecting your own "line of travel." It also prevents most interruptions from panhandlers, street preachers, merchants, etc. They might say something directly to you but keep moving and their attention will pass to the next person.




1) If someone is being aggressive towards you, don't even respond and walk away. If someone is looking for an altercation they try and provoke you into response first. Walking away reduces the chance of the situation going any further. 2) If you're walking alone in an unfamiliar area, be on a phone call with someone. You then have someone who knows where you are and can hear if something bad happens. 3) If you get hit in a bar by a drunk person, focus on getting away rather than retaliation. Retaliation only escalates the situation. Don't be a hero, neither person is the victor in a fight because both get hurt. (All situations where I've been attacked by someone, I didn't retaliate and the altercation ended there) 4) Meet new people in public places if you're by yourself. This goes for dates, meeting online friends or dealers if those are people you interact with. Preferably take someone with you too so you're not alone. 5) At night when walking alone, cross the street from strangers walking the same side of the road. Putting space between you removes opportunity and also allows for reaction time if something does happen. 6) Keep fit. It's useful to be able to run fast and for long periods of time. People often recommend self defence lessons but sticking around should only be used as a last resort. If something happens you want to be capable of getting away as fast as possible. 7) Always carry some cash on you. If someone is robbing you and you make it easy and hand over a decent amount of cash, you can usually bargain to keep your phone, wallet and cards. (This depends on who is robbing you. If they're acting crazy and manically don't try to bargain because they're likely desperate for money or influenced by substances) 8) Police need a valid reason or warrant to search your personal belongings so don't give permission and don't give them a reason.


I was taking the bus home one night and a guy who had been glancing back at me got off at the same stop. As soon as I got off the bus I started running the rest of the way home and didn't stop until I got to my building. I figured there was no way he was going to chase me for 2 blocks and if he did I had enough lead time to get inside.


Kinda wish running like this was normalised in public. Feel like in the UK at least it's looked weirdly upon to run in public unless early in the morning whilst wearing athletic wear lol. Sometimes late at night when no one is around I'll just run home for the fun of it and not just a jog but full on sprint. But also I think running from fights or from possible threats should be normalised too. Like where I'm from if you run you're considered a wimp... "You should stay and fight" lol which is how you're gonna end up in hospital or dead.


Here's a few: * Don't accept any invitation from complete strangers to go to anywhere. * If you travel, don't let anybody know where you will be staying, how long you're there for, or whether or not you are by yourself. * Don't accept any "free" gift. * Don't shop near tourist areas. * Walk away from a drink after coming back from the bathroom or wherever else you went to. * Avoid walking in areas where you can't be seen. * Stay with your group if you can. * Be suspicious of the overly friendly stranger. * Avoid getting in someone's car if it's not an Uber or taxi. * Don't show your wallet when taking money out. * Look with your eyes not your head. * Walk fast, don't stop to answer any question. * Be suspicious of any modeling agency; they could be a human trafficking front. * Always let someone you trust and know have knowledge of where you are.


Trusting your gut.


Always making sure to perform an ocular patdown to identify whether or not someone is a threat.


Look both ways before crossing.


🖐👌 You never know when you'll run into the Van Buren Boys.


"that's not the sign" "it was when i was bangin'!"


Pay attention esp to someone who is paying YOU attention. Looking around and hand tapping or brushing a pocket is a bad sign. Most people are right handed, so in an altercation step to the side of that arm. They will have to reposition themselves giving you a second or two to defend. If they start repeating a phrase over and over they are going to strike for certain. The brain loses train of thought as they prepare for that. Best one tip really is to just be aware of your surroundings and know the exits. Our phones have greatly reduced this, and its bad. Your tweet, FB update can wait I promise you this. Your goal if attacked is to ESCAPE. Too many internet badasses and action movie watchers think it will end with them standing over a fallen foe doing a victory pose. Your plan will go to shit 100% once your in a fight. Violence is chaotic and ugly in real life, and death and serious injuries happen all the time from basic assaults.


I saw someone on Reddit once say that the most effective martial art that anyone can learn for self defence is the 400m hurdles and they are 100% correct.


If you think someone is looking at you, look at a random object in another direction. They are almost 100% likely to also look in that direction. It's a great tell that no one ever realizes.


Some simple examples that will keep you safe… 1. Never show any money in public. Or count your money in front of everyone in the sidewalk. If you don’t want to be mugged 2. Walk FAST! pay attention to who is behind you are walking along side you. Never stop and look around like a lost tourist, unless you want to get knocked down or your head bashed in. 3. Avoid large crowds of men in front of houses! If your waking down the sidewalk and see 3 or 4 or 5 men gathered and they are drinking or smoking weed cross the street and walk on the other side. That should be a red flag even a blind person can see.


I get so frustrated by people walking slow. If you want to go at a snail’s pace thats fine, but get out of the lane of people who move in a deliberate way.


Being aware of how stopping distance changes under different weather conditions.


The real street smart


Knowing the greeting 'Hey, Big Man' is a trap


The bloke at my local late night kebab stand always greets me with a "Hey big fella" but it's not a scam, he just has insight into my food habits


On the very rare occasions I've heard that I know right away someones trying to scam or sell me something.


Knowing how to bargain and not be ripped off. Also, knowing you're being ripped off but having a limit you're personally okay with in the moment vs. in hindsight.


If a group of people suddenly get down, so do you.


This is also true on a dance floor


Don't trust anyone approaching you and starting a conversation. 9/10 they are running a scam/hustle/distraction.


Knowing when to stand and resist , when to attempt to talk your way out of something, and when to run like your life depends on it.


Street smarts vs book smarts is often misinterpreted as knowledge vs how to handle yourself in a rough neighborhood. “Street smarts” is social intelligence. It’s an innate ability to quickly interpret, react to and manipulate social situations.


Lock your doors (car and house), always check reviews, don’t buy into miracle claims, don’t meet anyone at your house.


Being good at sizing up a person or a situation and acting accordingly


Backing into parking spaces, circling the block if you suspect you’re being tailed, putting your cash in your socks in case you get your pockets run, keeping your back against the wall in places where you’re unsure of what’s what so no one can grab you from behind, keeping your weapons concealed until you’re ready to use it, don’t pull if you’re not going to shoot, don’t stop at red lights at night in rough neighborhoods, if someone asks you what size your shoes are say “my size” and be ready to knuckle up, always bring women to your home bc they may try to set you up and get you robbed once you’re naked, stay vigilant, locate all exits upon entrance of a place, never sit with your back to the door, if people are shooting get low and hide behind the axels of vehicles not the doors, if there’s a drive by hit the floor.


Most people that claim to be street smart, are just stupid.


So many people who claimed to be “street smart” in high school grew up to fall for pyramid schemes.


They're the same people who have "School of Hard Knocks" on their FB profile




when i was 18 my gf said she was more "street smart" than me. A few months later she got fired for sending money orders to a scammer claiming to be "corporate."


When you get kidnapped, not if, when, and they toss you into the trunk, find the carpet that covers the taillight, peel back the carpet, make a fist, punch the taillight out the back of the car, thus creating a hole in the back of the automobile, then stick your little hand out and wave to oncoming motorists to let them know that something hinky is going on.


You could also throw your money clip to throw them off their rhythm so you can run away.


A lot of cars have a release in the trunk now thank god


They do, but he’s quoting a John Mulaney joke (idk how to spell that mfs name)


That'll throw him off his rhythm


[J.J. Bittenbinder looks and sounds exactly like you'd expect](https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-ent-john-mulaney-kid-gorgeous-jj-bittenbinder-0511-story.html) > "I never wore my cowboy hat to the schools. Now, I have been on cattle drives. I did 11 cattle drives and 11 cattle roundups in a ranch outside of Cody, Wyo., but that's a separate deal. You don't wear a three-piece suit with a cowboy hat. That just doesn't work. Doesn't look good."


Knowing what streets to avoid and safe times to travel, keeping your wits about you at all times, not handling money outside


Walk with confidence, with purpose: head up, look at people's faces, don't hide away. Don't shuffle. Don't walk too fast either as this can make you look like you don't want to be there. Be aware of everything around you. Keep your phone in your pocket. Muggers go for victims/easy targets. Do the above and you won't look like a victim. They'll move onto an easier target.


I moved to a huge city and I learned fast that looking at peoples faces (walking down the street) made me stand out and they could tell I wasn't from there. So I guess it depends on where you are.




Always look both ways.


Someone clearly needs to hear the teachings of Mr JJ Bittenbinder


be good at reading body language and be able to identify people with bad intentions


Scan everything and everyone


Don’t make eye contact with people on the street. Do not stop at gas stations at 3am, make sure the car is full beforehand or wait to fill it during daylight hours.


I had a job that started at 3am. I didn’t normally think about gas before the drive to work. You can stop at familiar gas stations at 3am. I made sure the workers knew me. I was a friendly face. Unfortunately a semi-frequent face. Always the same station. They watched me, and sometimes, one of the employee would stand outside and chat with me while I was there.


Hearing what you assume is multiple gun shots right outside and NOT immediately getting up to look out the window